In [1]:
%reset -f

In [2]:
from sklearn import preprocessing
from time import time
import numpy as np
import csv
from sklearn import metrics
from sklearn.preprocessing import scale
from sklearn.feature_selection import VarianceThreshold
from sklearn.cross_validation import StratifiedShuffleSplit, cross_val_score

from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.naive_bayes import BernoulliNB, MultinomialNB, GaussianNB

from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV, ParameterGrid,cross_validate
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

from imblearn.over_sampling import SMOTE,ADASYN, RandomOverSampler
from imblearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from imblearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from sklearn.externals.joblib import Memory
from tempfile import mkdtemp

from mlxtend.classifier import StackingCVClassifier, StackingClassifier

from IPython.display import display, HTML
from operator import truediv
from datetime import datetime
import pandas as pd
import sklearn
import time
import os

from pylab import *
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,.4f}'.format'classic')

%matplotlib inline

print('The scikit-learn version is {}.'.format(sklearn.__version__))

/home/ilmira/.conda/envs/readmision/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/ DeprecationWarning: This module was deprecated in version 0.18 in favor of the model_selection module into which all the refactored classes and functions are moved. Also note that the interface of the new CV iterators are different from that of this module. This module will be removed in 0.20.
  "This module will be removed in 0.20.", DeprecationWarning)
The scikit-learn version is 0.19.1.

Required domain methods

In [3]:
import sys
sys.path.insert(1, "../src/")
from TypeFeatImputer import TypeFeatImputer
from UnivCombineFilter import UnivCombineFilter
import MLpipeline as MLpipeline
from FeatFilter import FeatFilter
import readmision_methods as rm

In [4]:
typeEncounter = "last" # ['first','last']
typeHypothesis = "early_readmission_vs_none" # ['all_readmisssion_vs_none','early_readmission_vs_none']
typeDataFeatures = "extended_extra_diag_3" # ["reduced","extended','extended_extra','extended_extra_diag_1','extended_extra_diag_3']
typeDataExperiment = "all" #["all", "disease"]

In [25]:
verbose = True
cv_thr = 0.3
cv_folds = 5

tr_thrs = 0.7 # [0.1,0.2,0.4,0.6,1.0]
ts_thr = 1 - tr_thrs

selected_filters = [3,6,7,8,9]
fs_methods = ["none"] #["none","combine_fs","lasso_fs","rfe_rf_fs"]
cls_methods = ["logReg"] #["rf","svmRBF","logReg","knn","nn","gbt"]
lms = ["recall"] #["f1_weighted","average_precision","roc_auc","recall"]
sm_types = ["none"] #["none","after"]tr_thrs
sm_method = "sm_smote"

Prepare initial data

In [26]:
#Load data
df_all = rm.load_data(typeEncounter, typeDataFeatures)
print "\nSHAPE:"
print df_all.shape

#Filter data by class
df_all = rm.filter_data_by_class(df_all, typeHypothesis)
print df_all.shape

print "\nRows by class type:"
print df_all.iloc[:,-1].sort_values().unique(), np.sum(df_all["readmitted"] == 0), np.sum(df_all["readmitted"] == 1)

#Train (on ts_thr percentage) & Test
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = MLpipeline.train_test_partition(df_all, ts_thr)
columns = df_all.columns

print "\nTrain:", X_train.shape, "Test:",  X_test.shape

#Create filters
featFilters = rm.create_filters(df_all)
print [[f[0],np.sum(f[1])] for f in featFilters]

(67182, 69)

(45779, 69)

Rows by class type:
[0 1] 39785 5994

Train: (32045, 68) Test: (13734, 68)
[['patient_filter', 5], ['admision_discharge_filter', 29], ['hospital_filter', 9], ['Visits_filter', 8], ['diagnosis_filter', 14], ['medicines_filter', 15], ['extra_filter', 68], ['none_filter', 17], ['no_diagnosis_filter', 60], ['selected_filter', 17]]

Create pipeline

In [27]:
def create_inner_pipeline(param_prefix, catCols,reducedCols, hyperparams, cls_method, featsToFilter=None):
    # Create a temporary folder to store the transformers of the pipeline
    cachedir = mkdtemp()
    memory = Memory(cachedir=cachedir, verbose=0)                        
    basePipeline = Pipeline([
            ("FeatFilter", FeatFilter(featsToFilter)),
            ("Imputer", TypeFeatImputer(catCols, reducedCols)),
            ("Scaler", StandardScaler()),
            ("Variance", VarianceThreshold(threshold=0.0))
        ], memory = memory)

    params = {}
    pipe = Pipeline(list(basePipeline.steps))

    if cls_method == "knn":
        pipe.steps.append((cls_method, KNeighborsClassifier()))
    if cls_method == "rf":
        pipe.steps.append((cls_method, RandomForestClassifier(n_jobs=-1,random_state=42)))

    if cls_method == "nb":
        pipe.steps.append((cls_method, GaussianNB()))

    if cls_method == "logReg":
        pipe.steps.append((cls_method, LogisticRegression(random_state=42)))

    #Add param prefix
    pm = hyperparams[hyperparams[:,1] == cls_method,2][0]
    new_pm = {}
    for key, values in pm.iteritems():
        key = param_prefix + key
        new_pm[key] = values
    return pipe,params

def evaluate(name, y_test, y_pred):

    test_f1_w = metrics.f1_score(y_test, y_pred, average='weighted', pos_label=None)
    test_p, test_r, test_f1, test_s = metrics.precision_recall_fscore_support(y_test, y_pred,labels=None,average=None, sample_weight=None)
    fpr, tpr, _ = metrics.roc_curve(y_test, y_pred)
    test_auc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)                
    cm_test = metrics.confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred)
    tn = cm_test[0,0]
    fp = cm_test[0,1]
    fn = cm_test[1,0]
    tp = cm_test[1,1]
    test_sens = test_r[1]
    test_spec = tn / float(tn+fp)

    print "\nEvaluation:", name
    print "*******************"
    print "TEST AUC: %0.3f" % (test_auc)                
    print "TEST sensitivity:", test_sens
    print "TEST Specificity:", test_spec
    print "TEST f1 (weighted): %0.3f" % (test_f1_w)
    print "TEST f1 [c=0,1]", test_f1
    print "TEST Precision [c=0,1]:", test_p
    print "TEST Recall [c=0,1]:", test_r  
    print "Confussion matrix:"
    print "         | PRED"
    print "REAL-->  v "
    print cm_test

Train ensemble

In [28]:
pipes = []
params = []

num_pipeline = 1
for sel in selected_filters:
    for cls_method  in cls_methods:
        n,f = featFilters[sel]

        #Get categoric/numeric
        f_cols = columns[:-1][f==1].values.tolist()
        catCols, reducedCols = rm.compute_type_features(f_cols)

        #Get hyperparams
        hyperparams = np.load("../src/default_hyperparams.npy")

        #Create pipeline
        prefix = "pipeline-" + str(num_pipeline) + "__"
        pipe, param = create_inner_pipeline(prefix, catCols, reducedCols, hyperparams,cls_method, f)

        #Add results
        num_pipeline += 1

#Add meta hyperparams
param_prefix = "meta-"
meta_params = {}
new_pm = {}

pm = hyperparams[hyperparams[:,1] == "rf",2][0]

for key, values in pm.iteritems():
    key = param_prefix + key.replace("rf","randomforestclassifier")
    new_pm[key] = values

print "Num pipelines:", num_pipeline
print "Selected filters:",selected_filters
print "Params:", params

Num pipelines: 6
Selected filters: [3, 6, 7, 8, 9]
Params: [{'pipeline-1__logReg__penalty': ['l1', 'l2'], 'pipeline-1__logReg__C': [1e-05, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 3, 10], 'pipeline-1__logReg__class_weight': ['balanced']}, {'pipeline-2__logReg__class_weight': ['balanced'], 'pipeline-2__logReg__penalty': ['l1', 'l2'], 'pipeline-2__logReg__C': [1e-05, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 3, 10]}, {'pipeline-3__logReg__class_weight': ['balanced'], 'pipeline-3__logReg__C': [1e-05, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 3, 10], 'pipeline-3__logReg__penalty': ['l1', 'l2']}, {'pipeline-4__logReg__C': [1e-05, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 3, 10], 'pipeline-4__logReg__penalty': ['l1', 'l2'], 'pipeline-4__logReg__class_weight': ['balanced']}, {'pipeline-5__logReg__class_weight': ['balanced'], 'pipeline-5__logReg__penalty': ['l1', 'l2'], 'pipeline-5__logReg__C': [1e-05, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 3, 10]}, {'meta-randomforestclassifier__criterion': ['entropy', 'gini'], 'meta-randomforestclassifier__max_depth': [None, 2, 4, 6, 8], 'meta-randomforestclassifier__class_weight': ['balanced_subsample'], 'meta-randomforestclassifier__n_estimators': [50, 100, 200, 300, 500]}]

In [ ]:
cv_inner = StratifiedShuffleSplit(y_train, n_iter=cv_folds, test_size=cv_thr, random_state=24)

sclf = StackingClassifier(classifiers=pipes, verbose=0, use_probas=True, average_probas=False,

grid = GridSearchCV(estimator=sclf, param_grid=params, n_jobs=-1,cv=cv_inner, 
                    scoring="recall",refit=True, verbose=1,error_score = 0), y_train)

Fitting 5 folds for each of 130 candidates, totalling 650 fits

Evaluation results

In [10]:
cv_outer = StratifiedShuffleSplit(y_train, n_iter=cv_folds, test_size=cv_thr, random_state=42)
scorings = {'roc_auc': 'roc_auc',
            'precision_0' : metrics.make_scorer(MLpipeline.precision_0),
            'recall_0' : metrics.make_scorer(MLpipeline.recall_0),
            'spec': metrics.make_scorer(MLpipeline.specificity)

In [17]:
for i, c in enumerate(grid.best_estimator_.clfs_):
    cv_scores = cross_validate(c, X_train, y_train, 
                               cv=cv_outer, scoring=scorings, n_jobs=-1, return_train_score = False)
    for pre in ["test"]:
        cv_f1_w_mean = np.mean(cv_scores[pre + "_f1_weighted"])
        cv_f1_w_std = np.std(cv_scores[pre + "_f1_weighted"])
        cv_p1_mean = np.mean(cv_scores[pre + "_precision_1"])
        cv_p1_std = np.std(cv_scores[pre + "_precision_1"])
        cv_r1_mean = np.mean(cv_scores[pre + "_recall_1"])
        cv_r1_std = np.std(cv_scores[pre + "_recall_1"])                
        cv_p0_mean = np.mean(cv_scores[pre + "_precision_0"])
        cv_p0_std = np.std(cv_scores[pre + "_precision_0"])
        cv_r0_mean = np.mean(cv_scores[pre + "_recall_0"])
        cv_r0_std = np.std(cv_scores[pre + "_recall_0"])

        cv_auc_mean = np.mean(cv_scores[pre + "_roc_auc"])
        cv_auc_std = np.std(cv_scores[pre + "_roc_auc"])                
        cv_spec_mean = np.mean(cv_scores[pre + "_spec"])
        cv_spec_std = np.std(cv_scores[pre + "_spec"])
        cv_sens_mean = cv_r1_mean
        cv_sens_std = cv_r1_std

        print "\nEvaluation: ", i
        print "*******************"
        print "\nf1-weighted score: %0.3f  (+/-%0.03f)" % (cv_f1_w_mean,cv_f1_w_std)               
        print "Prec score [c=0,1]: {:.3f} (+/- {:.3f}), {:.3f}  (+/- {:.3f})".format(cv_p0_mean,cv_p0_std,cv_p1_mean,cv_p1_std)                
        print "Rec  score [c=0,1]: {:.3f} (+/- {:.3f}), {:.3f}  (+/- {:.3f})".format(cv_r0_mean,cv_r0_std,cv_r1_mean,cv_r1_std)
        print "AUC score: %0.3f  (+/-%0.03f)" % (cv_auc_mean,cv_auc_std) 
        print "Sensitivity score: %0.3f  (+/-%0.03f)" % (cv_sens_mean,cv_sens_std) 
        print "Specificity score: %0.3f  (+/-%0.03f)" % (cv_spec_mean,cv_spec_std) 
    #Feature importances
    sel = selected_filters[i]
    n,f = featFilters[sel]
    f_cols = columns[:-1][f==1].values    
    f_cols = f_cols[c.steps[-2][1].get_support()]
    print i, sel, n, len(f_cols), len(c.steps[-1][1].coef_[0])
    res = np.hstack((f_cols.reshape(-1,1),c.steps[-1][1].coef_.reshape(-1,1)))

    print res[abs(res[:,1])>0.1,:]

Evaluation:  0

f1-weighted score: 0.814  (+/-0.001)
Prec score [c=0,1]: 0.872 (+/- 0.000), 0.475  (+/- 0.050)
Rec  score [c=0,1]: 0.996 (+/- 0.001), 0.025  (+/- 0.004)
AUC score: 0.633  (+/-0.011)
Sensitivity score: 0.025  (+/-0.004)
Specificity score: 0.996  (+/-0.001)
0 3 Visits_filter 8 8

[['age' 0.21129500177683355]
 ['race_AfricanAmerican' 0.11039781722973173]
 ['race_Caucasian' 0.14114620559774096]
 ['number_inpatient' 0.33233721149153694]]

Evaluation:  1

f1-weighted score: 0.816  (+/-0.001)
Prec score [c=0,1]: 0.872 (+/- 0.001), 0.494  (+/- 0.056)
Rec  score [c=0,1]: 0.995 (+/- 0.001), 0.031  (+/- 0.005)
AUC score: 0.679  (+/-0.011)
Sensitivity score: 0.031  (+/-0.005)
Specificity score: 0.995  (+/-0.001)
1 6 extra_filter 65 65

[['race_Caucasian' 0.11122938394634063]
 ['HbA1c' 0.23725184998204785]
 ['diabetesMed' 0.2042098916484064]
 ['diss_home' -0.23237138268749788]
 ['number_emergency' 0.1284097890780176]
 ['number_inpatient' 0.2587729271266445]
 ['number_diagnoses' 0.16591797439771072]
 ['metformin' -0.1061918274374678]
 ['ComplexHbA1c' -0.1519642117054967]
 ['add_in_out' 0.11636902878095864]
 ['div_em_time' -0.15069462802137193]
 ['Circulatory_3' 0.10328315755464185]]

Evaluation:  2

f1-weighted score: 0.810  (+/-0.001)
Prec score [c=0,1]: 0.870 (+/- 0.000), 0.375  (+/- 0.107)
Rec  score [c=0,1]: 0.997 (+/- 0.002), 0.010  (+/- 0.003)
AUC score: 0.630  (+/-0.011)
Sensitivity score: 0.010  (+/-0.003)
Specificity score: 0.997  (+/-0.002)
2 7 none_filter 17 17

[['age' 0.2205740372996824]
 ['race_AfricanAmerican' 0.10044323636813225]
 ['race_Caucasian' 0.1353747144630919]
 ['add_in_out' 0.3689757339154169]
 ['add_procs_meds' 0.13570813345604452]
 ['div_visits_time' -0.14534959664602412]
 ['div_em_time' -0.13120882195812592]
 ['div_em_med' 0.1933643509285662]
 ['sum_ch_med' 0.18292519636097657]]

Evaluation:  3

f1-weighted score: 0.816  (+/-0.001)
Prec score [c=0,1]: 0.872 (+/- 0.001), 0.529  (+/- 0.037)
Rec  score [c=0,1]: 0.996 (+/- 0.000), 0.033  (+/- 0.005)
AUC score: 0.679  (+/-0.011)
Sensitivity score: 0.033  (+/-0.005)
Specificity score: 0.996  (+/-0.000)
3 8 no_diagnosis_filter 57 57

[['age' 0.10181744515727185]
 ['race_Caucasian' 0.11602669442537829]
 ['HbA1c' 0.23712632718965737]
 ['diabetesMed' 0.20221763203551307]
 ['diss_home' -0.22592380949102964]
 ['number_emergency' 0.12900896811579818]
 ['number_inpatient' 0.2598956989209072]
 ['number_diagnoses' 0.13455883228318247]
 ['metformin' -0.10888817262779775]
 ['ComplexHbA1c' -0.14765002715894732]
 ['add_in_out' 0.11658643049246577]
 ['div_em_time' -0.1556885760332997]]

Evaluation:  4

f1-weighted score: 0.815  (+/-0.001)
Prec score [c=0,1]: 0.872 (+/- 0.000), 0.504  (+/- 0.036)
Rec  score [c=0,1]: 0.996 (+/- 0.001), 0.028  (+/- 0.003)
AUC score: 0.681  (+/-0.010)
Sensitivity score: 0.028  (+/-0.003)
Specificity score: 0.996  (+/-0.001)
4 9 selected_filter 17 17

[['race_Caucasian' 0.10931612321466512]
 ['HbA1c' 0.129216555843595]
 ['diabetesMed' 0.2459209623581223]
 ['diss_home' -0.24201391354718338]
 ['adm_src_7' 0.12103160737683347]
 ['adm_1' -0.13727278659048875]
 ['number_inpatient' 0.28541831795828343]
 ['number_diagnoses' 0.14532992949030998]
 ['sum_ch_med' -0.1285653339724341]]

In [18]:
cv_scores = cross_validate(grid.best_estimator_, X_train, y_train, 
                           cv=cv_outer, scoring=scorings, n_jobs=-1, return_train_score = True)

res = [ts_thr,sm_method[0],fs_methods[0],str(selected_filters),lms[0],cls_methods[0]]

for pre in ["train","test"]:
    cv_f1_w_mean = np.mean(cv_scores[pre + "_f1_weighted"])
    cv_f1_w_std = np.std(cv_scores[pre + "_f1_weighted"])
    cv_p1_mean = np.mean(cv_scores[pre + "_precision_1"])
    cv_p1_std = np.std(cv_scores[pre + "_precision_1"])
    cv_r1_mean = np.mean(cv_scores[pre + "_recall_1"])
    cv_r1_std = np.std(cv_scores[pre + "_recall_1"])                
    cv_p0_mean = np.mean(cv_scores[pre + "_precision_0"])
    cv_p0_std = np.std(cv_scores[pre + "_precision_0"])
    cv_r0_mean = np.mean(cv_scores[pre + "_recall_0"])
    cv_r0_std = np.std(cv_scores[pre + "_recall_0"])

    cv_auc_mean = np.mean(cv_scores[pre + "_roc_auc"])
    cv_auc_std = np.std(cv_scores[pre + "_roc_auc"])                
    cv_spec_mean = np.mean(cv_scores[pre + "_spec"])
    cv_spec_std = np.std(cv_scores[pre + "_spec"])
    cv_sens_mean = cv_r1_mean
    cv_sens_std = cv_r1_std

    print "\nEvaluation: ", "CV" if pre == "test" else "Train"
    print "*******************"
    print "\nf1-weighted score: %0.3f  (+/-%0.03f)" % (cv_f1_w_mean,cv_f1_w_std)               
    print "Prec score [c=0,1]: {:.3f} (+/- {:.3f}), {:.3f}  (+/- {:.3f})".format(cv_p0_mean,cv_p0_std,cv_p1_mean,cv_p1_std)                
    print "Rec  score [c=0,1]: {:.3f} (+/- {:.3f}), {:.3f}  (+/- {:.3f})".format(cv_r0_mean,cv_r0_std,cv_r1_mean,cv_r1_std)
    print "AUC score: %0.3f  (+/-%0.03f)" % (cv_auc_mean,cv_auc_std) 
    print "Sensitivity score: %0.3f  (+/-%0.03f)" % (cv_sens_mean,cv_sens_std) 
    print "Specificity score: %0.3f  (+/-%0.03f)" % (cv_spec_mean,cv_spec_std)

print "\nSummary:"
print "*********"
print grid.best_estimator_
print grid.best_params_
print grid.best_score_

print res

Evaluation:  Train

f1-weighted score: 0.689  (+/-0.006)
Prec score [c=0,1]: 0.922 (+/- 0.002), 0.207  (+/- 0.002)
Rec  score [c=0,1]: 0.627 (+/- 0.011), 0.647  (+/- 0.015)
AUC score: 0.695  (+/-0.003)
Sensitivity score: 0.647  (+/-0.015)
Specificity score: 0.627  (+/-0.011)

Evaluation:  CV

f1-weighted score: 0.692  (+/-0.007)
Prec score [c=0,1]: 0.919 (+/- 0.004), 0.205  (+/- 0.005)
Rec  score [c=0,1]: 0.632 (+/- 0.011), 0.632  (+/- 0.022)
AUC score: 0.684  (+/-0.011)
Sensitivity score: 0.632  (+/-0.022)
Specificity score: 0.632  (+/-0.011)

     steps=[('FeatFilter', FeatFilter(ixCols=array([1, 1, ..., 0, 0]))), ('Imputer', TypeFeatImputer(allNameCols=['gender', 'age', 'race_AfricanAmerican', 'race_Caucasian', 'race_Other', 'number_outpatient', 'number_emergency', 'number_inpatient'],
        dataCatC...ty='l2', random_state=42, solver='liblinear', tol=0.0001,
          verbose=0, warm_start=False))])],
          meta_classifier=RandomForestClassifier(bootstrap=True, class_weight='balanced_subsample',
            criterion='entropy', max_depth=2, max_features='auto',
            max_leaf_nodes=None, min_impurity_decrease=0.0,
            min_impurity_split=None, min_samples_leaf=1,
            min_samples_split=2, min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0,
            n_estimators=50, n_jobs=1, oob_score=False, random_state=None,
            verbose=0, warm_start=False),
          use_features_in_secondary=False, use_probas=True, verbose=0)
{'meta-randomforestclassifier__criterion': 'entropy', 'meta-randomforestclassifier__max_depth': 2, 'meta-randomforestclassifier__class_weight': 'balanced_subsample', 'meta-randomforestclassifier__n_estimators': 50}
[0.7, 's', 'none', '[3, 6, 7, 8, 9]', 'recall', 'logReg', 0.68944103032134607, 0.0064812554159623496, 0.92181773345712581, 0.0018761119463037077, 0.2071758815631374, 0.0020153089022292379, 0.62666985875029924, 0.011095751121586998, 0.64718030182684672, 0.014606137587256689, 0.69470190496274564, 0.0027660914313627281, 0.64718030182684672, 0.014606137587256689, 0.62666985875029924, 0.011095751121586998, 0.69151146920554596, 0.0065359000800159278, 0.9193554643171552, 0.0039749325123802151, 0.20527157810677688, 0.0050884715827068912, 0.6319463836917063, 0.010533376489500644, 0.6315398886827458, 0.022189115232246481, 0.68354850558943592, 0.010570438490683254, 0.6315398886827458, 0.022189115232246481, 0.6319463836917063, 0.010533376489500644]

Test results

In [19]:
#Predict test data    
y_pred = grid.predict(X_test)

#Evaluate results
evaluate("test", y_test, y_pred)

Evaluation: test

TEST AUC: 0.616
TEST sensitivity: 0.624880838894
TEST Specificity: 0.606463195691

TEST f1 (weighted): 0.672
TEST f1 [c=0,1] [ 0.72936909  0.29497131]
TEST Precision [c=0,1]: [ 0.91475303  0.19304962]
TEST Recall [c=0,1]: [ 0.6064632   0.62488084]
Confussion matrix:
         | PRED
REAL-->  v 
[[16890 10960]
 [ 1574  2622]]

Summary results

In [23]:
pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,.2f}'.format

df_aux = pd.DataFrame(np.array(res).reshape(1,38),columns=["ts_thr","sm","fs","pipes","metric","cls",


ts_thr sm fs pipes metric cls tr_auc_mean tr_sens_mean tr_spec_mean cv_auc_mean cv_sens_mean cv_spec_mean
0 0.7 s none [3, 6, 7, 8, 9] recall logReg 0.694701904963 0.647180301827 0.62666985875 0.683548505589 0.631539888683 0.631946383692

Concat to all results

In [24]:
df = pd.concat([df,df_aux])

ts_thr sm fs pipes metric cls tr_auc_mean tr_sens_mean tr_spec_mean cv_auc_mean cv_sens_mean cv_spec_mean
0 0.8 s none [0, 1, 2] recall logReg 0.634639352743 0.650059594756 0.553205243311 0.610293371503 0.616111111111 0.546962714705
0 0.8 s none [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] recall logReg 0.674739464227 0.625744934446 0.629520560244 0.64930223898 0.59 0.627398408044
0 0.3 s none [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] recall logReg 0.667385945455 0.6278515492 0.614814814815 0.648451189734 0.60031771247 0.614147217235
0 0.3 s none [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] recall logReg 0.684042584853 0.667892407218 0.59721965733 0.665527018156 0.638919777601 0.595332136445
0 0.7 s none [3, 6, 7, 8, 9] recall logReg 0.694701904963 0.647180301827 0.62666985875 0.683548505589 0.631539888683 0.631946383692

Save ensembles

In [68]:
from sklearn.externals import joblib

joblib.dump(clf, os.path.join('resources','results','ensemble_train_0_2_inner_logReg_outer_rf_3_pipes.pkl'))

Save experiment results

In [22]:
filename = "res_ensemble_20171031-124424"
#filename = 'res_ensemble_' + time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") + '.pkl'

df.to_pickle(os.path.join('resources','results', filename + ".pkl"))

Load experiments

In [ ]:
df = pd.read_pickle(os.path.join('resources','results',"res_ensemble_20171031-124424.pkl"))

In [ ]:

In [ ]: