In [1]:
from pandas import Series, DataFrame
import pandas as pd
import warnings
%pylab inline

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

Question 1: Read in data

Read in the data from "gold.txt" and "labels.txt".
Since there are no headers in the files, names parameter should be set explicitly.

Duplicate records in both dataframes are kept, for repeated test on the same url provides enables more precise information about the turks' discernibility

In [2]:
gold = pd.read_table("gold.txt", names=["url", "category"]).dropna()
labels = pd.read_table("labels.txt", names=["turk", "url", "category"]).dropna()

Question 2: Split into two DataFrames

To determine if a url in labels is in gold, make a list of unique url in gold, and map the lambda expression on the url series in labels.

In [3]:
url_list = gold["url"].unique()
labels_on_gold = labels[labels["url"].map(lambda s: s in url_list)]
labels_unknown = labels[labels["url"].map(lambda s: s not in url_list)]

Question 3: Compute accuracies of turks

  1. Since the computation is all on "gold" set url, "labels_on_gold" dataframe is used instead of "labels"
  2. Merge "labels_on_gold" with "gold" on url.
  3. Create a new column correct in the new dataframe, and assign True where the "turk" rating is the same with the true rating.
  4. Optional: drop the rating columns to reduce the size of the dataframe
  5. groupby on turk, and sum up the True records on correct for each turk, the returned value is a series
  6. value_counts on turk, a series of total rating numbers is returned.
  7. Divide the previous two series to get the rating accuracy of each turk
  8. Create a new dataframe "rater_goodness" with the total rating number series and rating accuracy series, index by default set as turk

In [4]:
rater_merged = pd.merge(
                    suffixes=["_1", "_2"]

rater_merged["correct"] = rater_merged["category_1"] == rater_merged["category_2"]
rater_merged = rater_merged[["turk", "correct"]]
correct_counts = rater_merged.groupby("turk")["correct"].sum()
total_counts = rater_merged["turk"].value_counts()
avg_correctness = correct_counts/total_counts
rater_goodness = pd.DataFrame({"number_of_ratings": total_counts, "average_correctness": avg_correctness})

average_correctness number_of_ratings
A112DVP1KG4QZU 1.000000 1
A1253FXHCZ9CWM 0.517241 29
A12CY1Q7XKJJDE 1.000000 1
A12RE8G66WTO8B 0.750000 20
A12Y1GTGIQDGRA 0.333333 3
A13CEW9JGDWGX1 1.000000 1
A13OE9GBRJ0S2U 0.750000 4
A14IQ4GLNWNPOJ 1.000000 1
A153PKAL7OAY36 0.722973 148
A1554ZM0CLKSG5 1.000000 1

Question 4: Odds ratios

  1. Use "map" function on average_correctness to get $\frac{average\ correctness}{1 - average\ correctness}$
  2. By definition, when average_correctness = 1, the ratio should be assigned float("inf")

In [5]:
rater_goodness["odds"] = rater_goodness["average_correctness"].map(lambda x: x/(1.001-x))

average_correctness number_of_ratings odds
A112DVP1KG4QZU 1.000000 1 1000.000000
A1253FXHCZ9CWM 0.517241 29 1.069214
A12CY1Q7XKJJDE 1.000000 1 1000.000000
A12RE8G66WTO8B 0.750000 20 2.988048
A12Y1GTGIQDGRA 0.333333 3 0.499251
A13CEW9JGDWGX1 1.000000 1 1000.000000
A13OE9GBRJ0S2U 0.750000 4 2.988048
A14IQ4GLNWNPOJ 1.000000 1 1000.000000
A153PKAL7OAY36 0.722973 148 2.600369
A1554ZM0CLKSG5 1.000000 1 1000.000000
A16AZHD3CCD77Q 1.000000 1 1000.000000
A17H2HKAZ7KJMQ 0.500000 2 0.998004
A17OE8HU0QCX21 0.875000 8 6.944444
A18HIFA78GUAG9 0.538462 13 1.164144
A18OUQ869740XV 1.000000 1 1000.000000
A19KO2JQ36WON3 0.250000 4 0.332889
A19N7GVG3V1FZO 0.500000 2 0.998004
A19Y7K5UEBNZA7 0.000000 1 0.000000
A1AI3MUH2BW1DN 0.000000 1 0.000000
A1C8ZHG3K8KD5W 1.000000 1 1000.000000

Question 5: Most accurate turks

  1. Use rater_goodness["number of ratings"]>=20 to select turks who rated at least 20 times.
  2. Sort the list by average_correctness in descending order.
  3. .index.values is optional to return only turks, but for aesthetic reasons it is not applied.

In [6]:
rater_goodness[rater_goodness["number_of_ratings"]>=20].sort_values(by="average_correctness", ascending=False)[:10]

average_correctness number_of_ratings odds
A2U0R4X38GUKZE 0.950000 20 18.627451
A22C0PJUBFJTI0 0.916667 36 10.869565
A23YQUBXZPKILZ 0.875000 24 6.944444
ATVALOQVDCMZW 0.854369 103 5.826657
A1HIXWH4OXT8S4 0.825000 40 4.687500
A3220HG1O83HQ4 0.818182 22 4.475385
A32W20KGQXS0LL 0.800000 25 3.980100
A20PWAB7G3HDHU 0.800000 20 3.980100
AJSJVK40F5HM6 0.785714 28 3.649635
A31OCN4MNHUQ6W 0.777174 184 3.472222

Question 6: Rating counts versus accuracy

Plotting average_correctness against number of ratings makes it easier to have an general idea between the two variables. However, from the plot, it is difficult to identify a clear pattern.

In [7]:
xlabel('number of ratings')
ylabel('average correctness')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f58c21c0d10>

To quantitatively measure the linear correlation between number of ratings and average correctness, linear regression is used to draw insights.
From the model summary, it is still difficult to establish reliable linear correlation between the two variables, since the coefficient of number of ratings is not significantly different from zero.

statsmodels and patsy modules are imported for linear regression

In [8]:
import statsmodels.api as sm
from patsy import dmatrices

y, X = dmatrices('average_correctness ~ number_of_ratings', data=rater_goodness, return_type='dataframe')
model = sm.OLS(y, X)
result =
print result.summary()

                             OLS Regression Results                            
Dep. Variable:     average_correctness   R-squared:                       0.002
Model:                             OLS   Adj. R-squared:                 -0.002
Method:                  Least Squares   F-statistic:                    0.5488
Date:                 Mon, 01 Aug 2016   Prob (F-statistic):              0.459
Time:                         15:42:41   Log-Likelihood:                -94.663
No. Observations:                  269   AIC:                             193.3
Df Residuals:                      267   BIC:                             200.5
Df Model:                            1                                         
Covariance Type:             nonrobust                                         
                        coef    std err          t      P>|t|      [95.0% Conf. Int.]
Intercept             0.6431      0.024     27.071      0.000         0.596     0.690
number_of_ratings     0.0007      0.001      0.741      0.459        -0.001     0.002
Omnibus:                       29.253   Durbin-Watson:                   2.072
Prob(Omnibus):                  0.000   Jarque-Bera (JB):               28.396
Skew:                          -0.731   Prob(JB):                     6.82e-07
Kurtosis:                       2.373   Cond. No.                         30.1

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.

Question 7: Overall predicted odds

  1. Define the cutpoint of top 25% turks in term of number of ratings using quantile(q=.75).
  2. Make a list of "turk: number of ratings"
  3. Make a mask to select records rated by top 25% turks using map function.
  4. Select from the total "labels" data set the records rated by top 25% turks.
  5. Merge this dataframe with "labels_unknown" dataframe on url and category, duplicates dropped.
  6. Next merge the resulting dataframe with "rater_goodness" dataframe.
    • First create a new turk column in "rater_goodness" dataframe from the index
    • Only select the records rated by top 25% turks from "rater_goodness" dataframe
    • Merge the two dataframe on turk
    • Drop duplicates and missing values
  7. groupby the resulting dataframe on url and category.
  8. Apply prod() on odds to calculate overall odds by url and category.

    here odds is the "overall odds" as defined in the assignment description

In [9]:
top_25_cutpoint = labels_on_gold["turk"].value_counts().quantile(q=.75)
turk_list = labels_on_gold["turk"].value_counts()

mask_1 = labels_unknown["turk"].map(lambda s: turk_list[s]>=top_25_cutpoint if s in turk_list else False)
labels_bytop25 = labels_unknown[mask_1]

rater_goodness["turk"] = rater_goodness.index

odds_top25 = rater_goodness[rater_goodness["turk"].map(lambda s: turk_list[s]>=top_25_cutpoint if s in turk_list else False)]

overall_odds = pd.merge(labels_bytop25,

overall_odds.groupby(["url", "category"])[["odds"]].prod()[:10]

url category G 2.155963 G 1.460583 G 14.488244 G 9.914590
P 1.851852 G 3.784982 G 11.159502 G 4.912040 P 3.346522
R 12.290450

Question 8: Predicted categories

  1. Create a dataframe from the groupby object in the last question, containing url, category and overall odds.
  2. Apply unstack to breakdown category from index to columns.
  3. Transpose the dataframe and get idxmax() on all columns, i.e. url, returned value is a series with url as index and np.array ("odds", category) as values.
  4. Create a dataframe using the returned series, and convert the np.array into a string column "top category" by selecting the second element.
  5. Create a new "top odds" column for the dataframe by max() on the transposed dataframe in step 2.

In [10]:
overall_odds_df = overall_odds.groupby(["url", "category"])[["odds"]].prod().unstack("category").T.fillna(0)
url_rating = pd.DataFrame(overall_odds_df.idxmax())
url_rating["top category"] = url_rating[0].map(lambda s: s[1])
url_rating = url_rating.set_index(url_rating.index.values)
url_rating["top odds"] = overall_odds_df.max()
url_rating = url_rating[["top category", "top odds"]]

  File "<ipython-input-10-1c9269fc9510>", line 8
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Question 9: Predicted categories using more turks

  1. Repeat Question\ 7 and Question\ 8 to create a dataframe where url are rated by top 75% turks.

    Here only the "top category" column is kept and named result_75

  2. Take out top category column from the dataframe from Question\ 8 and rename it result_25, and make it a dataframe.
  3. Merge the two dataframes on index.
  4. Create a crosstab with the two columns as index and columns respectively.
  5. From the crosstab it can be seen that, the most errors are where the top 25% turks rated "G" but the top 75% turks rated "P" (2930 occurences), "G" versus "R" (483 occurences), "P" versus "G" (197 occurences) and "X" versus "G" (168 occurences).

In [ ]:
top_75_cutpoint = labels_on_gold["turk"].value_counts().quantile(q=.25)

mask_2 = labels_unknown["turk"].map(lambda s: turk_list[s]>=top_75_cutpoint if s in turk_list else False)
labels_bytop75 = labels_unknown[mask_2]

odds_top75 = rater_goodness[rater_goodness["turk"].map(lambda s: turk_list[s]>=top_75_cutpoint if s in turk_list else False)]

overall_odds_75 = pd.merge(labels_bytop75,

overall_odds_df_75 = overall_odds_75.groupby(["url", "category"])[["odds"]].prod().unstack("category").T.fillna(0)

url_rating_75 = pd.DataFrame(overall_odds_df_75.idxmax())
url_rating_75["result_75"] = url_rating_75[0].map(lambda s: s[1])
url_rating_75 = pd.DataFrame(url_rating_75["result_75"])
url_rating_75 = url_rating_75.set_index(url_rating_75.index.values)

url_rating_25 = pd.DataFrame({"result_25": url_rating["top category"]})

url_rating_merged = pd.merge(url_rating_25,

url_rating_crosstab = pd.crosstab(index=url_rating_merged["result_25"],
