Aiida and the aiida-plugins

1. aiida-v0.11.0 installation (released in Jan 2018)

aiida-v0.11.0 was released in Jan, 2018, hence I removed the previous v0.10.0 in my mac, and installed v0.11.0.

In the following, I'll show how to install it and other aiida-plugins in a mac os.

1.1 set up a virtual environment for aiida running

In [ ]:
conda create -n aiida python=2.7 #set a veritual environment

In [ ]:
conda activate aiida
#sometimes in mac, such a command might be requested
sudo ln -s /Users/ywfang/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/ /etc/profile.d/

In [ ]:
conda install postgresql

1.2 install aiida_core of epfl version

Now, we need download the aiida_core v0.11.0 and put it in the folder you like. For me, the directory of the aiida_core is '/Users/ywfang/FANG/study/software/all-aiida'

In [ ]:
git clone

In [ ]:
cd aiida_core

In [ ]:
git checkout -b v0.11.0

In [ ]:
pip install . 
#make sure that you have pip, if it is not available,
#use 'conda install pip'

In [ ]:
#then have a try to see whether it works
veri quicksetup

You can use ctrl-C to stop this "verdi quicksetup" process if you don't want to continue. For me, I was trapped into a cycled program like

(aiida) h44:all-aiida ywfang$ verdi quicksetup Profile name [quicksetup]: aiida1 Email Address (identifies your data when sharing): First Name: Yuewen Last Name: FANG Institution: KyotoUniv Password: Detected no known postgres setup, some information is needed to create the aiida database and grant aiida access to it. If you feel unsure about the following parameters, first check if postgresql is installed. If postgresql is not installed please exit and install it, then run verdi quicksetup again. If postgresql is installed, please ask your system manager to provide you with the following parameters: postgres host [localhost]: postgres port [5432]: template [template1]: postgres super user [postgres]: trying to access postgres.. postgres password of postgres []: postgres host [localhost]: postgres port [5432]: template [template1]: postgres super user [postgres]: trying to access postgres.. postgres password of postgres []: postgres host [localhost]: postgres port [5432]: template [template1]: postgres super user [postgres]: trying to access postgres.. postgres password of postgres []: postgres host [localhost]: postgres port [5432]: template [template1]: postgres super user [postgres]: trying to access postgres.. postgres password of postgres []: postgres host [localhost]: postgres port [5432]: template [template1]: postgres super user [postgres]: trying to access postgres.. postgres password of postgres []: postgres host [localhost]: postgres port [5432]: template [template1]: postgres super user [postgres]: .... .... ....

1.3 postgresql settings

As you can see in the last section, obvisouly it had a problem related to the postgres, hence in this morning, I talked to Abel, and finally solved this problem. This problem might come from that we didn't set anything for the postgres. (For the aiida version 0.10.0, I didn't have this problem. We can configure the database after 'verdi quciksetup'. However, if you are using the v0.11.0, just follow my subsequent operations)

Actually, aiida website has already displayed some content on the database:

h44:all-aiida ywfang$ brew services restart postgresql ==> Tapping homebrew/services Cloning into '/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-services'... remote: Counting objects: 14, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (10/10), done. remote: Total 14 (delta 0), reused 9 (delta 0), pack-reused 0 Unpacking objects: 100% (14/14), done. Tapped 0 formulae (43 files, 55.4KB) ==> Successfully started `postgresql` (label: homebrew.mxcl.postgresql) h44:all-aiida ywfang$ psql postgres psql (10.1) Type "help" for help. postgres=# ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD '123456'; ERROR: role "postgres" does not exist postgres=# ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD '123456' template1 postgres-# ; ERROR: unrecognized role option "template1" LINE 1: ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD '123456' template1 ^ postgres=# CREATE ROLE postgres; CREATE ROLE postgres=# ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD '123456'; ALTER ROLE postgres=# ALTER USER postgres with superuser; ALTER ROLE postgres=# \q h44:all-aiida ywfang$ psql psql: FATAL: database "ywfang" does not exist h44:all-aiida ywfang$ psql postgres psql (10.1) Type "help" for help. postgres-# \q h44:all-aiida ywfang$

Now, let's go back to 'verdi quciksetup'

(aiida) h44:all-aiida ywfang$ verdi quicksetup Profile name [quicksetup]: aiida1 Email Address (identifies your data when sharing): First Name: YW Last Name: FANG Institution: KU Executing now a migrate command... ...for Django backend Operations to perform: Apply all migrations: contenttypes, db, sites, auth, sessions Running migrations: Applying contenttypes.0001_initial... OK Applying auth.0001_initial... OK Applying db.0001_initial... OK Applying db.0002_db_state_change... OK Applying db.0003_add_link_type... OK Applying db.0004_add_daemon_and_uuid_indices... OK Applying db.0005_add_cmtime_indices... OK Applying db.0006_delete_dbpath... OK Applying db.0007_update_linktypes... OK Applying sessions.0001_initial... OK Applying sites.0001_initial... OK Database was created successfully Loading new environment... Installing default AiiDA user... Starting user configuration for Configuring a new user with email '' >> User YW FANG saved. << ** NOTE: no password set for this user, so he/she will not be able to login via the REST API and the Web Interface. Setup finished.

Run 'verdi daemon start', the computer will remind you that you haven't set up the daemon user, then just follow it (As you will see below, I use my email address as the default user).

(aiida) h44:all-aiida ywfang$ verdi daemon start You are not the daemon user! I will not start the daemon. (The daemon user is 'aiida@localhost', you are '') ** FOR ADVANCED USERS ONLY: ** To change the current default user, use 'verdi install --only-config' To change the daemon user, use 'verdi daemon configureuser' (aiida) h44:all-aiida ywfang$ verdi daemon configureuser > Current default user: > Currently configured user who can run the daemon: aiida@localhost (therefore, you cannot run the daemon, at the moment) **************************************************************************** * WARNING! Change this setting only if you are sure of what you are doing. * * Moreover, make sure that the daemon is stopped. * **************************************************************************** Are you really sure that you want to change the daemon user? [y/N] y Enter below the email of the new user who can run the daemon. New daemon user: The new user that can run the daemon is now YW FANG. (aiida) h44:all-aiida ywfang$ verdi daemon start Clearing all locks ... Starting AiiDA Daemon (log file: /Users/ywfang/.aiida/daemon/log/celery.log)... Re-initializing workflow stepper stop timestamp Daemon started

Please check the status of daemon:

In [ ]:
(aiida) h44:all-aiida ywfang$ verdi daemon status
# Most recent daemon timestamp:0h:00m:06s ago
Daemon is running as pid 15885 since 2018-01-19 11:38:47.813955, child processes:
   * python2.7[15892]    running, started at 2018-01-19 11:38:48
   * python2.7[15893]    running, started at 2018-01-19 11:38:48
   * python2.7[15894]    running, started at 2018-01-19 11:38:48
   * python2.7[15895]    running, started at 2018-01-19 11:38:48
   * python2.7[15896]    running, started at 2018-01-19 11:38:48
(aiida) h44:all-aiida ywfang$ verdi daemon status
# Most recent daemon timestamp:0h:00m:08s ago
Daemon is running as pid 15885 since 2018-01-19 11:38:47.813955, child processes:
   * python2.7[15892]    running, started at 2018-01-19 11:38:48
   * python2.7[15893]    running, started at 2018-01-19 11:38:48
   * python2.7[15894]    running, started at 2018-01-19 11:38:48
   * python2.7[15895]    running, started at 2018-01-19 11:38:48
   * python2.7[15896]    running, started at 2018-01-19 11:38:48

From the output on the screen, it's quite different from that of aiida-v0.10.1. As a comparion, I presented the output of aiida-v0.10.1:

In [ ]:
(aiida) ywfang@ywfang:~$ verdi daemon status
# Most recent daemon timestamp:0h:00m:09s ago
## Found 1 process running:
   * aiida-daemon[aiida-daemon] RUNNING    pid 12373, uptime 2 days, 22:04:52

Obvisouly, the latest versin 0.11.0 provides us more information about the processes.

2. Installing plugins

2.1 Installing aiida-vasp plugin

I creted a plugin folder: /Users/ywfang/FANG/study/software/all-aiida/aiida_plugins

In [ ]:
git clone

After git, you'll see a new folder named aiida-vasp

In [ ]:
cd aiida-vasp/

In [ ]:
git checkout develop #switch to develop version

pymatgen parser setting: this step is quite important for aiida-vasp plugin. Although I don't like this feature very much because I usually forgot this step. Luckily, Abel have reminded me for many times ( at least 5, -_- ) in the latest month. Great thanks to him.

vi aiida_vasp/calcs/, change the line

default_parser = 'vasp.vasp'


default_parser = 'vasp.pymatgen'

In [ ]:
pip install . # installed successfully

In [ ]:

2.2 Installing aiida-phonopy plugin

In [ ]:
git clone #this code was developped by Abel

You then see a folder "aiida-phonopy"

In [ ]:
cd aiida-phonopy

git checkout development #switch to develop version

In [ ]:
pip install . # installed successfully

2.3 Verdi command completion configuration

The verdi command line tool has many commands and options. To simplify its usage, simply run the following command:

$ verdi completioncommand

Please append the output to the activation script of your virtual environment (or e.g. .bashrc). Alternatively, you can accomplish the same by simply adding the following line to the activation script:

eval "$(verdi completioncommand)"

For myself, in my ubuntu, I just added

eval "$(verdi completioncommand)"



in my mac, I jsut add a line to my .bashrc

alias aiida="conda activate aiida; sleep 1s; eval '$(verdi completioncommand)'" (It seems that it doesn't always work well in my mac. Updated in Jan 31 2018)

In addition, we can also customize the configuration directory location of aiida. This will allow us to use several different versions of aiida-core. Here, I only installed one version, hence will attach more words to this configurations. For you information, please visit the website of (aiida)[].

Appeded note in March 22th, 2008: I found in version.0.11.3, we only need run 'verdi completioncommand', and add its output to .bashrc. The method of adding eval command to activate seems not work. YWFANG

Since in 'verdi quicksetup', I didn't use the passward, hence I run 'verdi setup aiida1', and reset my profile. The profile information is stored in a file like:


2.4 Setup of computers

2.4.1 Setup the computer

For the supercomputer you want to perform calculations, before settupng up the computer, you have to prepar a password-less connection to the computer. (use ssh-keygen, there are many blogs on this topic.) Here, I skip this step, and go to the 'verdi comptuer setup' directly.

In [ ]:
(aiida) h44:aiida_plugins ywfang$ verdi computer setup
At any prompt, type ? to get some help.
=> Computer name: stern-lab
Creating new computer with name 'stern-lab'
=> Fully-qualified hostname:  #here is the IP address of your computer
=> Description: go to stern-lab from mac
=> Enabled: True
=> Transport type: ssh
=> Scheduler type: sge
=> shebang line at the beginning of the submission script: #!/bin/bash
=> AiiDA work directory: /home/ywfang/aiida_run_mac
=> mpirun command: mpirun -np {tot_num_mpiprocs}
=> Text to prepend to each command execution: 
   # This is a multiline input, press CTRL+D on a
   # empty line when you finish
   # ------------------------------------------
   # End of old input. You can keep adding     
   # lines, or press CTRL+D to store this value
   # ------------------------------------------
export PATH=/usr/local/calc/openmpi-1.10.2-ifort-togo/bin/:$PATH  #change these two lines according to your system
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/069/lib/intel64/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
=> Text to append to each command execution: 
   # This is a multiline input, press CTRL+D on a
   # empty line when you finish
   # ------------------------------------------
   # End of old input. You can keep adding     
   # lines, or press CTRL+D to store this value
   # ------------------------------------------
Computer 'stern-lab' successfully stored in DB.
pk: 1, uuid: f54386aa-0b7f-4576-8faa-666d9429980c
Note: before using it with AiiDA, configure it using the command
  verdi computer configure stern-lab
(Note: machine_dependent transport parameters cannot be set via 
the command-line interface at the moment)

Set up local computer as localhost

Appended note in March 5th 2018


It is also possible to setup a local computer as a host to do computations. For example, I show the lcoal computer information:

Computer name: localhost

  • PK: 4
  • UUID: ..................
  • Description: my local computer
  • Hostname: localhost
  • Enabled: True
  • Transport type: local
  • Scheduler type: direct
  • Work directory: /home/ywfang/aiidalocal-run
  • mpirun command:
  • Default number of cpus per machine: 8
  • Used by: 4 nodes
  • prepend text: # No prepend text.
  • append text: # No append text.

After setting up the local computer, remeber to configure this computer.

Here, correspondingly I give the code information in my local computer as an example:

  • PK: 186209
    • UUID:
    • Label: phonopy
    • Description: phonopy in localhost
    • Default plugin: phonopy.phonopy
    • Used by: 1 calculations
    • Type: remote
    • Remote machine: localhost
    • Remote absolute path: /home/ywfang/miniconda3/envs/aiida/bin/phonopy
    • prepend text: # No prepend text.
    • append text: # No append text.

A comment to the 'direct' scheduler:

The direct scheduler, to be used mainly for debugging, is an implementation of a scheduler plugin that does not require a real scheduler installed, but instead directly executes a command, puts it in the background, and checks for its process ID (PID) to discover if the execution is completed.


The direct execution mode is very fragile. Currently, it spawns a separate Bash shell to execute a job and track each shell by process ID (PID). This poses following problems:

PID numeration is reset during reboots; PID numeration is different from machine to machine, thus direct execution is not possible in multi-machine clusters, redirecting each SSH login to a different node in round-robin fashion; there is no real queueing, hence, all calculation started will be run in parallel.

2.4.1 Configure the computer

In [ ]:
(aiida) h44:aiida_plugins ywfang$ verdi computer configure stern-lab
Configuring computer 'stern-lab' for the AiiDA user ''
Computer stern-lab has transport of type ssh

Note: to leave a field unconfigured, leave it empty and press [Enter]
=> username = ywfang
=> port = 22
=> look_for_keys = ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Error in the inserted value: look_for_keys must be an boolean
=> look_for_keys = 
=> key_filename = ~/.ssh/id_rsa
=> timeout = 60
=> allow_agent = 
=> proxy_command = 
=> compress = False
=> gss_auth = no
=> gss_kex = no
=> gss_deleg_creds = no
=> gss_host =
=> load_system_host_keys = True
=> key_policy = WarningPolicy
Configuration stored for your user on computer 'stern-lab'.

2.4.2 Test the computer

In [ ]:
(aiida) h44:aiida_plugins ywfang$ verdi computer test stern-lab
Testing computer 'stern-lab' for user
> Testing connection...
> Getting job list...
  `-> OK, 30 jobs found in the queue.
> Creating a temporary file in the work directory...
  [Deleted successfully]
Test completed (all 3 tests succeeded)

2.4.3 Some useful commands

verdi computer list

to get a list of existing computers, and:

verdi computer show COMPUTERNAME

to get detailed information on the specific computer named COMPUTERNAME. You have also the:



verdi computer delete COMPUTERNAME

In [ ]:

2.5 Setup the code

Basically there are two kinds of code for aiida. One is local code, the other one is the socalled remote code that is in a supercomputer or cluster. Please ref to (aiida)[] about their differences.

Here I show a example to setup a remote code (vasp):

In [ ]:
(aiida) h44:aiida_plugins ywfang$ verdi code setup
At any prompt, type ? to get some help.
=> Label: vasp
=> Description: vasp541 at stern-lab
=> Local: False
=> Default input plugin: vasp.vasp # you can use verdi calculation plugins to check what plugins you have
=> Remote computer name: stern-lab
=> Remote absolute path: /usr/local/vasp/vasp541
=> Text to prepend to each command execution
   # This is a multiline input, press CTRL+D on a
   # empty line when you finish
   # ------------------------------------------
   # End of old input. You can keep adding     
   # lines, or press CTRL+D to store this value
   # ------------------------------------------
=> Text to append to each command execution: 
   # This is a multiline input, press CTRL+D on a
   # empty line when you finish
   # ------------------------------------------
   # End of old input. You can keep adding     
   # lines, or press CTRL+D to store this value
   # ------------------------------------------
Code 'vasp' successfully stored in DB.
pk: 1, uuid: 03875075-0cc1-4938-8943-c46d3ee2aecd

Attention For setting up code for phonopy and phono3py, the "Defult input plugins" are phonopy.phonopy and phonopy.phono3py respectively.

Some useful commands:

verdi code rename "ID" (for example, vasp@stern-lab is an ID)

verdi code list

verdi code show "ID"

verdi code delete "ID"

2.6 Run example

Now, you can now test some examples. Please always remeber to restart your daemon if you make some midifications on the environment or something related to the computer or code: verdi daemon restart

The example I tested comes from the aiida-vasp plugin (prabably I made some small modifications):

In [ ]:
import click
import numpy

@click.option('--paw-family', type=str, default='vasp-test')
@click.option('--import-from', type=click.Path(), default='.')
@click.option('--queue', type=str, default='')
@click.argument('code', type=str)
@click.argument('computer', type=str)
def test_vasp(paw_family, import_from, queue, code, computer):
    from aiida.orm import CalculationFactory, Code
    if import_from:
        import_paws(import_from, paw_family)
  #  try:
    paw_si = get_paws(paw_family)
   # except ValueError as err:
   #     click.echo(err.msg, err=True)
   #     raise ValueError(
   #         'give a valid family or import a new one (run with --help)')

    vasp_calc = CalculationFactory('vasp.vasp')()
    code = Code.get_from_string('{}@{}'.format(code, computer))
    # vasp_calc.use_paw(paw_in, 'In')
    # vasp_calc.use_paw(paw_as, 'As')
    vasp_calc.use_paw(paw_si, 'Si')
        'num_machines': 1,
        'parallel_env': 'mpi*',
        'tot_num_mpiprocs': 16
    vasp_calc.label = 'Test VASP run'
    vasp_calc = CalculationFactory('vasp.vasp')

    #from aiida_vasp.parsers.pymatgen_vasp import PymatgenParser
    #        'pymatgen_parser': {
    #            'exception_on_bad_xml': False,
    #            'parse_dos': False
    #        }
    #    }

def load_dbenv_if_not_loaded():
    from aiida import load_dbenv, is_dbenv_loaded
    if not is_dbenv_loaded():

def get_data_cls(descriptor):
    from aiida.orm import DataFactory
    return DataFactory(descriptor)

def create_structure():
    structure_cls = get_data_cls('structure')
    structure = structure_cls(
        cell=numpy.array([[0, .5, .5], [.5, 0, .5], [.5, .5, 0]]) * 6.058, )
    structure.append_atom(position=(0, 0, 0), symbols='In')
    structure.append_atom(position=(0.25, 0.25, 0.25), symbols='As')
    return structure

def create_structure2():
	import numpy as np
	from aiida.orm import DataFactory
	StructureData = DataFactory('structure')

	a = 5.404
	cell = [[a, 0, 0],
	        [0, a, 0],
	        [0, 0, a]]
	symbols=['Si'] * 8
	scaled_positions = [(0.875,  0.875,  0.875),
	                    (0.875,  0.375,  0.375),
	                    (0.375,  0.875,  0.375),
	                    (0.375,  0.375,  0.875),
	                    (0.125,  0.125,  0.125),
	                    (0.125,  0.625,  0.625),
	                    (0.625,  0.125,  0.625),
	                    (0.625,  0.625,  0.125)]
	structure = StructureData(cell=cell)
	positions =, cell)

	for i, scaled_position in enumerate(scaled_positions):
	    structure.append_atom(, cell).tolist(),
	return structure

def create_kpoints():
    kpoints_cls = get_data_cls('array.kpoints')
    return kpoints_cls(kpoints_mesh=[8, 8, 8])

def create_params():
    param_cls = get_data_cls('parameter')
    return param_cls(dict={
        'SYSTEM': 'InAs',
        'EDIFF': 1e-5,
        'ISMEAR': 0,
        'SIGMA': 0.05,
        'ENCUT': '280.00 eV',
        'LEPSILON': '.TRUE.'

def import_paws(folder_path, family_name):
    from aiida.orm import DataFactory
    paw_cls = DataFactory('vasp.paw')
        folder_path, familyname=family_name, family_desc='Test family')

def get_paws(family_name):
    from aiida.orm import DataFactory
    paw_cls = DataFactory('vasp.paw')
    #paw_in = paw_cls.load_paw(family=family_name, symbol='In')[0]
    #paw_as = paw_cls.load_paw(family=family_name, symbol='As')[0]
    paw_si = paw_cls.load_paw(family=family_name, symbol='Si')[0]

    return paw_si

if __name__ == '__main__':

The command to run this job:

"python --import-from /Users/ywfang/FANG/study/software/all-aiida/aiida_plugins/test-example-for-mac/VASP_TEST/Si vasp boston-lab"

Check the status of the calculations

In [ ]:
(aiida) h44:test-example-for-mac ywfang$ verdi calculation list -a
# Last daemon state_updater check: 0h:00m:07s ago (at 18:02:35 on 2018-01-19)
  PK  Creation    State     Sched. state    Computer    Type
----  ----------  --------  --------------  ----------  ---------
  18  4m ago      FINISHED  DONE            boston-lab  vasp.vasp

Total results: 1

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

The calculation of primitive_axis in phonopy

In [ ]:
(*Take KF compound as an example*)
(*In the unit cell of cubic KF,
there are 8 atoms, half of them are K, and the other half are F*)

This is the unit cell structure:
 5.3683051700000002 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000
 0.0000000000000000 5.3683051700000002 0.0000000000000000
 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 5.3683051700000002
 F K
 4 4
 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000
 0.0000000000000000 0.5000000000000000 0.5000000000000000
 0.5000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.5000000000000000
 0.5000000000000000 0.5000000000000000 0.0000000000000000
 0.5000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000
 0.5000000000000000 0.5000000000000000 0.5000000000000000
 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.5000000000000000
 0.0000000000000000 0.5000000000000000 0.0000000000000000

#(*using "phonopy --symmetry --tol=0.01" to get the primitive psocar*)
 The primitive poscar is 
 F K
      0.0000000000000000    2.6841525850000001    2.6841525850000001
      2.6841525850000001    0.0000000000000000    2.6841525850000001
      2.6841525850000001    2.6841525850000001    0.0000000000000000
    1    1
   0.0000000000000000  0.0000000000000000  0.0000000000000000
   0.5000000000000000  0.5000000000000000  0.5000000000000000

In [14]:
import numpy as np

uc_vector = np.matrix([
    [5.3683051700000002, 0, 0],
    [0, 5.3683051700000002, 0],
    [0, 0, 5.3683051700000002]

matrix([[ 5.36830517,  0.        ,  0.        ],
        [ 0.        ,  5.36830517,  0.        ],
        [ 0.        ,  0.        ,  5.36830517]])

In [15]:
primitive_vector = np.matrix([
    [0, 2.6841525850000001, 2.6841525850000001],
    [2.6841525850000001, 0, 2.6841525850000001],
    [2.6841525850000001, 2.6841525850000001, 0]

matrix([[ 0.        ,  2.68415259,  2.68415259],
        [ 2.68415259,  0.        ,  2.68415259],
        [ 2.68415259,  2.68415259,  0.        ]])

In [16]:
x = np.linalg.solve(uc_vector.T, primitive_vector.T)

matrix([[ 0. ,  0.5,  0.5],
        [ 0.5,  0. ,  0.5],
        [ 0.5,  0.5,  0. ]])

The solved x is the primitive_aixs that can be used in the phononpy calculations

now, let's add another example of Boron crystal

In [ ]:
#the conventional cell of B contains 36 atoms
     4.8786175399999996    0.0000000000000000    0.0000000000000000
    -2.4393087699999998    4.2250067299999996    0.0000000000000000
     0.0000000000000000    0.0000000000000000   12.5104310900000009
   0.8810421900000001  0.1189578100000000  0.1082863700000000
   0.2379156300000000  0.1189578100000000  0.1082863700000000
   0.8810421900000001  0.7620843700000000  0.1082863700000000
   0.7856244800000000  0.5712489599999999  0.2250469600000000
   0.7856244800000000  0.2143755200000000  0.2250469600000000
   0.4287510400000000  0.2143755200000000  0.2250469600000000
   0.4692953000000000  0.5307047000000000  0.3089958100000000
   0.0614094100000000  0.5307047000000000  0.3089958100000000
   0.4692953000000000  0.9385905900000000  0.3089958100000000
   0.1973713700000000  0.3947427400000000  0.0243375300000000
   0.1973713700000000  0.8026286300000001  0.0243375300000000
   0.6052572600000000  0.8026286300000001  0.0243375300000000
   0.5477088500000000  0.4522911500000000  0.4416197100000000
   0.9045823000000000  0.4522911500000000  0.4416197100000000
   0.5477088500000000  0.0954177000000000  0.4416197100000000
   0.4522911500000000  0.9045823000000000  0.5583802900000000
   0.4522911500000000  0.5477088500000000  0.5583802900000000
   0.0954177000000000  0.5477088500000000  0.5583802900000000
   0.1359619600000000  0.8640380400000001  0.6423291400000000
   0.7280760700000000  0.8640380400000001  0.6423291400000000
   0.1359619600000000  0.2719239300000000  0.6423291400000000
   0.8640380400000001  0.7280760700000000  0.3576708600000000
   0.8640380400000001  0.1359619600000000  0.3576708600000000
   0.2719239300000000  0.1359619600000000  0.3576708600000000
   0.2143755200000000  0.7856244800000000  0.7749530400000000
   0.5712489599999999  0.7856244800000000  0.7749530400000000
   0.2143755200000000  0.4287510400000000  0.7749530400000000
   0.1189578100000000  0.2379156300000000  0.8917136300000000
   0.1189578100000000  0.8810421900000001  0.8917136300000000
   0.7620843700000000  0.8810421900000001  0.8917136300000000
   0.8026286300000001  0.1973713700000000  0.9756624699999999
   0.3947427400000000  0.1973713700000000  0.9756624699999999
   0.8026286300000001  0.6052572600000000  0.9756624699999999
   0.5307047000000000  0.0614094100000000  0.6910041900000000
   0.5307047000000000  0.4692953000000000  0.6910041900000000
   0.9385905900000000  0.4692953000000000  0.6910041900000000
  #the primitive cell of B can be written as (use phonopy command to get this primitive cell)
     2.4393087710850549    1.4083355756225715    4.1701436966666670
    -2.4393087710850549    1.4083355756225715    4.1701436966666670
     0.0000000000000000   -2.8166711512451430    4.1701436966666670
  0.9893285600000000  0.3462020033333332  0.9893285600000000
  0.3462020033333332  0.9893285600000000  0.9893285600000000
  0.9893285600000000  0.9893285600000000  0.3462020033333332
  0.0106714399999999  0.0106714399999998  0.6537979966666668
  0.0106714399999999  0.6537979966666666  0.0106714400000000
  0.6537979966666667  0.0106714400000000  0.0106714400000000
  0.7782911033333333  0.3704052166666665  0.7782911033333333
  0.3704052166666665  0.7782911033333333  0.7782911033333333
  0.7782911033333333  0.7782911033333333  0.3704052166666666
  0.2217088966666666  0.2217088966666666  0.6295947833333334
  0.2217088966666666  0.6295947833333333  0.2217088966666668
  0.6295947833333333  0.2217088966666665  0.2217088966666668

In [13]:
import numpy as np

uc_vector_B = np.matrix([
    [4.8786175399999996,    0.0000000000000000,    0.0000000000000000],
    [-2.4393087699999998,    4.2250067299999996,    0.0000000000000000],
    [0.0000000000000000,    0.0000000000000000,   12.5104310900000009]

primitive_vector_B = np.matrix([
    [2.4393087710850549,    1.4083355756225715,   4.1701436966666670],
    [-2.4393087710850549,    1.4083355756225715,    4.1701436966666670],
    [0.0000000000000000,   -2.8166711512451430,    4.1701436966666670]

x_B  = np.linalg.solve(uc_vector_B.T, primitive_vector_B.T)

#The structures of the two above examples are taken from Togo-sensei's phonon databse (I could have relaxed them with higher accuracy)
#the phonopy.conf in the database includes the information of primitive_aixs that can be referenced here as a comprision with my
#calculations here.
#for the definition of primitive_axis in phonopy, please see the manual or visit 

matrix([[ 0.66666667, -0.33333333, -0.33333333],
        [ 0.33333333,  0.33333333, -0.66666667],
        [ 0.33333333,  0.33333333,  0.33333333]])

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

an example of spider

In [ ]:
import urllib2                                                # needed for functions,classed for opening urls.
url = raw_input( "enter the url needed for downloading file(pdf,mp3,zip...etc)\n");
usock = urllib2.urlopen(url)                                  #function for opening desired url
file_name = url.split('/')[-1]                                #Example : for given url "" file_name will store "chap6.pdf"
f = open(file_name, 'wb')                                     #opening file for write and that too in binary mode.
file_size = int("Content-Length")[0]) #getting size in bytes of file(pdf,mp3...)
print "Downloading: %s Bytes: %s" % (file_name, file_size)
downloaded = 0
block_size = 8192                                            #bytes to be downloaded in each loop till file pointer does not return eof
while True:
   buff =
     if not buff:                                             #file pointer reached the eof
   downloaded = downloaded + len(buff)
   download_status = r"%3.2f%%" % (downloaded * 100.00 / file_size) #Simple mathematics
   download_status = download_status + (len(download_status)+1) * chr(8)
   print download_status,"done"

aiida phono3py data analysis

  1. verdi calculation list to get the pk number corresponding to the raw data.

  2. Run verdi shell

In [ ]:
#we can run do some interactive programming in the verdi shell
# verdi shell is a ipython based api of aiida
#Abel taught me about this analysis in Jan 19 2018

n = load_node(50442)  





array = n.out.kappa.get_array('kappa')

For example: In [9]: n.out.kappa.get_arraynames() Out[9]: [u'group_velocity', u'temperature', u'mesh', u'heat_capacity', u'frequency', u'gv_by_gv', u'gamma', u'weight', u'kappa', u'kappa_unit_conversion', u'qpoint', u'mode_kappa']

In [ ]: