Answer symbolically first, indicating what equations your Python program is using, and then compute the answer in Python. If not specified, say which distribution you're assuming.
[1] The time between traffic tickets is exponentially distributed. Based on past experience, you receive a traffic ticket about every 3 years. What's the probability of having one traffic ticket within 12 months? For two bonus points, what about have two traffic tickets within 12 months? Use scipy stats.
[2] You see two deer per day on average. How many days must pass before you have a 99% of having seen a deer? Answer in days, hours, and minutes.
[1] The expected score on a test is 90% with a standard deviation of 15%. You cannot receive more than 100% on this test. What's the probability failing (< 60%)?
[2] Using the above parameters, what's the probability of getting an A (93%-100%)?
[4] Using the definition of expected value, write a for loop that computes the expected value of a binomial distribution with $N = 10$ and $p = 0.3$. Do not use scipy stats. Compre with the fomula $E[x] = pN$ for binomial.
Indicate if the CLT applies with yes or no. If no, state why.
Report the given confidence interval for error in the mean using the data in the next cell and describe in words what the confidence interval is for each example
In [4]:
data_3_1 = [93.14,94.66, 102.1, 79.98, 96.85, 106.79, 101.92, 91.99, 97.22, 99.1, 88.7, 123.66, 99.7, 115.03, 99.28, 114.59, 102.25, 88.4, 111.06, 75.19, 107.32, 81.21, 100.49, 109.04, 105.09, 96.17, 78.13, 98.37, 104.47, 95.41]
data_3_2 = [2.24,3.86, 2.19, 1.5, 2.34, 2.55, 1.8, 3.99, 2.64, 3.8]
data_3_3 = [53.43,50.49, 52.55, 51.73]
Answer the following questions using the data given in the next cell.
y2 = Y[:]
to copy the list
In [2]:
X = [1.6,0.4, -1.05, -0.08, 0.99, -1.89, 0.29, 0.71, -0.47, 1.15]
Y = [3.59,1.49, -2.57, -0.0, 2.0, -3.48, 0.14, 1.38, -1.48, 2.6]
In [3]:
for xi, yi in zip(X, Y):
print(xi, yi)