In [1]:
# Necessary imports:
import autoreg
import GPy
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from __future__ import print_function
import tables
from IPython.display import HTML
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
# Function to compute root mean square error:
def comp_RMSE(a,b):
return np.sqrt(np.square(a-b).mean())
In [3]:
# Function to show 3D image of a human given the data as an array
def gen_frames(data, data_mean, data_std, skel, imgpath):
import os
import GPy
a = np.zeros((62,))
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d',aspect='equal')
ax.view_init(elev=20., azim=65)
a[3:] = (data[0])*data_std+data_mean
p = GPy.plotting.matplot_dep.visualize.skeleton_show(a, skel ,axes=ax)
for i in xrange(data.shape[0]):
a[3:] = (data[i])*data_std+data_mean
In [5]:
# Function to return( possibly download) Mocap data
from GPy.util.datasets import *
def cmu_mocap_xyz(subject, train_motions, test_motions=[], sample_every=4, data_set='cmu_mocap'):
"""Load a given subject's training and test motions from the CMU motion capture data."""
# Load in subject skeleton.
subject_dir = os.path.join(data_path, data_set)
# Make sure the data is downloaded.
all_motions = train_motions + test_motions
resource = cmu_urls_files(([subject], [all_motions]))
data_resources[data_set] = data_resources['cmu_mocap_full'].copy()
data_resources[data_set]['files'] = resource['files']
data_resources[data_set]['urls'] = resource['urls']
if resource['urls']:
skel = GPy.util.mocap.acclaim_skeleton(os.path.join(subject_dir, subject + '.asf'))
for i in range(len(skel.vertices)):
print(i, skel.vertices[i].name)
# 0 root
# 1 lhipjoint
# 2 lfemur
# 3 ltibia
# 4 lfoot
# 5 ltoes
# 6 rhipjoint
# 7 rfemur
# 8 rtibia
# 9 rfoot
# 10 rtoes
# 11 lowerback
# 12 upperback
# 13 thorax
# 14 lowerneck
# 15 upperneck
# 16 head
# 17 lclavicle
# 18 lhumerus
# 19 lradius
# 20 lwrist
# 21 lhand
# 22 lfingers
# 23 lthumb
# 24 rclavicle
# 25 rhumerus
# 26 rradius
# 27 rwrist
# 28 rhand
# 29 rfingers
# 30 rthumb
# Set up labels for each sequence
exlbls = np.eye(len(train_motions))
# Load sequences
tot_length = 0
temp_Y = []
temp_Yxyz = []
temp_lbls = []
#u_inds = [15,16,17]
#root_inds = [0,1,2]
root_inds = [2]
for i in range(len(train_motions)):
temp_chan = skel.load_channels(os.path.join(subject_dir, subject + '_' + train_motions[i] + '.amc'))
#temp_xyz_chan = skel.to_xyz(temp_chan.flatten()) ## A
# Apparently the above is equiv. to giving temp_chan[0,:]. It's returning a 31 x 3 matrix.
# I need to do this for every temp_chan[j,:], and serialize the result. The toe should be the
# very last dimension (I think).
#temp_xyz_chan = np.zeros((temp_chan.shape[0],93))
#A -------
temp_xyz_chan = np.zeros((temp_chan.shape[0],len(u_inds)))
for j in range(temp_xyz_chan.shape[0]):
foo = skel.to_xyz(temp_chan[j,:]).flatten()
temp_xyz_chan[j,:] = foo[u_inds] - foo[root_inds]
temp_Y.append(temp_chan[::sample_every, :])
temp_Yxyz.append(temp_xyz_chan[::sample_every, :]) ## A
temp_lbls.append(np.tile(exlbls[i, :], (temp_Y[i].shape[0], 1)))
tot_length += temp_Y[i].shape[0]
Y = np.zeros((tot_length, temp_Y[0].shape[1]))
Yxyz = np.zeros((tot_length, temp_Yxyz[0].shape[1])) #A
lbls = np.zeros((tot_length, temp_lbls[0].shape[1]))
end_ind = 0
for i in range(len(temp_Y)):
start_ind = end_ind
end_ind += temp_Y[i].shape[0]
Y[start_ind:end_ind, :] = temp_Y[i]
Yxyz[start_ind:end_ind, :] = temp_Yxyz[i] #A
lbls[start_ind:end_ind, :] = temp_lbls[i]
if len(test_motions) > 0:
temp_Ytest = []
temp_lblstest = []
temp_Yxyz_test = []
testexlbls = np.eye(len(test_motions))
tot_test_length = 0
for i in range(len(test_motions)):
temp_chan = skel.load_channels(os.path.join(subject_dir, subject + '_' + test_motions[i] + '.amc'))
#A -------
temp_xyz_chan = np.zeros((temp_chan.shape[0],len(u_inds)))
for j in range(temp_xyz_chan.shape[0]):
foo = skel.to_xyz(temp_chan[j,:]).flatten()
temp_xyz_chan[j,:] = foo[u_inds] - foo[root_inds]
temp_Ytest.append(temp_chan[::sample_every, :])
temp_Yxyz_test.append(temp_xyz_chan[::sample_every, :]) ## A
temp_lblstest.append(np.tile(testexlbls[i, :], (temp_Ytest[i].shape[0], 1)))
tot_test_length += temp_Ytest[i].shape[0]
# Load test data
Ytest = np.zeros((tot_test_length, temp_Ytest[0].shape[1]))
Yxyz_test = np.zeros((tot_test_length, temp_Yxyz_test[0].shape[1])) #A
lblstest = np.zeros((tot_test_length, temp_lblstest[0].shape[1]))
end_ind = 0
for i in range(len(temp_Ytest)):
start_ind = end_ind
end_ind += temp_Ytest[i].shape[0]
Ytest[start_ind:end_ind, :] = temp_Ytest[i]
Yxyz_test[start_ind:end_ind, :] = temp_Yxyz_test[i] #A
lblstest[start_ind:end_ind, :] = temp_lblstest[i]
Ytest = None
lblstest = None
info = 'Subject: ' + subject + '. Training motions: '
for motion in train_motions:
info += motion + ', '
info = info[:-2]
if len(test_motions) > 0:
info += '. Test motions: '
for motion in test_motions:
info += motion + ', '
info = info[:-2] + '.'
info += '.'
if sample_every != 1:
info += ' Data is sub-sampled to every ' + str(sample_every) + ' frames.'
return data_details_return({'Y': Y, 'lbls' : lbls, 'Ytest': Ytest, 'lblstest' : lblstest, 'info': info, 'skel': skel,'Yxyz':Yxyz,'Yxyz_test':Yxyz_test,'u_inds':u_inds,'root_inds':root_inds,'Yxyz_list':temp_Yxyz,'Yxyz_list_test':temp_Yxyz_test}, data_set)
In [6]:
# Function for loading the data.
# Differnt motions can be used for training and for testing.
# 01 - 08 - walking
# 17 - 24 - running
def load_data_xyz():
#train_motions = ['01', '02', '03', '04', # walking
# '17', '18', '19', '20'] # running
#test_motions = ['05','06','07','08','09','10','11','12','13','14','15','16','21','22','23','24','25','26']
train_motions = ['01', '02', '03', '04'] # walking
test_motions = ['05','06','07','08']
data = cmu_mocap_xyz('35', train_motions, test_motions, sample_every=4, data_set='cmu_mocap')
return data
In [7]:
data = load_data_xyz() # get the data
In [8]:
# Normalize train data. Each of train and test datasets consist of 4 episodes.
y = data['Y']
u = data['Yxyz_list']
u_flat = np.vstack(u)
lbls = data['lbls']
data_out_train = y
# 3 dimensions are cut because they are 3-D positions of the human
data_out_train = y[:,3:]
data_out_mean = data_out_train.mean(axis=0)
data_out_std = data_out_train.std(axis=0)
data_out_train = (y[:,3:]-data_out_mean)/data_out_std
#data_out_train_list = [data_out_train[np.where(lbls[:,i]==1)[0]][1:] for i in range(lbls.shape[1])]
data_out_train_list = [data_out_train[np.where(lbls[:,i]==1)[0]] for i in range(lbls.shape[1])]
data_in_train_list = u
u_flat_mean = u_flat.mean(axis=0)
u_flat_std = u_flat.std(axis=0)
data_in_train = (u_flat-u_flat_mean)/u_flat_std
data_in_train_list = [(d-u_flat_mean)/u_flat_std for d in data_in_train_list]
In [9]:
# Plot training inputs for each of 4 episodes. They are one dimensional
for (s,_) in enumerate(data_in_train_list):
plt.title('Inputs, sequence %i' % (s,) )
plt.plot( data_in_train_list[s] )
del s
In [10]:
# Plot the training data. Certain dimensions are plotted for each episode.
# Dimensions with indices 44 and 56 are constant
train_plot_dimensions = [0,3,4,5,6] # dimensions to plot
for (s,_) in enumerate(data_out_train_list):
plt.title('Outputs, sequence %i' % (s,) )
for i in train_plot_dimensions:
plt.plot( data_out_train_list[s][:,i], label = '%i' % (i,) )
if len(train_plot_dimensions) < 10:
del train_plot_dimensions, s, i
In [11]:
# Normalize test data
ytest = data['Ytest']
lblstest = data['lblstest']
u = data['Yxyz_list_test']
#data_out_test = ytest
data_out_test= ytest[:,3:]
data_out_test = (ytest[:,3:]-data_out_mean)/data_out_std
data_out_test_list = [data_out_test[np.where(lblstest[:,i]==1)[0]] for i in range(lblstest.shape[1])]
data_in_test_list = u
data_in_test_list = [(d-u_flat_mean)/u_flat_std for d in u]
In [12]:
# # Plot test inputs for each of 4 episodes. They are one dimensional
for (s,_) in enumerate(data_in_test_list):
plt.title('Inputs, sequence %i' % (s,) )
plt.plot( data_in_test_list[s], label='0' )
del s
In [13]:
# Plot the training data. Certain dimensions are plotted for each episode.
# Dimensions with indices 44 and 56 are constant
train_plot_dimensions = [0,3,4,5,6] # dimensions to plot
for (s,_) in enumerate(data_out_test_list):
plt.title('Outputs, sequence %i' % (s,) )
for i in train_plot_dimensions:
plt.plot( data_out_test_list[s][:,i], label = '%i' % (i,) )
if len(train_plot_dimensions) < 10:
del train_plot_dimensions, s, i
In [15]:
# This is a function for training (or loading saved) model
# There are 2 model types. 1 - RGP model without back-constrains
# 2 - with back-constrains as a multilayer perceptron.
experiment_path = '/Users/grigoral/work/code/RGP/examples'
def experiment(debug = False, train_model=False, model = 1, input_scaling_factor=1):
if debug: import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
# Initialize a model
Q = 100 # 200
win_in = 20 # 20
win_out = 20 # 20
use_controls = True
back_cstr = False
if input_scaling_factor is None:
input_scaling_factor = 1
if model == 1:
if use_controls:
m = autoreg.DeepAutoreg([0, win_out, win_out], data_out_train_list, U=[d*input_scaling_factor for d in data_in_train_list], U_win=win_in, X_variance=0.05,
num_inducing=Q, back_cstr=back_cstr, MLP_dims=[300,200], nDims=[data_out_train.shape[1],1,1],
kernels=[GPy.kern.RBF(win_out,ARD=True,inv_l=True, useGPU=False),
GPy.kern.RBF(win_out+win_out,ARD=True,inv_l=True, useGPU=False),
GPy.kern.RBF(win_out+win_in,ARD=True,inv_l=True, useGPU=False)])
m = autoreg.DeepAutoreg([0, win_out], data_in_train, U=None, U_win=win_in, X_variance=0.05,
num_inducing=Q, back_cstr=back_cstr, MLP_dims=[200,100], nDims=[data_out_train.shape[1],1],
kernels=[GPy.kern.RBF(win_out,ARD=True,inv_l=True, useGPU=False),
GPy.kern.RBF(win_out,ARD=True,inv_l=True, useGPU=False)])
elif model == 2:
# Model with NN-constraint
Q = 500
win_in = 20
win_out = 20
use_controls = True
back_cstr = True
m = autoreg.DeepAutoreg([0, win_out], data_out_train_list, U=[d*input_scaling_factor for d in data_in_train_list], U_win=win_in, X_variance=0.05,
num_inducing=Q, back_cstr=back_cstr, MLP_dims=[500,200], nDims=[data_out_train.shape[1],1],
# kernels=[GPy.kern.RBF(win_out,ARD=True,inv_l=True, useGPU=True),
# GPy.kern.RBF(win_out+win_in,ARD=True,inv_l=True, useGPU=True)])
# Initialize latent variables and inducing points:
if debug: import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
if not back_cstr:
pp = GPy.util.pca.PCA(data_out_train)
pca_projection = pp.project(data_out_train, 1)
pca_projection = (pca_projection - pca_projection.mean()) / pca_projection.std()
for i_seq in range(lbls.shape[1]):
m.layer_1.Xs_flat[i_seq].mean[:] = pca_projection[ np.where(lbls[:,i_seq]==1)[0],:]
m.layer_2.Xs_flat[i_seq].mean[:] = pca_projection[ np.where(lbls[:,i_seq]==1)[0],:]
# Random permutation for Z
# perm = np.random.permutation(range(m.layer_1.X.mean.shape[0]))
# m.layer_1.Z[:] = m.layer_1.X.mean[perm[0:Q],:].values.copy()
# K-means initialization
# m -> This was done already in layer initialization?
# from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
# km = KMeans(n_clusters=m.layer_1.Z.shape[0],n_init=1000,max_iter=100)
# m.layer_1.Z[:] = km.cluster_centers_.copy()
# km = KMeans(n_clusters=m.layer_0.Z.shape[0],n_init=1000,max_iter=100)
# m.layer_0.Z[:] = km.cluster_centers_.copy()
# km = KMeans(n_clusters=m.layer_2.Z.shape[0],n_init=1000,max_iter=100)
# m.layer_2.Z[:] = km.cluster_centers_.copy()
# m._trigger_params_changed()
# m <-
# Initialize kernel parameters
if debug: import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
for i in range(m.nLayers):
if not back_cstr:
m.layers[i].kern.inv_l[:] = 1./((m.layers[i].X.mean.values.max(0)-m.layers[i].X.mean.values.min(0))/np.sqrt(2.))**2
# Ask: MLP kernel?
# m.layers[i].kern.inv_l[:] = 1./9.#((m.layers[i].X.mean.values.max(0)-m.layers[i].X.mean.values.min(0))/np.sqrt(2.))
m.layers[i].likelihood.variance[:] = 0.01*data_out_train.var()
if back_cstr:
m.layer_1.kern.variance[:] = np.vstack([ xs.mean.values for xs in m.layer_1.Xs_flat]).var()
m.layer_1.likelihood.variance[:] = 0.01
m.layer_1.kern.variance[:] = np.vstack([ xs.mean.values for xs in m.layer_1.Xs_flat]).var()
m.layer_2.kern.variance[:] = np.vstack([ xs.mean.values for xs in m.layer_2.Xs_flat]).var()
m.layer_1.likelihood.variance[:] = 0.01 * m.layer_1.Xs_flat[0].mean.var()
m.layer_2.likelihood.variance[:] = 0.01 * m.layer_2.Xs_flat[0].mean.var()
m_init = m.copy()
m = m_init.copy()
print('Model after initialization:')
file_name = os.path.join(experiment_path, 'alex_walk_run_m%i_sf%1.1f.h5' % (model, input_scaling_factor) )
if debug: import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
if train_model:
# optimization
m.optimize('bfgs',messages=1,max_iters=100) # 100
for i in range(m.nLayers):
for i in range(m.nLayers):
m.optimize('bfgs',messages=1,max_iters=10000) )
# Load a trained model
import tables
with tables.open_file(file_name,'r') as f:
ps = f.root.param_array[:]
m.param_array[:] = ps
print('Trained or loaded model:')
if debug: import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
# Free-run on the training data
pds_train = [m.freerun(U=data_in, m_match=True) for data_in in data_in_train_list]
rmse = [comp_RMSE(pd.mean[win_out:],gt[win_out+win_in:]) for pd, gt in zip(pds_train, data_out_train_list)]
rmse_all = comp_RMSE(np.vstack([pd.mean[win_out:] for pd in pds_train]),np.vstack([gt[win_out+win_in:] for gt in data_out_train_list]))
print("Train overall RMSE: "+str(rmse_all))
# Free-run on the test data
pds_test = [m.freerun(U=data_in, m_match=True) for data_in in data_in_test_list]
rmse = [comp_RMSE(pd.mean[win_out:],gt[win_out+win_in:]) for pd, gt in zip(pds_test, data_out_test_list)]
rmse_all = comp_RMSE(np.vstack([pd.mean[win_out:] for pd in pds_test]),np.vstack([gt[win_out+win_in:] for gt in data_out_test_list]))
print("Test overall RMSE: "+str(rmse_all))
if debug: import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
os.system( u'rm %s/*.png ' % (os.path.join( experiment_path, 'imgs'), ) )
gen_frames(pds_test[0].mean[win_out:],data_out_mean, data_out_std, data['skel'], os.path.join( experiment_path, 'imgs' ) )
video_file_name = os.path.join(experiment_path, 'pred_walk_run_m%i_sf%1.1f.mp4' % (model, input_scaling_factor) )
video_pattern = os.path.join(experiment_path, 'imgs/%05d.png' )
os.system(u'avconv -y -r 10 -i %s -qscale 2 %s' % ( video_pattern, video_file_name) )
globals().update(locals()); return
In [16]:
# Train (or load) the model and make predictions for train and test data. All internal function variables are exported as global
experiment(debug=False, train_model=False, model = 1, input_scaling_factor=1)
In [17]:
# This cell is works only for model=1.
# initial model m_init
# in m_init.layers layers order is in different order. e.g. m_init.layers[0] is m_init.layer_2
# Probably initialization as output
for l in range((m_init.nLayers-2),-1,-1):
for s in range(len(m_init.Ys)):
lXs_name = 'qX_%i' % s
layer_real_no = 2-l
layer_seq_means = getattr(m_init.layers[l],lXs_name).mean
layer_seq_vars = getattr(m_init.layers[l],lXs_name).variance
print(layer_real_no,s,lXs_name, layer_seq_means.shape,layer_seq_means.shape)
plt.title('Init, Layer %i, Sequence %i' % (layer_real_no,s,) )
plt.plot( layer_seq_means, label = 'mean' )
plt.plot( layer_seq_means +\
2*np.sqrt( layer_seq_vars), label = 'var',color=[0.7,0.2,0.2],linestyle='--' )
plt.plot( layer_seq_means -\
2*np.sqrt( layer_seq_vars), label = 'var',color=[0.7,0.2,0.2],linestyle='--' )
del s, l
In [ ]:
### Plot predictions (train data)
In [19]:
train_plot_dimensions = [ [0,3], [0,3], [ 0,3], [0,3] ] # sequence, coordinates
for (seq_no, dims) in enumerate(train_plot_dimensions):
for d in dims:
true_data = data_out_train_list[seq_no][:,d][win_out:]
pred_mean = pds_train[seq_no].mean[:,d].values
pred_var = pds_train[seq_no].variance[:,d].values
plt.title('Outputs (Train), sequence %i, dim %i' % (seq_no,d ) )
plt.plot( true_data, label = '%i' % (d,) )
#print(true_data.shape, pred_mean.shape, pred_var.shape)
plt.plot( pred_mean, label = 'mean' )
plt.plot( pred_mean +\
2*np.sqrt( pred_var), label = 'var',color=[0.7,0.2,0.2],linestyle='--' )
plt.plot( pred_mean -\
2*np.sqrt( pred_var), label = 'var',color=[0.7,0.2,0.2],linestyle='--' )
if len(dims) < 10:
del train_plot_dimensions, seq_no, dims, d, pred_mean, pred_var
In [20]:
test_plot_dimensions = [ [44,56], [44,56], [44,56], [44,56] ] # sequence, coordinates
for (seq_no, dims) in enumerate(test_plot_dimensions):
for d in dims:
true_data = data_out_test_list[seq_no][:,d][win_out:]
pred_mean = pds_test[seq_no].mean[:,d].values
pred_var = pds_test[seq_no].variance[:,d].values
plt.title('Outputs (Test), sequence %i, dim %i' % (seq_no,d ) )
plt.plot( true_data, label = '%i' % (d,) )
#print(true_data.shape, pred_mean.shape, pred_var.shape)
plt.plot( pred_mean, label = 'mean' )
plt.plot( pred_mean +\
2*np.sqrt( pred_var), label = 'var',color=[0.7,0.2,0.2],linestyle='--' )
plt.plot( pred_mean -\
2*np.sqrt( pred_var), label = 'var',color=[0.7,0.2,0.2],linestyle='--' )
if len(dims) < 10:
del test_plot_dimensions, seq_no, dims, d, pred_mean, pred_var
In [ ]:
### Plot latent space (test) - not done yet
In [ ]:
<video width="480" height="480" controls>
<source src="%s" type="video/mp4">
""" % video_file_name)
In [ ]: