This notebook is designed to do post-analysis based on the results obtained by the 'XPCS_single' pipeline. There are three methods available to load saved data for post-analysis.
In [ ]:
In [1]:
from pyCHX.chx_packages import *
%matplotlib notebook
plt.rcParams.update({'figure.max_open_warning': 0})
plt.rcParams.update({ 'image.origin': 'lower' })
plt.rcParams.update({ 'image.interpolation': 'none' })
import pickle as cpk
from pyCHX.chx_xpcs_xsvs_jupyter_V1 import *
import pandas as pds
In [2]:
%matplotlib notebook
In [3]:
from pyCHX.chx_libs import colors, markers
In [4]:
load_csv = True
load_h5 = True
In [5]:
import datetime
START_TIME = time.mktime( datetime.datetime(2019, 3, 7, 0, 30, 0,0).timetuple() )
STOP_TIME = time.mktime( datetime.datetime( 2019, 3, 7, 10, 30, 0,0).timetuple() )
fuids, uids, sids, all_info = get_print_uids( START_TIME, STOP_TIME,return_all_info=True)
In [11]:
inDir = '/nsls2/xf11id1/analysis/2019_3/yuzhang/Results/'
In [32]:
uid = '4740b6b5-20cb-4ad1-9f7a-b7a2b3a77659'
uid = '3b5404e7-ce05-4415-9ce8-fd488b19f0'
fuid = db[uid]['start']['uid']
print('Temperature is : %s'%db[uid]['start']['T_yoke'])
In [33]:
inDir_ = inDir + fuid + '/'
timeperframe = float(db[fuid]['start']['acquire period'])
Nimg = int(db[fuid]['start']['number of images'] )
In [24]:
#ls /nsls2/xf11id1/analysis/2019_3/yuzhang/Results/4740b6b5-20cb-4ad1-9f7a-b7a2b3a77659/
In [37]:
fp = inDir + fuid + '/' + 'uid=%s_fra_5_%i_rings_g2.csv'%(fuid[:8], Nimg )
d = pds.read_csv( fp )
cols = list(d.columns)
#qr = np.float_( cols[2:] )
#tau, g2 = d['tau'], d[ ]
tau, g2 = np.array(d)[:,1], np.array(d)[:,2:]
In [35]:
fig = plt.figure( figsize=[8,6])
plt.title( 'uid=%s'%fuid[:6],fontsize= 14, y = 1.05)
ax = fig.add_subplot( 1,1,1 )
qth = 2
x = tau[1:]
plot1D( x = x, y= y, ax=ax, legend= 'q=%s th'%qth, m = markers[i], c=colors[i],
legend_size = 6 , logx=True)
#j += 1
ax.set_ylim( [1.00, 1.15 ] )
#ax.set_title(r'$q=%.5f\ \AA^{-1}$'%qr[i])
ax.set_xlabel( r'$\tau\ (sec)$' )
ax.set_ylabel( r'$g_2(t)$' )
In [ ]:
In [65]:
uids = [
sids = [
'low viscosity',
'medium viscosity',
'high viscosity',
In [66]:
qth = 1 #Add 1 for the real Q number
fig = plt.figure( figsize=[8,6])
plt.title( 'qth=%s'%qth,fontsize= 14, y = 1.05)
ax = fig.add_subplot( 1,1,1 )
for i, uid in enumerate(uids):
fuid = db[uid]['start']['uid']
#print('Temperature is : %s'%db[uid]['start']['T_yoke'])
inDir_ = inDir + fuid + '/'
Nimg = int(db[uid]['start']['number of images'] )
dets = db[uid]['start']['detectors']
sam = db[ uid ]['start']['sample']
for det in dets:
if '500' in det:
fp = inDir + uid + '/' + 'uid=%s_fra_100_%i_rings_g2.csv'%(fuid[:8], Nimg )
elif '4m' in det:
fp = inDir + uid + '/' + 'uid=%s_fra_5_%i_rings_g2.csv'%(fuid[:8], Nimg )
d = pds.read_csv( fp )
cols = list(d.columns)
tau, g2 = np.array(d)[:,1], np.array(d)[:,2:]
x = tau[1:]
plot1D( x = x, y= y, ax=ax, legend= 'uid=%s--sid=%s'%(fuid[:6],sids[i]), m = markers[i], c=colors[i],
legend_size = 6 , logx=True)
ax.set_ylim( [1.00, 1.15 ] )
#ax.set_title(r'$q=%.5f\ \AA^{-1}$'%qr[i])
ax.set_xlabel( r'$\tau\ (sec)$' )
ax.set_ylabel( r'$g_2(t)$' )
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [41]:
#ls /nsls2/xf11id1/analysis/2019_1/mingdali/Results/0240bc2d-7e90-4804-a7a1-99583ec459cc/
In [42]:
avg_img = cpk.load( open( inDir + fuid + '/' 'uid=%s_md.pkl.pkl'%fuid[:8], 'rb' ) )['avg_img']
In [43]:
show_img( avg_img, vmin=1e-3, vmax= 1e7, logs=True, aspect=1, #save_format='tif',
image_name= uid[:6] + '_img_avg', save=False, cmap = cmap_albula )
In [44]:
d= np.average( avg_img[ 1260: 1280 ], axis=0)
plot1D(d[1125:], logy=True)
In [ ]:
In [54]:
fuid = '4740b6b5-20cb-4ad1-9f7a-b7a2b3a77659'
inDir_ = inDir + fuid + '/'
fp = inDir_ + 'uid=%s_rings_Res.h5'%fuid
print(timeperframe, Nimg)
with h5py.File( fp, 'r') as hf:
g12b = hf.get( 'g12b' )[:]
In [55]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
show_C12(g12b, q_ind= 2, logs=False, fig_ax=[fig,ax],
N1=5, N2= Nimg, vmin= 1.0, vmax=1.12,
timeperframe= timeperframe,save=False, show_colorbar= True,
path= '', uid ='uid=%s'%fuid[:6] ,cmap=plt.cm.jet)#cmap=cmap_albula)
#plt.yticks([ ], [ ])
#plt.xticks([ ], [ ])
ax.set_xlabel(r'$t_1$', fontsize=28)
ax.set_ylabel(r'$t_2$', fontsize=28)
In [ ]:
In [57]:
fig = plt.figure( figsize=[8,6])
ax = fig.add_subplot( 2,2,1 )
show_C12(g12b, q_ind= 3, logs=False, fig_ax=[fig,ax], N1=5, N2= Nimg, vmin= 1, vmax=1.12,
timeperframe= timeperframe,save=False, show_colorbar= True, path= '', uid ='X' ,cmap=plt.cm.jet)#cmap=cmap_albula)
ax = fig.add_subplot( 2,2,2 )
show_C12(g12b, q_ind= 9, logs=False, fig_ax=[fig,ax], N1=5, N2= Nimg, vmin= 1, vmax=1.12,
timeperframe= timeperframe,save=False, show_colorbar= True, path= '', uid ='X' ,cmap=plt.cm.jet)#cmap=cmap_albula)
ax = fig.add_subplot( 2,2,3 )
show_C12(g12b, q_ind= 10, logs=False, fig_ax=[fig,ax], N1=5, N2= Nimg, vmin= 1, vmax=1.12,
timeperframe= timeperframe,save=False, show_colorbar= True, path= '', uid ='X' ,cmap=plt.cm.jet)#cmap=cmap_albula)
ax = fig.add_subplot( 2,2,4 )
show_C12(g12b, q_ind= 15, logs=False, fig_ax=[fig,ax], N1=5, N2= Nimg, vmin= 1, vmax=1.12,
timeperframe= timeperframe,save=False, show_colorbar= True, path= '', uid ='X' ,cmap=plt.cm.jet)#cmap=cmap_albula)
#fig.savefig( outDir + 'uid=%s_two_time_fourQs'%fuid[:6] )
In [69]:
fp = inDir + fuid + '/' + 'uid=%s_fra_5_%i_rings_g2.csv'%(fuid[:8], Nimg )
d = pds.read_csv( fp )
cols = list(d.columns)
#qr = np.float_( cols[2:] )
#tau, g2 = d['tau'], d[ ]
tau, g2 = np.array(d)[:,1], np.array(d)[:,2:]
In [70]:
tau.shape, g2.shape
In [71]:
#ls /nsls2/xf11id1/analysis/2019_1/mingdali/Results/0240bc2d-7e90-4804-a7a1-99583ec459cc/
In [72]:
fig = plt.figure( figsize=[8,6])
plt.title( 'uid=%s'%fuid[:6],fontsize= 14, y = 1.05)
#ax = fig.add_subplot( 1,1,1 )
#for i in range(1,16):
j = 1
for i in [3,9,10,15]:
ax = fig.add_subplot( 2,2,j )
x = tau[1:]
plot1D( x = x, y= y, ax=ax, legend= 'q=%s th'%i, m = markers[i], c=colors[i],
legend_size = 6 , logx=True)
j += 1
ax.set_ylim( [1.00, 1.15 ] )
#ax.set_title(r'$q=%.5f\ \AA^{-1}$'%qr[i])
ax.set_xlabel( r'$\tau\ (sec)$' )
ax.set_ylabel( r'$g_2(t)$' )
#ax.set_title( r'$g_2(t)--q=%.5f \AA^{-1}$'%qval )
#fig.savefig( outDir + 'uid=%s_g2_fourQs'%fuid[:6] )
In [73]:
if load_h5:
inDir = '/nsls2/xf11id1/analysis/2019_3/yuzhang/Results/'
outDir = '/nsls2/xf11id1/analysis/2019_3/yuzhang/Results/Post/'
os.makedirs(outDir, exist_ok=True)
print('Results from this analysis will be stashed in the directory %s' %outDir)
In [86]:
#uid_lists here
uid_list = [
In [87]:
%run ~/pyCHX_link/pyCHX/chx_xpcs_xsvs_jupyter_V1.py
In [88]:
def _get_leg(uid):
m = db[uid]['start']
strs = 'T=%.1f-Tr%.5f-Fra%s-Exp%s'%( float(m['T_yoke']), float(m['transmission']),m['number of images'], m['exposure time'])
return strs
In [89]:
In [90]:
legend_list = [ _get_leg( s ) for s in uid_list] #[ '200C 1sec 1000fra T=0.00136',
#'200C 1sec 1000fra T=0.00024',
plot_entries_from_uids( uid_list, inDir, yshift = 0.0, legend=legend_list, qth= 1, legend_size=4,
key= 'g2', ylim=[0.95, 1.18], fp_fulluid = True, fp_append='_rings')
In [91]:
%run -i /nsls2/xf11id1/analysis/Analysis_Pipelines/Develop/pyCHX/pyCHX/chx_xpcs_xsvs_jupyter_V1.py
In [92]:
plot_entries_from_uids( uid_list, inDir, yshift = 0.0, ymulti= [1, 1], key= 'iq',fp_append = '_rings' )
In [ ]:
In [93]:
plot_entries_from_uids( uid_list, inDir, yshift = 0.01, key= 'mean_int_sets',fp_append = '_rings' )
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [146]:
suid_dict = {
#'lv': '3b5404e7-ce05-4415-9ce8-fd488b19f078',
'mv': 'e42afb28-8af4-4dd8-9d5a-bf9c40864352',
In [147]:
uid_dict = {}
for u in list( suid_dict.keys() ):
uid_dict[u] = get_meta_data( suid_dict[u] )['uid']
print( uid_dict )
In [148]:
total_res = {}
In [151]:
for u in list( uid_dict.keys() ):
inDir_ = inDir + suid_dict[u] + '/'
total_res[u] = extract_xpcs_results_from_h5( filename = 'uid=%s__Res.h5'%uid_dict[u], import_dir = inDir_ )
In [153]:
print( total_res[list( uid_dict.keys() )[0]].keys() )
In [158]:
In [159]:
In [160]:
In [161]:
#%run /home/yuzhang/chxanalys_link/chxanalys/Two_Time_Correlation_Function.py
In [162]:
show_C12(g12b, q_ind= 1, N1= 0,logs=False, N2= 1000, vmin=1.0, vmax=1.12,
timeperframe= total_res[u]['md']['frame_time'], qlabel=total_res[u]['qval_dict'],
save=False, path= outDir, uid = 'test', cmap=plt.cm.jet)#cmap=cmap_albula)
In [163]:
#%run /home/yuzhang/pyCHX_link/pyCHX/Two_Time_Correlation_Function.py
In [164]:
from pyCHX.Two_Time_Correlation_Function import get_time_edge
In [165]:
In [166]:
age_edge, age_center = get_time_edge( tstart=105, tend= 1000-105, nots = 6, twidth= 100 )
In [167]:
age_edge, age_center
In [168]:
In [169]:
#for the second Q
taus_aged, g2_aged = get_aged_g2_from_g12q( g12b[:,:,1], age_edge, age_center,
timeperframe= total_res[u]['md']['frame_time'],time_sampling='log' )
In [170]:
plot_aged_g2( g2_aged, tau=taus_aged, ylim=[1,1.18])
In [171]:
In [172]:
show_g12q_aged_g2( g12b[:,:,1], g2_aged, taus_aged = taus_aged, slice_width= 50,
timeperframe=total_res[u]['md']['frame_time'],vmin= 1, vmax= 1.22 )
In [ ]:
In [173]:
qth_interest = 1 #3 #the intested single qth
In [177]:
for u in sorted(list( uid_dict.keys() )):
plot1D( x = total_res[u]['taus4'], y= total_res[u]['g4'][:,qth_interest],
ax=ax, legend= u, ylim=[0, 0.0002], legend_size = 8, xlabel='t (sec)', ylabel='g4',
title='four_order_time_correlation-->q=%s'%total_res[u]['qval_dict'][qth_interest][0], logx=True )
plt.savefig( outDir +'g4_1.png' )
In [179]:
fit_g2_func = 'stretched'
for u in sorted(list( uid_dict.keys() )):
g2 = total_res[u]['g2']
taus = total_res[u]['taus']
g2_fit_result, taus_fit, g2_fit = get_g2_fit_general( g2, taus,
function = fit_g2_func, vlim=[0.95, 1.05], fit_range= None,
fit_variables={'baseline':False, 'beta':True, 'alpha':False,'relaxation_rate':True},
g2_fit_paras = save_g2_fit_para_tocsv(g2_fit_result, filename= u +'_g2_fit_paras.csv', path=outDir )
#print( g2.shape)
In [183]:
for u in sorted(list( uid_dict.keys() )):
y= total_res[u]['g2'][1:,qth_interest]
#ym = (y-y.min())/(y.max()-y.min())
#fits = total_res[u]['g2_fit_paras'] #here load from XPCS_Single Pipeline fit results
fits = pds.read_csv( outDir + u + '_g2_fit_paras.csv' ) #load from re-fit results
ym = ( y - fits['baseline'][qth_interest] )/ fits['beta'][qth_interest]
plot1D( x = total_res[u]['taus'][1:], y= ym,
ax=ax, legend= u, ylim=[-0.1, 1.1], legend_size = 10, xlabel='tau (sec)', ylabel='g1',
title='normalized' +'one_time_correlation-->q=%s'%total_res[u]['qval_dict'][qth_interest][0], logx=True )
plt.savefig( outDir +'normalized'+'g1_new_.png' )
In [186]:
for u in sorted(list( uid_dict.keys() )):
plot1D( x = total_res[u]['taus'], y= total_res[u]['g2'][:,qth_interest],
ax=ax, legend= u, ylim=[0.99, 1.18], legend_size = 8, xlabel='tau (sec)', ylabel='g2',
title='one_time_correlation-->q=%s'%total_res[u]['qval_dict'][qth_interest][0], logx=True )
plt.savefig( outDir +'g2_new.png' )
In [187]:
qs = np.array([total_res[u]['qval_dict'][i][0] for i in range( len(list(total_res[u]['qval_dict'].keys())) ) ])
In [189]:
for u in sorted(list( uid_dict.keys() )):
x= qs
#y= 1/total_res[u]['g2_fit_paras']['relaxation_rate'] #here load from XPCS_Single Pipeline fit results
y = 1/ ( pds.read_csv( outDir + u + '_g2_fit_paras.csv' )['relaxation_rate'] ) #load from re-fit results
plot1D( x = qs, y= y, ax=ax, ylim=[0,200], legend= u, legend_size = 8, ls = '--',
xlabel='q, (A-1)', ylabel='relaxation_time, (s)',
title='q~relaxation_time', logx=True, logy=True )
plt.savefig( outDir +'q~relaxation_time.png' )
In [ ]:
In [ ]: