In [1]:
import matplotlib
In [2]:
from pyCHX.chx_libs import np, roi, time, datetime, os, getpass, db, get_images,LogNorm, plt,ManualMask
from pyCHX.chx_generic_functions import (get_detector, get_fields, get_sid_filenames,load_data,
RemoveHot, show_img, get_avg_img, reverse_updown,apply_mask)
from pyCHX.movie_maker import save_png_series
#%matplotlib notebook
In [3]:
from pyCHX.chx_packages import *
plt.rcParams.update({'figure.max_open_warning': 0})
plt.rcParams.update({ 'image.origin': 'lower' })
plt.rcParams.update({ 'image.interpolation': 'none' })
import pickle as cpk
#from pyCHX.chx_xpcs_xsvs_jupyter_V1 import *
In [ ]:
In [4]:
CYCLE= '2018_1' #change clycle here
#CYCLE= '2017_2' #change clycle here
path = '/XF11ID/analysis/%s/masks/'%CYCLE
username = getpass.getuser()
#username = 'rmhanna'
#username = 'sanat'
#data_dir0 = create_user_folder(CYCLE, username)
data_dir0 = '/home/yuzhang/Analysis/JanusXPCS/Results/'
print( data_dir0 )
In [5]:
#from chxtools.handlers import LazyEigerHandler
#db.fs.register_handler('AD_EIGER', LazyEigerHandler)
In [62]:
uid = '1745a0' ##Fri Feb 23 03:18:29 2018 #14006: XPCS, 1000 frames, 0.00134 sec, att2= 1, sample=SiO2Pt_250_TH2O21:1-- 1745a031-4a51-454c-a84f-e4d4767ddf6a
#uid = '2b5b78' ##Fri Feb 23 02:51:53 2018 #14001: XPCS, 1000 frames, 0.00134 sec, att2= 1, sample=SiO2Pt_250_TW1:1-- 2b5b7816-f874-496e-a2e4-7dd5517713e6
uid = '97f495' ##Fri Feb 23 04:33:39 2018 #14026: XPCS, 1000 frames, 0.00134 sec, att2= 1, sample=SiO2Pt_250_T50%H2O2_0.35%-- 97f495c8-55ed-4357-9215-0baae1cdaee5
#uid = 'b6e828' ##Fri Feb 23 04:06:40 2018 #14017: XPCS, 1000 frames, 0.00134 sec, att2= 1, sample=SiO2Pt_250_T50%H2O21.75%-- b6e8288a-08b8-46f8-a087-df022a96b2cf
#uid = '752b50' ##Fri Feb 23 03:55:53 2018 #14014: XPCS, 1000 frames, 0.00134 sec, att2= 1, sample=SiO2Pt_250_T50%H2O21.75%-- 752b503c-1454-4307-9b23-35a1e561019e
#id = '2a4954' ##Fri Feb 23 03:59:57 2018 #14015: XPCS, 1000 frames, 0.00134 sec, att2= 1, sample=SiO2Pt_250_T50%H2O21.75%-- 2a49545e-cd74-473d-9487-b487800f5b14
In [63]:
sud = get_sid_filenames(db[uid])
print ('scan_id, full-uid, data path are: %s--%s--%s'%(sud[0], sud[1], sud[2][0] ))
#start_time, stop_time = '2017-2-24 12:23:00', '2017-2-24 13:42:00'
#sids, uids, fuids = find_uids(start_time, stop_time)
In [64]:
data_dir = os.path.join(data_dir0, '%s/'%(sud[1]))
os.makedirs(data_dir, exist_ok=True)
print('Results from this analysis will be stashed in the directory %s' % data_dir)
uidstr = 'uid=%s'%uid
In [65]:
detectors = get_detectors(db[uid])
print('The detectors are:%s'%detectors)
md = get_meta_data( uid )
In [66]:
imgs = load_data( uid, md['detector'], reverse= True )
md.update( );Nimg = len(imgs);
#if 'number of images' not in list(md.keys()):
md['number of images'] = Nimg
pixel_mask = 1- np.int_( np.array(['pixel_mask'], dtype= bool) )
print( 'The data are: %s' %imgs )
md['acquire period' ] = md['cam_acquire_period']
md['exposure time'] = md['cam_acquire_time']
In [67]:
imgsa = apply_mask( imgs, pixel_mask )
In [68]:
In [69]:
#imgsr = reverse_updown( imgs )
In [70]:
#%matplotlib notebook
In [71]:
%run /home/yuzhang/pyCHX_link/pyCHX/
In [72]:
center = [801, 926]
w = 280
cx,cy = center
# [ cx-w:cx+w, cy-w:cy+w ]
In [73]:
#show_img( imgsa[10][ cx-w:cx+w, cy-w:cy+w ] , vmin=1e-1, vmax=2, cmap=cmap_hdr_albula, logs=True, center=center[::-1], image_name ='uid=%s'%uid )
#show_img( imgsa[10][ cx-w:cx+w, cy-w:cy+w ] , vmin=1e-1, vmax=2, logs=True, center=center[::-1], image_name ='uid=%s'%uid )
In [74]:
#%matplotlib notebook
In [75]:
In [76]:
show_img( imgsa[10][ cx-w:cx+w, cy-w:cy+w ] , vmin=.1, vmax=5, cmap=cmap_hdr_goldish, logs=True, center=center[::-1], image_name ='uid=%s'%uid )
In [ ]:
In [41]:
#%run /XF11ID/analysis/Analysis_Pipelines/Develop/chxanalys/chxanalys/
In [62]:
In [63]:
In [64]:
%run /home/yuzhang/pyCHX_link/pyCHX/
In [65]:
In [66]:
num_frames= 1000
fps = 10
interval = 30
#ROI=[ 50, 1000, 643, 743]
cy,cx = center
w = 280
ROI=[ cx-w,cx+w, cy-w, cy+w ]
########Currently, this code is not work, due to a 'mencoder' error
#if False:
if True:
movie_maker(imgsa, num_frames=num_frames, outDir= data_dir, real_interval=1.340,
vmin=1e-1, vmax=2, cmap=cmap_hdr_albula, logs=True,
ROI=ROI, interval=interval, fps=fps, show_text_on_image = True,
movie_name= 'uid_%s--%s-frames_fps-%s.mp4'%(uid,num_frames,fps) )
#####Try to save as png files
In [67]:
In [68]:
##save a imgages sereies, if use imgs[:50] save the first 50 frames, if use img save all frames
if False:
save_png_series( imgs[:50], ROI= [50, 1000, 340,440],
outDir= data_dir, uid=uid, vmin= .1, vmax= 10, logs=True,cmap='viridis',dpi=100)
In [69]:
#if False:
plt.close('all') #to clear memory
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]: