In [2]:
from chxanalys.chx_packages import *
%matplotlib notebook
plt.rcParams.update({'figure.max_open_warning': 0})
from chxanalys.chx_libs import markers, colors, cmap_vge, cmap_albula

import pandas as pds
#%reset -f  #for clean up things in the memory

Define Result Path here

In [3]:
data_dir = '/XF11ID/analysis/2017_1/yuzhang/Results/Protein_sample_MIT/'
data_dir_tif = '/XF11ID/analysis/2017_1/yuzhang/Results/Protein_sample_MIT/epxort_tif/'

Build a uid dictionary here

In [4]:
uid = 'uid=Protein_sample_MIT'

In [5]:
extract_dict = extract_xpcs_results_from_h5( filename = uid + '_Res.h5', import_dir = data_dir )

In [6]:

dict_keys(['mean_int_sets', 'taus_uids', 'qt', 'pixel_mask', 'mask', 'tausb', 'g2b_fit_paras', 'g2', 'q_saxs', 'g12b', 'roi_mask', 'qval_dict_p', 'qval_dict', 'wat', 'qval_dict_v', 'times_roi', 'iqst', 'taus', 'g2_uids', 'iq_saxs', 'avg_img', 'imgsum', 'g2_fit_paras', 'g2b', 'md'])

In [9]:
g2 = extract_dict['g2']
taus = extract_dict['taus']
qval_dict = extract_dict['qval_dict']

In [10]:
fit_g2_func = 'stretched'
scat_geometry = 'saxs'

In [11]:
g2_fit_result, taus_fit, g2_fit = get_g2_fit_general( g2,  taus, 
    function = fit_g2_func,  vlim=[0.95, 1.05], fit_range= None,  
    fit_variables={'baseline': True, 'beta':True, 'alpha': True,'relaxation_rate':True},
    guess_limits = dict( baseline =[0.5, 2.5], alpha=[0, 2],
                        beta = [0, 1], relaxation_rate= [0.001, 100]) 

g2_fit_paras = save_g2_fit_para_tocsv(g2_fit_result,  filename= uid  +'_g2_fit_paras.csv', path=data_dir )

The g2 fitting parameters are saved in /XF11ID/analysis/2017_1/yuzhang/Results/Protein_sample_MIT/uid=Protein_sample_MIT_g2_fit_paras.csv

In [12]:

alpha beta baseline relaxation_rate
0 1.481649 0.064600 1.028219 16.282791
1 1.581739 0.083908 1.046521 21.453011
2 1.629693 0.082969 1.011762 25.041075
3 1.635652 0.084056 1.080022 28.513157
4 1.492863 0.078287 1.084730 31.983232
5 1.471263 0.067485 1.034266 34.779922
6 0.998984 0.073102 1.015210 41.908734
7 1.965179 0.051071 1.012122 60.392563
8 1.999999 0.037476 1.016420 56.153064
9 0.859907 0.040601 1.017085 47.211016
10 2.000000 0.024253 1.013618 48.682860
11 2.000000 0.020596 1.013515 100.000000

In [210]:

In [13]:
from chxanalys.chx_libs import markers, colors

In [14]:
plot_g2_general( g2_dict={1:g2, 2:g2_fit}, taus_dict={1:taus, 2:taus_fit},vlim=[0.95, 1.05],
    qval_dict = qval_dict, fit_res= g2_fit_result,  geometry= scat_geometry,filename= uid +'_g2', 
        path= data_dir, function= fit_g2_func,  ylabel='g2', append_name=  '_fit')

In [15]:
list( range( g2.shape[1] - 6   ))

[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

In [16]:
fig,ax=plt.subplots( figsize=(8, 8) )
for qth in list( range( g2.shape[1] - 6   )) + [ 7 ] :
#for qth in list( range( g2.shape[1] - 0   ))  :    
    i +=1
    x = taus[1:]
    delta =  g2[1:,qth] - g2_fit_paras['baseline'][qth] 
    g2i = np.sqrt(   np.abs( delta )  / g2_fit_paras['beta'][qth]    ) * np.sign( delta  )
    g1_fit = np.exp( -   (g2_fit_paras['relaxation_rate'][qth] * x )** g2_fit_paras['alpha'][qth]  )
    plot1D( x =  x, y= g1_fit, marker = '', color= colors[i], ls = '-', lw= 2 ,
            ax=ax,      logx=True,  legend= None,     ) 
    plot1D( x =  x, y= g2i, marker = markers[qth], color= colors[i], ls = '',
            ax=ax,      logx=True, 
           legend= r'$Q_r= $'+'%.3f  '%( qval_dict[qth][0]  ) + r'$\AA^{-1}$', legend_size = 14, 
           ylim=[-0.1, 1.1], 
           xlabel=r"$t $ $(s)$",  
           ylabel =   r"$S(q,t)$"   )   
plt.tick_params(axis='both',  labelsize=20)
#ax.set_title ('normalized' +'one_time_correlation-->q=%s')
plt.savefig( data_dir_tif + 'G1_plot.tif', dpi= 300) 


In [17]:


In [ ]:

In [18]:
#qvc = qval_dict.copy
qval_dict_ = {}
g2_fit_paras_ = []
for k in list( range( g2.shape[1] - 6   )) + [ 7 ]:
    qval_dict_[k] = qval_dict[k]
    g2_fit_paras_.append( g2_fit_paras['relaxation_rate'][k]  )

In [ ]:

In [19]:
D0, qrate_fit_res = get_q_rate_fit_general(  qval_dict_, 
                                           geometry= scat_geometry )
plot_q_rate_fit_general( qval_dict_, g2_fit_paras_,  qrate_fit_res, 
                geometry= scat_geometry,uid=uid, path= data_dir )

The fitted diffusion coefficient D0 is:  6.814e+04   A^2S-1

In [ ]:

Check images

In [20]:
uid = '77f73345'

In [21]:
md = get_meta_data( uid )
imgs = load_data( uid, md['detector'], reverse= True  )

In [22]:
mask_path = '/XF11ID/analysis/2016_3/masks/'
mask_name = 'Nov3_4M_mask.npy'
mask = load_mask(mask_path, mask_name, plot_ =  False, image_name = '_mask', reverse=True )
mask[:,2069] =0 # False  #Concluded from the previous results
imgsa = apply_mask( imgs, mask )

In [23]:
filename = '/XF11ID/analysis/Compressed_Data' +'/uid_%s.cmp'%md['uid'] 
mask, avg_img, imgsum, bad_frame_list = compress_eigerdata(imgs, mask, md, filename, 
         force_compress= False,  para_compress= True,  bad_pixel_threshold= 1e14,
                        bins=1, num_sub= 100, num_max_para_process= 500, with_pickle=True  )

Using already created compressed file with filename as :/XF11ID/analysis/Compressed_Data/uid_77f73345-cf10-4808-a548-0ae311ca3b6c.cmp.

In [24]:
#show_img( imgsa[100],  vmin= 0.00001, vmax= .1, logs=True,  cmap = cmap_albula, 
#         image_name= '',  save=True, path=data_dir,  show_ticks = False,   aspect=1.0,      )

In [25]:
#%run /XF11ID/analysis/Analysis_Pipelines/Develop/chxanalys/chxanalys/

In [33]:
unit = 1 #1.333*10**(-3)

ax = plt.subplots(   )
show_img( avg_img/unit,  vmin= 0.001/unit, vmax= 2/unit, logs=True,  cmap = cmap_albula,
         image_name= '',  save=False, path=data_dir,  show_ticks = True,  ax=ax,  
         xlabel=r'$pixel$ $x$',ylabel=r'$pixel$ $y$', save_format='tif', dpi=300, file_name ='img_avg_plot0',

fig, ax1 = ax

plt.tick_params(axis='both',  labelsize= 14)

plt.savefig( data_dir_tif + 'img_avg_plot0.tif', dpi= 300) 

/opt/conda_envs/analysis/lib/python3.5/site-packages/matplotlib/ MaskedArrayFutureWarning: setting an item on a masked array which has a shared mask will not copy the mask and also change the original mask array in the future.
Check the NumPy 1.11 release notes for more information.
  y[self._inside] = norm(yi)

In [27]:
#ax=plt.subplots( figsize=(8, 6) )

#show_img( avg_img,  vmin= 0.001, vmax= 2, logs=True,  cmap = cmap_albula, aspect=1.0,
#         image_name= '',  save=True, path=data_dir,  show_ticks = False, ax = ax,        )

In [28]:


In [31]:
ax = plt.subplots(   )
show_img( avg_img/unit,  vmin= 0.001/unit, vmax= 2/unit, logs=True,  cmap = cmap_albula,
         image_name= '',  save=False, path=data_dir_tif,  show_ticks = True,  ax=ax,  
         xlabel=r'$pixel$ $x$',ylabel=r'$pixel$ $y$', save_format='tif', dpi=300, file_name ='img_avg_plot1',
fig, ax1 = ax

plt.tick_params(axis='both',  labelsize= 14)

plt.savefig( data_dir_tif + 'img_avg_plot1.tif', dpi= 300) 

/opt/conda_envs/analysis/lib/python3.5/site-packages/matplotlib/ MaskedArrayFutureWarning: setting an item on a masked array which has a shared mask will not copy the mask and also change the original mask array in the future.
Check the NumPy 1.11 release notes for more information.
  y[self._inside] = norm(yi)

In [ ]:

Plot q~Iq

In [34]:


In [35]:
q_saxs = extract_dict['q_saxs']
iq_saxs = extract_dict['iq_saxs']

In [36]:
fig, ax=plt.subplots( figsize=(8,6) )
ax.semilogy(q_saxs,  iq_saxs , '-o') 
ax.set_xlabel(r'$q $ ('r'$\AA^{-1}$)', fontsize= 34  )        
ax.set_ylabel(r'$I(q)$', fontsize= 34 ) 

plt.xticks(  fontsize = 26 )
plt.yticks(  fontsize = 26 )
ax.set_xlim( 0.001, 0.1)
ax.set_ylim( 0.0005, 1)
#title = ax1.set_title('%s_Circular Average'%uid)  

plt.savefig( data_dir_tif + 'Iq_plot.tif', dpi= 300)

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]: