Machine Learning with H2O - Tutorial 5: H2O in the Cloud


  • This tutorial demonstrates how to connect to a H2O cluster in the cloud.


  1. Create a H2O cluster in the cloud. Follow instructions from
  2. Import h2o module.
  3. Connect to cluster using h2o.connect(...) with specific IP address.

Step 1: Create a H2O cluster in the Cloud

Follow the instructions from

Step 2: Import H2O module

In [ ]:
# Import module
import h2o

Step 3: Connect to H2O cluster with IP address

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# In order to connect to a H2O cluster in the cloud, you need to specify the IP address
h2o.connect(ip = "") # fill in the real IP

That is all you need to do

All other tasks (importing data, training models, making predictions etc) are exactly the same as shown in previous code examples.