One primary difficulty is that singularities that are present in the direct adjoint (and solar) terms. The direct solar term is a delta function in direction, uniformly over the domain. However, the direct adjoint term will have delta functions that vary over the domain.
Using a simple 2D geometry, this notebook shows the kind of delta function that we expect to encounter. Here we consider detectors with a finite solid angle of view, but a singular location that is far above the top of the domain.
We can see that When these adjoint sources are streamed through the domain, each pixel spreads delta functions over a cone of points in the solid angle of sight.
The direct adjoint term can be written as follows:
To compute this we can store an array of indexes and weights at each spatial grid point. For each gridpoint $x^{k}$, we need the indexes of pixels that see the gridpoint. We can call this index set, $\mathcal{M}_{k}$ for the $k$th gridpoint. We also, need to compute the weight $A_{mk}$ which accounts for all scale factors (extinction along the path, the residual, etc.). This gives the following expression:
In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
In [2]:
# Domain
NX = 32
XMIN = 0.
XMAX = 50.
NZ = 5
ZMIN = 0.
ZMAX = 10.
# Plotting parameters
WIDTH = 0.0025#3#4125
SCALE = 40
# Sun parameters
SZA = sp.pi / 8.0
VZSUN = -sp.cos(SZA)
VXSUN = -sp.sin(SZA)
# Detector parameters
DET_EPS = 0.025#25
DET_X = sp.linspace(2.5, 18, 3)
DET_Z = 25 * sp.ones_like(DET_X)
COLLOC_X = 15.
COLLOC_Z = 12.5
In [3]:
# define the spatial grid
x = sp.linspace(XMIN, XMAX, NX)
z = sp.linspace(ZMIN, ZMAX, NZ)
xx, zz = sp.meshgrid(x, z)
In [4]:
# define the directional sensitivity of a detector
px = DET_X #sp.linspace(5, 20, 3)
pz = DET_Z #sp.ones_like(px) * 25.
# direction of view (from center on the ground)
vx, vz = [px-COLLOC_X, pz-COLLOC_Z]
vnorm = sp.sqrt(vx**2 + vz**2)
vx /= vnorm
vz /= vnorm
pixels = sp.array([px, pz, vx, vz])
# Determine if a point is viewed
def bool_viewed(pixel, xx, zz, eps=DET_EPS):
"Return an array shaped like xx and zz. True when in pixel."
px, pz, vx, vz = pixel
_vx = px - xx
_vz = pz - zz
_vnorm = sp.sqrt(_vx**2 + _vz**2)
_vx *= 1.0 / _vnorm
_vz *= 1.0 / _vnorm
# Determine if the point is in the solid angle of view
out = _vx*vx + _vz*vz >= (1-eps) * sp.ones_like(xx)
return out.flatten(), _vx.flatten(), _vz.flatten()
view1, vx1, vz1 = bool_viewed(pixels[:, 0], xx, zz)
view2, vx2, vz2 = bool_viewed(pixels[:, 1], xx, zz)
view3, vx3, vz3 = bool_viewed(pixels[:, 2], xx, zz)
xxflat = xx.flatten()
zzflat = zz.flatten()
In [5]:
fig = plt.figure(0, figsize=(7.5, 3), facecolor='white')
ax = fig.add_axes([.05, .1, .9, .8])
#Plot the grid and solar direct delta function
ax.plot(xxflat, zzflat, color='k', marker='.', linewidth=0)
ax.quiver(xxflat, zzflat, VXSUN, VZSUN,
color='y', width=WIDTH, scale=SCALE, label='Solar')
# Plot the detector delta functions
ax.quiver(xxflat[view1], zzflat[view1], vx1[view1], vz1[view1],
color='c', width=WIDTH, scale=SCALE, label='Det1')
ax.quiver(xxflat[view2], zzflat[view2], vx2[view2], vz2[view2],
color='b', width=WIDTH, scale=SCALE, label='Det2')
ax.quiver(xxflat[view3], zzflat[view3], vx3[view3], vz3[view3],
color='r', width=WIDTH, scale=SCALE, label='Det3')
for pixel, c in zip(pixels.T, ['c', 'b', 'r']):
ax.quiver(*pixel, color=c, width=2*WIDTH, scale = SCALE/2.0)
#ax.quiver(*pixels, linewidth=.5)
ax.set_ybound(ZMIN - 0.0 * (DET_Z[0] * (0.2)), DET_Z[0] * (1+0.2))#yticks([0,10, 20, 30,])
ax.set_xbound([XMIN, XMAX])
ax.set_title("Singularity of the adjoint direct term")
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