
If large signal traces are captured, it's useful to be able to find portions where particular things happen. Triggers are used for this. These are analogous to the trigger function on logic analyzers and oscilloscopes.

Triggers are created by performing operations on Trace objects. A Trace is just a list of values for a signal and the times at which they occurred. Every Peeker object contains a Trace to record the values observed by the Peeker.

Arithmetic (+, -, *, %, /, //, **, <<, >>, abs), logical (&, |, ^, ~), and comparison (==, !=, <, >, <=, >=) operations can be performed on Trace and Peeker objects to create a new Trace as a result:

<Trace|Peeker> op <Trace|Peeker|integer|float> => Trace

There is also a delay() method for creating a time-shifted version of a Trace (useful for detecting edges):

<Trace|Peeker>.delay(<integer>) => Trace

The times at which the resulting trace is True (i.e., non-zero) can be extracted as a list:

<Trace|Peeker>.trig_times() => [t0, t1, ...]

These time values can be used to set the start_time parameter when displaying waveforms or tables:

trigs = trc.trig_times()
show_waveforms(..., start_time=trigs[0])

I'll demonstrate the creation of triggers using Trace objects containing random values. (These same operations can be performed on Peeker objects; it's just easier to create a Trace.)

First, I'll create some random traces:

In [17]:
from random import randrange
from myhdlpeek import *

def create_random_trace(name, num_bits, num_samples):
    trace = Trace() = name
    trace.num_bits = num_bits
    for i in range(num_samples):
        trace.append(Sample(i, randrange(0,2**num_bits)))
    return trace

trc1 = create_random_trace('Trc1', 4, 100)
trc2 = create_random_trace('Trc2', 1, 100)

traces_to_wavedrom(trc1, trc2, stop_time=20)

A common trigger is to look for a positive-going edge on a signal. This can be done by logically-ANDing the signal to a time-delayed and inverted version of itself:

In [18]:
posedge_trc = trc2 & ~trc2.delay(1)    # Create trigger trace that is 1 whenever trc2 has a rising edge. = '+Trc2'
trigs = posedge_trc.trig_times()       # Get times at which the trigger trace is 1.
print('Trigger times:', trigs)
start_time = trigs[0]                  # Start waveform display at the first trigger.
stop_time = start_time+20              # Stop waveform display after 20 time units.
traces_to_wavedrom(trc2, posedge_trc, start_time=start_time, stop_time=stop_time, tock=True)

Trigger times: [5, 11, 15, 17, 19, 21, 24, 26, 28, 32, 40, 43, 46, 49, 53, 55, 58, 62, 66, 68, 71, 75, 79, 83, 86, 90, 97]

Naturally, there are convenience functions for these common cases: posedge(), negedge() and anyedge():

In [19]:
posedge_trc = trc2.posedge(); = '+Trc2'
negedge_trc = trc2.negedge(); = '-Trc2'
anyedge_trc = trc2.anyedge(); = '+/-Trc2'
traces_to_wavedrom(trc2, posedge_trc, negedge_trc, anyedge_trc, stop_time=20)

Another common trigger is to look for when a bus has a certain value:

In [20]:
val_trc = trc1 == 7  # Create a trigger trace that is 1 whenever trc1 has the value 7.
trigs = val_trc.trig_times()
traces_to_wavedrom(trc1, val_trc, start_time=trigs[0]-5, stop_time=trigs[0]+15)

Or detect when a bus is between two values:

In [21]:
val_trc = (5 <= trc1) & (trc1 <= 8)  # Trigger when trace value is in range [5,8].
trigs = val_trc.trig_times()
traces_to_wavedrom(trc1, val_trc, start_time=trigs[0], stop_time=trigs[0]+20)

Or trigger when several bits of a bus have a certain value:

In [22]:
bit_val_trc = ((trc1 & 0b0110)>>1) == 3 # Trigger when bits 1 and 2 are both on (trc1 is 6, 7, 14 or 15).
trig = bit_val_trc.trig_times()[0]
traces_to_wavedrom(trc1, bit_val_trc, start_time=trig-5, stop_time=trig+15)

Complicated triggers are possible. Here's one that triggers when consecutive bus values differ by more than 10:

In [23]:
diff_trc = (abs(trc1 - trc1.delay(1))) > 10
trig = diff_trc.trig_times()[0]
traces_to_wavedrom(trc1, diff_trc, start_time=trig-5, stop_time=trig+15)

Since the output of operations on Traces is another Trace, it's possible to concatenate several operations to get a concise trigger expression:

In [24]:
trig = ((5 <= trc1) & (trc1 <= 8)).trig_times()[0]
traces_to_wavedrom(trc1, val_trc, start_time=trig, stop_time=trig+20)

In [ ]: