Triplet Loss损失函数在mnist上做相似度计算
triplet loss的核心包括三个部分

  1. anchor/positive/negative
  2. shared models 通用的卷积模型,输入是单幅图像,输出是1维特征向量
  3. loss $$ L_i = [ (f(x_i^a) - f(x_i^p))^2 - (f(x_i^a) - f(x_i^n))^2 + \alpha] \\\\ L = \sum_i^N [max( L_i, 0)] $$ 其中$\alpha$是marginal超参

In [1]:
import mxnet as mx
import numpy as np
import os,sys
import time
from mxnet import nd
from mxnet.gluon import data as gdata
from mxnet import gluon
import random,cv2

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

batch_size = 32
ctx = mx.gpu()
sample_size = (32,32)
alpha = 1.0
base_lr = 0.01 
feat_dim = 2 
smallset_num = batch_size * 2
debug_flag = False

epoch_num = 100

if not os.path.exists('feat'):

feat_dim: 输出的特征图维度,设置成2时,训练阶段会保存测试机上类别分布图
smallset_num: 调试阶段,每一类只使用少量样本,设置成-1时,采用全部样本集进行训练

In [2]:
class SingleMNIST(
    def __init__(self,fortrain,dataset_root="C:/dataset/mnist/",resize=sample_size):
        self.data_pairs = []
        labeldict = {} = 0
        self.resize = resize
        if fortrain:
            ds_root = os.path.join(dataset_root,'train')
            ds_root = os.path.join(dataset_root,"test")
        for rdir, pdirs, names in os.walk(ds_root):
            for name in names:
                basename,ext = os.path.splitext(name)
                if ext != ".jpg":
                fullpath = os.path.join(rdir,name)
                label = fullpath.split('\\')[-2]
                label = int(label)
                if smallset_num > 0 and ( label in labeldict.keys() ) and labeldict[label] >= smallset_num:
                if label in labeldict:
                    labeldict[label] += 1
                    labeldict[label] = 1
       += 1
    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.data_pairs)
    def __getitem__(self,idx):
        img = cv2.imread(self.data_pairs[idx][1],1)
        label = self.data_pairs[idx][0]
        img = cv2.resize(img, self.resize)

        img = np.float32(img)/255
        img = np.transpose(img,(2,0,1))
        return (img,label)

class TripletMNIST(
    def __init__(self,fortrain,dataset_root="C:/dataset/mnist/",resize=sample_size):
        self.data_pairs = {} = 0
        self.resize = resize
        if fortrain:
            ds_root = os.path.join(dataset_root,'train')
            ds_root = os.path.join(dataset_root,"test")
        for rdir, pdirs, names in os.walk(ds_root):
            for name in names:
                basename,ext = os.path.splitext(name)
                if ext != ".jpg":
                fullpath = os.path.join(rdir,name)
                label = fullpath.split('\\')[-2]
                label = int(label)
                if smallset_num > 0 and (label in self.data_pairs) and len(self.data_pairs[label]) >= smallset_num:

       += 1
        self.class_num = len(self.data_pairs.keys())
    def __len__(self):
    def __getitem__(self,idx):
        rds = np.random.randint(0,10000,size = 5)
        rd_anchor_cls, rd_anchor_idx = rds[0], rds[1]
        rd_anchor_cls = rd_anchor_cls % self.class_num
        rd_anchor_idx = rd_anchor_idx % len(self.data_pairs[rd_anchor_cls])
        rd_pos_cls, rd_pos_idx = rd_anchor_cls, rds[2]
        rd_pos_cls = rd_pos_cls % self.class_num
        rd_pos_idx = rd_pos_idx % len(self.data_pairs[rd_pos_cls])
        rd_neg_cls, rd_neg_idx = rds[3], rds[4]
        rd_neg_cls = rd_neg_cls % self.class_num
        if rd_neg_cls == rd_pos_cls:
            rd_neg_cls = (rd_neg_cls + 1)%self.class_num
        rd_neg_idx = rd_neg_idx % len(self.data_pairs[rd_neg_cls])
        img_anchor = cv2.imread(self.data_pairs[rd_anchor_cls][rd_anchor_idx],1)
        img_pos = cv2.imread(self.data_pairs[rd_pos_cls][rd_pos_idx],1)
        img_neg = cv2.imread(self.data_pairs[rd_neg_cls][rd_neg_idx],1)
        img_anchor = cv2.resize(img_anchor, self.resize)
        img_pos = cv2.resize(img_pos, self.resize)
        img_neg = cv2.resize(img_neg, self.resize)

        img_anchor = np.float32(img_anchor)/255
        img_pos = np.float32(img_pos)/255
        img_neg = np.float32(img_neg)/255
        img_anchor = np.transpose(img_anchor,(2,0,1))
        img_pos = np.transpose(img_pos,(2,0,1))
        img_neg = np.transpose(img_neg,(2,0,1))
        return (img_anchor, img_pos, img_neg)

if debug_flag:
    ds = TripletMNIST(fortrain=True)
    train_iter =,batch_size,shuffle=True,last_batch="rollover")
    for batch in train_iter:
        anchor, pos, neg = batch
        fig = plt.figure()
        for k in range(8):
            ax = fig.add_subplot(8,3,k*3+1)
            img = anchor[k].asnumpy() * 255   
            img = np.transpose(img,(1,2,0))
            img = np.uint8(img)

            ax = fig.add_subplot(8,3,k*3+2)
            img = pos[k].asnumpy() * 255
            img = np.transpose(img,(1,2,0))
            img = np.uint8(img)

            ax = fig.add_subplot(8,3,k*3+3)
            img = neg[k].asnumpy() * 255
            img = np.transpose(img,(1,2,0))
            img = np.uint8(img)

train_ds = TripletMNIST(fortrain=True)
train_iter =,batch_size,shuffle=True,last_batch="rollover")
test_ds = TripletMNIST(fortrain=False)
test_iter =,batch_size,shuffle=False,last_batch="rollover")

feat_ds = SingleMNIST(fortrain=False)
feat_iter =, batch_size, shuffle=False, last_batch="rollover")
print('train set: {}, test set: {} feat_set: {}'.format(len(train_ds), len(test_ds), len(feat_ds)))

train set: 640, test set: 640 feat_set: 640

In [3]:
class SHARED_NET(gluon.Block):
    def __init__(self,root='./models'):
        backbone =,root = root) = gluon.nn.Sequential()
        for layer in backbone.features[0:-4]:

    def forward(self, x):
        out =
        return out
def get_net(num_class,root):
    return SHARED_NET(num_class,root=root)

if debug_flag:
    fcn = SHARED_NET()
    x = mx.nd.random.uniform(0,1,[32,3] + list(sample_size),ctx=ctx)
    print('input: ',x.shape)
    y = fcn(x)
    print('output: ',y.shape)


In [4]:
from mxnet import lr_scheduler
import pdb
import pickle

def show_feat(epoch,net, feat_iter):
    feats = []
    for batch in feat_iter:
        X,Y = batch
        out = net(X.as_in_context(ctx)).asnumpy()
        for y,f in zip(Y,out):
            y = y.asnumpy()[0]
           # pdb.set_trace()
    X = list(map(lambda d: d[1], feats))
    Y = list(map(lambda d: d[2], feats))
    #L = map(lambda d: d[0], feats)
    #markers = 'o,<,+,1,2,3,4,8,s,h,*,D'.split(',')
    cValue = [(1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1), \
              (0.5, 0, 0), (0,0.5,0), (0,0,0.5),\
              (1.0,1.0,0), (1.0,0,1.0), (0,1,1),\
    L = []
    for f in feats:
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
def train_net(net, train_iter, valid_iter, feat_iter,batch_size, trainer, num_epochs, lr_sch, save_prefix):
    iter_num = 0
    for epoch in range(num_epochs):
        t0 = time.time()
        train_loss = []
        for batch in train_iter:
            iter_num += 1
            anchor, pos, neg = batch
            X = nd.concat(anchor, pos, neg, dim=0) #combine three inputs along 0-dim to create one batch
            out = X.as_in_context(ctx)
            with mx.autograd.record(True):
                out = net(out)
                #out = out.as_in_context(mx.cpu())
                out_anchor = out[0:batch_size]
                out_pos = out[batch_size:batch_size*2]
                out_neg = out[batch_size*2 : batch_size*3]
                loss_anchor_pos = (out_anchor - out_pos)**2
                loss_anchor_neg = (out_anchor - out_neg)**2
                loss = loss_anchor_pos - loss_anchor_neg
                loss = nd.relu(loss.sum(axis=1) + alpha).mean()
            train_loss.append( loss.asnumpy()[0] )
           # print("\titer {} train loss {}".format(iter_num,np.asarray(train_loss).mean()))
        if (epoch % 10) == 0 and feat_dim == 2:
        print("epoch {} lr {:>.5} loss {:>.5} cost {:>.3}sec".format(epoch,trainer.learning_rate, \
                                                             np.asarray(train_loss).mean(),time.time() - t0))

In [5]:
net = SHARED_NET()
wd = 0.0005
trainer = gluon.Trainer(net.collect_params(),optimizer="sgd",optimizer_params={"wd":wd})

lr_plan = lr_scheduler.PolyScheduler(max_update= epoch_num * len(train_ds) // batch_size,base_lr=base_lr, pwr=1)
train_net(net, train_iter, test_iter, feat_iter, batch_size,trainer, epoch_num, lr_plan,"")

epoch 0 lr 0.0099 loss 0.51676 cost 5.64sec
epoch 1 lr 0.0098 loss 0.18289 cost 3.77sec
epoch 2 lr 0.0097 loss 0.17965 cost 3.76sec
epoch 3 lr 0.0096 loss 0.099185 cost 3.78sec
epoch 4 lr 0.0095 loss 0.11342 cost 3.8sec
epoch 5 lr 0.0094 loss 0.10642 cost 3.78sec
epoch 6 lr 0.0093 loss 0.099273 cost 3.76sec
epoch 7 lr 0.0092 loss 0.052797 cost 3.81sec
epoch 8 lr 0.0091 loss 0.0427 cost 3.77sec
epoch 9 lr 0.009 loss 0.033315 cost 3.77sec
epoch 10 lr 0.0089 loss 0.039496 cost 4.7sec
epoch 11 lr 0.0088 loss 0.027 cost 3.75sec
epoch 12 lr 0.0087 loss 0.070178 cost 3.74sec
epoch 13 lr 0.0086 loss 0.025219 cost 3.73sec
epoch 14 lr 0.0085 loss 0.032091 cost 3.78sec
epoch 15 lr 0.0084 loss 0.018097 cost 3.76sec
epoch 16 lr 0.0083 loss 0.01304 cost 3.72sec
epoch 17 lr 0.0082 loss 0.01952 cost 3.7sec
epoch 18 lr 0.0081 loss 0.021192 cost 3.72sec
epoch 19 lr 0.008 loss 0.014039 cost 3.7sec
epoch 20 lr 0.0079 loss 0.0090771 cost 4.64sec
epoch 21 lr 0.0078 loss 0.011745 cost 3.72sec
epoch 22 lr 0.0077 loss 0.010465 cost 3.72sec
epoch 23 lr 0.0076 loss 0.0051344 cost 3.76sec
epoch 24 lr 0.0075 loss 0.0034324 cost 3.72sec
epoch 25 lr 0.0074 loss 0.0054304 cost 3.72sec
epoch 26 lr 0.0073 loss 0.0053782 cost 3.73sec
epoch 27 lr 0.0072 loss 0.013608 cost 3.8sec
epoch 28 lr 0.0071 loss 0.0018809 cost 3.78sec
epoch 29 lr 0.007 loss 0.0 cost 3.71sec
epoch 30 lr 0.0069 loss 0.0 cost 4.63sec
epoch 31 lr 0.0068 loss 0.0016717 cost 3.7sec
epoch 32 lr 0.0067 loss 0.00047247 cost 3.72sec
epoch 33 lr 0.0066 loss 0.0046348 cost 3.7sec
epoch 34 lr 0.0065 loss 0.0095667 cost 3.69sec
epoch 35 lr 0.0064 loss 0.0 cost 3.72sec
epoch 36 lr 0.0063 loss 0.0015283 cost 3.69sec
epoch 37 lr 0.0062 loss 0.0028204 cost 3.78sec
epoch 38 lr 0.0061 loss 0.0029066 cost 3.76sec
epoch 39 lr 0.006 loss 0.0010142 cost 3.7sec
epoch 40 lr 0.0059 loss 0.00080929 cost 4.69sec
epoch 41 lr 0.0058 loss 0.0 cost 3.91sec
epoch 42 lr 0.0057 loss 0.0054526 cost 3.91sec
epoch 43 lr 0.0056 loss 0.0086308 cost 3.97sec
epoch 44 lr 0.0055 loss 0.005998 cost 3.94sec
epoch 45 lr 0.0054 loss 0.0053831 cost 3.95sec
epoch 46 lr 0.0053 loss 0.002055 cost 3.83sec
epoch 47 lr 0.0052 loss 0.00061376 cost 3.83sec
epoch 48 lr 0.0051 loss 0.0016937 cost 3.94sec
epoch 49 lr 0.005 loss 0.0040383 cost 3.84sec
epoch 50 lr 0.0049 loss 0.0 cost 4.76sec
epoch 51 lr 0.0048 loss 0.0010044 cost 3.75sec
epoch 52 lr 0.0047 loss 0.0060103 cost 3.72sec
epoch 53 lr 0.0046 loss 0.00088678 cost 3.78sec
epoch 54 lr 0.0045 loss 0.001643 cost 3.8sec
epoch 55 lr 0.0044 loss 0.0009119 cost 3.76sec
epoch 56 lr 0.0043 loss 0.0012086 cost 3.88sec
epoch 57 lr 0.0042 loss 0.0032902 cost 3.84sec
epoch 58 lr 0.0041 loss 0.0 cost 3.7sec
epoch 59 lr 0.004 loss 0.0051439 cost 3.7sec
epoch 60 lr 0.0039 loss 0.0016364 cost 4.7sec
epoch 61 lr 0.0038 loss 0.0 cost 3.8sec
epoch 62 lr 0.0037 loss 0.001702 cost 3.72sec
epoch 63 lr 0.0036 loss 5.177e-05 cost 3.84sec
epoch 64 lr 0.0035 loss 0.0 cost 3.73sec
epoch 65 lr 0.0034 loss 0.0 cost 3.77sec
epoch 66 lr 0.0033 loss 0.00042708 cost 3.8sec
epoch 67 lr 0.0032 loss 0.00044251 cost 3.75sec
epoch 68 lr 0.0031 loss 0.0017798 cost 3.72sec
epoch 69 lr 0.003 loss 0.0017033 cost 3.81sec
epoch 70 lr 0.0029 loss 0.0 cost 4.69sec
epoch 71 lr 0.0028 loss 0.0 cost 3.75sec
epoch 72 lr 0.0027 loss 0.0034812 cost 3.78sec
epoch 73 lr 0.0026 loss 0.0 cost 3.81sec
epoch 74 lr 0.0025 loss 0.0010047 cost 3.73sec
epoch 75 lr 0.0024 loss 0.0012318 cost 3.83sec
epoch 76 lr 0.0023 loss 0.0 cost 3.78sec
epoch 77 lr 0.0022 loss 0.0 cost 3.76sec
epoch 78 lr 0.0021 loss 0.0 cost 3.77sec
epoch 79 lr 0.002 loss 0.0 cost 3.77sec
epoch 80 lr 0.0019 loss 0.00068865 cost 4.77sec
epoch 81 lr 0.0018 loss 0.0 cost 3.72sec
epoch 82 lr 0.0017 loss 0.0 cost 3.75sec
epoch 83 lr 0.0016 loss 0.0 cost 3.73sec
epoch 84 lr 0.0015 loss 0.0 cost 3.73sec
epoch 85 lr 0.0014 loss 0.0023751 cost 3.8sec
epoch 86 lr 0.0013 loss 0.0 cost 3.73sec
epoch 87 lr 0.0012 loss 0.0 cost 3.72sec
epoch 88 lr 0.0011 loss 0.0 cost 3.75sec
epoch 89 lr 0.001 loss 0.00032202 cost 3.78sec
epoch 90 lr 0.0009 loss 0.0 cost 4.7sec
epoch 91 lr 0.0008 loss 0.00096188 cost 3.7sec
epoch 92 lr 0.0007 loss 0.000994 cost 3.78sec
epoch 93 lr 0.0006 loss 0.0 cost 3.8sec
epoch 94 lr 0.0005 loss 2.7467e-05 cost 3.78sec
epoch 95 lr 0.0004 loss 0.0 cost 3.78sec
epoch 96 lr 0.0003 loss 0.00048047 cost 3.77sec
epoch 97 lr 0.0002 loss 5.272e-05 cost 3.81sec
epoch 98 lr 0.0001 loss 0.0002459 cost 3.8sec
epoch 99 lr 0.0 loss 0.0 cost 3.78sec

In [ ]: