In [0]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
r = np.linspace(0,12,100) # r=R/a0
P = (1+r+1/3*r**2)*np.exp(-r)
plt.xlabel('Internuclear Distance $R/a0$')
plt.ylabel('Overlap S')
plt.title('The Overlap Between Two 1s Orbitals')
The similarity of the energies of the two atomic orbitals, ie the value of $\beta = \langle \phi_1 | \hat{f} | \phi_2 \rangle $
In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
A = 1
alpha = 1
R0 =[0,.25,.5,.75,1,2]
R = np.linspace(0,10,100)
for i in R0:
V = A*(1-np.exp(-alpha*(R-i)))**2
plt.plot(R,V, label = i)
plt.xlabel('Internuclear Distance (R)')
plt.ylabel('Wavefunction (V(R))')
plt.title('Variation in R0')
print('R0 is the equilibrium bond distance.')
In [2]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
A = 1
alpha = [0,.25,.5,.75,1,2]
R0 = 1
R = np.linspace(0,10,100)
for i in alpha:
V = A*(1-np.exp(-i*(R-R0)))**2
plt.plot(R,V, label = i)
plt.xlabel('Internuclear Distance (R)')
plt.ylabel('Wavefunction (V(R))')
plt.title('Variation in alpha')
print('Alpha is the stiffness (spring constant) of the bond between the two atoms.')
In [3]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
A = [0,.25,.5,.75,1,2]
alpha = 1
R0 = 1
R = np.linspace(0,10,100)
for i in A:
V = i*(1-np.exp(-alpha*(R-R0)))**2
plt.plot(R,V, label = i)
plt.xlabel('Internuclear Distance (R)')
plt.ylabel('Wavefunction (V(R))')
plt.title('Variation in A')
print('A is the difference in energy between a molecule and its atoms---the bond dissociation energy.')
a) $$H:H$$ $$Li:H$$ $H_2$ has a stronger bond because the two hydrogens have similar energies.
b) $$:N:::N:$$ $$H:H$$ $N_2$ has a stronger bond since there are 3 bonds instead of just one.
c) $$:N:::N:$$ $$:C:::O:$$ An argument for both structures can be made. There is not an agreed upon answer in the literature.
d) $$H:H$$ $$ :He\quad He:$$ $H_2$ has a stronger bond since $He_2$ doesn't have a bond.
The molecule you are to study depends on your last name. Choose according to the list:
For your convenience, here are the total energies (in Hartree, 27.212 eV/Hartree) of the constituent atoms, calculated using the B3LYP DFT treatment of $v_{ee}$ and the def2-SVP basis set:
Atom | Energy | Atom | Energy |
B | –24.61703 | N | -54.51279 |
Be | -14.64102 | O | -74.98784 |
C | -37.79271 | F | -99.60655 |
In [0]:
# Carbon Monoxide
# From, L = 1.128 Angstrom
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
E_C = -37.79271 # Ha, energy of single C atom
E_O = -74.98784 # Ha, energy of single O atom
length = [1.00, 1.05, 1.10, 1.15, 1.2, 1.25] # Angstrom
E_CO = [-113.249199,-113.287858,-113.305895,-113.309135,-113.301902,-113.287408] # Ha, energy of CO
E_bond = [] # energy of CO bond
for i in E_CO:
E_bond.append((i-E_C-E_O)*27.212) # eV, Energy[CO - C - O] = Energy[bond]
fit = np.polyfit(length, E_bond, 2) # quadratic fit
print("Fitted result: E = %fx^2 + (%f)x + %f"%(fit[0],fit[1],fit[2]))
# Find E_min
x = np.linspace(0.9, 1.4, 100)
z = fit[0]*x**2 + fit[1]*x + fit[2] # from result above
E_min_CO = min(z) # Find the minimum in energy array
print('E_min_CO = %feV.'%(E_min_CO))
# Plot E vs length
plt.plot(length, E_bond, '.', label='Webmo Data')
plt.plot(x, z, '--',label='Quadratic Fit')
plt.xlabel('Bond length (Angstrom)')
plt.ylabel('Energy (eV)')
plt.title('CO Molecular Energy vs. Bond Length')
# Find equilbrium bond length
import sympy as sp
x = sp.symbols('x')
z = fit[0]*x**2 + fit[1]*x + fit[2] # from result above
l = sp.solve(sp.diff(z,x),x)
print('L_equilibrium = %f A > 1.128 A (in literature).'%(l[0])) # equilibrium bond length
In [0]:
#Boron Nitride
#From, L= 1.325 Angstrom
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
E_B = -24.61703 # Ha, energy of single B atom
E_N = -54.51279 # Ha, energy of single N atom
length = [1.15, 1.2, 1.25, 1.3, 1.35, 1.4] # Angstrom
E_BN = [-79.359357,-79.376368,-79.383355,-79.382896,-79.377003,-79.367236] # Ha, energy of BN
E_bond = [] # energy of BN bond
for i in E_BN:
fit = np.polyfit(length, E_bond, 2) # quadratic fit
print("Fitted result: E = %fx^2 + (%f)x + %f"%(fit[0],fit[1],fit[2]))
# Find E_min
x = np.linspace(1.1, 1.5, 100)
z = fit[0]*x**2 + fit[1]*x + fit[2] # from result above
E_min_BN = min(z) # Find the minimum in energy array
print('E_min_BN = %feV.'%(E_min_BN))
# Plot E vs length
plt.plot(length, E_bond, '.', label='Webmo Data')
plt.plot(x, z, '--',label='Quadratic Fit')
plt.xlabel('Bond length (Angstrom)')
plt.ylabel('Energy (eV)')
plt.title('BN Molecular Energy vs. Bond Length')
# Find equilbrium bond length
import sympy as sp
x = sp.symbols('x')
z = fit[0]*x**2 + fit[1]*x + fit[2] # from result above
l = sp.solve(sp.diff(z,x),x)
print('L_equilibrium = %f A < 1.325 A (in literature).'%(l[0])) # equilibrium bond length
In [0]:
#Berrylium Oxide
#From, L = 1.331 Angstrom
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
E_Be = -14.64102 # Ha
E_O = -74.98784 # Ha
length = [1.2, 1.25, 1.3, 1.35, 1.4, 1.45] # Angstrom
E_BeO = [-89.880569,-89.893740,-89.899599,-89.899934,-89.896149,-89.889335] # Ha, energy of BeO
E_bond = [] # energy of BeO bond
for i in E_BeO:
fit = np.polyfit(length, E_bond, 2) # quadratic fit
print("Fitted result: E = %fx^2 + (%f)x + %f"%(fit[0],fit[1],fit[2]))
# Find E_min
x = np.linspace(1.1, 1.6, 100)
z = fit[0]*x**2 + fit[1]*x + fit[2] # from result above
E_min_BeO = min(z) # Find the minimum in energy array
print('E_min_BeO = %feV.'%(E_min_BeO))
# Plot E vs length
plt.plot(length, E_bond, '.', label='Webmo Data')
plt.plot(x, z, '--',label='Quadratic Fit')
plt.xlabel('Bond length (Angstrom)')
plt.ylabel('Energy (eV)')
plt.title('BeO Molecular Energy vs. Bond Length')
# Find equilbrium bond length
import sympy as sp
x = sp.symbols('x')
z = fit[0]*x**2 + fit[1]*x + fit[2] # from result above
l = sp.solve(sp.diff(z,x),x)
print('L_equilibrium = %f A > 1.331 A (in literature).'%(l[0])) # equilibrium bond length
In [0]:
print('CO Molecule:')
J = 1.6022e-19 # J, 1 eV = 1.6022e-19 J
L = 1e-10 # m, 1 angstrom = 1e-10 m
# k [=] Energy/Length^2
k_CO = 2*71.30418671*J/L**2 # J/m**2
c = 2.99792e8 # m/s
m_C = 12.0107*1.6605e-27 # kg
m_O = 15.9994*1.6605e-27 # kg
mu_CO = m_C*m_O/(m_C+m_O) # kg, reduced mass
nu_CO = 1/(2*np.pi*c)*np.sqrt(k_CO/mu_CO)/100 # cm^-1, wavenumber
print('The harmonic vibrational frequency is %f cm^-1.'%(nu_CO))
In [0]:
print('BN Molecule:')
J = 1.6022e-19 # J, 1 eV = 1.6022e-19 J
L = 1e-10 # m, 1 angstrom = 1e-10 m
# k [=] Energy/Length^2
k_BN = 2*36.0384*J/L**2 # J/m**2
c = 2.99792e8 # m/s
m_B = 10.811*1.6605e-27 # kg
m_N = 14.0067*1.6605e-27 # kg
mu_BN = m_B*m_N/(m_B+m_N) # kg, reduced mass
nu_BN = 1/(2*np.pi*c)*np.sqrt(k_BN/mu_BN)/100 # cm^-1, wavenumber
print('The harmonic vibrational frequency is %f cm^-1.'%(nu_BN))
In [0]:
print('BeO Molecule:')
J = 1.6022e-19 # J, 1 eV = 1.6022e-19 J
L = 1e-10 # m, 1 angstrom = 1e-10 m
# k [=] Energy/Length^2
k_BeO = 2*26.920637*J/L**2 # J/m**2
c = 2.99792e8 # m/s
m_Be = 9.01218*1.6605e-27 # kg
m_O = 15.9994*1.6605e-27 # kg
mu_BeO = m_Be*m_O/(m_Be+m_O) # kg, reduced mass
nu_BeO = 1/(2*np.pi*c)*np.sqrt(k_BeO/mu_BeO)/100 # cm^-1, wavenumber
print('The harmonic vibrational frequency is %f cm^-1.'%(nu_BeO))
In [0]:
# Get experimental vibrational zero-point energy from NIST database:
nu_CO_exp = 1084.9 # cm^-1
nu_BN_exp = 760.2 # cm^-1
nu_BeO_exp = 728.5 # cm^-1
In [0]:
print('CO Molecule:')
# Note: E_ZPC = E_min + ZPE_harmonic_oscillator
h = 6.62607e-34
NA = 6.02214e23
J = 1.6022e-19 # eV to J
E_min_CO = (-16.300903*J)*NA/1000 # converted from eV to kJ/mol from problem 8
# Calculations
E0_CO = (0.5*h*nu_CO*100*c)*NA/1000 # kJ/mol, ZPE harmonic oscillator
EB_CO = E_min_CO + E0_CO # kJ/mol, ZPC bond energy
# Experiments
E0_CO_exp = (0.5*h*nu_CO_exp*100*c)*NA/1000
EB_CO_exp = E_min_CO + E0_CO_exp
print('|E_ZPC| = %f kJ/mol < %f kJ/mol.'%(-EB_CO,-EB_CO_exp))
In [0]:
print('BN Molecule:')
# Note: E_ZPC = E_min + ZPE_harmonic_oscillator
h = 6.62607e-34
NA = 6.02214e23
J = 1.6022e-19 # eV to J
E_min_BN = (-4.633537*J)*NA/1000 # converted from eV to kJ/mol from problem 8
# Calculations
E0_BN = (0.5*h*nu_BN*100*c)*NA/1000 # kJ/mol, ZPE harmonic oscillator
EB_BN = E_min_BN + E0_BN # kJ/mol, ZPC bond energy
# Experiments
E0_BN_exp = (0.5*h*nu_BN_exp*100*c)*NA/1000
EB_BN_exp = E_min_BN + E0_BN_exp
print('|E_ZPC| = %f kJ/mol < %f kJ/mol.'%(-EB_BN,-EB_BN_exp))
In [0]:
print('BeO Molecule:')
# Note: E_ZPC = E_min + ZPE_harmonic_oscillator
h = 6.62607e-34
NA = 6.02214e23
J = 1.6022e-19 # eV to J
E_min_BeO = (-5.850784*J)*NA/1000 # converted from eV to kJ/mol from problem 8
# Calculations
E0_BeO = (0.5*h*nu_BeO*100*c)*NA/1000 # kJ/mol, ZPE harmonic oscillator
EB_BeO = E_min_BeO + E0_BeO # kJ/mol, ZPC bond energy
# Experiments
E0_BeO_exp = (0.5*h*nu_BeO_exp*100*c)*NA/1000
EB_BeO_exp = E_min_BeO + E0_BeO_exp
print('|E_ZPC| = %f kJ/mol < %f kJ/mol.'%(-EB_BeO,-EB_BeO_exp))
In [0]:
C2H6 = 1.531 # Angstrom
C2H4 = 1.331 # Angstrom
C2H2 = 1.205 # Angstrom
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.ylabel('Bond length (A)')
plt.xticks(np.arange(3), ('C2H2','C2H4','C2H6'))
The vibrational spectra are clearly very different, so these molecules can be distinguished by IR.
In [0]:
E_H2 = -1.16646206791 # Ha
E_C2H2 = -77.3256461775 # Ha, acetylene
E_C2H4 = -78.5874580928 # Ha, ethylene
E_C2H6 = -79.8304174812 # Ha, ethane
E_rxn1 = (E_C2H4 - E_C2H2 - E_H2)*2625.50 # kJ/mol, H2 + C2H2 -> C2H4
E_rxn2 = (E_C2H6 - E_C2H4 - E_H2)*2625.50 # kJ/mol, H2 + C2H4 -> C2H6
print("E_rnx1 = %f kJ/mol, E_rnx2 = %f kJ/mol"%(E_rxn1, E_rxn2))
Exothermic to add the first H2 to acetylene (to make ethylene) and to add second H2 to make ethane. A selective hydrogenation catalyst must help the first to happen and not the second.
In [0]: