In [ ]:
from __future__ import print_function
import sisl
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

This example will setup the required electronic structures for usage in TBtrans.
You will also learn the importance of perform $k$-point convergence tests for systems using TBtrans.
We will continue with the graphene nearest neighbour tight-binding model and perform simple transport calculations using TBtrans.
Our example will again concentrate on graphene:

In [ ]:
graphene = sisl.geom.graphene(orthogonal=True)
H = sisl.Hamiltonian(graphene)
H.construct([[0.1, 1.43], [0., -2.7]])

Note that the above call of the graphene lattice is different from TB 1. In this example we will create an orthogonal graphene lattice, i.e. the lattice vectors are orthogonal to each other, unlike the minimal graphene lattice.
The minimal orthogonal graphene lattice consists of 4 Carbon atoms.

Assert that we have 16 non zero elements:

In [ ]:

The Hamiltonian we have thus far created will be our electrode. Lets write it to a TBtrans readable file:

In [ ]:

Now a file file exists in the folder and it contains all the information (and more) that TBtrans requires to construct the self-energies for the electrode.

All that is required is now the device region.
An important aspect of any transport setup is that the electrodes must not have matrix elements crossing the device region. I.e. there must not be matrix elements between any of the electrodes. This restriction is easily accommodated in tight-binding setups, but for DFT systems it is less transparent.
In this tight-binding setup it simlpy means a repetition of the electrode 3 times; 1) left electrode, 2) scattering region, 3) right electrode.

1. Creating the device, Geometry; Hamiltonian; Hamiltonian.construct

Here we tile the orthogonal graphene lattice 3 times along the second lattice vector (Python is 0-based) and subsequently construct it using the same parameters.
This method of specifying all matrix elements is the most usable and easy scheme that is available in sisl.

In [ ]:
device = graphene.tile(3, axis=1)
H_device = sisl.Hamiltonian(device)
H_device.construct([[0.1, 1.43], [0, -2.7]])

2. Creating the device, Hamiltonian $\to$ Hamiltonian

The Geometry.tile function is an explicit method to create bigger lattices from a smaller reference latice. Howewer, the tile routine is also available to the Hamiltonian object. Not only is it much easier to use, it also presents these advantages:

  • It guarentees that the matrix elements are the same as the reference Hamiltonian, i.e. you need not specify the parameters to construct twice,
  • It is much faster when creating $>500,000$ samples from smaller reference systems,
  • It also requires less code which increases readability and is less prone to errors.

In [ ]:
H_device = H.tile(3, axis=1)

For more information you may execute the following lines to view the :


Now we have created the device electronic structure. The final step is to store it in a TBtrans readable format:

In [ ]:

Sometimes it may be convenient to plot the entries of the matrix to assert the symmetry and structure. The second line asserts that it is indeed a Hermitian matrix:

In [ ]:
print('Hermitian deviation: ',np.amax(np.abs(H.Hk() - H.Hk().T.conj())))

First run of TBtrans

You should first run tbtrans like this (the RUN.fdf file is already prepared with enough input options for a successfull run):

tbtrans RUN.fdf

After TBtrans is complete a number of files will be present:

    The main data-file of TBtrans, this contains all calculated quantities, and everything that can be orbital resolved is orbital resolved, such as density of states.

  • siesta.TBT.CC
    The energy points at which TBtrans has calculated physical quantities.

  • siesta.TBT.KP
    Used $k$-points and their corresponding weights for integrating the Brillouin zone.

  • siesta.TBT.TRANS_Left-Right
    The $k$-resolved transmission from Left to the Right electrode. This is a consecutive list of transmissions for all energy points. Each $k$-point transmission is separated with a description of the $k$-point and its weight.

  • siesta.TBT.AVTRANS_Left-Right
    The $k$-averaged transmission from Left to the Right electrode. This is the $k$-averaged equivalent of siesta.TBT.TRANS_Left-Right.

In [ ]:
tbt = sisl.get_sile('')

After calculating the transport properties of the transport problem you may also use sisl to interact with the TBtrans output (in the * file):

In [ ]:
plt.plot(tbt.E, tbt.transmission(), label='k-averaged');
plt.plot(tbt.E, tbt.transmission(kavg=tbt.kindex([0, 0, 0])), label=r'$\Gamma$'); 
plt.xlabel('Energy [eV]'); plt.ylabel('Transmission'); plt.ylim([0, None]); plt.legend();

There are several function calls present in the above code:

  • get_sile
    is a sisl function to read and parse any file that is enabled through sisl. You can check the documentation to find the available files. Here we use it to make tbt be an object with all the information that is present in the file.
  • tbt.transmission
    is a function that retrieves the transmission function from the file. It has three optional arguments, the first two being the origin electrode and the second the absorbing electrode. They are defaulting to the first and second electrode.
  • tbt.transmission
    takes a third and optional argument, if True, or not specified, it returns the k averaged transmission, else one may provide an array of integers that represent the internal k-points. I.e. the code above searches for the k-index of the $\Gamma$ point, and requests only that sampled transmission function.

You will see a very crude step-like transmission function.

  • Why is it not smooth, V-shaped (as it should be)? Can you change something to obtain a smooth transmission function?
  • Why is the $\Gamma$ transmission a fixed non zero value? Should it be zero somewhere? HINT: checkout the energies used for evaluating the transmission function.

The file also contains two different density-of-states quantities. How do they differ?

In [ ]:
plt.plot(tbt.E, tbt.DOS(), label='DOS'); 
plt.plot(tbt.E, tbt.ADOS(), label='ADOS'); 
plt.xlabel('Energy [eV]'); plt.ylabel('DOS [1/eV]'); plt.ylim([0, None]); plt.legend();

sisl is capable of interacting much more with TBtrans output in various ways. We will return to this in later examples.


  • Go to In [4] and change H.write('') to H.write('ELEC.TSHS'), then adapt RUN.fdf file to let the left electrode read the electronic structure from the TSHS file instead. Redo the calculation and check if the output is the same.
  • Try and change the on-site term of one of the device atoms, then redo the calculation. What is the (periodic) effect of changing the on-site for one atom?
  • Try and create a big graphene flake with an associated Hamiltonian 100,000 atoms. When doing this it is essential you only construct the minimal graphene flake (otherwise creating such a big Hamiltonian will take several minutes). Then use tile or repeat to expand to the big system. If you try to run transport on this device it will take forever, and may even crash. To handle such big systems you may use the fdf-flag TBT.Atoms.Device to limit the calculation region (advice is to not do the calculation).

Learned lessons

  • Easy creation of Hamiltonians with constant parameter (Hamiltonian.construct)
  • Creation of the Hamiltonian using Hamiltonian.tile for very large systems.
  • Saving the electronic structure in various formats (Hamiltonian.write)
  • Data extraction from * file (tbt.DOS, tbt.ADOS)