In [1]:
import pandas as pd
pd.options.display.max_columns = 500

import numpy as np
from collections import defaultdict

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

from pymystem3 import Mystem; mystem = Mystem()
from functools import lru_cache

from tqdm import tqdm

%matplotlib inline

Ввод данных

In [2]:
data = pd.read_csv('../data/DATA_MANY_TOPICS.csv')
data = data[~((data.topic == 'forces') & (data.url.str.contains('')))]

In [3]:
data.drop('index', 1, inplace=True)
data.drop(data[data.topic == 'football'].sample(25000).index, inplace=True)
data.drop(data[data.topic == 'hockey'].sample(5000).index, inplace=True)
data.drop(data[data.topic == 'business'].sample(12000).index, inplace=True)
data.drop(data[data.topic == 'politics'].sample(5000).index, inplace=True)

In [4]:

text title topic url
32797 \n Завтра компания Boeing должна представить ... \n Boeing в пятницу предста... business
74363 Высший хозяйственный суд Украины признал закон... Суд на Украине отклонил жалобу «Газпрома» на ш... companies
6431 \n \n \n В конце января 2015 г. собрание акци... \n ПГК может заплатить мате... business
95102 Президент России Владимир Путин внес в Госдуму... Путин внес в Госдуму закон об исключении НКО и... politics
73983 Одна из крупнейших американских авиакомпаний D... Американская Delta прекратит полеты в Москву companies

In [5]:
print('Number of news:', len(data))

Number of news: 133529

In [6]:
print('Number of topics:', data.topic.nunique())

Number of topics: 32

In [7]:
topics_freq = data.topic.value_counts(normalize=True, ascending=True)
media_freq = data.url.apply(lambda x: x.split('/')[2].replace('www.', '').replace('.ru', '')).value_counts(normalize=True, ascending=True)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(24, 7))
ax[0].bar(range(len(media_freq)), media_freq.values, color='#6C7A89')
ax[0].set_xticklabels(media_freq.index, rotation=90)

ax[1].bar(range(len(topics_freq)), topics_freq.values, color='#6C7A89')
ax[1].set_xticklabels(topics_freq.index, rotation=90)
fig.savefig('../docs/images/media_topi_distr.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')

In [8]:
class Pipeline(object):
    def __init__(self, *args):
        self.transformations = args
    def __call__(self, x):
        res = x
        for f in self.transformations:
            res = f(res)
        return res

In [9]:
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from stop_words import get_stop_words
en_sw = get_stop_words('en')
ru_sw = get_stop_words('ru')
STOP_WORDS = set(en_sw) | set(ru_sw)
STOP_WORDS = STOP_WORDS | set(stopwords.words('russian')) | set(stopwords.words('english'))
STOP_WORDS = STOP_WORDS | set(['лента', 'новость', 'риа', 'тасс',
                               'редакция', 'газета', 'корра', 'daily',
                               'village', 'интерфакс', 'reuters', 'уточняться'])

def remove_ria(text):
    prefix = text[:50]
    ria = 'РИА Новости'
    if ria in prefix:
        text = text[text.find(ria)+len(ria)+1:]
    return text

def remove_tass(text):
    prefix = text[:100]
    return text[max(0, prefix.find('/.')+1):]

def get_lower(text):
    return str(text).lower().strip()

def remove_punctuation(text):
    return ''.join([c if c.isalpha() or c in ['-',"'"] else ' ' for c in text])

def get_word_normal_form(word):
    return ''.join(mystem.lemmatize(word)).strip().replace('ё', 'е').strip('-')

def lemmatize_words(text):
    res = []
    for word in text.split():
        norm_form = get_word_normal_form(word)
        if len(norm_form) > 2 and norm_form not in STOP_WORDS:
    return ' '.join(res)

In [10]:
TEXT_PIPELINE = Pipeline(remove_tass, remove_ria, get_lower, remove_punctuation, lemmatize_words)

In [11]:
data.text = data.text.progress_apply(TEXT_PIPELINE)

100%|██████████| 133529/133529 [01:10<00:00, 1895.47it/s]
CPU times: user 50.4 s, sys: 2.79 s, total: 53.2 s
Wall time: 1min 10s

In [12]:
data.title = data.title.progress_apply(TEXT_PIPELINE)

100%|██████████| 133529/133529 [00:02<00:00, 46215.67it/s]
CPU times: user 2.55 s, sys: 44 ms, total: 2.6 s
Wall time: 2.9 s

In [13]:
vocabulary = defaultdict(int)
for news in data.itertuples():
    for word in news.text.split():
        vocabulary[word] += 1
print('Unique words in dataset:', len(vocabulary))

Unique words in dataset: 221299

In [14]:
n_min_occurance = 2
print('Number of words occured more than %d times: %d' % 
      (n_min_occurance, len(list(filter(lambda x: x[1] >= n_min_occurance, vocabulary.items())))))

Number of words occured more than 2 times: 130810

In [15]:
top_k = 20
print('Top %d most frequent words:' % top_k)
for i, (word, freq) in enumerate(sorted(vocabulary.items(), key=lambda x: -x[1])[:top_k]):
    print(i+1, word, freq)

Top 20 most frequent words:
1 россия 97940
2 сообщать 84250
3 компания 83968
4 свой 66420
5 российский 56077
6 становиться 51070
7 заявлять 48255
8 слово 45769
9 отмечать 41966
10 сша 40559
11 страна 39156
12 получать 39063
13 новый 38732
14 президент 37611
15 млрд 35300
16 ранее 32765
17 данный 31246
18 москва 30867
19 представитель 30209
20 млн 30089

Получим baseline решение с помощью SVM

In [53]:
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, cross_val_score
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression, SGDClassifier
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, f1_score, confusion_matrix, make_scorer, classification_report
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC

from scipy.sparse import hstack

Закодируем целевую переменную

In [17]:
le = LabelEncoder()
data.topic = le.fit_transform(data.topic)

Разделим данные на train и validation

In [18]:
trainX = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(data.title + ' ' + data.text, columns=['text']), data.url], axis=1)
trainY = data.topic

In [19]:

text url
1 новак брюссельский договоренность снижать риск...
2 медведев поручать усовершенствовать защита бан...
3 россельхознадзор проинспектировать предприятие...
4 walt disney становиться самый прибыльный компа...
6 украина рассчитывать цена российский газ кварт...

In [20]:
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(trainX, trainY, test_size=0.3,
                                                    stratify=trainY, random_state=42)

Вычислим tf-idf

In [21]:
tfidf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(min_df=3, ngram_range=(1,2), lowercase=False).fit(trainX.text)

CPU times: user 1min 3s, sys: 492 ms, total: 1min 3s
Wall time: 1min 3s

In [22]:
X_train_tf = tfidf_vectorizer.transform(X_train.text)
X_test_tf = tfidf_vectorizer.transform(X_test.text)

Обучим SVM

In [95]:
# clf = LinearSVC(C=1, max_iter=10000, loss='hinge', random_state=42)
clf = SGDClassifier(loss='hinge', n_iter=70, random_state=42, n_jobs=8, alpha=1e-5)

In [96]:
%%time, y_train)
svm_prediciton = clf.predict(X_test_tf)
print('F1 score:', f1_score(y_test, svm_prediciton, average='macro'))
print('Accuracy:', accuracy_score(y_test, svm_prediciton))

F1 score: 0.886029602088
Accuracy: 0.879228138496
CPU times: user 8min 10s, sys: 188 ms, total: 8min 10s
Wall time: 2min 3s

Построим нормализованную матрицу потерь

In [99]:
def plot_confusion_matrix(true, pred, class_names, filename=None):
    cm = confusion_matrix(true, pred)
    cm_normalized = cm / cm.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
    classes = [c for c in class_names]
    df_cm = pd.DataFrame(np.round(cm_normalized, 2), columns=classes, index=classes)
    sns.set_context("notebook", font_scale=1.4);
    plt.figure(figsize=(20, 20))
    ax = sns.heatmap(df_cm, annot=True, linewidths=.5, fmt='g', cbar=False, square=True, annot_kws={"size": 10});
    ax.set_xlabel('Предсказанный класс', fontsize=16)
    ax.set_ylabel('Истинный класс', fontsize=16)
    ax.set_xticklabels(ax.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=90);
    if filename:
        plt.savefig('../docs/images/{}.pdf'.format(filename), bbox_inches='tight')
    return cm_normalized

In [100]:
svm_cm_normalized = plot_confusion_matrix(y_test, svm_prediciton, le.classes_, 'svm_confusion_matrix')

In [50]:
def plot_accuracy_per_class(conf_matrix, classes, filename=None):
    class_scores = {}
    for i in range(conf_matrix.shape[0]):
        class_scores[classes[i]] = conf_matrix[i,i]

    topics = []
    scores = []
    for topic, score in sorted(class_scores.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]):

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(12, 12))
    ax.barh(range(len(topics)), scores, color='#6C7A89')
    ax.set_xticks(np.arange(0, 1.01, 0.1));
    if filename:
        fig.savefig('../docs/images/{}.pdf'.format(filename), bbox_inches='tight')

In [ ]:
plot_accuracy_per_class(svm_cm_normalized, le.classes_, 'svm_accuracy_per_class')

Посмотрим на ошибки классификации

In [ ]:
# for i, (true, pred) in enumerate(zip(y_test, clf_prediciton)):
#     if true == le.transform(['technologies'])[0] and pred == le.transform(['realty'])[0]:
#         print(X_test[i][1])

Выведем слова с максимальным весом внутри каждого класса

In [ ]:
def print_top_K(vectorizer, clf, class_labels, k=10):
    """Prints features with the highest coefficient values, per class"""
    feature_names = vectorizer.get_feature_names()
    top_words = {}
    for i, class_label in enumerate(class_labels):
        top_K = np.argsort(clf.coef_[i])[-k:]
        top_words[class_label] = [feature_names[j] for j in top_K]
    return pd.DataFrame(top_words)

In [ ]:
df = print_top_K(tfidf_vectorizer, clf, le.classes_, k=8)

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
with open('top_10_svm_words.tex', 'w') as f: 
    print(df.transpose().to_latex(escape=False, header=False, column_format=column_format), file=f)

Обучим Word2vec

In [ ]:
from gensim.models import Word2Vec
import logging
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s : %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)

In [ ]:
corpus = pd.read_csv('../data/DATA_MANY_TOPICS.csv')[['text', 'topic']]

In [ ]:
corpus.text = corpus.text.apply(TEXT_PIPELINE)

In [25]:
min_count = 3
vec_size = 300
window = 5

In [ ]:
w2v = Word2Vec([text.split() for text in corpus.text],
                min_count=min_count, size=vec_size, window=window, hs=1, sg=1, workers=8, iter=10)

In [ ]:
word_vectors = w2v.wv
del w2v

In [23]:
import pickle
# with open('../data/w2v.pickle', 'wb') as f:
#     pickle.dump(word_vectors, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
with open('../data/w2v.pickle', 'rb') as f:
    word_vectors = pickle.load(f)

Усредним вектора слов в каждой из новостей с весами tf-idf

In [26]:
word2tfidf = dict(zip(tfidf_vectorizer.get_feature_names(), tfidf_vectorizer.idf_))
vectorized_news = np.zeros((trainX.shape[0], vec_size), dtype="float32")
for i in tqdm(range(trainX.shape[0])):
    words = [word for word in trainX.text.iloc[i].split()
             if word in word_vectors and word in word2tfidf]
    word_vecs = [word_vectors[word] for word in words]
    word_idfs = [word2tfidf[word]  for word in words]
    vectorized_news[i,:] = np.average(word_vecs, axis=0, weights=word_idfs)

100%|██████████| 133529/133529 [00:56<00:00, 2350.61it/s]

In [27]:
trainX_w2v = pd.DataFrame(vectorized_news)

In [28]:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299
0 0.122689 0.022116 -0.055775 0.102848 -0.059617 -0.209706 0.071718 0.029721 -0.013314 -0.001266 0.067837 -0.008261 -0.054157 -0.045808 -0.103458 0.080133 0.073717 -0.125134 0.086407 -0.073933 0.158153 0.020989 -0.009119 -0.076712 -0.047917 -0.034019 0.078457 -0.009983 -0.012556 -0.008714 0.118016 0.045488 0.056933 0.065484 0.132058 -0.079166 -0.218975 -0.198329 -0.098605 -0.108403 0.023593 0.046939 -0.030261 -0.018180 0.014389 -0.033944 0.085475 -0.093280 0.053087 0.217663 -0.053958 0.063938 0.144915 0.152364 -0.102352 0.009113 -0.000849 0.021968 -0.032137 0.102670 -0.033337 -0.147354 -0.004213 0.162184 0.107334 0.061264 0.024760 0.128071 -0.028242 -0.165984 -0.128697 -0.005391 -0.077225 0.056289 -0.055309 -0.119862 0.070745 0.124794 -0.000066 0.071108 0.026062 0.163846 -0.050215 0.108951 -0.031971 0.115741 -0.088055 0.086442 -0.150871 0.130117 -0.159550 0.061656 0.081962 0.056993 0.024507 -0.012912 0.066536 -0.103571 -0.136026 -0.171697 -0.031582 0.051363 0.036841 -0.038754 -0.031184 -0.068913 0.073523 -0.079091 0.002953 -0.084151 -0.038270 -0.025728 -0.014409 0.030166 0.049994 0.024997 0.008246 -0.149352 -0.081479 0.094951 0.022137 0.030098 0.064552 0.087744 0.006291 -0.052014 -0.036706 0.050980 -0.038613 0.001861 -0.064162 0.011208 -0.036459 0.018126 -0.098160 -0.090936 -0.051550 0.075881 0.073329 0.026288 0.112026 -0.010810 0.167439 0.064363 -0.110784 0.026092 0.131332 -0.039865 -0.187197 -0.111974 0.001052 0.025095 -0.085744 0.089078 0.063144 0.076791 0.066206 -0.152718 0.023297 0.016109 0.067599 0.082856 -0.027691 0.073205 0.087119 0.010992 0.067820 0.002337 0.070471 0.029190 0.002748 -0.044316 0.070132 0.238911 0.004024 -0.033171 -0.062886 0.110889 -0.043873 0.107346 -0.135767 -0.033024 0.149924 -0.221892 -0.060429 -0.027645 -0.071618 -0.019616 -0.090920 -0.061619 0.082570 0.059860 0.030097 -0.028099 0.112822 0.129588 -0.068734 0.092147 -0.061825 -0.114435 -0.019826 -0.134128 -0.103826 0.055703 -0.032666 0.003003 0.102656 0.042906 0.020780 0.014857 0.066612 0.035893 -0.092749 0.216551 -0.090150 0.012473 -0.034957 0.006764 -0.013429 -0.002136 -0.039886 0.058865 0.021341 0.068681 -0.098911 0.025077 0.009102 0.132863 -0.150130 0.066055 0.068914 0.026436 0.113660 -0.183317 -0.141147 0.070568 0.141939 -0.139534 -0.108865 -0.001305 0.036582 0.140602 -0.173676 -0.004264 0.016145 0.060858 0.030558 -0.159698 0.053381 0.014990 0.036011 0.031957 0.028706 0.033119 0.021043 -0.239722 -0.100063 -0.072304 0.043649 -0.056375 -0.078967 -0.106359 -0.145545 0.094009 0.013467 0.013988 -0.161217 0.082760 -0.105197 -0.100408 -0.002643 0.031146 -0.018975 -0.058355 -0.050926 -0.020063 -0.085252 -0.047775 0.041175 -0.069963 -0.108940 0.005717 -0.070165 -0.039006 -0.140284 -0.124071 -0.004563 -0.166020 0.031284 0.063163 0.126451 0.019169 0.016217 -0.011270 -0.033348 0.070927 -0.025293 -0.007515 0.015203 -0.002064
1 0.076850 0.096206 -0.045763 0.083596 0.014016 -0.130288 0.076715 0.016542 0.012409 -0.085512 -0.032963 0.062314 -0.006279 0.047288 -0.034184 0.072000 0.048440 -0.070861 -0.014139 -0.065296 0.093686 -0.095340 -0.006805 -0.098470 -0.066370 0.047083 0.017516 0.061930 0.011163 0.075301 0.063513 -0.009680 -0.012201 -0.067705 0.126994 -0.032476 -0.145076 -0.261831 -0.186517 -0.058482 0.076459 0.092693 -0.067262 0.002077 0.074328 -0.006672 0.114270 -0.096298 -0.047279 0.172720 0.003911 0.051640 0.072744 0.123463 -0.121317 -0.022208 -0.092089 -0.025723 0.057328 -0.001152 -0.052455 0.047630 0.047362 -0.025104 0.074760 0.112356 0.112509 0.125635 -0.066901 -0.070731 -0.116616 -0.032048 -0.156083 0.079952 -0.110055 -0.053895 0.025135 0.085375 -0.095925 0.064877 0.097755 0.118512 0.024460 0.034786 -0.015185 0.136255 0.011945 0.085439 -0.072438 0.169549 -0.030863 -0.017577 -0.054943 0.097547 0.042635 -0.098888 0.164153 -0.102811 -0.120357 -0.107182 -0.027010 -0.036182 -0.116375 0.052676 -0.026404 -0.084648 0.159421 0.027715 -0.046738 -0.045131 0.008879 -0.072424 0.028134 0.005920 0.052180 -0.009275 -0.087315 -0.051952 -0.152068 0.023821 -0.015126 0.023639 0.124210 0.022639 -0.023670 0.038556 -0.041330 0.172990 0.065219 0.136412 -0.094341 0.027244 -0.010861 -0.043608 -0.039431 -0.184933 -0.073178 0.221053 0.065879 -0.047954 0.079556 -0.039155 0.050761 0.032179 -0.131497 0.001057 0.083873 0.010959 -0.217819 -0.174319 -0.019898 0.086010 -0.066516 -0.015489 0.022312 0.068971 -0.065918 -0.106910 0.018432 -0.071573 0.043296 0.090941 0.063066 -0.069628 -0.069123 0.037105 0.001863 0.050979 0.050761 0.015555 -0.032368 0.081868 -0.065910 0.123592 -0.003534 -0.065536 0.100748 0.120494 -0.066511 0.179781 -0.236832 -0.018717 0.104788 -0.122650 -0.004341 -0.022065 -0.060694 0.079883 -0.141504 -0.050925 0.048781 0.138656 0.089010 0.068104 0.104966 0.197236 -0.062530 0.070937 -0.204044 -0.031668 0.013595 -0.031777 0.013584 0.001495 -0.046762 0.074985 0.068169 0.093809 0.128136 0.018200 0.044000 -0.039386 -0.112989 0.128180 -0.101042 -0.147741 0.013346 0.028871 -0.070094 0.151638 -0.141882 0.009268 -0.069953 0.070074 -0.086663 0.136359 -0.039368 0.134932 -0.100236 0.019835 0.093887 -0.015071 0.101935 -0.139954 -0.156710 -0.054495 0.112835 -0.176870 -0.127979 0.051833 -0.015572 0.126378 -0.064315 0.087529 -0.043967 0.054829 -0.107143 -0.074539 0.002308 0.096594 -0.043271 0.140022 0.096093 0.033281 0.034010 -0.124559 -0.035495 -0.062072 0.066648 -0.044209 -0.032504 -0.128451 -0.204108 0.022342 0.041080 0.028108 -0.162505 0.075128 -0.026005 0.027889 -0.160123 0.031538 0.040437 0.003368 0.045611 -0.131752 -0.012936 -0.006752 0.023160 -0.054980 -0.064520 0.031780 0.009267 -0.057603 -0.112836 -0.072859 -0.096189 -0.097916 0.045260 -0.020792 -0.008947 0.064740 0.058970 0.023299 0.116391 -0.005428 0.047330 0.117958 -0.029471 -0.030667
2 -0.055456 0.039439 -0.035902 0.083639 0.022415 -0.152642 0.093276 0.020831 -0.025781 -0.099986 -0.048233 0.072964 0.046954 -0.026491 -0.037278 0.120673 0.034677 -0.105812 0.069070 -0.067403 0.242965 0.179031 0.012898 -0.149955 -0.021567 0.086027 -0.097950 0.076230 0.040844 -0.035375 0.106917 0.012712 -0.031773 0.013272 0.154934 -0.019314 -0.072254 -0.233576 -0.158150 -0.141479 0.097635 -0.030258 0.023777 0.059649 0.183816 -0.057217 -0.008683 -0.075636 -0.128302 0.167113 0.008832 -0.003846 0.000706 0.142829 -0.180187 -0.038659 -0.114655 0.002152 0.017629 0.219005 -0.022919 -0.065794 -0.005469 0.055733 0.106353 0.137968 -0.017572 0.144156 -0.041251 -0.013164 -0.134091 -0.009504 -0.079844 -0.004045 -0.183259 -0.016181 0.095773 0.099906 -0.068017 0.060230 0.001912 0.165333 0.108547 0.076462 -0.047938 0.073027 0.023955 0.072385 -0.127563 0.177468 -0.141844 0.051193 0.072053 0.099697 0.137931 -0.196355 0.051903 0.018398 -0.072200 0.004803 0.031295 -0.028987 -0.011302 0.027854 0.020820 -0.173760 0.116386 -0.094462 0.017457 -0.033046 -0.047303 0.013767 -0.178017 0.130811 0.036778 -0.051970 -0.047193 0.004022 0.046060 0.153861 0.080494 0.078804 0.151133 0.000516 0.113055 -0.091594 -0.154486 0.248007 0.007950 0.140453 -0.109368 0.027483 -0.062742 -0.000162 -0.043209 0.004689 -0.089898 0.129968 0.123368 0.019382 0.086653 -0.082112 0.136840 -0.038987 0.058263 0.101015 0.140486 -0.029699 -0.051146 -0.011263 -0.002556 0.004366 -0.123595 0.019016 0.032551 0.080330 0.116639 -0.175175 -0.091161 -0.017958 0.096081 0.069824 0.008891 -0.044969 0.082528 0.045736 0.050776 0.063183 -0.015266 0.010142 0.006848 0.106857 -0.037766 0.155861 0.030973 -0.030523 0.080312 0.131347 -0.154453 0.054195 -0.188380 -0.118556 0.160565 -0.230699 -0.005795 0.024258 -0.008691 -0.006292 -0.085814 -0.026737 0.116134 0.181376 0.130448 -0.039017 0.035758 0.127758 -0.039723 0.041300 -0.133505 -0.175483 0.003609 -0.226041 -0.047382 0.053720 -0.023112 -0.066656 0.021553 -0.044802 0.122203 0.153850 -0.041142 -0.073534 -0.094548 0.204680 -0.047503 -0.104997 -0.037386 0.075787 0.022934 -0.008947 -0.127971 -0.080480 -0.142677 -0.041417 -0.221349 0.142550 -0.029024 0.144162 -0.190083 0.083664 0.038717 0.041859 0.060569 -0.132019 -0.142197 0.010330 0.084750 -0.044021 -0.083869 0.047240 -0.063274 0.095120 -0.210436 0.008699 -0.076065 0.051109 -0.198566 -0.068723 0.088301 0.039182 0.064409 -0.070929 -0.095829 0.005163 0.040708 -0.247105 0.014103 -0.026092 0.021651 0.045600 -0.167800 0.000879 -0.132523 0.089421 -0.033794 0.165739 -0.212539 0.099899 -0.129923 -0.093961 -0.060647 0.124166 -0.147747 -0.009987 0.057627 -0.057257 -0.069464 0.002162 0.055299 -0.025049 -0.085712 0.112516 -0.070016 0.085798 -0.021353 0.016822 -0.059489 -0.129699 0.022420 -0.048925 -0.048193 -0.018236 -0.015444 -0.009347 0.071756 -0.041705 0.000754 0.009118 0.140939 0.092417
3 0.008677 0.114154 -0.069139 0.071766 -0.094093 -0.209404 0.001888 -0.050189 -0.075721 -0.024730 -0.001461 0.037543 -0.042800 0.005176 -0.091148 0.117717 -0.002945 -0.196837 -0.070756 0.017257 0.112920 0.190895 -0.119833 0.013517 -0.148260 -0.137098 0.121369 -0.040386 -0.098897 -0.052880 0.054021 0.012223 -0.001292 -0.012112 0.125085 -0.077301 -0.085199 -0.121183 -0.133064 -0.061246 -0.037891 0.068683 0.002896 -0.045814 0.086463 -0.045770 0.076253 -0.052699 0.044688 0.261862 -0.035052 0.079755 -0.009805 0.088581 -0.092052 0.000579 -0.034162 0.042988 -0.021668 0.045635 -0.075608 -0.193688 -0.075901 -0.058575 0.198084 0.269814 -0.032865 0.114594 -0.004594 -0.006717 -0.103397 -0.022591 -0.167029 0.070406 -0.070020 -0.072378 0.004071 0.019018 -0.073133 0.036454 0.015160 0.142494 -0.071774 -0.076214 0.033217 -0.017270 -0.068069 0.021524 -0.072497 0.177142 -0.174546 0.066588 0.086284 -0.008609 -0.027796 -0.143812 0.052869 -0.144930 -0.060339 -0.119711 0.030555 0.089273 0.131456 0.078491 -0.209209 -0.099429 0.168741 0.017669 0.013395 -0.029296 -0.129206 -0.065285 0.031233 -0.004987 -0.045150 -0.009721 -0.098352 -0.176911 -0.113883 0.056453 0.105158 -0.063107 0.008406 -0.064618 -0.060090 -0.054351 0.050632 0.030664 0.023922 0.079172 -0.075233 0.188025 -0.134462 0.127668 -0.076164 -0.154181 0.022768 0.093608 0.078322 -0.071267 0.058843 -0.088059 0.122326 -0.004997 -0.095190 -0.055785 0.074935 -0.078050 -0.110814 -0.156538 0.042482 0.055413 -0.077793 0.049363 0.009149 -0.008028 0.095634 -0.075477 0.004429 0.096668 0.027332 0.027406 0.072622 0.005563 0.017159 0.055724 0.016690 0.097570 -0.000832 0.028161 -0.066663 0.115480 0.069888 0.029213 0.043754 -0.133472 -0.044934 0.128431 0.050341 -0.024678 -0.168399 0.022892 0.128153 -0.138283 0.050707 -0.000602 -0.104797 -0.058201 -0.003058 -0.060360 0.067966 -0.084140 0.012953 -0.009487 0.070025 0.010812 0.023435 0.021076 -0.116537 -0.023919 -0.076455 -0.122915 0.070907 -0.052314 -0.008941 0.005487 0.038250 0.066647 -0.015072 0.161893 0.102635 0.091748 -0.045777 0.126081 0.006636 -0.031545 0.010348 0.042139 -0.106845 -0.013588 -0.136082 -0.092465 0.136811 -0.005950 -0.081300 -0.045564 -0.071997 0.093447 -0.105982 0.104116 0.053561 0.016176 0.077781 -0.077597 -0.118895 -0.054439 0.061706 -0.055008 -0.100811 -0.040508 0.113563 0.134180 -0.088261 0.039592 -0.047652 -0.009910 0.007785 0.051450 0.064719 0.066201 -0.035254 0.073384 0.112386 -0.095935 -0.006947 -0.215606 0.128263 -0.107726 -0.022324 -0.007223 -0.013889 -0.141381 -0.098063 -0.093074 -0.004147 0.003241 -0.031660 0.007354 -0.038794 -0.067268 -0.033336 0.014348 -0.090296 -0.094830 0.026185 0.006584 -0.016523 -0.032577 0.060963 0.009947 0.058370 -0.092485 0.003186 -0.018250 -0.141228 0.176048 -0.069170 -0.113750 0.061987 -0.079920 0.135251 -0.064251 0.170899 -0.052725 0.068124 0.042164 0.128793 0.169256 -0.091351 0.029990
4 0.079950 -0.012376 -0.029147 0.088420 -0.074888 -0.238131 0.136378 0.027631 0.051908 0.021951 0.064207 -0.032693 -0.090389 -0.008721 -0.171529 0.061302 0.038443 -0.179196 0.053909 -0.090461 0.244389 0.005830 -0.022721 -0.073118 -0.072179 -0.048379 0.079590 -0.004241 0.050062 0.030493 0.058754 0.082794 0.063064 0.051049 0.181814 -0.064543 -0.203628 -0.207110 -0.146388 -0.135163 0.010187 -0.046288 0.012073 -0.000464 0.013191 -0.010755 0.028789 -0.052250 0.034513 0.211740 -0.049068 0.091470 0.166811 0.109495 -0.112355 0.061792 -0.136374 0.049718 -0.085699 0.123332 -0.038611 -0.129785 -0.054826 0.181522 0.130351 0.037114 0.046725 0.198101 -0.008003 -0.111056 -0.189496 0.026950 -0.142212 0.023890 -0.016510 -0.139668 0.052691 0.157436 0.047426 0.040442 0.011494 0.150559 -0.066444 0.091001 -0.041946 0.099227 -0.072604 -0.006696 -0.160418 0.147403 -0.152826 -0.017444 0.144257 0.013009 0.023012 0.027397 0.009008 -0.109646 -0.224926 -0.113177 -0.016693 0.069449 0.029971 -0.066819 -0.079626 -0.113501 0.034979 -0.066625 -0.019195 -0.078527 -0.082180 0.014903 -0.008596 -0.039895 0.013812 0.046266 0.003432 -0.163423 -0.043081 0.070325 -0.005337 0.047679 0.115889 0.157917 0.037947 -0.110766 0.019858 0.052174 -0.064243 0.009362 -0.072363 -0.025051 0.003025 0.029971 -0.078623 -0.085367 -0.082781 0.059873 0.055583 -0.042482 0.140389 0.002920 0.132138 0.092390 -0.124953 -0.006895 0.139147 -0.003500 -0.211605 -0.144600 -0.053717 0.086906 -0.090930 0.097504 0.077059 0.070578 0.033495 -0.176525 0.036577 -0.067765 0.095780 -0.012653 -0.039989 0.047900 0.068135 0.025470 0.058831 0.101451 0.072109 -0.004163 0.035107 -0.022445 -0.024549 0.273218 0.003659 -0.036027 -0.086644 0.084615 -0.070208 0.047793 -0.157551 -0.017625 0.133154 -0.273266 -0.089677 -0.041984 -0.065074 -0.050739 -0.131199 -0.116559 0.094398 0.038079 0.100795 0.024475 0.096659 0.085309 -0.057053 0.080539 0.020843 -0.127054 -0.040445 -0.135915 -0.099003 -0.021488 -0.019492 -0.024838 0.046711 0.030155 0.034247 0.060901 0.127247 0.003969 -0.057749 0.163487 -0.114621 0.006499 -0.042740 -0.001239 -0.029396 -0.054864 -0.059330 0.081012 -0.011419 0.058384 -0.116882 0.027067 0.046361 0.066326 -0.139128 0.050211 0.029092 0.075842 0.174545 -0.181296 -0.099802 0.086977 0.145640 -0.087250 -0.036159 0.034235 0.034816 0.136567 -0.176630 0.004465 0.004302 0.036905 0.018761 -0.108009 0.064200 0.014052 0.080311 0.038665 0.061455 -0.028863 0.066332 -0.296762 -0.039079 -0.026154 0.055767 0.001522 -0.085546 -0.043846 -0.183525 0.082664 -0.063300 -0.012040 -0.140229 0.176167 -0.130002 -0.119688 -0.009373 0.065061 -0.024202 -0.022241 -0.038407 0.009938 -0.081719 -0.090964 0.017949 -0.095720 0.003877 0.018264 -0.062484 -0.034506 -0.148584 -0.081262 0.062813 -0.176195 -0.002182 0.145391 0.154781 0.079744 -0.007605 -0.006143 -0.058643 0.098700 -0.059997 0.040945 -0.025676 -0.041291

In [ ]:
trainX_w2v = pd.read_csv('trainX_w2v.csv')
# trainX_w2v.to_csv('./trainX_w2v.csv')

In [29]:
trainX_w2v.shape, trainY.shape

((133529, 300), (133529,))

Получим распределение топиков с помощью BigARTM

In [ ]:
import warnings
import artm

Удалим слова, встречающиеся только один раз

In [ ]:
corpus.text = corpus.text.apply(lambda x: ' '.join([w for w in str(x).split() if vocabulary[w] > 1]))

Создадим файл в формате vowpal wabbit

In [ ]:
vw_file_name = '../data/news_for_bigartm.vw'
with open(vw_file_name, 'w') as file:
    for i, doc in enumerate(corpus.text):
        print('doc{} {}'.format(i+1, doc), file=file)

Создадим батчи для обучения и загрузим их в словарь bigARTM

In [ ]:
batch_vectorizer = artm.BatchVectorizer(data_path=vw_file_name, data_format='vowpal_wabbit',

In [ ]:
dictionary = artm.Dictionary()

Инициализируем ARTM модель.

Добавим к ней регуляризаторы декорреляции и разреженности для матриц $\Theta$ и $\Phi$.

In [ ]:
model = artm.ARTM(num_topics=150, dictionary=dictionary, cache_theta=True, show_progress_bars=True)

model.regularizers.add(artm.SmoothSparsePhiRegularizer(name='SparsePhi', tau=-0.2))
model.regularizers.add(artm.DecorrelatorPhiRegularizer(name='DecorrelatorPhi', tau=3e5))
model.regularizers.add(artm.SmoothSparseThetaRegularizer(name='SmoothSparseThetaRegularizer', tau=-0.001))

model.scores.add(artm.PerplexityScore(name='perplexity_score', dictionary=dictionary))
model.scores.add(artm.TopTokensScore(name='top_tokens_score', dictionary=dictionary))
model.num_tokens = 10 # макс. число токенов для отображения

model.fit_offline(batch_vectorizer=batch_vectorizer, num_collection_passes=50)

In [ ]:
saved_top_tokens = model.score_tracker['top_tokens_score'].last_tokens
for topic, top_tokens in saved_top_tokens.items():
    print(topic, *top_tokens)

In [ ]:
def create_batch(documents, vocab):
    ''' Creates bath from list of documents 
        :param: documents - list of documents represented as string,
            eg. ['Hello world!', 'How are you? - I am fine, thanks!']
        :param: vocab - dict of term frequencies
        :return: bigARTM batch
    import uuid
    from collections import defaultdict
    batch = artm.messages.Batch() = str(uuid.uuid4())
    dictionary = {}

    # first step: fill the general batch vocabulary
    for i, token in enumerate(vocab):
        dictionary[token] = i

    # second step: fill the items
    for doc in documents:
        item = batch.item.add()    
        local_dict = defaultdict(int)
        for token in doc.split():
            local_dict[token] += 1
        for k, v in local_dict.items():
            if k in dictionary:
    return batch

In [ ]:
batch = create_batch(trainX.text.values, vocabulary)
bigartm_feats = model.master.transform(batches=[batch])[1]
top_cols = sorted(saved_top_tokens.keys(), key=lambda x: int(x.split('_')[1]))

In [36]:
# pd.DataFrame(bigartm_feats, columns=top_cols).to_csv('../data/data_bigartm_feats.csv')
# trainX_bigartm = pd.DataFrame(bigartm_feats, columns=top_cols)
trainX_bigartm = pd.read_csv('../data/data_bigartm_feats.csv')

In [37]:
del trainX_bigartm['Unnamed: 0']

In [38]:
trainX_bigartm.shape, trainX_w2v.shape

((133529, 150), (133529, 300))

Обучим градиентный бустинг (LightGBM)

In [31]:
import lightgbm as lgb
import warnings

In [39]:
# pd.concat([trainX_w2v, trainX_bigartm], axis=1)
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(pd.concat([trainX_w2v, trainX_bigartm], axis=1).values, trainY.values, test_size=0.3,
                                                    stratify=trainY.values, random_state=42)
lgb_train = lgb.Dataset(X_train, y_train)
lgb_valid = lgb.Dataset(X_test, y_test)

In [40]:

(93470, 450)

In [45]:
lgb_param = {
    'colsample_bytree': 0.9,
    'is_unbalance': False,
    'learning_rate': 0.1,
    'max_bin': 255,
    'max_depth': 7,
    'min_child_samples': 10,
    'min_child_weight': 5,
    'min_split_gain': 0,
    'nthread': 4,
    'num_leaves': 255,
    'objective': 'multiclass',
    'metric': 'multi_error',
    'is_training_metric': True,
    'num_class': len(le.classes_),
    'reg_alpha': 0,
    'reg_lambda': 0,
    'silent': True,
    'subsample': 0.8, #0.8

In [46]:
clf = lgb.train(lgb_param, lgb_train, num_boost_round=10000, valid_sets=[lgb_valid],
            early_stopping_rounds=100, verbose_eval=25)

Train until valid scores didn't improve in 100 rounds.
[25]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.190619
[50]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.17297
[75]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.163484
[100]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.158242
[125]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.154522
[150]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.151302
[175]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.14888
[200]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.146933
[225]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.145336
[250]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.144761
[275]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.143638
[300]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.142065
[325]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.141466
[350]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.140643
[375]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.139969
[400]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.139769
[425]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.13867
[450]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.138421
[475]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.137922
[500]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.137597
[525]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.136948
[550]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.136673
[575]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.136174
[600]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.135875
[625]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.1355
[650]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.135525
[675]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.1354
[700]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.135176
[725]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.135126
[750]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.134876
[775]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.135151
[800]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.134601
[825]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.134402
[850]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.134377
[875]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.134077
[900]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.133878
[925]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.133878
[950]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.133653
[975]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.133678
[1000]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.133728
[1025]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.133653
[1050]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.133503
[1075]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.133403
[1100]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.133079
[1125]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.133054
[1150]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.132954
[1175]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.132979
[1200]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.133004
[1225]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.132829
[1250]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.132904
[1275]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.132904
[1300]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.132754
[1325]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.132455
[1350]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.13243
[1375]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.132505
[1400]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.132554
[1425]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.132405
[1450]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.13243
[1475]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.132405
[1500]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.132305
[1525]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.13213
[1550]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.13203
[1575]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.13203
[1600]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.132055
[1625]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.13198
[1650]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.131955
[1675]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.131856
[1700]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.132005
[1725]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.131856
[1750]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.131856
[1775]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.131831
[1800]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.131806
[1825]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.131806
[1850]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.131731
[1875]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.131606
[1900]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.131506
[1925]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.131331
[1950]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.131406
[1975]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.131506
[2000]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.131481
Early stopping, best iteration is:
[1918]	valid_0's multi_error: 0.131256
CPU times: user 3h 25min 40s, sys: 4.87 s, total: 3h 25min 45s
Wall time: 51min 32s

In [ ]:
#'lgb_prediciton_w2v_only', lgb_prediciton)
# lgb_prediciton = np.load('lgb_prediciton_w2v_only.npy')

In [47]:
lgb_prediciton = clf.predict(X_test).argmax(axis=1)
print('F1 score:', f1_score(y_test, lgb_prediciton, average='macro'))
print('Accuracy:', accuracy_score(y_test, lgb_prediciton))

# w2v only:
# F1 score: 0.848625247727
# Accuracy: 0.842781896702 26 min

# bigARTM only:
# F1 score: 0.825758239533
# Accuracy: 0.837190144537

# bigARTM + w2v:
# F1 score: 0.871120225443
# Accuracy: 0.868743603185
# 51min 7s

F1 score: 0.871120225443
Accuracy: 0.868743603185

In [51]:
lgb_cm_normalized = plot_confusion_matrix(y_test, lgb_prediciton, le.classes_, 'lgb_bigartm_w2v_confusion_matrix')

In [52]:
plot_accuracy_per_class(lgb_cm_normalized, le.classes_, 'lgb_bigartm_w2v_accuracy_per_class')

In [126]:
def show_values(pc, fmt="%.2f", **kw):
    Heatmap with text in each cell with matplotlib's pyplot
    By HYRY
    ax = pc.get_axes()
    for p, color, value in zip(pc.get_paths(), pc.get_facecolors(), pc.get_array()):
        x, y = p.vertices[:-2, :].mean(0)
        if np.all(color[:3] > 0.5):
            color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
            color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
        ax.text(x, y, fmt % value, ha="center", va="center", color=color, **kw);

def cm2inch(*tupl):
    Specify figure size in centimeter in matplotlib
    By gns-ank
    inch = 2.54
    if type(tupl[0]) == tuple:
        return tuple(i/inch for i in tupl[0])
        return tuple(i/inch for i in tupl)

def heatmap(AUC, title, xlabel, ylabel, xticklabels, yticklabels,
            figure_width=40, figure_height=20, correct_orientation=False, cmap='RdBu'):
    Inspired by:

    # Plot it out
    fig, ax = plt.subplots();    
    #c = ax.pcolor(AUC, edgecolors='k', linestyle= 'dashed', linewidths=0.2, cmap='RdBu', vmin=0.0, vmax=1.0)
    c = ax.pcolor(AUC, edgecolors='k', linestyle= 'dashed', linewidths=0.2, cmap=cmap, vmin=0.5, vmax=1.0);

    # put the major ticks at the middle of each cell
    ax.set_yticks(np.arange(AUC.shape[0]) + 0.5, minor=False);
    ax.set_xticks(np.arange(AUC.shape[1]) + 0.5, minor=False);

    # set tick labels
    #ax.set_xticklabels(np.arange(1,AUC.shape[1]+1), minor=False)
    ax.set_xticklabels(xticklabels, minor=False);
    ax.set_yticklabels(yticklabels, minor=False);

    # set title and x/y labels

    # Remove last blank column
    plt.xlim( (0, AUC.shape[1]) )

    # Turn off all the ticks
    ax = plt.gca();    
    for t in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks():
        t.tick1On = False
        t.tick2On = False
    for t in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks():
        t.tick1On = False
        t.tick2On = False

    # Add color bar
#     plt.colorbar(c);

    # Add text in each cell 

    # Proper orientation (origin at the top left instead of bottom left)
    if correct_orientation:

    # resize 
    fig = plt.gcf();
    #fig.set_size_inches(cm2inch(40, 20))
    #fig.set_size_inches(cm2inch(40*4, 20*4))
    fig.set_size_inches(cm2inch(figure_width, figure_height));

def plot_classification_report(classification_report, title='', cmap='RdBu'):
    Plot scikit-learn classification report.
    Extension based on 
    lines = classification_report.split('\n')

    classes = []
    plotMat = []
    support = []
    class_names = []
    for line in lines[2 : (len(lines) - 2)]:
        t = line.strip().split()
        if len(t) < 2: continue
        v = [float(x) for x in t[1: len(t) - 1]]
#         print(v)

#     print('plotMat: {0}'.format(plotMat))
#     print('support: {0}'.format(support))
    classes = classes[::-1]
    plotMat = plotMat[::-1]
    support = support[::-1]
    class_names = class_names[::-1]
    xlabel = ''
    ylabel = ''
    xticklabels = ['Precision', 'Recall', 'F1-score']
    yticklabels = ['{0} ({1})'.format(class_names[idx], sup) for idx, sup  in enumerate(support)]
    figure_width = 25
    figure_height = len(class_names) + 7
    correct_orientation = False
    heatmap(np.array(plotMat), title, xlabel, ylabel, xticklabels, yticklabels, figure_width, figure_height, correct_orientation, cmap=cmap);

In [128]:
plot_classification_report(classification_report(y_test, lgb_prediciton, target_names=le.classes_))
plt.savefig('../docs/images/lgb_w2v_bigartm_classif_report.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')

In [127]:
plot_classification_report(classification_report(y_test, svm_prediciton, target_names=le.classes_))
plt.savefig('../docs/images/svm_classif_report.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')

In [ ]: