In [22]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import pandas as pd
import io
import requests
import time
import seaborn as sns
import string

In [3]:
##This function is modified to retrived most historical stock data from NASDAQ and NYSX
##This function cannot retrieve historical index data since Google Finance does not support downding this type of data
##This function return dataframe
month_exe = {1:'Jan',2:'Feb',3:'Mar',4:'Apr',5:'May',6:'Jun',7:'Jul',8:'Aug',9:'Sep',10:'Oct',11:'Nov',12:'Dec'}
def google_stocks(symbol, startdate, enddate = None):
    startdate = month_exe[startdate[0]] + '%20' + str(startdate[1]) + '%2C%20' + str(startdate[2])

    enddate = month_exe[enddate[0]] + '%20' + str(enddate[1]) + '%2C%20' + str(enddate[2])
    stock_url = '' + symbol + \
                '&startdate=' + startdate + '&enddate=' + enddate + '&output=csv'
    raw_response = requests.get(stock_url).content
    stock_data = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(raw_response.decode('utf-8')))
    return stock_data

In [5]:

Retrieve Stock Historical Data

In [143]:
startdate = (7,1,2016)
enddate   = (7,1,2017)

In [144]:

In [145]:
for i in Symbol:
    symbol = i
    df_name = symbol.split(':')[1] + '_hist'
    exec('{} = google_stocks(symbol, startdate, enddate)'.format(df_name))

In [146]:

Date Open High Low Close Volume
0 30-Jun-17 34.76 34.82 34.47 34.65 4807251
1 29-Jun-17 35.27 35.30 34.81 34.86 3545048
2 28-Jun-17 35.25 35.44 35.18 35.27 4845269
3 27-Jun-17 35.12 35.39 35.04 35.15 4930949
4 26-Jun-17 35.04 35.09 34.86 34.88 3762404
5 23-Jun-17 34.59 34.91 34.54 34.84 3501179
6 22-Jun-17 34.64 34.80 34.51 34.60 4961404
7 21-Jun-17 34.76 34.98 34.51 34.65 7100841
8 20-Jun-17 35.31 35.31 34.78 34.98 8766518
9 19-Jun-17 36.00 36.26 35.97 36.04 6064749

In [147]:
BP_hist.Date = pd.to_datetime(BP_hist.Date)

In [148]:

0    34.47
1    34.81
2    35.18
3    35.04
4    34.86
5    34.54
6    34.51
7    34.51
8    34.78
9    35.97
Name: Low, dtype: float64

In [158]:
goog = sns.tsplot(GOOG_hist.Close)

In [159]:
uvv = sns.tsplot(UVV_hist.Close)

In [204]:
for i in ['CLD','BHP','RIO']:
    exec('{}_hist["company"] = i'.format(i))

In [205]:
coal_mining = CLD_hist.append(BHP_hist).append(RIO_hist)

In [221]:

Date Open High Low Close Volume company
0 30-Jun-17 3.66 3.66 3.50 3.53 929278 CLD
1 29-Jun-17 3.66 3.78 3.58 3.63 1157099 CLD
2 28-Jun-17 3.56 3.71 3.55 3.64 1463069 CLD
3 27-Jun-17 3.57 3.75 3.49 3.52 1248118 CLD
4 26-Jun-17 3.27 3.60 3.17 3.53 1752988 CLD

In [234]:
cld = sns.tsplot(CLD_hist.Close)

In [141]:
bhp = sns.tsplot(BHP_hist.Close)

In [142]:
rio = sns.tsplot(RIO_hist.Close)

In [1]: