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%matplotlib notebook
import datetime
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import pandas as pd
import utide
Look at the data file to see what structure it has.
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with open('can1998.dtf') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
It looks like the fields are seconds, year, month, day, hour, elevation, flag. We need a date parser function to combine the date and time fields into a single value to be used as the datetime index.
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def date_parser(year, month, day, hour):
year, month, day, hour = map(int, (year, month, day, hour))
return datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour)
# Names of the columns that will be used to make a "datetime" column:
parse_dates = dict(datetime=['year', 'month', 'day','hour'])
# Names of the original columns in the file, including only
# the ones we will use; we are skipping the first, which appears
# to be seconds from the beginning.
names = ['year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'elev', 'flag']
obs = pd.read_table('can1998.dtf',
usecols=range(1, 7),
Although there are no elevations marked bad via special value, which should be nan
after reading the file, the flag value of 2 indicates the values are unreliable, so we will mark them with nan
, calculate the deviations of the elevations from their mean (stored in a new column called "anomaly"), and then interpolate to fill in the nan
values in the anomaly.
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bad = obs['flag'] == 2
corrected = obs['flag'] == 1
obs.loc[bad, 'elev'] = np.nan
obs['anomaly'] = obs['elev'] - obs['elev'].mean()
obs['anomaly'] = obs['anomaly'].interpolate()
print('{} points were flagged "bad" and interpolated'.format(bad.sum()))
print('{} points were flagged "corrected" and left unchanged'.format(corrected.sum()))
The utide package works with ordinary numpy arrays, not with Pandas Series or Dataframes, so we need to make a time
variable in floating point days since a given epoch, and use the values
attribute of the elevation anomaly (a Pandas Series) to extract the underlying numpy ndarray.
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time = mdates.date2num(obs.index.to_pydatetime())
coef = utide.solve(time, obs['anomaly'].values,
The amplitudes and phases from the fit are now in the coef
data structure (a Bunch), which can be used directly in the reconstruct
function to generate a hindcast or forecast of the tides at the times specified in the time
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tide = utide.reconstruct(time, coef)
The output from the reconstruction is also a Bunch:
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#t = obs.index.values # dtype is '<M8[ns]' (numpy datetime64)
# It is more efficient to supply the time directly as matplotlib
# datenum floats:
t = tide.t_mpl
fig, (ax0, ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=3, sharey=True, sharex=True)
ax0.plot(t, obs.anomaly, label=u'Observations', color='C0')
ax1.plot(t, tide.h, label=u'Tide Fit', color='C1')
ax2.plot(t, obs.anomaly - tide.h, label=u'Residual', color='C2')
fig.legend(ncol=3, loc='upper center')
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