In [1]:
%reload_ext XTIPython
In [2]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
In [3]:
from ipywidgets import FloatProgress
from IPython.display import display
import subprocess,sys,os,json
FFPROBE_BIN = "ffprobe.exe"
FFMPEG_BIN = "ffmpeg.exe"
def get_json_tags(fn):
command = [ FFPROBE_BIN,'-v', 'error', '-count_frames', '-select_streams', 'v:0', \
'-print_format', 'json',
'-show_format', '-show_streams',
pipe = subprocess.Popen(command, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
s =
dic = json.loads(s)
return dic
def get_frames(fn,n_images=0,mod=1,grey=True,shape=(1080,1920)):
size = shape[0]*shape[1]
if grey:
pix_fmt = 'gray'
pix_fmt = 'rgb24'
size *= 3
shape = (shape[0],shape[1],3)
command = [ FFMPEG_BIN,
'-i', fn,
'-f', 'image2pipe',
'-pix_fmt', pix_fmt,
'-vcodec', 'rawvideo', '-']
if n_images == 0:
n_images = get_nframes(fn)
f = FloatProgress(min=0, max=n_images)
pipe = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=10**8)
images = []
for i in range(n_images):
raw_image =
f.value += 1
if raw_image == '':
if i%mod != 0:
image = np.fromstring(raw_image,dtype='uint8').reshape(*shape)
return images
In [4]:
fn = r"D:\Data\Madison\maggots\CHEMO 1 VID BOTTOM RIGHT.mpg"
dic = get_json_tags(fn)
dic_stream = dic['streams'][0]
shape = (int(dic_stream['height']),int(dic_stream['width']))
n_frames = int(dic_stream['nb_frames'])
duration = float(dic_stream['duration'])
#You can access the following tags in streams[0]:
#print ", ".join(dic['streams'][0].keys())
#exact frame rate not important, use duration and number of frames:
framerate = n_frames / duration
images = get_frames(fn,n_frames,shape=shape)
In [5]:
background = np.mean(images,axis=0)
To extract the maggots, we perform two steps: Subtracting the estimated background image from each frame, then smooth the result to help the tracking.
Decision time! Are the maggots brighter or darker than the background? Because we can't just subtract the background without knowing this. Unless... we take the absolute value of the result! But you know whether the maggots are brighter or darker than the background, you may as well use the info, otherwise, the absolute value may reveal false positive blobs:
Let's use the absolute value here:
In [6]:
foreground = np.abs(images[0]-background, dtype=np.float32)
An additional step (not absolutely required) is to filter the images. We shall boost the intensity range and threshold the output while we're at it. Here we use the libatrous library with the Linear 3x3 filter.
We must keep the final range in check, so for an 8 bit image (which the video was to begin with), we want to make sure the values are between 0 and 255.
In [7]:
import libatrous
threshold = 10
gain = 4
kernel = libatrous.get_kernel(libatrous.LIN3)
filtered = libatrous.get_bandpass(foreground,2,4,kernel)
filtered[filtered < threshold] = threshold
filtered *= gain
filtered[filtered > 255] = 255
Let's see what we have:
In [8]:
mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (18.0, 12.0)
fig, axis = plt.subplots(2,2)
plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.1, right=0.8, top=0.9, wspace=0.05, hspace=0.05)
ax = axis[0,0]
t = ax.set_title("Original frame 0")
ax = axis[0,1]
t = ax.set_title("Background estimate (Average of all movie frames)")
ax = axis[1,0]
t = ax.set_title("Foreground from background subtraction")
ax = axis[1,1]
t = ax.set_title("Filtered output we will send to Imaris")
Let's do this for all the frames in the movie. Maggots tend not to move too fast, so we don't actually need all the frames. 1 in 5 is going to be more than enough in this case.
In [9]:
skip_factor = 5
threshold = 10
gain = 4
kernel = libatrous.get_kernel(libatrous.LIN3)
output = []
n_images = len(images)
# Progress bar
f = FloatProgress(min=0, max=n_images/skip_factor)
for i in range(0,n_images/skip_factor):
foreground = np.abs(images[i*skip_factor]-background, dtype=np.float32)
filtered = libatrous.get_bandpass(foreground,2,4,kernel)
filtered[filtered < threshold] = 0
filtered *= gain
filtered[filtered > 255] = 255
f.value += 1
Reality check... what does the filtered stack look like?
In [10]:
tracks = np.max(output,axis=0)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
t = ax.set_title("Max projection image")
We need to create a scene, add a frame and a light source, then create a suitable dataset, then attach it to vImaris.
The pixel resolution / time resolution also need to be set properly. We measure the maggot (30 pixels = 3mm, aka gross assumption) and the frame to frame time interval is measured from the framerate (multiplied by the skip factor).
In [11]:
import time
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
vSurpassScene = vImaris.GetSurpassScene()
vFactory = vImaris.GetFactory() #Actually, we already have access to vFactory, but here's how you could re-create it.
if vSurpassScene is None:
print("No Scene, let's create one!")
vSurpassScene = vFactory.CreateDataContainer()
vLightSource = vFactory.CreateLightSource()
vLightSource.SetName('Light Source 1');
vFrame = vFactory.CreateFrame()
vFrame.SetName('Frame 1')
#Now create a new dataset
print("Let's upload some frames!")
n_output = len(output)
h,w = output[0].shape
# Progress bar for iPython
f = FloatProgress(min=0, max=n_output)
vDataSet = vFactory.CreateDataSet()
#Now set the XYZ extent (assume 100um / pixel (3mm maggot = 30 pixels length))
t0 = time.time()
tdelta = skip_factor / framerate
for i in range(n_output):
#These are 2-D images, so use SetDataSlice. Channel 0. All that's varying is the timepoint
t = t0+i*tdelta
s = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(t))+("%.3f" % (t-int(t)))[1:]
f.value += 1
In [13]:
vSurpassScene = vImaris.GetSurpassScene()
vFactory = vImaris.GetFactory() #Actually, we already have access to vFactory, but here's how you could re-create it.
vIP = vImaris.GetImageProcessing() #We also need vImageProcessing for this step (vIP)
#The surfaces. These parameters will work, might need adjusting though...
surf = vIP.DetectSurfaces(vDataSet,None,0,0,0,False,threshold,'"Volume" above automatic threshold')
#The tracks (again, these parameters work but may not be optimal)
surf = vIP.TrackSurfacesAutoregressiveMotion(surf,5000,3, '"Track Duration" above 2.50 s')
#Give the tracks a name and add them to the surpass scene
surf.SetName('Maggot Tracks')
In [14]:
In [ ]: