
Problem 2. Interpolation

Linear Spline Interpolation visualization, courtesy of codecogs

Interpolation is a method of curve fitting.
In this problem, spline interpolation is considered

Practical applications:

  • estimating function values based on some sample of known data points


Given the inputs and function values below, approximate f(-1) and f(1) by linear spline functions.

In [1]:
from IPython.display import display
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
index = ['f(x)']
columns = [-2, 0, 2, 3]
data = [[-3, -5, 9, 22]]

df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=index, columns=columns)

      -2   0   2   3
f(x)  -3  -5   9  22

In [3]:
# for brevity, we will write it like this
index = ['  x', 'f(x)']
columns = [1, 2, 3, 4] #['x1', 'x2', 'x3', 'x4']
data = [[-2, 0, 2, 3], [-3, -5, 9, 22]]

df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=index, columns=columns)

matplotlib.pyplot.plot(data[0], data[1], ls='dashed', color='#a23636')
matplotlib.pyplot.scatter(data[0], data[1])

1 2 3 4
x -2 0 2 3
f(x) -3 -5 9 22

Linear spline functions are calculated with the following:

$$i \in [1,\ \left\vert{X}\right\vert - 1],\ i \in \mathbb{N}: $$

$$P_i = \frac{x-x_i}{x_{i+1}-x_i} * y_{i+1} + \frac{x_{i+1}-x}{x_{i+1}-x_i} * y_i$$

By simplification, we can reduce to the following:

$$P_i = \frac{y_{i+1} (x-x_i) + y_i (x_{i+1}-x)}{x_{i+1}-x_i} = \frac{(y_{i+1}*x - y_i*x) - y_{i+1}*x_i + y_i*x_{i+1}}{x_{i+1}-x_i}$$

The final form used will be: $$P_i = \frac{(y_{i+1}*x - y_i*x) + (y_i*x_{i+1} - y_{i+1}*x_i)}{(x_{i+1}-x_i)}$$

As it can be seen, the only gist would be to emulate the x in the first term (num1s below), the other terms being numbers (num2, den). Parantheses used to isolate the formula for each of the 3 variables.

As such, we can write the parantheses as a string, while the others will be simply calculated. After this, the final string is evaluated as a lambda function.

In [4]:
print('x1 = %i' % data[0][0])
print('y1 = %i' % data[1][0])

# linear spline function aproximation
print('no values: %i' % len(columns))

spline = {}

for i in range(len(columns)-1):
    print('\nP[' + str(i+1) + ']')
    # we calculate the numerator
    num_1s = str(data[1][i+1]) + ' * x - ' + str(data[1][i]) + ' * x'
    print('num_1s: %s' % num_1s)
    num_2  = data[1][i] * data[0][i+1] - data[1][i+1] * data[0][i]
    print('num_2: %i' % num_2)
    # we calculate the denominator
    den = data[0][i+1] - data[0][i]
    print('den: %i' % den)
    # constructing the function
    func = 'lambda x: (' + num_1s + str(num_2) + ') / ' + str(den)
    print('func: %s' % func)
    spline[i] = eval(func)


# sanity checks
# P1(x) = -x - 5
assert (spline[0](-5) == 0),"For this example, the value should be 0, but the value returned is " + str(spline[0](-5))
# P2(x) = 4x + 1
# TODO: this is failing (checked my solution, probably my assertion is wrong) !
#assert (spline[1](0) == 1),"For this example, the value should be 1, but the value returned is " + str(spline[1](0))
# P3(x) = 13x - 17
assert (spline[2](1) == -4),"For this example, the value should be -4, but the value returned is " + str(spline[2](1))

x1 = -2
y1 = -3
no values: 4

num_1s: -5 * x - -3 * x
num_2: -10
den: 2
func: lambda x: (-5 * x - -3 * x-10) / 2

num_1s: 9 * x - -5 * x
num_2: -10
den: 2
func: lambda x: (9 * x - -5 * x-10) / 2

num_1s: 22 * x - 9 * x
num_2: -17
den: 1
func: lambda x: (22 * x - 9 * x-17) / 1

In [5]:
print('Approximating values of S\n---')
aproximation_queue = [-1, 1]
results = {}

def approximate(spline, val):
    for i in range(len(spline)-1):
        if data[0][i] <= val <= data[0][i+1]:
            print('Approximation using P[%i] is: %i' % (i, spline[i](val)))
            results[val] = spline[i](val)

for i in range(len(aproximation_queue)):
    approximate(spline, aproximation_queue[i])

# sanity checks
# S(-1) = P1(-1) = -4
assert (spline[0](-1) == -4),"For this example, the value should be -4, but the value returned is " + str(spline[0](-5))
# S(1) = P2(1) = 5
# TODO: same as above !
#assert (spline[1](1) == 5),"For this example, the value should be 5, but the value returned is " + str(spline[1](0))

Approximating values of S
Approximation using P[0] is: -4
Approximation using P[1] is: 2

In [6]:
x2 = list(results.keys())
y2 = list(results.values())

matplotlib.pyplot.plot(data[0], data[1], ls='dashed', color='#a23636')
matplotlib.pyplot.scatter(data[0], data[1])
matplotlib.pyplot.scatter(x2, y2, color='#ff0000')


As it can be seen, in linear spline interpolation, all approximations will be found on the line.
Depending on the sample size and on the original function this may result in deviation from the function curve.