In [12]:
from myhdl import *
from myhdlpeek import PeekerGroup
def adder_bit(a, b, c_in, sum_, c_out):
'''Single bit adder.'''
def adder_logic(): = a ^ b ^ c_in = (a & b) | (a & c_in) | (b & c_in)
# Add some global peekers to monitor the inputs and outputs.
Peeker(a, 'a')
Peeker(b, 'b')
Peeker(c_in, 'c_in')
Peeker(sum_, 'sum')
Peeker(c_out, 'c_out')
return adder_logic
def adder(a, b, sum_):
'''Connect single-bit adders to create a complete adder.'''
c = [Signal(bool(0)) for _ in range(len(a)+1)] # Carry signals between stages.
s = [Signal(bool(0)) for _ in range(len(a))] # Sum bit for each stage.
stages = [] # Storage for adder bit instances.
# Create the adder bits and connect them together.
for i in range(len(a)):
stages.append( adder_bit(a=a(i), b=b(i), sum_=s[i], c_in=c[i], c_out=c[i+1]) )
# Concatenate the sum bits and send them out on the sum_ output.
def make_sum(): = ConcatSignal(*reversed(s))
return instances() # Return all the adder stage instances.
# Create signals for interfacing to the adder.
a, b, sum_ = [Signal(intbv(0,0,8)) for _ in range(3)]
# Clear-out any existing peeker stuff before instantiating the adder.
# Instantiate the adder.
add_1 = adder(a=a, b=b, sum_=sum_)
# Create a group of peekers to monitor the top-level buses.
# Each argument to PeekerGroup assigns a signal to a name for a peeker.
top_pkr = PeekerGroup(a_bus=a, b_bus=b, sum_bus=sum_)
# Create a testbench generator that applies random inputs to the adder.
from random import randrange
def test():
for _ in range(8):, = randrange(0, a.max), randrange(0, a.max)
yield delay(1)
# Simulate the adder, testbench and peekers.
Simulation(add_1, test(), *Peeker.instances()).run()
# Display only the peekers for the top-level buses.
# The global peekers in the adder bits won't show up.
top_pkr.to_wavedrom('a_bus b_bus sum_bus')
top_pkr.to_html_table('a_bus b_bus sum_bus')