Weibel instability

This notebook shows a demonstration of the Weibel (electromagnetic filamentation) instability in the collision of neutral electron/positron plasma clouds. In this example we collide two neutral electron / positron plasma clouds, moving out of the simulation plane with opposing generalized velocities of $u_3 = \pm 0.6 \mathrm{c}$. All simulation species have the same thermal velocity $u_{th} = 0.1 \mathrm{c}$ in all directions.

In [1]:
import em2d as zpic

eup = zpic.Species( "electrons up", -1.0, ppc = [2,2],
                          ufl = [0.0,0.0,0.6], uth = [0.1,0.1,0.1] )
pup = zpic.Species( "positrons up", +1.0, ppc = [2,2], 
                          ufl = [0.0,0.0,0.6], uth = [0.1,0.1,0.1] )
edown = zpic.Species( "electrons down", -1.0, ppc = [2,2],
                          ufl = [0.0,0.0,-0.6], uth = [0.1,0.1,0.1] )
pdown = zpic.Species( "positrons down", +1.0, ppc = [2,2], 
                          ufl = [0.0,0.0,-0.6], uth = [0.1,0.1,0.1] )

dt = 0.07

sim = zpic.Simulation( nx = [128,128], box = [12.8,12.8], dt = dt, 
                       species = [eup,pup,edown,pdown] )

We want to look at the energy evolution, so we run a customized loop to store field energy at every iteration:

In [2]:
import numpy as np

tmax = 15

niter = int(tmax / dt) + 1

Bperp = np.zeros(niter)
norm = 0.5 * sim.emf.nx[0] * sim.emf.nx[1]

print("\nRunning simulation up to t = {:g} ...".format(tmax))
while sim.t < tmax:
    print('n = {:d}, t = {:g}'.format(sim.n,sim.t), end = '\r')
    # Get energy in perpendicular B field components
    Bperp[sim.n] = np.sum(sim.emf.Bx**2+sim.emf.By**2) * norm


Running simulation up to t = 15 ...
n = 214, t = 14.98

Current filamentation

The Weibel instability will lead to current filamentation, as shown below:

In [3]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

J3 = sim.current.Jz

range = [[0,sim.box[0]],[0,sim.box[1]]]

plt.imshow( J3, interpolation = 'bilinear', origin = 'lower',
          extent = ( range[0][0], range[0][1], range[1][0], range[1][1] ),
          aspect = 'auto', cmap = 'Spectral',clim = (-1.6,1.6))

plt.colorbar().set_label('Electric Current')
plt.title("Electric Current\nt = {:g}".format(sim.t))


Evolution of magnetic field energy

The instability will cause a transfer of energy betweem the kinetica energy in the particles and the transverse magnetic field. For this simulaiton, the instability saturates around $t \simeq 8 \,\, \omega_n^{-1}$:

In [4]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.plot(np.linspace(0, sim.t, num = sim.n),Bperp)
plt.xlabel("$t$ [$1/\omega_n$]")
plt.ylabel("$B_{\perp}$ energy [$m_e c^2$]")
plt.title("Magnetic field energy")

Magnetic Field structure

The plots below show the structure of the magnetic field at the end of the simulation. The magnetic field structres act as a buffer separating regions of opposite electric current:

In [5]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

Bperp = np.sqrt( sim.emf.Bx**2 + sim.emf.By**2 )

range = [[0,sim.box[0]],[0,sim.box[1]]]

plt.imshow( Bperp, interpolation = 'bilinear', origin = 'lower',
          extent = ( range[0][0], range[0][1], range[1][0], range[1][1] ),
          aspect = 'auto', cmap = 'jet')

plt.colorbar().set_label('Magnetic Field')
plt.title("Magnetic Field\nt = {:g}".format(sim.t))


In [6]:
y,x = np.mgrid[ 0:sim.nx[1],0:sim.nx[0] ]
y = y*(sim.box[1]/sim.nx[1])
x = x*(sim.box[0]/sim.nx[0])

plt.streamplot( x,y,sim.emf.Bx, sim.emf.By, linewidth = 1.0, density = 1.5, 
               color = Bperp, cmap = 'viridis' )

plt.colorbar().set_label('Magnetic Field')
plt.title("Magnetic Field\nt = {:g}".format(sim.t))


Charge Density

We present the charge density for both the up moving (defined as positive / red) and down moving (defined as negative / blue) positron species. This is made possible by the fact that these do not overlap.

In [7]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

range = [[0,sim.box[0]],[0,sim.box[1]]]

plt.imshow( pup.charge() - pdown.charge(), interpolation = 'bilinear', origin = 'lower',
          extent = ( range[0][0], range[0][1], range[1][0], range[1][1] ),
          aspect = 'auto', cmap = 'seismic',clim = (-8.6,8.6))


plt.title("Positron density\nt = {:g}".format(sim.t))


In [ ]: