*Create a reasonable definition(s) of rule performance.*
The definition of rule performance I used involves three related measures of success: precision, recall, and the combined F1-score. This primarily evaluates the decisions of the risk agents, where a (true) positive result occurred when a rule was triggered, the agent withheld funds, and the case was ultimately labeled as fraud. A poorly-performing rule is one where a trigger either meant the agent released the funds the majority of the time (which would mean the rule is too sensitive to false positives) or with a high rate of released funds for cases labeled as fraud (which would mean that the agents do not recognize the merits of this rule).
I calculated precision, recall, and F1 for each rule based on the rates of held funds and bad cases. Roughly 1/3 of the rules (11/30) have high marks for both precision and recall and have triggered a sufficient number of alerts that their performance is fairly well characterized. A second group of rules (10/30) have enough triggers to measure their performance, but low precision and recall scores; these should be re-assessed and potentially modified to lower the number of false detections. The remaining 9/30 rules either have very few triggers and/or exhibit rapidly changing behavior, and need more triggers before their effectiveness can be evaluated.
I also looked at performance grouped by the overall rule type. Fraud rules have by a significant amount the best performance across all three metrics. Financial risk has comparable precision, but much worse recall. Metrics for both fraud and financial risk stabilized after $\sim1$ month of collecting data. Compliance metrics are poor both in precision and recall, and have been mildly but steadily decreasing over the last two months of data.
*Build a mockup of a dashboard(s) that tracks rules performance (by rule and by RiskAlertCategory) in whatever way you think is appropriate (there may be multiple ways to assess performance).*
The dashboards I built are static plots in Python/Jupyter notebook, although the queries are run against a SQL database (PostgreSQL for this example) that can be updated with new data. The dashboard can be easily updated with more recent data. The key plot shows the precision, recall, and F1 scores split by rule and plotted over an expanding time window (taking in all data up to the current point). It shows the relative stability and performance of each rule simultaneously.
For the daily business of risk agents, the performance is plotted over a rolling window so that agents can assess the recent performance of each rule as well.
*Assess the overall decision making process (which includes Risk Agents’ decisions).*
Evaluation of the decision making process relies heavily on two pieces of data that are not included in this set. The first set would be the actual true negatives: cases of daily transactions that did not trigger a rule. Information on this would provide a baseline on the sensitivity of a particular rule to both holding funds and ultimate investigation into whether a transaction is fraudulent.
Secondly, there is no information on the risk agent handling each of the individual cases. This information is potentially important because of the human factor involved; a particular risk agent, for example, will have varying levels of accuracy (either overall or with respect to particular rules), each of which could be modeled. If so, that would allow better assessment of the rule performance since the effect of a particular user agent can be marginalized. This information could also be attached via anonymized ID in the same case table.
In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
In [2]:
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy_utils import database_exists, create_database
import psycopg2
import pandas as pd # Requires v 0.18.0
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
In [3]:
dbname = 'risk'
username = 'willettk'
# Note: password must be entered to run, but don't put this anywhere public.
psswd = ''
In [4]:
engine = create_engine('postgresql://%s:%s@localhost/%s'%(username,psswd,dbname))
# Check if database exists
In [7]:
# Load the risk databases from CSV files
cases = pd.read_csv('risk_data/cases.csv',
cases.rename(columns=lambda x: x.lower(), inplace=True)
print cases.dtypes
In [8]:
rules = pd.read_csv('risk_data/rules.csv')
rules.rename(columns=lambda x: x.lower(), inplace=True)
In [9]:
categories = pd.read_csv('risk_data/ruleCategories.csv')
categories.rename(columns=lambda x: x.lower(), inplace=True)
In [10]:
# Insert tables into PostgreSQL
cases.to_sql('cases', engine, if_exists='replace', index=False)
rules.to_sql('rules', engine, if_exists='replace', index=False)
categories.to_sql('categories', engine, if_exists='replace', index=False)
In [11]:
# As when setting up PSQL, the connection will need the password for the database entered here
con = psycopg2.connect(database = dbname, user = username, host='localhost', password=psswd)
In [53]:
# How many different rules are there, grouped by type?
sql_query = """
SELECT ruletype,COUNT(ruletype)
FROM categories
GROUP BY ruleType;
In [14]:
# Are there cases triggered without any money involved in the transaction?
sql_query = """
FROM cases
WHERE amount = 0;
Plot the distribution of money involved per transaction. There are ~900 cases where no money was exchanged, but an alert was still triggered. These are potential bad data points, and might need to be removed from the sample. I'd consult with other members of the team to determine whether that would be appropriate. The distribution of money spent is roughly log-normal.
In [57]:
pl = np.log10(cases.amount+1).hist(bins=50)
pl.set_xlabel("log(Transaction mount per triggered case [$])")
pl.set_title("Median transaction is ${:.2f}".format(cases.amount.median()));
In [59]:
In [17]:
# What are the distributions of outcomes with regard to holds and bad merchants?
sql_query = """
SELECT held, badmerch, COUNT(badmerch) as c
FROM cases
GROUP BY held,badmerch;
p = pd.read_sql_query(sql_query,con)
In [20]:
# How many total cases are there?
print "Total number of cases in this data set: {}".format(len(cases))
In [21]:
# Does the number of rules violations equal the number of helds?
print len(rules)
print sum(cases.held)
In [22]:
# Are there rules violations that don't correspond to cases in the table?
sql_query = """
SELECT COUNT(rules.caseid)
FROM rules
LEFT JOIN cases ON cases.caseid = rules.caseid
WHERE cases.caseid IS NULL;
No - every case in the cases
table is associated with at least one rule triggering an alert.
In [24]:
# Look at the distribution of rule types for benign cases
sql_query = """
SELECT ruletype,sum(count) FROM
(SELECT X.count, categories.ruletype FROM
(SELECT rules.ruleid, COUNT(rules.ruleid)
FROM rules
LEFT JOIN cases ON cases.caseid = rules.caseid
WHERE cases.held = 0
AND cases.badmerch = 0
GROUP BY rules.ruleid) X
JOIN categories ON categories.ruleid = X.ruleid
) Y
GROUP BY ruletype
ruletypes_clean = pd.read_sql_query(sql_query,con)
ax = sns.barplot(x="ruletype", y="sum", data=ruletypes_clean)
So they're asking for a dashboard that predicts "rules performance". I have individual cases, some of which had funds withheld because of rules performance, and then some fraction of those which were flagged as actual bad cases following judgement by a human.
So the rules performance is strictly whether a case is likely to have funds automatically withheld and forwarded to a human for review. The badmerch
label is another level on top of that; the current success ratio should be a measure of how successful the automated system is.
Based on the outcomes above, a 4:1 ratio might not be considered particularly successful.
In [58]:
# Define helper functions for computing metrics of rule performance
def get_precision(TP,FP):
return TP* 1./ (TP + FP)
def get_recall(TP,FN):
return TP * 1./(TP + FN)
def get_accuracy(TP,FP,TN,FN):
return (TP + TN) * 1./ (TN+FN+FP+TP)
def get_f1(TP,FP,TN,FN):
precision = get_precision(TP,FP)
recall = get_recall(TP,FN)
return 2*precision*recall / (precision+recall)
In [19]:
# Print metrics for entire dataset
TN,FN,FP,TP = p.c / sum(p.c)
print "Precision: {:.3f}".format(get_precision(TP,FP))
print "Recall: {:.3f}".format(get_recall(TP,FN))
print "Accuracy: {:.3f}".format(get_accuracy(TP,FP,TN,FN))
print "F1: {:.3f}".format(get_f1(TP,FP,TN,FN))
I have a label that predicts both a specific rule and its associated class for each transaction. So a reasonable ordered set of priorities might be:
I'll need to engineer some of my own features here (ie, for each case I could do something like number of past cases, number of past bad cases, average money in transactions, average time between transactions, etc). Whatever interesting/potential combinations I can get from the ID, time, cost, and history.
Then I need to turn that into a "dashboard" - that could be both a visualization of past results and/or some mockup of a "current" day's activity and who my results would flag.
The next step in the analysis will be to make some plots and assess how the rules being trigger vary by rule and rule type.
In [25]:
sql_query = """
SELECT X.ruleid, X.caseid, X.outcome, categories.ruletype FROM
(SELECT rules.ruleid, rules.caseid,
WHEN cases.held = 0 and cases.badMerch = 0 THEN 'not held, good'
WHEN cases.held = 0 and cases.badMerch = 1 THEN 'not held, bad'
WHEN cases.held = 1 and cases.badMerch = 0 THEN 'held, good'
WHEN cases.held = 1 and cases.badMerch = 1 THEN 'held, bad'
END outcome
FROM rules
LEFT JOIN cases ON cases.caseid = rules.caseid
) X
JOIN categories ON categories.ruleid = X.ruleid
allcases = pd.read_sql_query(sql_query,con)
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(10,6))
sns.countplot(x="ruletype", hue="outcome", data=allcases, ax=ax);
So the distribution of outcomes is very different depending on the overall rule type. Let's look at the actual numbers in each category.
In [26]:
for g in allcases.groupby("ruletype"):
for gg in g[1].groupby("outcome"):
print "{:15}, {:15}, {:2.1f}%".format(g[0],gg[0],len(gg[1]) * 100./len(g[1]))
print ""
This data splits the number of alerts by the category of the triggering rule and the ultimate outcome. In every category, the most common outcome is that funds were not withheld and there was no corresponding loss. However, the ratio of outcomes varies strongly by rule type. For rules on compliance, more than 80% of cases are benign and flagged as such. The benign fraction drops to 61% for financial risk and 56% for fraud. So the type of rule being broken is strongly correlated with the likelihood of a bad transaction.
The challenge from Intuit is specifically to assess rule performance. I interpret that as evaluating individually whether each of these rules is doing well, based on the ultimate accuracy.
The approach I'll begin with is to look at the rates of the various outcomes for each rule as a function of some metric (precision, accuracy, F1).
In [27]:
# Retrieve the outcomes of all triggered cases and encode those outcomes as numeric data
sql_query = """
SELECT X.ruleid, X.caseid, X.outcome, categories.ruletype FROM
(SELECT rules.ruleid, rules.caseid,
WHEN cases.held = 0 and cases.badMerch = 0 THEN 0
WHEN cases.held = 0 and cases.badMerch = 1 THEN 1
WHEN cases.held = 1 and cases.badMerch = 0 THEN 2
WHEN cases.held = 1 and cases.badMerch = 1 THEN 3
END outcome
FROM rules
LEFT JOIN cases ON cases.caseid = rules.caseid
) X
JOIN categories ON categories.ruleid = X.ruleid
all_numeric = pd.read_sql_query(sql_query,con)
In [28]:
# Plot results as a grid of bar charts, separated by rule.
# Color indicates the overall rule type
ruleorder = list(categories[categories.ruletype=="Fraud"].ruleid.values) + \
list(categories[categories.ruletype=="Financial Risk"].ruleid.values) + \
grid = sns.FacetGrid(all_numeric,
col_order = ruleorder,
col_wrap=8, size=2, aspect=1,
grid.map(plt.hist, "outcome", normed=True)
This is one of the initial plots in the mock dashboard. It shows the overall performance of each rule sorted by outcome. Rule 17 stands out because it has only a single triggered alert in the dataset (agent placed funds on hold, but there was no fraud involved - false negative).
Good rules are ones dominated by true positives and where every other category is low; a high true negative rate would indicate that the agents are being accurate, but that the rule is overly sensitive (eg, Rule 31). The best at this by eye is Rule 18.
Next, we'll calculate our metrics of choice (precision, recall, F1) for the dataset when split by rule.
In [29]:
metric,value,ruleid = [],[],[]
for g in all_numeric.groupby('ruleid'):
outcomes = {}
for gg in g[1].groupby('outcome'):
outcomes[gg[0]] = len(gg[1])
TN,FN,FP,TP = [outcomes.setdefault(i, 0) for i in range(4)]
p_ = get_precision(TP,FP) if (TP + FP) > 0 and TP > 0 else 0.
r_ = get_recall(TP,FN) if (TP + FN) > 0 and TP > 0 else 0.
if p_ > 0. and r_ > 0.:
f_ = get_f1(TP,FP,TN,FN)
f_ = 0.
m = pd.DataFrame(index = range(len(metric)))
m['metric'] = pd.Series(metric)
m['value'] = pd.Series(value)
m['ruleid'] = pd.Series(ruleid)
In [30]:
# Plot the metrics for the overall data split by rule
grid = sns.FacetGrid(m,
col_wrap=8, size=2, aspect=1)
grid.map(sns.barplot, "metric","value","metric",palette=sns.color_palette("Set1"))
grid.map(plt.axhline, y=0.5, ls="--", c="0.5",lw=1);
This is a good overall summary; we have three metrics for each rule, of which the combined F1 is considered to be the most important. For any rule, we can look at the corresponding plot in the dashboard and examine whether F1 is above a chosen threshold value (labeled here as 0.5). Reading from left to right in the top row, for example, Rule 1 is performing well, Rule 2 is acceptable, Rules 3-5 are performing below the desired accuracy, etc.
In [37]:
# Plot the counts of each outcome split by rule type.
grid = sns.FacetGrid(all_numeric,
col="ruletype", hue="outcome",
col_wrap=3, size=5, aspect=1,
grid.map(plt.hist, "outcome")
Financial risk rules are the largest category, and are mostly cases that were true negatives (money not held and it wasn't a bad transaction). The false negative rate is slightly larger than the true positive, though, indicating that financial risks are missing more than half of the genuinely bad transactions. Fraud rules also have true negatives as the most common category, but a significantly lower false negative rate compard to true positives. So these types are less likely to be missed by the agents. Compliance rules trigger the fewest total number of alerts; the rates of anything except a false negative are all low (81% of these alerts are benign).
In [38]:
# Calculate precision, recall, F1 for data by rule type
rt_metric,rt_value,rt_ruletype = [],[],[]
for g in all_numeric.groupby('ruletype'):
outcomes = {}
for gg in g[1].groupby('outcome'):
outcomes[gg[0]] = len(gg[1])
TN,FN,FP,TP = [outcomes.setdefault(i, 0) for i in range(4)]
p_ = get_precision(TP,FP) if (TP + FP) > 0 and TP > 0 else 0.
r_ = get_recall(TP,FN) if (TP + FN) > 0 and TP > 0 else 0.
if p_ > 0. and r_ > 0.:
f_ = get_f1(TP,FP,TN,FN)
f_ = 0.
rtm = pd.DataFrame(index = range(len(rt_metric)))
rtm['metric'] = pd.Series(rt_metric)
rtm['value'] = pd.Series(rt_value)
rtm['ruletype'] = pd.Series(rt_ruletype)
In [39]:
# Plot the overall precision, recall, F1 for the dataset split by rule type
grid = sns.FacetGrid(rtm,
col_wrap=3, size=5, aspect=1)
grid.map(sns.barplot, "metric","value","metric",palette=sns.color_palette("Set1"))
grid.map(plt.axhline, y=0.5, ls="--", c="0.5",lw=1);
Grouping by type; fraud rules have by a significant amount the best performance across all three metrics. Financial risk has comparable precision, but much worse recall. Compliance is poor across the board.
The above dashboard is a useful start, since we've defined a metric and looked at how it differs for each rule. However, the data being used was collected over a period of several months, and the data should be examined for variations in the metrics as a function of time. This would examine whether a rule is performing well (and if it improves or degrades with more data), the response of the risk agents to different triggers, and possibly variations in the population of merchants submitting cases.
We'll look at this analysis in the context of an expanding window - for every point in a time series of data, we use data up to and including that point. This gives the cumulative performance as a function of time, which is useful for looking at how the performance of a given rule stabilizes.
In [31]:
# Compute precision, recall, and F1 over an expanding time window
def ex_precision(ts):
TP = (ts.badmerch & ts.held).sum()
FP = (ts.held & np.logical_not(ts.badmerch)).sum()
if (TP + FP) > 0.:
return TP * 1./ (TP + FP)
return 0.
def ex_recall(ts):
TP = (ts.badmerch & ts.held).sum()
FN = (ts.badmerch & np.logical_not(ts.held)).sum()
if (TP + FN) > 0.:
return TP * 1./(TP + FN)
return 0.
def ex_f1(ts):
TP = (ts.badmerch & ts.held).sum()
FP = (ts.held & np.logical_not(ts.badmerch)).sum()
FN = (ts.badmerch & np.logical_not(ts.held)).sum()
num = 2*TP
den = 2*TP + FP + FN
if den > 0.:
return num * 1./den
return 0.
# Make the expanded window with associated metrics by looping over every row in the dataframe
def make_expanded(ts,window=1):
expanding_precision = pd.concat([(pd.Series(ex_precision(ts.iloc[:i+window]),
index=[ts.index[i+window]])) for i in range(len(ts)-window) ])
expanding_recall = pd.concat([(pd.Series(ex_recall(ts.iloc[:i+window]),
index=[ts.index[i+window]])) for i in range(len(ts)-window) ])
expanding_f1 = pd.concat([(pd.Series(ex_f1(ts.iloc[:i+window]),
index=[ts.index[i+window]])) for i in range(len(ts)-window) ])
ex = pd.DataFrame(data={"precision":expanding_precision.values,
return ex
In [32]:
# Run the expanded window for all cases, sorted by ruleid
sql_query = """
SELECT cases.*,rules.ruleid
FROM cases
JOIN rules ON rules.caseid = cases.caseid
ORDER BY ruleid,alertdate
casejoined = pd.read_sql_query(sql_query,con)
exdict = {}
for g in casejoined.groupby("ruleid"):
ruleid = g[0]
df = g[1]
ts = pd.DataFrame(data={"amount":df.amount.values,
exdict[ruleid] = make_expanded(ts)
except ValueError:
print "No true positives in Rule {} ({} trigger); cannot compute expanded window.".format(ruleid,len(df))
In [33]:
ruleid = 4
# Quick code to make single plots for presentation
pl = sns.barplot(x="metric",y="value",data=m[m.ruleid==ruleid])
pl.axhline(y=0.5, ls="--", c="0.5",lw=1)
pl.set_title("RuleID = {}".format(ruleid),fontsize=20);
pl = exdict[ruleid].plot(legend=True)
pl.set_title("RuleID = {}".format(ruleid),fontsize=20)
In [34]:
# Plot results in a grid
fig,axarr = plt.subplots(5,6,figsize=(15,15))
rules_sorted = sorted(exdict.keys())
for ruleid,ax in zip(rules_sorted,axarr.ravel()):
ex = exdict[ruleid]
pl = ex.plot(ax=ax,legend=(False | ruleid==6))
pl.set_title("ruleid = {}".format(ruleid))
This will be the second set of plots in our dashboard. This shows the results over an expanding window covering the full length of time in the dataset, where the value of the three metrics (precision, recall, F1) track how the rules are performing with respect to the analysts and true outcomes over time.
By definition, data over an expanding window should stabilize as more data comes in and the variance decreases (assuming that the rule definitions, performance of risk agents, and underlying merchant behavior is all the same). Large amounts of recent variation would indicate that we don't know whether the rule is performing well yet.
To assess how much the rules are varying in performance, we'll measure the stability of each metric weighted more heavily toward the most recent results. A simple measure which will use is the largest absolute deviation over the second half of the data.
In [35]:
# Rank rule performance by deltamax: the largest absolute deviation in the second half of the dataset.
l = []
for ruleid in exdict:
ex = exdict[ruleid]
ex_2ndhalf = ex.iloc[len(ex)//2:]
f1diff = (ex_2ndhalf.f1.max() - ex_2ndhalf.f1.min())
if np.isfinite(f1diff):
print "No variation for Rule {:2} in the second half (median is zero).".format(ruleid)
lsorted = sorted(l, key=lambda x: x[1],reverse=True)
for ll in lsorted:
print "Rule {:2} varies by {:.2f} in the second half ({:4} data points)".format(*ll)
Six out of the thirty rules have a variation $\Delta_\mathrm{max,abs} < 0.1$ in the second half of the current data. Of those, two (Rules 7 and 26) have only a handful of datapoints and estimates of the true accuracy are very uncertain. Two others (Rules 2 and 30) more data, although less than 100 points each. Rule 2 has very different behavior starting a few weeks toward the end, sharply increasing both its precision and recall. This could indicate either a difference in merchant tendencies or a re-definition of the existing rule. Rule 30 has shown a gradual improvement from an early nadir, which might be a sign of a set of bad/unlikely transactions earlier and now regressing to the mean. Rule 4 basically only has data in the second half of the set (not stabilized yet) and Rule 5 has a gradually decreasing recall, which may be a counterexample to the trend in Rule 30.
The remainder of the rules (especially for those with a few hundred data points) are relatively stable over the expanding window. So we can broadly categorize rule performance in three categories:
We'll define a well-performing rule as one whose cumulative score is $F1 \ge 0.5$, and a stable rule as one with $N_\mathrm{cases}>10$ and $\Delta_\mathrm{max,abs} < 0.1$.
In [36]:
# Sort and print the rules matching the criteria for stability and high performance.
stable_good = []
stable_bad = []
unstable = []
for ruleid in exdict:
ex = exdict[ruleid]
ex_2ndhalf = ex.iloc[len(ex)//2:]
deltamax = (ex_2ndhalf.f1.max() - ex_2ndhalf.f1.min())
f1 = ex.iloc[len(ex)-1].f1
stable = True if deltamax < 0.1 and len(ex)//2 > 10 else False
good = True if f1 >= 0.5 else False
if stable and good:
elif stable:
print "{:2} rules {} are performing well.".format(len(stable_good),stable_good)
print "{:2} rules {} are not performing well.".format(len(stable_bad),stable_bad)
print "{:2} rules {} are unstable and cannot be evaluated yet.".format(len(unstable),unstable)
In [40]:
# Compute the change in performance by rule type over an expanding time window
sql_query = """
SELECT cases.*,categories.ruletype
FROM cases
JOIN rules ON rules.caseid = cases.caseid
JOIN categories on categories.ruleid = rules.ruleid
ORDER BY categories.ruletype,alertdate
rtjoined = pd.read_sql_query(sql_query,con)
# Get the dataframes
rtd = {}
for g in rtjoined.groupby("ruletype"):
ruletype = g[0]
df = g[1]
ts = pd.DataFrame(data={"amount":df.amount.values,
rtd[ruletype] = make_expanded(ts)
except ValueError:
print "Problems with {}".format(ruletype)
In [41]:
# Plot results in a grid
fig,axarr = plt.subplots(1,3,figsize=(15,6))
rules_sorted = sorted(rtd.keys())
for ruletype,ax in zip(rules_sorted,axarr.ravel()):
ex = rtd[ruletype]
pl = ex.plot(ax=ax)
pl.set_title("ruletype = {}".format(ruletype))
In [42]:
# Rank rules by the largest absolute deviation in the second half of the dataset.
l = []
for ruletype in rtd:
ex = rtd[ruletype]
ex_2ndhalf = ex.iloc[len(ex)//2:]
f1diff = (ex_2ndhalf.f1.max() - ex_2ndhalf.f1.min())
print ''
lsorted = sorted(l, key=lambda x: x[1],reverse=True)
for ll in lsorted:
print "{:15} rules vary by {:.2f} in the second half ({:4} data points)".format(*ll)
Analysis: all three of the rule type have a variation $\Delta_\mathrm{max,abs} \le 0.05$ in the second half of the current data. Since all three rule types have at least hundreds of data points distributed over time, stability is mostly expected. Compliance rules still show the largest deviations; there was a large amount of early variance, which is more stable but still mildly decreasing. Both fraud and financial risk have been quite stable following about the first month of data.
The analysis above is useful from an overall perspective about whether a rule has been historically justified. For data scientists and risk analysts, however, it is also critical to look only at recent data so that action can be taken if performance starts to drastically change. Expanding windows do not work well for this since the data are weighted over all input and it will take time for variations to affect the integrated totals. Instead, we will run a similar analysis on a rolling window to look for changes on a weekly timescale.
In [43]:
ts = pd.DataFrame(data={"amount":cases.amount.values,
r = ts.rolling(window=7,min_periods=1)
In [44]:
# Make a rolling window with associated metrics by looping over every row in the dataframe
def r_precision(ts):
TP = (ts.badmerch & ts.held).sum()
FP = (ts.held & np.logical_not(ts.badmerch)).sum()
if (TP + FP) > 0.:
return TP * 1./ (TP + FP)
return np.nan
def r_recall(ts):
TP = (ts.badmerch & ts.held).sum()
FN = (ts.badmerch & np.logical_not(ts.held)).sum()
if (TP + FN) > 0.:
return TP * 1./(TP + FN)
return np.nan
def r_f1(ts):
TP = (ts.badmerch & ts.held).sum()
FP = (ts.held & np.logical_not(ts.badmerch)).sum()
FN = (ts.badmerch & np.logical_not(ts.held)).sum()
num = 2*TP
den = 2*TP + FP + FN
if den > 0.:
return num * 1./den
return np.nan
def make_rolling(ts,window):
rolling_precision = pd.concat([(pd.Series(r_precision(ts.iloc[i:i+window]),
index=[ts.index[i+window]])) for i in range(len(ts)-window) ])
rolling_recall = pd.concat([(pd.Series(r_recall(ts_sorted.iloc[i:i+window]),
index=[ts.index[i+window]])) for i in range(len(ts)-window) ])
rolling_f1 = pd.concat([(pd.Series(r_f1(ts.iloc[i:i+window]),
index=[ts.index[i+window]])) for i in range(len(ts)-window) ])
r = pd.DataFrame(data={"precision":rolling_precision.values,
return r
In [45]:
# Run the rolling window for all cases, sorted by rule
rdict = {}
for g in casejoined.groupby("ruleid"):
ruleid = g[0]
df = g[1]
ts = pd.DataFrame(data={"amount":df.amount.values,
ts_sorted = ts.sort_index()
rdict[ruleid] = make_rolling(ts_sorted,window=50)
except ValueError:
print "No true positives in Rule {} over interval ({} triggers); cannot compute rolling window.".format(ruleid,len(df))
# Empty dataframe
rdict[ruleid] = pd.DataFrame([0,]*len(df),index=[[casejoined.alertdate.min(),]*(len(df)-1) + [casejoined.alertdate.max()]])
In [46]:
# Plot the dashboard with rolling windows
fig,axarr = plt.subplots(5,6,figsize=(15,12))
for ax,r in zip(axarr.ravel(),rdict):
rp = rdict[r].plot(xlim=(casejoined.alertdate.min(),casejoined.alertdate.max()),
legend=(False | r == 1))
if r < 25:
rp.set_title("ruleid = {}; N={}".format(r,len(rdict[r])));
In [47]:
# Same rolling analysis, but by rule type
rtrdict = {}
for g in rtjoined.groupby("ruletype"):
ruleid = g[0]
df = g[1]
ts = pd.DataFrame(data={"amount":df.amount.values,
ts_sorted = ts.sort_index()
rtrdict[ruleid] = make_rolling(ts_sorted,window=200)
except ValueError:
print "No true positives in Rule {} over interval ({} triggers); cannot compute rolling window.".format(ruleid,len(df))
# Empty dataframe
rtrdict[ruleid] = pd.DataFrame([0,]*len(df),index=[[casejoined.alertdate.min(),]*(len(df)-1) + [casejoined.alertdate.max()]])
In [48]:
# Plot the dashboard with rolling windows by rule type
fig,axarr = plt.subplots(1,3,figsize=(15,6))
for ax,r in zip(axarr.ravel(),["Compliance","Financial Risk","Fraud"]):
rp = rtrdict[r].plot(xlim=(rtjoined.alertdate.min(),rtjoined.alertdate.max()),
rp.set_title("Rule type = {}; N={}".format(r,len(rtrdict[r])));
In [49]:
# Compute the co-occurrence matrix for triggering rules
df = pd.DataFrame(index=rules.caseid.unique())
rule_count_arr = np.zeros((len(rules.caseid.unique()),30),dtype=int)
for idx,g in enumerate(rules.groupby('caseid')):
g1 = g[1]
for r in g1.ruleid.values:
# Numbering is a little off because there's no Rule 28 in the dataset.
if r < 28:
rule_count_arr[idx,r-1] = 1
rule_count_arr[idx,r-2] = 1
In [50]:
# Create pandas DataFrame and rename the columns to the actual rule IDs
df = pd.DataFrame(data=rule_count_arr,
# Co-occurrence matrix is the product of the matrix and its transpose
coocc = df.T.dot(df)
In [51]:
# Plot the co-occurrence matrix and mask the diagonal and upper triangle values
# (mirrored on the bottom half of the matrix)
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(14,10))
mask = np.zeros_like(coocc)
mask[np.triu_indices_from(mask)] = True
with sns.axes_style("white"):
mask = mask,
annot=True, fmt="d",
vmax = 100,
Rules 8, 14, 15, and 27 all have fairly strong co-occurrences with other rules in the set. These would be good candidates to check for the overall F1 scores and evaluate whether they're a necessary trigger for the system.
Other questions that I'd explore in the data given more time:
None of this analysis has actually attempted to predict the effectiveness of the rule system in place; right now, it only evaluates it with respect to the hold decisions and the ultimate labels. Given more time, it should be very tractable to build a machine learning classifier that:
I'd start with a simple logistic regression model and assess performance with cross-validation on later times in the dataset; depending on the accuracy, ensemble models such as random forests or support vector machines would also be good candidates for increased accuracy. If none of those achieve the desired accuracy, the next step would be trying the performance of a neural net.
In [52]:
# How much money did bad transactions cost Insight in this dataset?
print "Bad money in transactions totals ${:.2f}.".format(cases[(cases.held == 0) & (cases.badmerch == 1)].amount.sum())
In [ ]: