This is a tutorial, following through Chris Fonnesbeck's primer on using PyStan with Bayesian Multilevel Modelling.
Radon is a radioactive gas that enters homes through contact points with the ground. The EPA conducted a study of radon levels in 80,000 houses. There were two important predictors:
We will model radon levels in a single state: Minnesota. The hierarchy in this example is households, which exist within counties.
In the first instance, we have a model where output is measured radon level as a function of the floor of the house at which the radon was measured (basement or ground floor), and the prevailing radon level.
Our estimate of the parameter of prevailing radon level can be considered a prediction of the prevailing radon level.
The prevailing radon level may be taken to be that for the state (counties pooled) or that for the county (unpooled), or as some intermediate representation.
The model is multilevel because we are sampling the two parameters of prevailing radon level, and the effect of changing floor, from a probabilistic distribution.
The model is hierarchical because households exist within counties (which exist within the state).
We already have the model 'outputs': data for household radon level measurements, with their counties; and inputs: the floor level at which the measurements were taken. We are attempting to estimate the parameters for alternative formulations of the model, and to assess which model is the best explanation for the observed data/best predictor for prevailing radon level. With a good model, we could go forward to predict new radon levels, given a county and floor.
In [1]:
%pylab inline
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pystan
import seaborn as sns
Next we import the radon data. For cleanup, we strip whitespace from column headers, restrict data to Minnesota (MN
) and add a unique numerical identifier for each county.
In [2]:
# Import radon data
srrs2 = pd.read_csv('data/srrs2.dat')
srrs2.columns =
# Make a combined state and county ID, by household
srrs_mn = srrs2.assign(fips=srrs2.stfips * 1000 + srrs2.cntyfips)[srrs2.state == 'MN']
In [3]:
# Check data
We import uranium data for each county, creating a unique identifier for each county to match that in srrs
In [4]:
# Obtain the uranium level as a county-level predictor
cty = pd.read_csv('data/cty.dat')
cty_mn = cty[ == 'MN'].copy() # MN only data
# Make a combined state and county id, by county
cty_mn['fips'] = 1000 * cty_mn.stfips + cty_mn.ctfips
In [5]:
# Check data
It is convenient to bring all the data into a single dataframe with radon and uranium data byhousehold, so we merge on the basis of the unique county identifier, to assign uranium data across all households in a county.
In [6]:
# Combine data into a single dataframe
srrs_mn = srrs_mn.merge(cty_mn[['fips', 'Uppm']], on='fips') # Get uranium level by household (on county basis)
srrs_mn = srrs_mn.drop_duplicates(subset='idnum') # Lose duplicate houses
u = np.log(srrs_mn.Uppm) # log-transform uranium level
n = len(srrs_mn) # number of households
In [7]:
# Check data
In [8]:
We create a dictionary associating each county with a unique index code, for use in Stan.
In [9]:
# Index counties with a lookup dictionary
srrs_mn.county = srrs_mn.county.str.strip()
mn_counties = srrs_mn.county.unique()
counties = len(mn_counties)
county_lookup = dict(zip(mn_counties, range(len(mn_counties))))
For construction of the Stan model, it is convenient to have the relevant variables as local copies - this aids readability.
In [10]:
# Make local copies of variables
county = srrs_mn['county_code'] = srrs_mn.county.replace(county_lookup).values
radon = srrs_mn.activity
srrs_mn['log_radon'] = log_radon = np.log(radon + 0.1).values
floor_measure = srrs_mn.floor.values
In [11]:
srrs_mn.activity.apply(lambda x: np.log(x + 0.1)).hist(bins=25);
Two conventional alternatives to modelling, pooling and not pooling represent two extremes of a tradeoff between variance and bias.
Where the variable we are trying to predict is $Y$, as a function of covariates $X$, we assume a relationship $Y = f(X) + \epsilon$ where the error term $\epsilon$ is distributed normally with mean zero: $\epsilon \sim N(0, \sigma_{\epsilon})$.
We estimate a model $\hat{f}(X)$ of $f(X)$ using some technique. This gives us squared prediction error: $\textrm{Err}(x) = E[(Y − \hat{f}(x))^2]$. That squared error can be decomposed into:
$$\textrm{Err}(x)=(E[\hat{f} (x)] − f(x))^2 + E[(\hat{f}(x) − E[\hat{f}(x)])^2] + \sigma^2_e$$where
With a known true model, and an infinite amount of data, it is in principle possible to reduce both bias and variance to zero. In reality, both sources of error exist, and we choose to minimise bias and/or variance.
Taking $y = \log(\textrm{radon})$, floor measurements (basement or ground) as $x$, where $i$ indicates the house, and $j[i]$ is the county to which a house 'belongs'. Then $\alpha$ is the radon level across all counties, and $\alpha_{j[i]}$ is the radon level in a single county; $\beta$ is the influence of the choice of floor at which measurement is made; and $\epsilon$ is some other error (measurement error, temporal variation in a house, or variation among houses).
We take two approaches:
When we do not pool, we will likely obtain quite different parameter estimates $\alpha_{j[i]}$ for each county - especially when there are few observations in a county. As new data is gathered, these estimates are likely to change radically. This is therefore a model with high variance.
Alternatively, by pooling all counties, we will obtain a single estimate for $\alpha$, but this value may deviate quite far from the true situation in some or all counties. This is therefore a model with high bias.
So, if we treat all counties as the same, we have a biased estimate, but if we treat them as individuals, we have high variance - the bias-variance tradeoff. It may be the case that neither extreme produces a good model for the real behaviour: models that minimise bias to produce a high variance error are overfit; those that minimise variance to produce a strong bias error are underfit.
To build a model in Stan, we need to define data
, parameters
, and the model
itself. This is done by creating strings in the Stan language, rather than having an API that provides a constructor for the model.
We construct the data
block to comprise the number of samples (N
, int
), with vectors of log-radon measurements (y
, a vector
of length N
) and the floor measurement covariates (x
, vector
, length N
In [12]:
# Construct the data block.
pooled_data = """
data {
int<lower=0> N;
vector[N] x;
vector[N] y;
Next we initialise parameters, which here are linear model coefficients (beta
, a vector
of length 2) that represent both $\alpha$ and $\beta$ in the pooled model definition, as beta[1]
and beta[2]
are assumed to lie on a Normal distribution, and the Normal distribution scale parameter sigma
defining errors in the model's prediction of the output (y
, defined later), which is constrained to be positive.
In [13]:
# Initialise parameters
pooled_parameters = """
parameters {
vector[2] beta;
real<lower=0> sigma;
Finally we specify the model, with log(radon) measurements as a normal sample, having a mean that is a function of the choice of floor at which the measurement was made, $y \sim N(\beta[1] + \beta[2]x, \sigma_e)$
In [14]:
pooled_model = """
model {
y ~ normal(beta[1] + beta[2] * x, sigma);
We need to map Python variables to those in the stan
model, and pass the data, parameters and model strings above to stan
. We also need to specify how many iterations of sampling we want, and how many parallel chains to sample (here, 1000 iterations of 2 chains).
This is where explicitly-named local variables are convenient for definition of Stan models.
Calling pystan.stan
doesn't just define the model, ready to fit - it runs the fitting immediately.
In [15]:
pooled_data_dict = {'N': len(log_radon),
'x': floor_measure,
'y': log_radon}
pooled_fit = pystan.stan(model_code=pooled_data + pooled_parameters + pooled_model,
Once the fit has been run, the sample can be extracted for visualisation and summarisation. Specifying permuted=True
means that all fitting chains are merged and warmup samples are discarded and that a dictionary is returned, with samples for each parameter:
In [16]:
# Collect the sample
pooled_sample = pooled_fit.extract(permuted=True)
The output is an OrderedDict
with two keys of interest to us: beta
and sigma
. sigma
describes the estimated error term, and beta
describes the estimated values of $\alpha$ and $\beta$ for each iteration:
In [17]:
# Inspect the sample
While it can be very interesting to see the results for individual iterations (and how they vary), for now we are interested in the mean values of these estimates:
In [18]:
# Get mean values for parameters, from the sample
# b0 = common radon value across counties (alpha)
# m0 = variation in radon level with change in floor (beta)
b0, m0 = pooled_sample['beta'].T.mean(1)
In [19]:
# What are the fitted parameters
print("alpha: {0}, beta: {1}".format(b0, m0))
We can visualise how well this pooled model fits the observed data:
In [20]:
# Plot the fitted model (red line) against observed values (blue points)
plt.scatter(srrs_mn.floor, np.log(srrs_mn.activity + 0.1))
xvals = np.linspace(-0.1, 1.2)
plt.plot(xvals, m0 * xvals + b0, 'r--')
plt.title("Fitted model")
The answer is: not terribly badly (the fitted line runs convincingly through the centre of the data, and plausibly describes the trend), but not terribly well, either. The observed points vary widely about the fitted model, implying that the prevailing radon level varies quite widely, and we might expect different gradients if we chose different subsets of the data.
The main error in this model fit is due to bias, because the pooling approach is an an inaccurate representation of the underlying radon level, taken across all measurements.
For the unpooled model, we have the parameter $\alpha_{j[i]}$, representing a list of (independent) mean values, one for each county. Otherwise the model is the same as for the pooled example, with shared parameters for the effect of which floor is being measured, and the standard deviation of the error.
We construct the data
, parameters
and model
blocks in a similar way to before. We define the number of samples (N
, int
), and two vectors of log-radon measurements (y
, length N
) and floor measurement covariates (x
, length N
). The main difference to before is that we define a list of counties (these are the indices 1..85 defined above, rather than county names), one for each sample:
In [21]:
unpooled_data = """
data {
int<lower=0> N;
int<lower=1, upper=85> county[N];
vector[N] x;
vector[N] y;
We define three parameters: $\alpha_{j[i]}$ - one radon level per county (a
- as a vector of length 85, one value per county); change in radon level by floor, $\beta$ (beta
, a real value), and the Normal distribution scale parameter sigma
, as before:
In [22]:
unpooled_parameters = """
parameters {
vector[85] a;
real beta;
real<lower=0, upper=100> sigma;
We also define transformed parameters, for convenience. This defines a new variable $\hat{y}$ (y_hat
, a vector
with one value per sample) which is our estimate/prediction of log(radon) value per household. This could equally well be done in the model block - we don't need to generate a transformed parameter, but for more complex models this is a useful technique to improve readability and maintainability.
In [23]:
unpooled_transformed_parameters = """
transformed parameters {
vector[N] y_hat;
for (i in 1:N)
y_hat[i] <- beta * x[i] + a[county[i]];
Using this transformed parameter, the model form is now $y \sim N(\hat{y}, \sigma_e)$, making explicit that we are fitting parameters that result in the model predicting a household radon measurement, and we are estimating the error of this prediction against the observed values:
In [24]:
unpooled_model = """
model {
y ~ normal(y_hat, sigma);
We again map Python variables to those used in the stan
model, then pass the data, parameters (transformed and untransformed) and the model to stan
. We again specify 1000 iterations of 2 chains.
Note that we have to offset our Python indices for counties by 1, as Python counts from zero, but Stan counts from 1.
In [25]:
# Map data
unpooled_data_dict = {'N': len(log_radon),
'county': county + 1, # Stan counts start from 1
'x': floor_measure,
'y': log_radon}
# Fit model
unpooled_fit = pystan.stan(model_code=unpooled_data + unpooled_parameters +
unpooled_transformed_parameters + unpooled_model,
We can extract the sample from the fit for visualisation and summarisation. This time we do not use the permuted=True
option. This returns a StanFit4Model
object, from which we can extract the fitted estimates for a parameter using indexing, like a dictionary, e.g. unpooled_fit['beta']
, and this will return a numpy
of values. For $\alpha$ (a
) we get a 1000x85 array, for $\beta$ (beta
) we get a 1000x1 array. Mean and standard deviation (and other summary statistics) can be calculated from these.
When extracting vectors of $\alpha_{j[i]}$ (radon levels per county) and the associated standard errors, we use a pd.Series
object, for compatibility with pandas
. This allows us to specify an index, which is the list of county names in mn_counties
In [26]:
# Extract fit of radon by county
unpooled_estimates = pd.Series(unpooled_fit['a'].mean(0), index=mn_counties)
unpooled_se = pd.Series(unpooled_fit['a'].std(0), index=mn_counties)
In [27]:
# Inspect estimates
To inspect the variation in predicted radon levels at county resolution, we can plot the mean of each estimate with its associated standard error. To structure this visually, we'll reorder the counties such that we plot counties from lowest to highest.
In [28]:
# Get row order of estimates as an index: low to high radon
order = unpooled_estimates.sort_values().index
# Plot mean radon estimates with stderr, following low to high radon order
plt.scatter(range(len(unpooled_estimates)), unpooled_estimates[order])
for i, m, se in zip(range(len(unpooled_estimates)),
plt.plot([i,i], [m - se, m + se], 'b-')
plt.xlim(-1, 86)
plt.ylim(-1, 4)
plt.xlabel('Ordered county')
plt.ylabel('Radon estimate');
From this visual inspection, we can see that there is one county with a relatively low predicted radon level, and about five with relatively high levels. This reinforces our suggestion that a pooled estimate is likely to exhibit significant bias.
In [29]:
# Define subset of counties
sample_counties = ('LAC QUI PARLE', 'AITKIN', 'KOOCHICHING',
# Make plot
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 4, figsize=(12, 6),
sharex=True, sharey=True)
axes = axes.ravel() # turn axes into a flattened array
m = unpooled_fit['beta'].mean(0)
for i, c in enumerate(sample_counties):
# Get unpooled estimates and set common x values
b = unpooled_estimates[c]
xvals = np.linspace(-0.2, 1.2)
# Plot household data
x = srrs_mn.floor[srrs_mn.county == c]
y = srrs_mn.log_radon[srrs_mn.county == c]
axes[i].scatter(x + np.random.randn(len(x)) * 0.01, y, alpha=0.4)
# Plot models
axes[i].plot(xvals, m * xvals + b) # unpooled
axes[i].plot(xvals, m0 * xvals + b0, 'r--') # pooled
# Add labels and ticks
axes[i].set_xticks([0, 1])
axes[i].set_xticklabels(['basement', 'floor'])
axes[i].set_ylim(-1, 3)
if not i % 2:
axes[i].set_ylabel('log radon level')
By visual inspection, we can see that using unpooled county estimates for prevailing radon level has resulted in models that deviate from the pooled estimates, correcting for its bias. However, we can also see that for counties with few observations, the fitted estimates track the observations very closely, suggesting that there has been overfitting. The attempt to minimise error due to bias has resulted in the introduction of greater error due to variance in the dataset.
Neither model does perfectly:
Ideally, we would have an intermediate form of model that optimally minimises the errors due to both bias and variance.
When we pool data, we imply that they are sampled from the same model. This ignores all variation (other than sampling variation) among the units being sampled. That is to say, observations $y_1, y_2, \ldots, y_k$ share common parameter(s) $\theta$:
If we analyse our data with an unpooled model, we separate our data out into groups (which may be as extreme as one group per sample), which implies that the groups are sampled independently from separate models because the differences between sampling units are too great for them to be reasonably combined. That is to say, observations (or grouped observations) $y_1, y_2, \ldots, y_k$ have independent parameters $\theta_1, \theta_2, \ldots, \theta_k$.
In a hierarchical, or partial pooling model, model parameters are instead viewed as a sample from a population distribution of parameters, so the unpooled model parameters $\theta_1, \theta_2, \ldots, \theta_k$ can be sampled from a single distribution $N(\mu, \sigma^2)$.
One of the great advantages of Bayesian modelling (as opposed to linear regression modelling) is the relative ease with which one can specify multilevel models and fit them using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo.
The simplest possible partial pooling model for the radon dataset is one that estimates radon levels, with no other predictors (i.e. ignoring the effect of floor). This is a compromise between pooled (mean of all counties) and unpooled (county-level means), and approximates a weighted average (by sample size) of unpooled county means, and the pooled mean:
$$\hat{\alpha} \approx \frac{(n_j/\sigma_y^2)\bar{y}_j + (1/\sigma_{\alpha}^2)\bar{y}}{(n_j/\sigma_y^2) + (1/\sigma_{\alpha}^2)}$$We can define this in stan
, specifying data
, parameters
, transformed parameters
and model
blocks. The model is built up as follows.
Our observed log(radon) measurements ($y$ approximate an intermediate transformed parameter $\hat{y}$, which is normally distributed with variance $\sigma_y^2$:
$$y \sim N(\hat{y}, \sigma_y^2)$$The transformed variable $\hat{y}$ is the value of $\alpha$ associated with the county $i$ ($i=1,\ldots,N$) in which each household is found.
$$\hat{y} = {\alpha_1, \ldots, \alpha_N}$$The value of $\alpha$ for each county $i$, is Normally distributed with mean $10\mu_{\alpha}$ and variance $\sigma_{\alpha}^2$. That is, there is a common mean and variance underlying each of the prevailing radon levels in each county.
$$\alpha_i \sim N(10\mu_{\alpha}, \sigma_{\alpha}^2), i = 1,\ldots,N$$The value $\mu_{\alpha}$ is Normally distributed around 0, with unit variance:
$$\mu_{\alpha} \sim N(0, 1)$$In data
will be the number of samples (int
will be a list of N
values from 1-85, specifying the county index each measurementy
will be a vector
of log(radon) measurements, one per household/sample.We define parameters:
, one value per county), representing $\alpha$, the vector of prevailing radon levels for each county.mu_a
, a real
corresponding to $\mu_{alpha}$, the mean radon level underlying the distribution from which the county levels are drawn.sigma_a
is $\sigma_{\alpha}$, the standard deviation of the radon level distribution underlying the county levels: variability of county means about the average.sigma_y
is $\sigma_y$, the standard deviation of the measurement/sampling error: residual error of the observations.
In [30]:
partial_pooling = """
data {
int<lower=0> N;
int<lower=1,upper=85> county[N];
vector[N] y;
parameters {
vector[85] a;
real mu_a;
real<lower=0,upper=100> sigma_a;
real<lower=0,upper=100> sigma_y;
transformed parameters {
vector[N] y_hat;
for(i in 1:N)
y_hat[i] <- a[county[i]];
model {
mu_a ~ normal(0, 1);
a ~ normal(10 * mu_a, sigma_a);
y ~ normal(y_hat, sigma_y);
We map Python variables onto the model data (remembering to offset counts/indices by 1, as Stan counts from 1, not from 0):
In [31]:
partial_pool_data = {'N': len(log_radon),
'county': county + 1,
'y': log_radon}
Finally, we fit the model, to estimate $\mu_{\alpha}$, and $\alpha_i, i=1,\ldots,N$:
In [32]:
partial_pool_fit = pystan.stan(model_code=partial_pooling,
iter=1000, chains=2)
We're interested primarily in the county-level estimates of prevailing radon levels, so we obtain the sample estimates for a
In [33]:
sample_trace = partial_pool_fit['a']
means = sample_trace.mean(axis=0) # county-level estimates
sd = sample_trace.std(axis=0)
samples, counties = sample_trace.shape
n_county = srrs_mn.groupby('county')['idnum'].count() # number of samples from each county
We're going to compare the results from our partially-pooled model to the unpooled model above.
In [34]:
# Obtain unpooled estimates
unpooled = pd.DataFrame({'n': n_county,
'm': unpooled_estimates,
'sd': unpooled_se})
unpooled['se'] =
# Construct axes for results
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14,6),
sharex=True, sharey=True)
jitter = np.random.normal(scale=0.1, size=counties) # avoid overplotting counties
# Plot unpooled estimates
axes[0].plot(unpooled.n + jitter, unpooled.m, 'b.') # means
for j, row in zip(jitter, unpooled.iterrows()):
name, dat = row
axes[0].plot([dat.n + j, dat.n + j], [dat.m -, dat.m +], 'b-')
# Plot partially-pooled estimates
axes[1].scatter(n_county.values + jitter, means)
for j, n, m, s in zip(jitter, n_county.values, means, sd):
axes[1].plot([n + j, n + j], [m - s, m + s], 'b-')
# Add line for underlying mean
for ax in axes:
ax.hlines(sample_trace.mean(), 0.9, 100, linestyles='--') # underlying mean from partial model
# Set axis limits/scale (shared x/y - need only to set one axis)
axes[0].set_xlim(1, 100)
axes[0].set_ylim(-0.5, 3.5)
# Set axis titles
axes[0].set_title("Unpooled model estimates")
axes[1].set_title("Partially pooled model estimates");
By inspection, there is quite a difference between unpooled and partially-pooled estimates of prevailing county-level radon level, especially as smaller sample sizes. The unpooled estimates at smaller sample sizes are both more extreme, and more imprecise.
We can extend this partial pooling to a linear model of the relationship between measured log(radon), the prevailing county radon level, and the floor at which the measurement was made. In the linear model, the measured radon level in a household $y_i$ is a function of the floor at which measurement took place, $x_i$, with parameters $\alpha_{j[i]}$ (the prevailing radon level in the county) and $\beta$ (the influence of the floor), and residual error $\epsilon_i$.
$$y_i = \alpha_{j[i]} + \beta x_i + \epsilon_i$$In this linear model, the prevailing radon level $\alpha_j[i]$ is the intercept, with random Normal effect:
$$\alpha_{j[i]} \sim N(\mu_{\alpha}, \sigma_{\alpha}^2$$The residual error is also sampled from a Normal distribution:
$$\epsilon_i \sim N(0, \sigma_y^2$$This approach is similar to a least squares regression, but the multilevel modelling approach allows parameter distributions - information to be shared across groups, which can lead to more reasonable estimates of parameters with relatively little data. In this example, using a common distribution for prevailing county-level radon spreads the information about likely radon levels such that our estimates for counties with few observations should be less extreme.
We define the model in stan
, as usual specifying data
, parameters
, transformed parameters
and model
blocks. The model is built up as follows.
Our observed log(radon) measurements ($y$ approximate an intermediate transformed parameter $\hat{y}$, which is normally distributed with variance $\sigma_y^2$. $\sigma_y$ is sampled from a Uniform distribution.
$$y \sim N(\hat{y}, \sigma_y^2)$$$$\sigma_{y} \sim U(0, 100)$$The transformed variable $\hat{y}$ is a linear function of $x_i$, the floor at which radon is measured. The parameters are the value of $\alpha$ associated with the county $i$ ($i=1,\ldots,N$) in which each household is found, and the effect due to which floor is used for measurement.
$$\hat{y_i} = {\alpha_{j[i]} + \beta x_i}$$The value of $\alpha$ for each county $i$, is Normally distributed with mean $\mu_{\alpha}$ and variance $\sigma_{\alpha}^2$. $\sigma_{\alpha}$ is sampled from a Uniform distribution, between 0 and 100. $\mu_{\alpha}$ is an unconstrained real value. There is a common mean and variance underlying each of the prevailing radon levels in each county.
$$\alpha_i \sim N(\mu_{\alpha}, \sigma_{\alpha}^2)$$$$\sigma_{\alpha} \sim U(0, 100)$$The value of $\beta$ is assumed to be Normally distributed about zero, with unit variance:
$$\beta \sim N(0, 1)$$In data
is the number of counties (int
is the number of samples (int
is a list of N
values from 1-85, specifying the county index each measurementx
is a vector
of indices for which floor the radon measurements were taken at each householdy
is a vector
of log(radon) measurements, one per household/sample.We define parameters:
, one value per county), representing $\alpha$, the vector of prevailing radon levels for each county.b
) representing $\beta$, the effect of floor choicemu_a
, a real
corresponding to $\mu_{alpha}$, the mean radon level underlying the distribution from which the county levels are drawn.sigma_a
is $\sigma_{\alpha}$, the standard deviation of the radon level distribution underlying the county levels: variability of county means about the average.sigma_y
is $\sigma_y$, the standard deviation of the measurement/sampling error: residual error of the observations.
In [35]:
varying_intercept = """
data {
int<lower=0> J;
int<lower=0> N;
int<lower=1,upper=J> county[N];
vector[N] x;
vector[N] y;
parameters {
vector[J] a;
real b;
real mu_a;
real<lower=0,upper=100> sigma_a;
real<lower=0,upper=100> sigma_y;
transformed parameters {
vector[N] y_hat;
for (i in 1:N)
y_hat[i] <- a[county[i]] + x[i] * b;
model {
sigma_a ~ uniform(0, 100);
a ~ normal(mu_a, sigma_a);
b ~ normal(0,1);
sigma_y ~ uniform(0, 100);
y ~ normal(y_hat, sigma_y);
As usual, we map Python variables to those in the model, and run the fit:
In [36]:
varying_intercept_data = {'N': len(log_radon),
'J': len(n_county),
'county': county + 1,
'x': floor_measure,
'y': log_radon}
varying_intercept_fit = pystan.stan(model_code=varying_intercept,
iter=1000, chains=2)
We can then collect the county-level estimates of prevailing radon, the intercept of the model, $\alpha_{j[i]}$, from a
(1000 iterations x 85 counties):
In [37]:
a_sample = pd.DataFrame(varying_intercept_fit['a'])
We can visualise the distribution of these estimates, by county, with a boxplot:
In [38]:
plt.figure(figsize=(16, 6))
g = sns.boxplot(data=a_sample, whis=np.inf, color="c")
g.set_xticklabels(mn_counties, rotation=90) # label counties
In [73]:
# 2x2 plot of parameter estimate data
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 6))
# density plot of sigma_a estimate
sns.kdeplot(varying_intercept_fit['sigma_a'], ax=axes[0][0])
axes[0][0].set_xlim(varying_intercept_fit['sigma_a'].min(), varying_intercept_fit['sigma_a'].max())
# scatterplot of sigma_a estimate
axes[0][1].plot(varying_intercept_fit['sigma_a'], 'o', alpha=0.3)
# density plot of beta estimate
sns.kdeplot(varying_intercept_fit['b'], ax=axes[1][0])
axes[1][0].set_xlim(varying_intercept_fit['b'].min(), varying_intercept_fit['b'].max())
# scatterplot of beta estimate
axes[1][1].plot(varying_intercept_fit['b'], 'o', alpha=0.3)
# titles/labels
In [63]:
varying_intercept_fit['sigma_a'].min(), varying_intercept_fit['sigma_a'].max()
In [52]:
In [ ]: