MOOC: Understanding queues
Python Lab
</br>Week II: M/M/1 queue simulation
</br>In this lab, we are going to simulate the evolution of the number of customers in a M/M/1 queue. Let $\lambda$ and $\mu$ represent the arrival and departure rates. We simulate the following events: arrival of a new client in the system, or departure of a client from the system. Additionally, we record the value of the number of customers in the system at these instants.
1) We assume that the system is not empty. For $\lambda=4$ and $\mu=5$, what is the probability $Pa$ that the next event is an arrival?
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%matplotlib inline
from pylab import *
lambda_ = 4
mu = 5
# Write a function that computes the probability Pa that the next event
# is an arrival (when the system is not empty)
def Pa(lambda_,mu):
return lambda_/(mu+lambda_)
V1 = Pa(lambda_,mu)
2) Assume that the system is not empty. The time before the next event (departure or arrival) follows an exponential distribution. What is the rate of this exponential distribution?
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# Supply the rate of the exponential distribution
# that represents the time until the next event (departure or arrival)
# if the system is not empty
def Rate(lambda_,mu):
return lambda_+mu
V2 = Rate(lambda_,mu)
3) The implementation of the function generate_MM1(lambda_=4, mu=5, N0 = 5, Tmax=200) with entries
lambda, mu: arrival and departure rates
N0: initial number of customers in the system
Tmax: time interval over which the evolution of the queue is simulated
and outputs
T: vector of instants of events (arrivals or departures) over [0,Tmax]
N: vector of the number of customers in the system at instants in T
is given below. Execute this code to plot the evolution the number of clients in the system against time.
In [31]:
def generate_MM1(lambda_=4,mu=5,N0=5,Tmax=200):
function generate_MM1(N0 = 5,Tmax=200)
generates an MM1 file
lambda, mu: arrival and departure rates
N0: initial state of the system (default = 5)
Tmax: duration of the observation (default = 200)
T: list of time of events (arrivals or departures) over [0,T]
N: list of system states (at T(t): N->N+1 or N->N-1)
tau = 0 # initial instant
T = [0] # list of instants of events
N = [N0] # initial state of the system, list of state evolutions
while T[-1]<Tmax:
if N[-1]==0:
tau = -1./lambda_*log(rand()) # inter-event time when N(t)=0
event = 1 # arrival
tau = -1./Rate(lambda_,mu)*log(rand()) # inter-event time when N(t)>0
event = 2*(rand()<Pa(lambda_,mu))-1
# +1 for an arrival (with probability Pa), -1 for a departure
N = N + [N[-1]+event]
T = T + [T[-1]+tau]
T = T[:-1] # event after Tmax is discarded
N = N[:-1]
return T,N
In [32]:
# Plotting the number of clients in the system
T,N = generate_MM1()
rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [15,3]
ylabel('Number of customers')
4) Letting now $\lambda=4$ and $\mu=3$, what do you notice when running the function generate_MM1? What is the value of the number of customers at $Tmax=200$?
In [33]:
T,N = generate_MM1(lambda_=4,mu=3)
rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [15,3]
ylabel('Number of customers')
In [34]:
# Supply the number of customers at Tmax
n = N[-1]
print('At Tmax, N={}'.format(n))
V3 = n
In [35]:
results = ("V"+str(k) for k in range(1,4))
for x in results:
print(x+" = {0:.2f}".format(eval(x)))
print(x+": variable is undefined")
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