In [1]:
%run ../../../shared_setup.ipynb

docker image cggh/biipy:v1.6.0

In [2]:
truth_dir = '/data/plasmodium/pfalciparum/pf-crosses/data/evaluation/truth'

In [3]:
evaluation_genes_hb3 = [
#     'PF3D7_0220800',  # exons only, need to manually edit bwamem alignment to handle introns properly
    'PF3D7_0402300',  # expect some discordance between genbank and birren
    'PF3D7_0417200',  # looks like birren has a few errors
    'PF3D7_0709100',  # nice, has dense cluster of SNPs with good concordance
    'PF3D7_0804800',  # genbank has errors?
    'PF3D7_0831600',  # exons only, nice as has dense cluster of SNPs with good concordance
    'PF3D7_0905400',  # exons only
    'PF3D7_0929400',  # exons only
    'PF3D7_0935800',  # exons only
    'PF3D7_1115700',  # nice, dense SNP clusters
    'PF3D7_1133400',  # nice, lots of SNPs
    'PF3D7_1335100',  # almost no agreement between genbank and birren, genbank looks wrong


In [4]:


In [5]:
fasta_fn = '/data/plasmodium/pfalciparum/pf-crosses/data/genome/sanger/version3/September_2012/Pf3D7_v3.lookseq.fa'

In [6]:
genome = pyfasta.Fasta(fasta_fn)

In [7]:
def call_variants(bam_fn, gene_ids):
    bam = pysam.AlignmentFile(bam_fn)
    tbl = [['CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'ALT', 'svtype', 'svlen', 'gene']]
    for gene_id in gene_ids:
        gene = lkp_feature[gene_id]
        chrom = gene.feature_chrom
        seq = genome[chrom]
        for col in bam.pileup(reference=chrom, start=gene.feature_start, end=gene.feature_stop, 
                              stepper='nofilter', truncate=True):
            ref_base = seq[col.reference_pos]
            for read in col.pileups:
                row = None
                if read.indel < 0:
                    ref_allele = seq[col.reference_pos:col.reference_pos + -1*read.indel + 1]
                    alt_allele = ref_base
                    row = [chrom, col.reference_pos + 1, ref_allele, alt_allele, 'DEL', len(alt_allele) - len(ref_allele), gene_id]
                elif read.indel > 0:
                    ref_allele = ref_base
                    alt_allele = read.alignment.query_sequence[read.query_position:read.query_position + read.indel + 1]
                    row = [chrom, col.reference_pos + 1, ref_allele, alt_allele, 'INS', len(alt_allele) - len(ref_allele), gene_id]
                elif not read.is_del and ref_base != read.alignment.query_sequence[read.query_position]:
                    ref_allele = ref_base
                    alt_allele = read.alignment.query_sequence[read.query_position]
                    row = [chrom, col.reference_pos + 1, ref_allele, alt_allele, 'SNP', 0, gene_id]
                if row:
    return etl.wrap(tbl)

In [8]:
def trim_alleles(a, b):

    # SNPs or already trimmed
    if len(a) == 1 or len(b) == 1:
        return a, b
    # check reference base
    ref_base = a[0]
    if a[0] != b[0]:
        # REF bases don't match, complex variant
        return a, b

    # sort by length, shortest first
    reverse = False
    if len(a) > len(b):
        a, b = b, a
        reverse = True
    # pick off suffix
    a_suffix = a[1:]
    b_suffix = b[1:]
    # trim
    if b_suffix.endswith(a_suffix):
        a = ref_base
        b = ref_base + b_suffix[:-1*len(a_suffix)]
    if reverse:
        return b, a
        return a, b

In [9]:
gatk_callset_fn_template = '/data/plasmodium/pfalciparum/pf-crosses/data/public/20141022/{cross}'

def tabulate_variants_gatk(cross, parent):

    callset_gatk = np.load(gatk_callset_fn_template.format(cross=cross))
    variants = callset_gatk['variants']

    # select variants
    filter_condition = numexpr.evaluate('~FILTER_CNV & '
                                        '~FILTER_DUP_SITE & '
                                        '~FILTER_LOW_CONFIDENCE & '
                                        '~FILTER_LOW_CONFIDENCE_PARENT & '
                                        '~FILTER_MISSING_PARENT & '
                                        '~FILTER_NON_CORE & '
    c2d = vcfnp.view2d(callset_gatk['calldata'])
    genotype = c2d['genotype']
    genotype_parent = genotype[:, parent]
    genotype_condition = genotype_parent > 0
    condition = filter_condition & genotype_condition
    log('n_variants', nnz(condition))

    # apply selection
    variants = np.compress(condition, variants)
    genotype_parent = np.compress(condition, genotype_parent)

    # construct table
    tbl = (etl
        .addcolumn('genotype', genotype_parent)
        .cut('CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'ALT', 'genotype')
        .convert('ALT', lambda v, row: v[row.genotype-1], pass_row=True)
        .convert(['CHROM', 'REF', 'ALT'], lambda v: str(v, 'ascii')) 
        .addfield('trim', lambda row: trim_alleles(row.REF, row.ALT))
        .unpack('trim', ['REF_trim', 'ALT_trim'])
        .cutout('REF', 'ALT')
        .rename({'REF_trim': 'REF', 'ALT_trim': 'ALT'})
        .addfield('svlen', lambda row: len(row.ALT) - len(row.REF))
        .addfield('svtype', lambda row: 'SNP' if row.svlen == 0 else 'INS' if row.svlen > 0 else 'DEL')
        .intervaljoinvalues(tbl_genes, value='feature_id', lkey='CHROM', lstart='POS', lstop='POS', 
                            rkey='feature_chrom', rstart='feature_start', rstop='feature_stop', include_stop=True)
        .rename('feature_id', 'gene')
        .convert('gene', lambda v: v[0] if v else None)
    return tbl

In [10]:
cortex_callset_fn_template = '/data/plasmodium/pfalciparum/pf-crosses/data/public/20141022/{cross}'

def tabulate_variants_cortex(cross, parent):

    callset_cortex = np.load(cortex_callset_fn_template.format(cross=cross))
    variants = callset_cortex['variants']

    # select variants
    filter_condition = numexpr.evaluate('~FILTER_CNV & '
                                        '~FILTER_DUP_ALLELE & '
                                        '~FILTER_DUP_SITE & '
                                        '~FILTER_LOW_CONFIDENCE & '
                                        '~FILTER_LOW_CONFIDENCE_PARENT & '
                                        '~FILTER_MAPQ & '
                                        '~FILTER_MISMAPPED_UNPLACEABLE & '
                                        '~FILTER_MISSING_PARENT & '
                                        '~FILTER_MULTIALLELIC & '
                                        '~FILTER_NON_CORE & '
                                        '~FILTER_NON_MENDELIAN & '
                                        '~FILTER_OVERLAPPING_SITE & '
                                        '~FILTER_PF_FAIL_ERROR & '
    c2d = vcfnp.view2d(callset_cortex['calldata'])
    genotype = c2d['genotype']
    genotype_parent = genotype[:, parent]
    genotype_condition = genotype_parent > 0
    condition = filter_condition & genotype_condition
    log('n_variants', nnz(condition))

    # apply selection
    variants = np.compress(condition, variants)
    genotype_parent = np.compress(condition, genotype_parent)

    # construct table
    tbl = (etl
        .addcolumn('genotype', genotype_parent)
        .cut('CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'ALT', 'genotype')
        .convert('ALT', lambda v, row: v[row.genotype-1], pass_row=True)
        .convert(['CHROM', 'REF', 'ALT'], lambda v: str(v, 'ascii')) 
        .addfield('trim', lambda row: trim_alleles(row.REF, row.ALT))
        .unpack('trim', ['REF_trim', 'ALT_trim'])
        .cutout('REF', 'ALT')
        .rename({'REF_trim': 'REF', 'ALT_trim': 'ALT'})
        .addfield('svlen', lambda row: len(row.ALT) - len(row.REF))
        .addfield('svtype', lambda row: 'SNP' if row.svlen == 0 else 'INS' if row.svlen > 0 else 'DEL')
        .intervaljoinvalues(tbl_genes, value='feature_id', lkey='CHROM', lstart='POS', lstop='POS', 
                            rkey='feature_chrom', rstart='feature_start', rstop='feature_stop', include_stop=True)
        .rename('feature_id', 'gene')
        .convert('gene', lambda v: v[0] if v else None)
    return tbl

In [11]:
def confusion_2way(tables, labels):
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 8))
    t1, t2 = tables
    allele_match_key = 'CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'ALT'
    postype_match_key = 'CHROM', 'POS', 'svtype'
    # SNPs
    key = allele_match_key
    s1 = t1.eq('svtype', 'SNP').values(*key).set()
    s2 = t2.eq('svtype', 'SNP').values(*key).set()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 1)
    venn.venn2([s1, s2], set_labels=labels, set_colors=['b', 'g'], ax=ax)
    ax.set_title('SNPs', fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')

    # INDELs (allele match)
    key = allele_match_key
    s1 = t1.selectin('svtype', {'INS', 'DEL'}).values(*key).set()
    s2 = t2.selectin('svtype', {'INS', 'DEL'}).values(*key).set()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 2)
    venn.venn2([s1, s2], set_labels=labels, set_colors=['b', 'g'], ax=ax)
    ax.set_title('INDELs (allele match)', fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')

    # INDELs (position match)
    key = postype_match_key
    s1 = t1.selectin('svtype', {'INS', 'DEL'}).values(*key).set()
    s2 = t2.selectin('svtype', {'INS', 'DEL'}).values(*key).set()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 3)
    venn.venn2([s1, s2], set_labels=labels, set_colors=['b', 'g'], ax=ax)
    ax.set_title('INDELs (position match)', fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')

    return fig

In [12]:
def confusion_3way(tables, labels, key):
    # assume t1 is the discovery set, t2 and t3 are truth sets
    t1, t2, t3 = tables
    # set up confusion table
    tbl_confusion = [['variant_type', 'TP', 'FP', 'FN', 'FDR', 'sensitivity']]
    # all variants
    s1 = t1.values(*key).set()
    s2 = t2.values(*key).set()
    s3 = t3.values(*key).set()
    fp = len(s1 - (s2 | s3))  # only in discovery set
    fn = len((s2 & s3) - s1)  # in both truth sets, not in discovery
    tp = len(s1 & (s2 | s3))  # in discovery and at least one truth set
    fdr = fp / (fp + tp)
    sensitivity = tp / (tp + fn)
    tbl_confusion.append(['all variants', tp, fp, fn, fdr, sensitivity])

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(3, 6))
    # SNPs
    s1 = t1.eq('svtype', 'SNP').values(*key).set()
    s2 = t2.eq('svtype', 'SNP').values(*key).set()
    s3 = t3.eq('svtype', 'SNP').values(*key).set()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(211)
    ax.set_title('SNPs', fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')
    venn.venn3([s1, s2, s3], set_labels=labels)
    fp = len(s1 - (s2 | s3))  # only in discovery set
    fn = len((s2 & s3) - s1)  # in both truth sets, not in discovery
    tp = len(s1 & (s2 | s3))  # in discovery and at least one truth set
    fdr = fp / (fp + tp)
    sensitivity = tp / (tp + fn)
    tbl_confusion.append(['SNPs', tp, fp, fn, fdr, sensitivity])
    # INDELs
    s1 = t1.selectin('svtype', {'INS', 'DEL'}).values(*key).set()
    s2 = t2.selectin('svtype', {'INS', 'DEL'}).values(*key).set()
    s3 = t3.selectin('svtype', {'INS', 'DEL'}).values(*key).set()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(212)
    ax.set_title('INDELs', fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')
    venn.venn3([s1, s2, s3], set_labels=labels)
    fp = len(s1 - (s2 | s3))  # only in discovery set
    fn = len((s2 & s3) - s1)  # in both truth sets, not in discovery
    tp = len(s1 & (s2 | s3))  # in discovery and at least one truth set
    fdr = fp / (fp + tp)
    sensitivity = tp / (tp + fn)
    tbl_confusion.append(['INDELs', tp, fp, fn, fdr, sensitivity])
     .convert(('FDR', 'sensitivity'), lambda v: '{:.1f}%'.format(v*100))
     .displayall(caption='confusion %s' % repr(key), index_header=False))


In [13]:
bam_fn_hb3_birren = os.path.join(truth_dir, 'bwamem_intractg', 'alignment', 'birren_hb3_contigs.bam')
tbl_variants_hb3_birren = call_variants(bam_fn_hb3_birren, evaluation_genes_hb3)
tbl_variants_hb3_birren.display(caption='HB3 Birren contigs')

HB3 Birren contigs
0|CHROM 1|POS 2|REF 3|ALT 4|svtype 5|svlen 6|gene
Pf3D7_01_v3 265603 CAT C DEL -2 PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 266073 A ATT INS 2 PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 266480 A T SNP 0 PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 266640 TCTC T DEL -3 PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 267777 C T SNP 0 PF3D7_0106300


In [14]:
bam_fn_hb3_genbank = os.path.join(truth_dir, 'bwamem_intractg', 'alignment', 'genbank_hb3_coding_sequences.bam')
tbl_variants_hb3_genbank = call_variants(bam_fn_hb3_genbank, evaluation_genes_hb3)
tbl_variants_hb3_genbank.display(caption='HB3 GenBank coding sequences')

HB3 GenBank coding sequences
0|CHROM 1|POS 2|REF 3|ALT 4|svtype 5|svlen 6|gene
Pf3D7_01_v3 265603 CAT C DEL -2 PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 266073 A ATT INS 2 PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 266480 A T SNP 0 PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 266640 TCTC T DEL -3 PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 267777 C T SNP 0 PF3D7_0106300


In [15]:
tables = tbl_variants_hb3_genbank, tbl_variants_hb3_birren
labels = 'HB3 GenBank sequences', 'HB3 Broad assembly'
fig = confusion_2way(tables, labels)
for dpi in 120, 300:
    fig.savefig('../../../artwork/supp/hb3_comp_ref.{dpi}.png'.format(dpi=dpi), dpi=dpi)


In [16]:
tbl_variants_hb31_gatk = tabulate_variants_gatk('3d7_hb3', 1).selectin('gene', evaluation_genes_hb3).cache(10000)
tbl_variants_hb31_gatk.display(caption='HB3(1) GATK')

2016-03-08 22:46:41.280495 :: HB3/PG0052-C/ERR019054
2016-03-08 22:46:41.931386 :: n_variants 36635
0|CHROM 1|POS 2|REF 3|ALT 4|svlen 5|svtype 6|gene
Pf3D7_01_v3 265603 CAT C -2 DEL PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 266480 A T 0 SNP PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 266640 TCTC T -3 DEL PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 267777 C T 0 SNP PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 269132 C T 0 SNP PF3D7_0106300


In [17]:
tables = tbl_variants_hb31_gatk, tbl_variants_hb3_birren, tbl_variants_hb3_genbank
labels = 'HB3(1) Illumina BWA/GATK', 'HB3 Broad assembly', 'HB3 GenBank sequences'
confusion_3way(tables, labels, key=('CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'ALT'))

confusion ('CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'ALT')
variant_type TP FP FN FDR sensitivity
all variants 220 11 51 4.8% 81.2%
SNPs 178 5 33 2.7% 84.4%
INDELs 42 6 18 12.5% 70.0%

In [18]:
tables = tbl_variants_hb31_gatk, tbl_variants_hb3_birren, tbl_variants_hb3_genbank
labels = 'HB3(1) Illumina BWA/GATK', 'HB3 Broad assembly', 'HB3 GenBank sequences'
confusion_3way(tables, labels, key=('CHROM', 'POS', 'svtype'))

confusion ('CHROM', 'POS', 'svtype')
variant_type TP FP FN FDR sensitivity
all variants 223 8 51 3.5% 81.4%
SNPs 178 5 33 2.7% 84.4%
INDELs 45 3 18 6.2% 71.4%


In [19]:
tbl_variants_hb32_gatk = tabulate_variants_gatk('hb3_dd2', 0).selectin('gene', evaluation_genes_hb3).cache(10000)
tbl_variants_hb32_gatk.display(caption='HB3(2) GATK')

2016-03-08 22:46:55.120876 :: HB3/PG0004-CW/ERR012788
2016-03-08 22:46:57.313695 :: n_variants 27786
0|CHROM 1|POS 2|REF 3|ALT 4|svlen 5|svtype 6|gene
Pf3D7_01_v3 265603 CAT C -2 DEL PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 266480 A T 0 SNP PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 266640 TCTC T -3 DEL PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 267777 C T 0 SNP PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 269132 C T 0 SNP PF3D7_0106300


In [20]:
tables = tbl_variants_hb32_gatk, tbl_variants_hb3_birren, tbl_variants_hb3_genbank
labels = 'HB3(2) Illumina BWA/GATK', 'HB3 Broad assembly', 'HB3 GenBank sequences'
confusion_3way(tables, labels, key=('CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'ALT'))

confusion ('CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'ALT')
variant_type TP FP FN FDR sensitivity
all variants 205 5 58 2.4% 77.9%
SNPs 171 1 39 0.6% 81.4%
INDELs 34 4 19 10.5% 64.2%

In [21]:
tables = tbl_variants_hb32_gatk, tbl_variants_hb3_birren, tbl_variants_hb3_genbank
labels = 'HB3(2) Illumina BWA/GATK', 'HB3 Broad assembly', 'HB3 GenBank sequences'
confusion_3way(tables, labels, key=('CHROM', 'POS', 'svtype'))

confusion ('CHROM', 'POS', 'svtype')
variant_type TP FP FN FDR sensitivity
all variants 207 3 60 1.4% 77.5%
SNPs 171 1 39 0.6% 81.4%
INDELs 36 2 21 5.3% 63.2%

HB3(1) Cortex

In [22]:
tbl_variants_hb31_cortex = tabulate_variants_cortex('3d7_hb3', 1).selectin('gene', evaluation_genes_hb3).cache(10000)
tbl_variants_hb31_cortex.display(caption='HB3(1) Cortex')

2016-03-08 22:47:04.624397 :: HB3/PG0052-C/ERR019054
2016-03-08 22:47:04.791577 :: n_variants 27278
HB3(1) Cortex
0|CHROM 1|POS 2|REF 3|ALT 4|svlen 5|svtype 6|gene
Pf3D7_01_v3 265603 CAT C -2 DEL PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 266480 A T 0 SNP PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 267777 C T 0 SNP PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 269132 C T 0 SNP PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_02_v3 290368 G GATAT 4 INS PF3D7_0207300


In [23]:
tables = tbl_variants_hb31_cortex, tbl_variants_hb3_birren, tbl_variants_hb3_genbank
labels = 'HB3(1) Illumina Cortex', 'HB3 Broad assembly', 'HB3 GenBank sequences'
confusion_3way(tables, labels, key=('CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'ALT'))

confusion ('CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'ALT')
variant_type TP FP FN FDR sensitivity
all variants 226 6 34 2.6% 86.9%
SNPs 188 2 22 1.1% 89.5%
INDELs 38 4 12 9.5% 76.0%

In [24]:
tables = tbl_variants_hb31_cortex, tbl_variants_hb3_birren, tbl_variants_hb3_genbank
labels = 'HB3(1) Illumina Cortex', 'HB3 Broad assembly', 'HB3 GenBank sequences'
confusion_3way(tables, labels, key=('CHROM', 'POS', 'svtype'))

confusion ('CHROM', 'POS', 'svtype')
variant_type TP FP FN FDR sensitivity
all variants 226 6 37 2.6% 85.9%
SNPs 188 2 22 1.1% 89.5%
INDELs 38 4 15 9.5% 71.7%

HB3(2) Cortex

In [25]:
tbl_variants_hb32_cortex = tabulate_variants_cortex('hb3_dd2', 0).selectin('gene', evaluation_genes_hb3).cache(10000)
tbl_variants_hb32_cortex.display(caption='HB3(2) Cortex')

2016-03-08 22:47:12.565967 :: HB3/PG0004-CW/ERR012788
2016-03-08 22:47:13.136625 :: n_variants 13192
HB3(2) Cortex
0|CHROM 1|POS 2|REF 3|ALT 4|svlen 5|svtype 6|gene
Pf3D7_01_v3 265603 CAT C -2 DEL PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 266640 TCTC T -3 DEL PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 267777 C T 0 SNP PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 269132 C T 0 SNP PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_02_v3 290667 G C 0 SNP PF3D7_0207300


In [26]:
tables = tbl_variants_hb32_cortex, tbl_variants_hb3_birren, tbl_variants_hb3_genbank
labels = 'HB3(2) Illumina Cortex', 'HB3 Broad assembly', 'HB3 GenBank sequences'
confusion_3way(tables, labels, key=('CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'ALT'))

confusion ('CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'ALT')
variant_type TP FP FN FDR sensitivity
all variants 68 1 166 1.4% 29.1%
SNPs 57 0 137 0.0% 29.4%
INDELs 11 1 29 8.3% 27.5%

In [27]:
tables = tbl_variants_hb32_cortex, tbl_variants_hb3_birren, tbl_variants_hb3_genbank
labels = 'HB3(2) Illumina Cortex', 'HB3 Broad assembly', 'HB3 GenBank sequences'
confusion_3way(tables, labels, key=('CHROM', 'POS', 'svtype'))

confusion ('CHROM', 'POS', 'svtype')
variant_type TP FP FN FDR sensitivity
all variants 68 1 172 1.4% 28.3%
SNPs 57 0 137 0.0% 29.4%
INDELs 11 1 35 8.3% 23.9%

HB3(1) combined

In [28]:
tbl_variants_hb31_combined =
tables = tbl_variants_hb31_combined, tbl_variants_hb3_birren, tbl_variants_hb3_genbank
labels = 'HB3(1) Illumina combined', 'HB3 Broad assembly', 'HB3 GenBank sequences'
confusion_3way(tables, labels, key=('CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'ALT'))

confusion ('CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'ALT')
variant_type TP FP FN FDR sensitivity
all variants 245 17 28 6.5% 89.7%
SNPs 192 7 20 3.5% 90.6%
INDELs 53 10 8 15.9% 86.9%

HB3(2) combined

In [29]:
tbl_variants_hb32_combined =
tables = tbl_variants_hb32_combined, tbl_variants_hb3_birren, tbl_variants_hb3_genbank
labels = 'HB3(2) Illumina combined', 'HB3 Broad assembly', 'HB3 GenBank sequences'
confusion_3way(tables, labels, key=('CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'ALT'))

confusion ('CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'ALT')
variant_type TP FP FN FDR sensitivity
all variants 210 6 54 2.8% 79.5%
SNPs 173 1 37 0.6% 82.4%
INDELs 37 5 17 11.9% 68.5%

HB3(1) Intersection

In [30]:
tbl_variants_hb31_intersect = tbl_variants_hb31_gatk.intersection(tbl_variants_hb31_cortex)
tables = tbl_variants_hb31_intersect, tbl_variants_hb3_birren, tbl_variants_hb3_genbank
labels = 'HB3(1) Illumina intersection', 'HB3 Broad assembly', 'HB3 GenBank sequences'
confusion_3way(tables, labels, key=('CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'ALT'))

confusion ('CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'ALT')
variant_type TP FP FN FDR sensitivity
all variants 201 0 57 0.0% 77.9%
SNPs 174 0 35 0.0% 83.3%
INDELs 27 0 22 0.0% 55.1%

HB3(2) Intersection

In [31]:
tbl_variants_hb32_intersect = tbl_variants_hb32_gatk.intersection(tbl_variants_hb32_cortex)
tables = tbl_variants_hb32_intersect, tbl_variants_hb3_birren, tbl_variants_hb3_genbank
labels = 'HB3(2) Illumina intersection', 'HB3 Broad assembly', 'HB3 GenBank sequences'
confusion_3way(tables, labels, key=('CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'ALT'))

confusion ('CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'ALT')
variant_type TP FP FN FDR sensitivity
all variants 63 0 170 0.0% 27.0%
SNPs 55 0 139 0.0% 28.4%
INDELs 8 0 31 0.0% 20.5%

HB3(1) vs HB3(2) GATK

In [33]:
tables = tbl_variants_hb31_gatk, tbl_variants_hb32_gatk
labels = 'HB3(1) BWA/GATK', 'HB3(2) BWA/GATK'
key = 'CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'ALT'
confusion_2way(tables, labels)


HB3(1) vs HB3(2) Cortex

In [34]:
tables = tbl_variants_hb31_cortex, tbl_variants_hb32_cortex
labels = 'HB3(1) Cortex', 'HB3(2) Cortex'
key = 'CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'ALT'
confusion_2way(tables, labels)


HB3(1) GATK vs Cortex

In [35]:
tables = tbl_variants_hb31_gatk, tbl_variants_hb31_cortex
labels = 'HB3(1) BWA/GATK', 'HB3(1) Cortex'
key = 'CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'ALT'
confusion_2way(tables, labels)


In [36]:
tables = tbl_variants_hb32_gatk, tbl_variants_hb32_cortex
labels = 'HB3(2) BWA/GATK', 'HB3(2) Cortex'
key = 'CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'ALT'
confusion_2way(tables, labels)


HB3(1) Garimella assembly

In [37]:
bam_fn_hb31_garimella = os.path.join(truth_dir, 'bwamem_intractg', 'alignment', 'garimella_hb3_ERR019054_contigs.bam')
tbl_variants_hb31_garimella = call_variants(bam_fn_hb31_garimella, evaluation_genes_hb3)
tbl_variants_hb31_garimella.display(caption='HB3(1) Garimella contigs')

HB3(1) Garimella contigs
0|CHROM 1|POS 2|REF 3|ALT 4|svtype 5|svlen 6|gene
Pf3D7_01_v3 265603 CAT C DEL -2 PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 266480 A T SNP 0 PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 266640 TCTC T DEL -3 PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 267777 C T SNP 0 PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 269132 C T SNP 0 PF3D7_0106300


In [38]:
tables = tbl_variants_hb31_garimella, tbl_variants_hb3_birren, tbl_variants_hb3_genbank
labels = 'HB3(1) Illumina assembly', 'HB3 Broad assembly', 'HB3 GenBank sequences'
confusion_3way(tables, labels, key=('CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'ALT'))

confusion ('CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'ALT')
variant_type TP FP FN FDR sensitivity
all variants 248 18 24 6.8% 91.2%
SNPs 198 8 13 3.9% 93.8%
INDELs 50 10 11 16.7% 82.0%

HB3(2) Garimella assembly

In [39]:
bam_fn_hb32_garimella = os.path.join(truth_dir, 'bwamem_intractg', 'alignment', 'garimella_hb3_ERR012788_contigs.bam')
tbl_variants_hb32_garimella = call_variants(bam_fn_hb32_garimella, evaluation_genes_hb3)
tbl_variants_hb32_garimella.display(caption='HB3(2) Garimella contigs')

HB3(2) Garimella contigs
0|CHROM 1|POS 2|REF 3|ALT 4|svtype 5|svlen 6|gene
Pf3D7_01_v3 265603 CAT C DEL -2 PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 266480 A T SNP 0 PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 266640 TCTC T DEL -3 PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 267777 C T SNP 0 PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 269132 C T SNP 0 PF3D7_0106300


In [40]:
tables = tbl_variants_hb32_garimella, tbl_variants_hb3_birren, tbl_variants_hb3_genbank
labels = 'HB3(2) Illumina assembly', 'HB3 Broad assembly', 'HB3 GenBank sequences'
confusion_3way(tables, labels, key=('CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'ALT'))

confusion ('CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'ALT')
variant_type TP FP FN FDR sensitivity
all variants 262 7 14 2.6% 94.9%
SNPs 205 4 8 1.9% 96.2%
INDELs 57 3 6 5.0% 90.5%

HB3(1) vs HB3(2) Illumina assemblies

In [41]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(3, 5))

# SNPs
s1 = tbl_variants_hb31_garimella.eq('svtype', 'SNP').values('CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'ALT').set()
s2 = tbl_variants_hb32_garimella.eq('svtype', 'SNP').values('CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'ALT').set()
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1)
venn.venn2([s1, s2], set_labels=['HB3(1) Illumina assembly', 'HB3(2) Illumina assembly'], 
           set_colors=['b', 'g'], ax=ax)
ax.set_title('SNPs', fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')

s1 = tbl_variants_hb31_garimella.selectin('svtype', {'INS', 'DEL'}).values('CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'ALT').set()
s2 = tbl_variants_hb32_garimella.selectin('svtype', {'INS', 'DEL'}).values('CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'ALT').set()
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2)
venn.venn2([s1, s2], set_labels=['HB3(1) Illumina assembly', 'HB3(2) Illumina assembly'], 
           set_colors=['b', 'g'], ax=ax)
ax.set_title('INDELs', fontsize=14, fontweight='bold');

HB3(1) 3-way comparison

In [42]:
tables = tbl_variants_hb31_garimella, tbl_variants_hb31_gatk, tbl_variants_hb31_cortex
labels = 'HB3(1) assembly', 'HB3(1) BWA/GATK', 'HB3(1) Cortex'
confusion_3way(tables, labels, key=('CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'ALT'))

confusion ('CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'ALT')
variant_type TP FP FN FDR sensitivity
all variants 230 36 6 13.5% 97.5%
SNPs 189 17 2 8.3% 99.0%
INDELs 41 19 4 31.7% 91.1%

In [43]:
tables = tbl_variants_hb32_garimella, tbl_variants_hb32_gatk, tbl_variants_hb32_cortex
labels = 'HB3(2) assembly', 'HB3(2) BWA/GATK', 'HB3(2) Cortex'
confusion_3way(tables, labels, key=('CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'ALT'))

confusion ('CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'ALT')
variant_type TP FP FN FDR sensitivity
all variants 202 67 2 24.9% 99.0%
SNPs 170 39 1 18.7% 99.4%
INDELs 32 28 1 46.7% 97.0%

Gene by gene

In [45]:
for gene_id in evaluation_genes_hb3:
    t1 = tbl_variants_hb3_birren.eq('gene', gene_id)
    t2 = tbl_variants_hb3_genbank.eq('gene', gene_id)
    confusion_2way([t1, t2], ['Broad assembly', 'GenBank sequences'])

/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/matplotlib_venn/ UserWarning: Both circles have zero area
  warnings.warn("Both circles have zero area")


In [46]:
alignment_method = 'bwamem_intractg'
assembly = 'genbank_hb3_coding_sequences'
bam_fn = os.path.join(truth_dir, alignment_method, 'alignment', assembly + '.bam')
!ls -lh {bam_fn}
tbl_variants = call_variants(bam_fn, evaluation_genes_hb3[:2])

-rw-rw-r-- 1 aliman aliman 52K Apr 14  2015 /data/plasmodium/pfalciparum/pf-crosses/data/evaluation/truth/bwamem_intractg/alignment/genbank_hb3_coding_sequences.bam
0|CHROM 1|POS 2|REF 3|ALT 4|svtype 5|svlen 6|gene
Pf3D7_01_v3 265603 CAT C DEL -2 PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 266073 A ATT INS 2 PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 266480 A T SNP 0 PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 266640 TCTC T DEL -3 PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 267777 C T SNP 0 PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 269132 C T SNP 0 PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_02_v3 290368 G GATAT INS 4 PF3D7_0207300
Pf3D7_02_v3 290569 T A SNP 0 PF3D7_0207300
Pf3D7_02_v3 290572 T A SNP 0 PF3D7_0207300
Pf3D7_02_v3 290667 G C SNP 0 PF3D7_0207300
Pf3D7_02_v3 291545 G GA INS 1 PF3D7_0207300
Pf3D7_02_v3 291565 A AATATATATATATAT INS 14 PF3D7_0207300
Pf3D7_02_v3 291983 C T SNP 0 PF3D7_0207300
Pf3D7_02_v3 292241 C CATATAT INS 6 PF3D7_0207300
Pf3D7_02_v3 292382 A T SNP 0 PF3D7_0207300

In [47]:
alignment_method = 'bwamem_intractg'
assembly = 'birren_hb3_contigs'
bam_fn = os.path.join(truth_dir, alignment_method, 'alignment', assembly + '.bam')
!ls -lh {bam_fn}
tbl_variants = call_variants(bam_fn, evaluation_genes_hb3[:2])

-rw-rw-r-- 1 aliman aliman 13M Apr 13  2015 /data/plasmodium/pfalciparum/pf-crosses/data/evaluation/truth/bwamem_intractg/alignment/birren_hb3_contigs.bam
0|CHROM 1|POS 2|REF 3|ALT 4|svtype 5|svlen 6|gene
Pf3D7_01_v3 265603 CAT C DEL -2 PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 266073 A ATT INS 2 PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 266480 A T SNP 0 PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 266640 TCTC T DEL -3 PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 267777 C T SNP 0 PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_01_v3 269132 C T SNP 0 PF3D7_0106300
Pf3D7_02_v3 290368 G GATAT INS 4 PF3D7_0207300
Pf3D7_02_v3 290569 T A SNP 0 PF3D7_0207300
Pf3D7_02_v3 290572 T A SNP 0 PF3D7_0207300
Pf3D7_02_v3 290667 G C SNP 0 PF3D7_0207300
Pf3D7_02_v3 291565 A AATATATATATATAT INS 14 PF3D7_0207300
Pf3D7_02_v3 291983 C T SNP 0 PF3D7_0207300
Pf3D7_02_v3 292241 C CATAT INS 4 PF3D7_0207300
Pf3D7_02_v3 292382 A T SNP 0 PF3D7_0207300

In [ ]: