PySAL Change Log Statistics

In [1]:
import gitreleases



In [3]:
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import json
import re
import sys
import pandas

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from time import sleep
from subprocess import check_output
    from urllib import urlopen
    from urllib.request import urlopen

import ssl
#import yaml

context = ssl._create_unverified_context()

In [4]:
with open('package_versions.txt', 'r') as package_list:
    packages = dict([line.strip().split() for line in package_list.readlines()])

In [5]:

{'libpysal': '4.2.1',
 'esda': '2.2.0',
 'giddy': '2.3.0',
 'inequality': '1.0.0',
 'pointpats': '2.1.0',
 'segregation': '1.1.1',
 'spaghetti': '1.4.0',
 'mgwr': '2.1.1',
 'spglm': '1.0.7',
 'spint': '1.0.6',
 'spreg': '1.0.4',
 'spvcm': '0.2.1.post1',
 'tobler': '0.2.0',
 'mapclassify': '2.2.0',
 'splot': '1.1.2'}

In [6]:
release_date = '2020-01-31'
start_date = '2019-07-31'

In [7]:
since_date = '--since="{start}"'.format(start=start_date)
since = datetime.strptime(start_date+" 0:0:0", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 31, 0, 0)

In [ ]:

Total commits by subpackage

  • get release info for each package

In [8]:
cmd = ['git', 'log', '--format=* %aN', since_date]

In [9]:
CWD = os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir)

In [10]:


In [11]:


In [12]:
ncommits = len(check_output(cmd).splitlines())

In [13]:


In [14]:
identities = {'Levi John Wolf': ('ljwolf', 'Levi John Wolf'),
              'Serge Rey': ('Serge Rey', 'Sergio Rey', 'sjsrey', 'serge'),
              'Wei Kang': ('Wei Kang', 'weikang9009'),
              'Dani Arribas-Bel': ('Dani Arribas-Bel', 'darribas')

def regularize_identity(string):
    string = string.decode()
    for name, aliases in identities.items():
        for alias in aliases:
            if alias in string:
                string = string.replace(alias, name)
    if len(string.split(' '))>1:
        string = string.title()
    return string.lstrip('* ')

In [15]:
from collections import Counter
author_cmd = ['git', 'log', '--format=* %aN', since_date]

In [16]:
ncommits = len(check_output(cmd).splitlines())
all_authors = check_output(author_cmd).splitlines()
counter = Counter([regularize_identity(author) for author in all_authors])
#        global_counter += counter
#        counters.update({'.'.join((package,subpackage)): counter})
unique_authors = sorted(set(all_authors))

In [17]:

[b'* James Gaboardi',
 b'* Serge Rey',
 b'* Sergio Rey',
 b'* Wei Kang',
 b'* ljwolf']

In [18]:

dict_keys(['Serge Rey', 'Levi John Wolf', 'James Gaboardi', 'Wei Kang'])

In [ ]:

Add in meta package diffs

In [ ]:

In [19]:
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
ISO8601 = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"
PER_PAGE = 100
element_pat = re.compile(r'<(.+?)>')
rel_pat = re.compile(r'rel=[\'"](\w+)[\'"]')

In [20]:
def parse_link_header(headers):
    link_s = headers.get('link', '')
    urls = element_pat.findall(link_s)
    rels = rel_pat.findall(link_s)
    d = {}
    for rel,url in zip(rels, urls):
        d[rel] = url
    return d

def get_paged_request(url):
    """get a full list, handling APIv3's paging"""
    results = []
    while url:
        #print("fetching %s" % url, file=sys.stderr)
        f = urlopen(url)
        links = parse_link_header(f.headers)
        url = links.get('next')
    return results

def get_issues(project="pysal/pysal", state="closed", pulls=False):
    """Get a list of the issues from the Github API."""
    which = 'pulls' if pulls else 'issues'
    url = "" % (project, which, state, PER_PAGE)
    return get_paged_request(url)

def _parse_datetime(s):
    """Parse dates in the format returned by the Github API."""
    if s:
        return datetime.strptime(s, ISO8601)
        return datetime.fromtimestamp(0)

def issues2dict(issues):
    """Convert a list of issues to a dict, keyed by issue number."""
    idict = {}
    for i in issues:
        idict[i['number']] = i
    return idict

def is_pull_request(issue):
    """Return True if the given issue is a pull request."""
    return 'pull_request_url' in issue

def issues_closed_since(period=timedelta(days=365), project="pysal/pysal", pulls=False):
    """Get all issues closed since a particular point in time. period
can either be a datetime object, or a timedelta object. In the
latter case, it is used as a time before the present."""

    which = 'pulls' if pulls else 'issues'

    if isinstance(period, timedelta):
        period = - period
    url = "" % (project, which, period.strftime(ISO8601), PER_PAGE)
    allclosed = get_paged_request(url)
    # allclosed = get_issues(project=project, state='closed', pulls=pulls, since=period)
    filtered = [i for i in allclosed if _parse_datetime(i['closed_at']) > period]

    # exclude rejected PRs
    if pulls:
        filtered = [ pr for pr in filtered if pr['merged_at'] ]

    return filtered

def sorted_by_field(issues, field='closed_at', reverse=False):
    """Return a list of issues sorted by closing date date."""
    return sorted(issues, key = lambda i:i[field], reverse=reverse)

def report(issues, show_urls=False):
    """Summary report about a list of issues, printing number and title.
    # titles may have unicode in them, so we must encode everything below
    if show_urls:
        for i in issues:
            role = 'ghpull' if 'merged_at' in i else 'ghissue'
            print('* :%s:`%d`: %s' % (role, i['number'],
        for i in issues:
            print('* %d: %s' % (i['number'], i['title'].encode('utf-8')))

In [23]:

datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 31, 0, 0)

In [24]:
all_issues = {}
all_pulls = {}
total_commits = 0
issue_details = {}
pull_details = {}
for package in packages:
    subpackage = package
    subpackages = packages[package].split()
    prj = 'pysal/{subpackage}'.format(subpackage=package)
    issues = issues_closed_since(since, project=prj,pulls=False)
    pulls = issues_closed_since(since, project=prj,pulls=True)
    issues = sorted_by_field(issues, reverse=True)
    pulls = sorted_by_field(pulls, reverse=True)
    issue_details[subpackage] = issues
    pull_details[subpackage] = pulls
    n_issues, n_pulls = map(len, (issues, pulls))
    n_total = n_issues + n_pulls
    all_issues[subpackage] = n_total, n_pulls


In [25]:

{'libpysal': [{'url': '',
   'repository_url': '',
   'labels_url': '{/name}',
   'comments_url': '',
   'events_url': '',
   'html_url': '',
   'id': 545322537,
   'node_id': 'MDExOlB1bGxSZXF1ZXN0MzU5MjQwMTk5',
   'number': 230,
   'title': 'raise warning when islands are used in to_adjlist',
   'user': {'login': 'ljwolf',
    'id': 2250995,
    'node_id': 'MDQ6VXNlcjIyNTA5OTU=',
    'avatar_url': '',
    'gravatar_id': '',
    'url': '',
    'html_url': '',
    'followers_url': '',
    'following_url': '{/other_user}',
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    'starred_url': '{/owner}{/repo}',
    'subscriptions_url': '',
    'organizations_url': '',
    'repos_url': '',
    'events_url': '{/privacy}',
    'received_events_url': '',
    'type': 'User',
    'site_admin': False},
   'labels': [],
   'state': 'closed',
   'locked': False,
   'assignee': None,
   'assignees': [],
   'milestone': None,
   'comments': 0,
   'created_at': '2020-01-04T19:25:12Z',
   'updated_at': '2020-01-04T20:29:26Z',
   'closed_at': '2020-01-04T20:29:26Z',
   'author_association': 'MEMBER',
   'pull_request': {'url': '',
    'html_url': '',
    'diff_url': '',
    'patch_url': ''},
   'body': 'This addresses issue #218 '},
  {'url': '',
   'repository_url': '',
   'labels_url': '{/name}',
   'comments_url': '',
   'events_url': '',
   'html_url': '',
   'id': 367577847,
   'node_id': 'MDU6SXNzdWUzNjc1Nzc4NDc=',
   'number': 113,
   'title': 'Some example datasets are missing documentation',
   'user': {'login': 'sjsrey',
    'id': 118042,
    'node_id': 'MDQ6VXNlcjExODA0Mg==',
    'avatar_url': '',
    'gravatar_id': '',
    'url': '',
    'html_url': '',
    'followers_url': '',
    'following_url': '{/other_user}',
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    'subscriptions_url': '',
    'organizations_url': '',
    'repos_url': '',
    'events_url': '{/privacy}',
    'received_events_url': '',
    'type': 'User',
    'site_admin': False},
   'labels': [{'id': 536186557,
     'node_id': 'MDU6TGFiZWw1MzYxODY1NTc=',
     'url': '',
     'name': 'bug',
     'color': 'ee0701',
     'default': True,
     'description': "functionality that: returns invalid, erroneous, or meaningless results; or doesn't work at all."},
    {'id': 1376367312,
     'node_id': 'MDU6TGFiZWwxMzc2MzY3MzEy',
     'url': '',
     'name': 'docs',
     'color': 'ffc8b2',
     'default': False,
     'description': ''},
    {'id': 1685679755,
     'node_id': 'MDU6TGFiZWwxNjg1Njc5NzU1',
     'url': '',
     'name': 'examples',
     'color': '135699',
     'default': False,
     'description': ''}],
   'state': 'closed',
   'locked': False,
   'assignee': None,
   'assignees': [],
   'milestone': {'url': '',
    'html_url': '',
    'labels_url': '',
    'id': 3717949,
    'node_id': 'MDk6TWlsZXN0b25lMzcxNzk0OQ==',
    'number': 2,
    'title': '2.0',
    'description': None,
    'creator': {'login': 'ljwolf',
     'id': 2250995,
     'node_id': 'MDQ6VXNlcjIyNTA5OTU=',
     'avatar_url': '',
     'gravatar_id': '',
     'url': '',
     'html_url': '',
     'followers_url': '',
     'following_url': '{/other_user}',
     'gists_url': '{/gist_id}',
     'starred_url': '{/owner}{/repo}',
     'subscriptions_url': '',
     'organizations_url': '',
     'repos_url': '',
     'events_url': '{/privacy}',
     'received_events_url': '',
     'type': 'User',
     'site_admin': False},
    'open_issues': 0,
    'closed_issues': 2,
    'state': 'closed',
    'created_at': '2018-10-07T19:19:51Z',
    'updated_at': '2020-01-04T19:54:39Z',
    'due_on': None,
    'closed_at': '2019-09-09T11:43:51Z'},
   'comments': 4,
   'created_at': '2018-10-07T18:00:21Z',
   'updated_at': '2020-01-04T19:52:30Z',
   'closed_at': '2020-01-04T19:52:30Z',
   'author_association': 'MEMBER',
   'body': '- tokyo\r\n- berlin\r\n- georgia\r\n- nyc_bikes\r\n- clearwater'},
  {'url': '',
   'repository_url': '',
   'labels_url': '{/name}',
   'comments_url': '',
   'events_url': '',
   'html_url': '',
   'id': 545321825,
   'node_id': 'MDExOlB1bGxSZXF1ZXN0MzU5MjM5NjU3',
   'number': 229,
   'title': 'DOC: Cleaning up docs and docsr for tutorial',
   'user': {'login': 'sjsrey',
    'id': 118042,
    'node_id': 'MDQ6VXNlcjExODA0Mg==',
    'avatar_url': '',
    'gravatar_id': '',
    'url': '',
    'html_url': '',
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    'organizations_url': '',
    'repos_url': '',
    'events_url': '{/privacy}',
    'received_events_url': '',
    'type': 'User',
    'site_admin': False},
   'labels': [],
   'state': 'closed',
   'locked': False,
   'assignee': None,
   'assignees': [],
   'milestone': None,
   'comments': 0,
   'created_at': '2020-01-04T19:17:54Z',
   'updated_at': '2020-01-04T19:35:54Z',
   'closed_at': '2020-01-04T19:35:54Z',
   'author_association': 'MEMBER',
   'pull_request': {'url': '',
    'html_url': '',
    'diff_url': '',
    'patch_url': ''},
   'body': ''},
  {'url': '',
   'repository_url': '',
   'labels_url': '{/name}',
   'comments_url': '',
   'events_url': '',
   'html_url': '',
   'id': 466350029,
   'node_id': 'MDU6SXNzdWU0NjYzNTAwMjk=',
   'number': 165,
   'title': '`to_adjlist(remove_symmetric=True)` fails on string-indexed weights. ',
   'user': {'login': 'ljwolf',
    'id': 2250995,
    'node_id': 'MDQ6VXNlcjIyNTA5OTU=',
    'avatar_url': '',
    'gravatar_id': '',
    'url': '',
    'html_url': '',
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    'following_url': '{/other_user}',
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    'subscriptions_url': '',
    'organizations_url': '',
    'repos_url': '',
    'events_url': '{/privacy}',
    'received_events_url': '',
    'type': 'User',
    'site_admin': False},
   'labels': [{'id': 1000799086,
     'node_id': 'MDU6TGFiZWwxMDAwNzk5MDg2',
     'url': '',
     'name': 'good first contribution',
     'color': 'a2eaef',
     'default': False,
     'description': ''},
    {'id': 536186560,
     'node_id': 'MDU6TGFiZWw1MzYxODY1NjA=',
     'url': '',
     'name': 'help wanted',
     'color': '128A0C',
     'default': True,
     'description': None},
    {'id': 1685673071,
     'node_id': 'MDU6TGFiZWwxNjg1NjczMDcx',
     'url': '',
     'name': 'weights',
     'color': 'e2ab73',
     'default': False,
     'description': ''}],
   'state': 'closed',
   'locked': False,
   'assignee': None,
   'assignees': [],
   'milestone': {'url': '',
    'html_url': '',
    'labels_url': '',
    'id': 4439549,
    'node_id': 'MDk6TWlsZXN0b25lNDQzOTU0OQ==',
    'number': 3,
    'title': 'Next Release',
    'description': 'This is the todo list for the Dec. 2019 release of libpysal, the core of the PySAL metapackage. ',
    'creator': {'login': 'ljwolf',
     'id': 2250995,
     'node_id': 'MDQ6VXNlcjIyNTA5OTU=',
     'avatar_url': '',
     'gravatar_id': '',
     'url': '',
     'html_url': '',
     'followers_url': '',
     'following_url': '{/other_user}',
     'gists_url': '{/gist_id}',
     'starred_url': '{/owner}{/repo}',
     'subscriptions_url': '',
     'organizations_url': '',
     'repos_url': '',
     'events_url': '{/privacy}',
     'received_events_url': '',
     'type': 'User',
     'site_admin': False},
    'open_issues': 13,
    'closed_issues': 33,
    'state': 'open',
    'created_at': '2019-06-25T13:18:11Z',
    'updated_at': '2020-01-04T19:33:41Z',
    'due_on': '2019-12-31T08:00:00Z',
    'closed_at': None},
   'comments': 1,
   'created_at': '2019-07-10T14:41:08Z',
   'updated_at': '2020-01-04T19:26:54Z',
   'closed_at': '2020-01-04T19:26:54Z',
   'author_association': 'MEMBER',
   'body': "# to replicate\r\n```python\r\nimport libpysal\r\nw = libpysal.weights.lat2W(4,4, id_type='string')\r\nw.to_adjlist(remove_symmetric=True)\r\n```\r\n# to fix\r\nfigure out how to conduct that removal query in line 188 of ``. I think this might be fixed using:\r\n```python\r\nto_drop_mask = (adjlist.focal == tupe[0]) & (adjlist.neighbor == tupe[-1])\r\nto_drop = adjlist[to_drop_mask]\r\n```\r\nthat's probably both faster & better. "},
  {'url': '',
   'repository_url': '',
   'labels_url': '{/name}',
   'comments_url': '',
   'events_url': '',
   'html_url': '',
   'id': 516321706,
   'node_id': 'MDU6SXNzdWU1MTYzMjE3MDY=',
   'number': 204,
   'title': "AttributeError: 'Queen' object has no attribute 'silent_island_warning'",
   'user': {'login': 'TransUMD',
    'id': 29628412,
    'node_id': 'MDQ6VXNlcjI5NjI4NDEy',
    'avatar_url': '',
    'gravatar_id': '',
    'url': '',
    'html_url': '',
    'followers_url': '',
    'following_url': '{/other_user}',
    'gists_url': '{/gist_id}',
    'starred_url': '{/owner}{/repo}',
    'subscriptions_url': '',
    'organizations_url': '',
    'repos_url': '',
    'events_url': '{/privacy}',
    'received_events_url': '',
    'type': 'User',
    'site_admin': False},
   'labels': [{'id': 1685673071,
     'node_id': 'MDU6TGFiZWwxNjg1NjczMDcx',
     'url': '',
     'name': 'weights',
     'color': 'e2ab73',
     'default': False,
     'description': ''}],
   'state': 'closed',
   'locked': False,
   'assignee': {'login': 'sjsrey',
    'id': 118042,
    'node_id': 'MDQ6VXNlcjExODA0Mg==',
    'avatar_url': '',
    'gravatar_id': '',
    'url': '',
    'html_url': '',
    'followers_url': '',
    'following_url': '{/other_user}',
    'gists_url': '{/gist_id}',
    'starred_url': '{/owner}{/repo}',
    'subscriptions_url': '',
    'organizations_url': '',
    'repos_url': '',
    'events_url': '{/privacy}',
    'received_events_url': '',
    'type': 'User',
    'site_admin': False},
   'assignees': [{'login': 'sjsrey',
     'id': 118042,
     'node_id': 'MDQ6VXNlcjExODA0Mg==',
     'avatar_url': '',
     'gravatar_id': '',
     'url': '',
     'html_url': '',
     'followers_url': '',
     'following_url': '{/other_user}',
     'gists_url': '{/gist_id}',
     'starred_url': '{/owner}{/repo}',
     'subscriptions_url': '',
     'organizations_url': '',
     'repos_url': '',
     'events_url': '{/privacy}',
     'received_events_url': '',
     'type': 'User',
     'site_admin': False}],
   'milestone': {'url': '',
    'html_url': '',
    'labels_url': '',
    'id': 4439549,
    'node_id': 'MDk6TWlsZXN0b25lNDQzOTU0OQ==',
    'number': 3,
    'title': 'Next Release',
    'description': 'This is the todo list for the Dec. 2019 release of libpysal, the core of the PySAL metapackage. ',
    'creator': {'login': 'ljwolf',
     'id': 2250995,
     'node_id': 'MDQ6VXNlcjIyNTA5OTU=',
     'avatar_url': '',
     'gravatar_id': '',
     'url': '',
     'html_url': '',
     'followers_url': '',
     'following_url': '{/other_user}',
     'gists_url': '{/gist_id}',
     'starred_url': '{/owner}{/repo}',
     'subscriptions_url': '',
     'organizations_url': '',
     'repos_url': '',
     'events_url': '{/privacy}',
     'received_events_url': '',
     'type': 'User',
     'site_admin': False},
    'open_issues': 13,
    'closed_issues': 33,
    'state': 'open',
    'created_at': '2019-06-25T13:18:11Z',
    'updated_at': '2020-01-04T19:33:41Z',
    'due_on': '2019-12-31T08:00:00Z',
    'closed_at': None},
   'comments': 11,
   'created_at': '2019-11-01T20:09:44Z',
   'updated_at': '2020-01-04T19:22:08Z',
   'closed_at': '2020-01-04T19:22:08Z',
   'author_association': 'NONE',
   'body': "Hello,\r\n\r\nI was using libpysal to conduct esda. I was doing the spatial weights using continuity weights but it pops up the following errors:\r\n\r\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nAttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)\r\n<ipython-input-189-9a78d6d6df16> in <module>\r\n     13             break\r\n     14         c_type = crime_type[i*2+j]\r\n---> 15         li_bg = esda.moran.Moran_Local(blgp_crime[c_type], qW_blgp)\r\n     16         mi_bg = esda.moran.Moran(blgp_crime[c_type], qW_blgp)\r\n     17         sig = 1 * (li_bg.p_sim < 0.05)\r\n\r\nE:\\Anaconda\\envs\\incenTrip\\lib\\site-packages\\pysal\\explore\\esda\\ in __init__(self, y, w, transformation, permutations, geoda_quads)\r\n    870         np.seterr(**orig_settings)\r\n    871         self.z = z\r\n--> 872         w.transform = transformation\r\n    873         self.w = w\r\n    874         self.permutations = permutations\r\n\r\nE:\\Anaconda\\envs\\incenTrip\\lib\\site-packages\\libpysal\\weights\\ in set_transform(self, value)\r\n    943                     row_sum = sum(wijs) * 1.0\r\n    944                     if row_sum == 0.0:\r\n--> 945                         if not self.silent_island_warning:\r\n    946                             print(('WARNING: ', i, ' is an island (no neighbors)'))\r\n    947                     weights[i] = [wij / row_sum for wij in wijs]\r\n\r\nAttributeError: 'Queen' object has no attribute 'silent_island_warning'\r\n\r\nI check the raw code and can't find things about silent_island_warning.\r\n\r\nThank you.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\n"},
  {'url': '',
   'repository_url': '',
   'labels_url': '{/name}',
   'comments_url': '',
   'events_url': '',
   'html_url': '',
   'id': 545316618,
   'node_id': 'MDExOlB1bGxSZXF1ZXN0MzU5MjM1ODQx',
   'number': 226,
   'title': '4.2.1',
   'user': {'login': 'sjsrey',
    'id': 118042,
    'node_id': 'MDQ6VXNlcjExODA0Mg==',
    'avatar_url': '',
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   'body': 'The `pypi package` badge is [`README.rst`]( is duplicated.\r\n\r\nChoices here include:\r\n* Replacing with a badge from...\r\n  * conda-forge/Anaconda, i.e. [![Conda Version](](\r\n  * pypi/conda-forge downloads, i.e. [![Downloads](](\r\n      * as a side note the current `pip install pysal` downloads are: [![Downloads](](\r\n  * AppVeyor/Circle CI following #219 \r\n* Simply removing because not everyone is as big a fan of badges as I am.'},
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   'body': "#  Version 4.2.1 (2020-01-04)\r\n\r\nThis is a bug fix release.\r\n\r\nWe closed a total of 14 issues (enhancements and bug fixes) through 5 pull requests, since our last release on 2019-12-14.\r\n\r\n## Issues Closed\r\n  - libpysal 4.2.0 won't import on Windows (#214)\r\n  - libpysal 4.2.0 Windows import issue (#215)\r\n  - Constructing contiguity spatial weights using from_dataframe and from_shapefile could give different results (#212)\r\n  - fix bug 212 (#213)\r\n  - alpha_shapes docs not rendering (#216)\r\n  - corrected docstrings in (#217)\r\n  - Updating requirements (#211)\r\n  - Big tarball (#174)\r\n  - Fetch (#176)\r\n\r\n## Pull Requests\r\n  - libpysal 4.2.0 Windows import issue (#215)\r\n  - fix bug 212 (#213)\r\n  - corrected docstrings in (#217)\r\n  - Updating requirements (#211)\r\n  - Fetch (#176)\r\n\r\nThe following individuals contributed to this release:\r\n\r\n  - Serge Rey\r\n  - James Gaboardi\r\n  - Levi John Wolf"},
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    'title': 'Next Release',
    'description': 'This is the todo list for the Dec. 2019 release of libpysal, the core of the PySAL metapackage. ',
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   'body': 'Hi, since the latest release libpysal will not import on windows due to encoding error. It raises `UnicodeDecodeError: \'charmap\' codec can\'t decode byte 0x9d in position 503: character maps to <undefined>`. \r\n\r\nDetails:\r\n\r\nHighly likely caused by #176. I assume that adding `encoding="utf8"` to `open()` on lines 50 and 56 will fix the issue. I am unable to try that locally as I do not have windows machine until 6th of January.'},
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    'number': 3,
    'title': 'Next Release',
    'description': 'This is the todo list for the Dec. 2019 release of libpysal, the core of the PySAL metapackage. ',
    'creator': {'login': 'ljwolf',
     'id': 2250995,
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    'open_issues': 13,
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    'state': 'open',
    'created_at': '2019-06-25T13:18:11Z',
    'updated_at': '2020-01-04T19:33:41Z',
    'due_on': '2019-12-31T08:00:00Z',
    'closed_at': None},
   'comments': 6,
   'created_at': '2019-12-30T00:50:12Z',
   'updated_at': '2020-01-04T15:28:09Z',
   'closed_at': '2020-01-04T15:28:09Z',
   'author_association': 'MEMBER',
   'pull_request': {'url': '',
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    'diff_url': '',
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   'body': 'This PR addresses:\r\n  * pysal/libpysal#214\r\n\r\nWith the following machine `libpysal` can be read in:\r\n```python\r\nIn [1]: %load_ext watermark \r\nIn [2]: %watermark\r\n2019-12-29T19:35:00-05:00\r\n\r\nCPython 3.7.5\r\nIPython 7.10.2\r\n\r\ncompiler   : MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)\r\nsystem     : Windows\r\nrelease    : 10\r\nmachine    : AMD64\r\nprocessor  : Intel64 Family 6 Model 61 Stepping 4, GenuineIntel\r\nCPU cores  : 1\r\ninterpreter: 64bit\r\n```\r\n\r\n**However**, the following errors/failures occur ***in windows*** during local `nosetests` (three of which also occur ***in macOS***[see bottom]):\r\n\r\n```\r\n\r\n======================================================================\r\nERROR: test_casting (\r\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nTraceback (most recent call last):\r\n  File "C:\\Users\\200059719\\libpysal\\libpysal\\io\\iohandlers\\tests\\", line 47, in test_casting\r\n    self.obj.cast(\'WKT\', WKTParser())\r\n  File "C:\\Users\\200059719\\libpysal\\libpysal\\io\\", line 230, in cast\r\n    raise KeyError("%s" % key)\r\nKeyError: \'WKT\'\r\n\r\n======================================================================\r\nERROR: test_deserialize (\r\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nTraceback (most recent call last):\r\n  File "C:\\Users\\200059719\\libpysal\\libpysal\\io\\iohandlers\\tests\\", line 54, in tearDown\r\n    os.remove(\'test.db\')\r\nPermissionError: [WinError 32] The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process: \'test.db\'\r\n\r\n======================================================================\r\nERROR: test_writeNones (\r\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nTraceback (most recent call last):\r\n  File "C:\\Users\\200059719\\libpysal\\libpysal\\io\\iohandlers\\tests\\", line 115, in test_writeNones\r\n    os.remove(fname)\r\nPermissionError: [WinError 32] The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process: \'C:\\\\Users\\\\200059~1\\\\AppData\\\\Local\\\\Temp\\\\tmpzax2d812.dbf\'\r\n\r\n======================================================================\r\nERROR: test_true_rook2 (libpysal.weights.tests.test__contW_lists.TestContiguityWeights)\r\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nTraceback (most recent call last):\r\n  File "C:\\Users\\200059719\\libpysal\\libpysal\\weights\\tests\\", line 75, in test_true_rook2\r\n    \'stl_hom.shp\'), ROOK, \'POLY_ID_OG\')\r\n  File "C:\\Users\\200059719\\libpysal\\libpysal\\weights\\tests\\", line 120, in build_W\r\n    ids = db.by_col[idVariable]\r\n  File "C:\\Users\\200059719\\libpysal\\libpysal\\io\\", line 21, in __getitem__\r\n    return self.p._get_col(key)\r\n  File "C:\\Users\\200059719\\libpysal\\libpysal\\io\\iohandlers\\", line 110, in _get_col\r\n    raise AttributeError(\'Field: % s does not exist in header\' % key)\r\nAttributeError: Field: POLY_ID_OG does not exist in header\r\n\r\n======================================================================\r\nFAIL: Doctest:\r\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nTraceback (most recent call last):\r\n  File "C:\\Users\\200059719\\AppData\\Local\\conda\\conda\\envs\\test_momepy\\lib\\", line 2196, in runTest\r\n    raise self.failureException(self.format_failure(new.getvalue()))\r\nAssertionError: Failed doctest test for\r\n  File "C:\\Users\\200059719\\libpysal\\libpysal\\cg\\", line unknown line number, in buffer\r\n\r\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nFile "C:\\Users\\200059719\\libpysal\\libpysal\\cg\\", line ?, in\r\nFailed example:\r\n    g.buffer(1.0).area        # 16-gon approx of a unit radius circle\r\nExpected:\r\n    3.1365484905459389\r\nGot:\r\n    3.1365484905459384\r\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nFile "C:\\Users\\200059719\\libpysal\\libpysal\\cg\\", line ?, in\r\nFailed example:\r\n    g.buffer(1.0, 128).area   # 128-gon approximation\r\nExpected:\r\n    3.1415138011443009\r\nGot:\r\n    3.141513801144299\r\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nFile "C:\\Users\\200059719\\libpysal\\libpysal\\cg\\", line ?, in\r\nFailed example:\r\n    list(g.buffer(1.0, cap_style=\'square\').exterior.coords)\r\nException raised:\r\n    Traceback (most recent call last):\r\n      File "C:\\Users\\200059719\\AppData\\Local\\conda\\conda\\envs\\test_momepy\\lib\\", line 1329, in __run\r\n        compileflags, 1), test.globs)\r\n      File "<doctest[5]>", line 1, in <module>\r\n        list(g.buffer(1.0, cap_style=\'square\').exterior.coords)\r\n      File "C:\\Users\\200059719\\AppData\\Local\\conda\\conda\\envs\\test_momepy\\lib\\site-packages\\shapely\\geometry\\", line 593, in buffer\r\n        mitre_limit))\r\n      File "C:\\Users\\200059719\\AppData\\Local\\conda\\conda\\envs\\test_momepy\\lib\\site-packages\\shapely\\", line 78, in __call__\r\n        return self.fn(this._geom, *args)\r\n    ctypes.ArgumentError: argument 5: <class \'TypeError\'>: wrong type\r\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nFile "C:\\Users\\200059719\\libpysal\\libpysal\\cg\\", line ?, in\r\nFailed example:\r\n    g.buffer(1.0, cap_style=\'square\').area\r\nException raised:\r\n    Traceback (most recent call last):\r\n      File "C:\\Users\\200059719\\AppData\\Local\\conda\\conda\\envs\\test_momepy\\lib\\", line 1329, in __run\r\n        compileflags, 1), test.globs)\r\n      File "<doctest[6]>", line 1, in <module>\r\n        g.buffer(1.0, cap_style=\'square\').area\r\n      File "C:\\Users\\200059719\\AppData\\Local\\conda\\conda\\envs\\test_momepy\\lib\\site-packages\\shapely\\geometry\\", line 593, in buffer\r\n        mitre_limit))\r\n      File "C:\\Users\\200059719\\AppData\\Local\\conda\\conda\\envs\\test_momepy\\lib\\site-packages\\shapely\\", line 78, in __call__\r\n        return self.fn(this._geom, *args)\r\n    ctypes.ArgumentError: argument 5: <class \'TypeError\'>: wrong type\r\n\r\n\r\n======================================================================\r\nFAIL: Doctest:\r\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nTraceback (most recent call last):\r\n  File "C:\\Users\\200059719\\AppData\\Local\\conda\\conda\\envs\\test_momepy\\lib\\", line 2196, in runTest\r\n    raise self.failureException(self.format_failure(new.getvalue()))\r\nAssertionError: Failed doctest test for\r\n  File "C:\\Users\\200059719\\libpysal\\libpysal\\cg\\", line 438, in geogrid\r\n\r\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nFile "C:\\Users\\200059719\\libpysal\\libpysal\\cg\\", line 461, in\r\nFailed example:\r\n    geogrid(pup,pdown,3,lonx=False)\r\nExpected:\r\n    [(42.023768, -87.946389), (42.02393997819538, -87.80562679358316), (42.02393997819538, -87.66486420641684), (42.023768, -87.524102), (41.897317, -87.94638900000001), (41.8974888973743, -87.80562679296166), (41.8974888973743, -87.66486420703835), (41.897317, -87.524102), (41.770866000000005, -87.94638900000001), (41.77103781320412, -87.80562679234043), (41.77103781320412, -87.66486420765956), (41.770866000000005, -87.524102), (41.644415, -87.946389), (41.64458672568646, -87.80562679171955), (41.64458672568646, -87.66486420828045), (41.644415, -87.524102)]\r\nGot:\r\n    [(42.023768, -87.946389), (42.02393997819538, -87.80562679358316), (42.02393997819538, -87.66486420641684), (42.023768, -87.524102), (41.897317, -87.94638900000001), (41.8974888973743, -87.80562679296166), (41.8974888973743, -87.66486420703835), (41.897317, -87.524102), (41.770866000000005, -87.94638900000001), (41.77103781320412, -87.80562679234043), (41.77103781320412, -87.66486420765956), (41.770866000000005, -87.524102), (41.644415, -87.946389), (41.64458672568647, -87.80562679171955), (41.64458672568647, -87.66486420828045), (41.644415, -87.524102)]\r\n\r\n\r\n======================================================================\r\nFAIL: Doctest:\r\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nTraceback (most recent call last):\r\n  File "C:\\Users\\200059719\\AppData\\Local\\conda\\conda\\envs\\test_momepy\\lib\\", line 2196, in runTest\r\n    raise self.failureException(self.format_failure(new.getvalue()))\r\nAssertionError: Failed doctest test for\r\n  File "C:\\Users\\200059719\\libpysal\\libpysal\\io\\iohandlers\\", line 15, in __init__\r\n\r\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nFile "C:\\Users\\200059719\\libpysal\\libpysal\\io\\iohandlers\\", line 24, in\r\nFailed example:\r\n    f.header\r\nExpected:\r\n    [\'WKT\', \'NAME\', \'STATE_NAME\', \'STATE_FIPS\', \'CNTY_FIPS\', \'FIPS\', \'FIPSNO\', \'HR7984\', \'HR8488\', \'HR8893\', \'HC7984\', \'HC8488\', \'HC8893\', \'PO7984\', \'PO8488\', \'PO8893\', \'PE77\', \'PE82\', \'PE87\', \'RDAC80\', \'RDAC85\', \'RDAC90\']\r\nGot:\r\n    [\'FIPSNO\', \'NAME\', \'STATE_NAME\', \'STATE_FIPS\', \'CNTY_FIPS\', \'FIPS\', \'HC7984\', \'HC8488\', \'HC8893\', \'PO7984\', \'PO8488\', \'PO8893\']\r\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nFile "C:\\Users\\200059719\\libpysal\\libpysal\\io\\iohandlers\\", line 26, in\r\nFailed example:\r\n    f._spec\r\nExpected:\r\n    [<class \'str\'>, <class \'str\'>, <class \'str\'>, <class \'int\'>, <class \'int\'>, <class \'int\'>, <class \'int\'>, <class \'float\'>, <class \'float\'>, <class \'float\'>, <class \'int\'>, <class \'int\'>, <class \'int\'>, <class \'int\'>, <class \'int\'>, <class \'int\'>, <class \'float\'>, <class \'float\'>, <class \'float\'>, <class \'float\'>, <class \'float\'>, <class \'float\'>]\r\nGot:\r\n    [<class \'int\'>, <class \'str\'>, <class \'str\'>, <class \'int\'>, <class \'int\'>, <class \'int\'>, <class \'int\'>, <class \'int\'>, <class \'int\'>, <class \'int\'>, <class \'int\'>, <class \'int\'>]\r\n\r\n\r\nName                                      Stmts   Miss  Cover\r\n-------------------------------------------------------------\r\nlibpysal\\                          5      0   100%\r\nlibpysal\\cg\\                       8      0   100%\r\nlibpysal\\cg\\                 142     55    61%\r\nlibpysal\\cg\\                        84     11    87%\r\nlibpysal\\cg\\                     218     12    94%\r\nlibpysal\\cg\\ops\\                   2      0   100%\r\nlibpysal\\cg\\ops\\                15      3    80%\r\nlibpysal\\cg\\ops\\                  59     32    46%\r\nlibpysal\\cg\\ops\\                     7      0   100%\r\nlibpysal\\cg\\ops\\                   47     21    55%\r\nlibpysal\\cg\\     553     80    86%\r\nlibpysal\\cg\\                        416     35    92%\r\nlibpysal\\cg\\               258    131    49%\r\nlibpysal\\cg\\                  209    159    24%\r\nlibpysal\\cg\\                       473     46    90%\r\nlibpysal\\cg\\                       154     42    73%\r\nlibpysal\\cg\\                   310     19    94%\r\nlibpysal\\cg\\                       98     21    79%\r\nlibpysal\\                           51     19    63%\r\nlibpysal\\examples\\                21      2    90%\r\nlibpysal\\examples\\                   145     68    53%\r\nlibpysal\\examples\\                 39      4    90%\r\nlibpysal\\examples\\                 65      9    86%\r\nlibpysal\\io\\                       5      0   100%\r\nlibpysal\\io\\                       210     75    64%\r\nlibpysal\\io\\geotable\\              1      0   100%\r\nlibpysal\\io\\geotable\\                  46     30    35%\r\nlibpysal\\io\\geotable\\                 42     24    43%\r\nlibpysal\\io\\geotable\\                  13      5    62%\r\nlibpysal\\io\\geotable\\                30     12    60%\r\nlibpysal\\io\\geotable\\             30     19    37%\r\nlibpysal\\io\\iohandlers\\           23      2    91%\r\nlibpysal\\io\\iohandlers\\         78      6    92%\r\nlibpysal\\io\\iohandlers\\        110      4    96%\r\nlibpysal\\io\\iohandlers\\         60     14    77%\r\nlibpysal\\io\\iohandlers\\         61      5    92%\r\nlibpysal\\io\\iohandlers\\                19      1    95%\r\nlibpysal\\io\\iohandlers\\                 58      9    84%\r\nlibpysal\\io\\iohandlers\\                99      5    95%\r\nlibpysal\\io\\iohandlers\\        84      1    99%\r\nlibpysal\\io\\iohandlers\\          59     11    81%\r\nlibpysal\\io\\iohandlers\\               137     25    82%\r\nlibpysal\\io\\iohandlers\\                47      6    87%\r\nlibpysal\\io\\iohandlers\\                40      1    98%\r\nlibpysal\\io\\iohandlers\\           237     49    79%\r\nlibpysal\\io\\iohandlers\\           116     28    76%\r\nlibpysal\\io\\iohandlers\\          74      1    99%\r\nlibpysal\\io\\iohandlers\\           77     57    26%\r\nlibpysal\\io\\iohandlers\\                91      8    91%\r\nlibpysal\\io\\iohandlers\\                46      8    83%\r\nlibpysal\\io\\                        89     16    82%\r\nlibpysal\\io\\util\\                  3      0   100%\r\nlibpysal\\io\\util\\               380     18    95%\r\nlibpysal\\io\\util\\         48     13    73%\r\nlibpysal\\io\\util\\                      78     66    15%\r\nlibpysal\\io\\util\\                      42      5    88%\r\nlibpysal\\weights\\                  8      0   100%\r\nlibpysal\\weights\\             77      6    92%\r\nlibpysal\\weights\\                 89     15    83%\r\nlibpysal\\weights\\              146     34    77%\r\nlibpysal\\weights\\                250     36    86%\r\nlibpysal\\weights\\          103     34    67%\r\nlibpysal\\weights\\              43      3    93%\r\nlibpysal\\weights\\                   67      6    91%\r\nlibpysal\\weights\\                     44      7    84%\r\nlibpysal\\weights\\                    465     58    88%\r\nlibpysal\\weights\\                 510     87    83%\r\n-------------------------------------------------------------\r\nTOTAL                                      7714   1579    80%\r\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nRan 728 tests in 178.610s\r\n\r\nFAILED (SKIP=41, errors=4, failures=3)\r\n```\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n```\r\n======================================================================\r\nERROR: test_casting (\r\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nTraceback (most recent call last):\r\n  File "/Users/user/libpysal/libpysal/io/iohandlers/tests/", line 47, in test_casting\r\n    self.obj.cast(\'WKT\', WKTParser())\r\n  File "/Users/user/libpysal/libpysal/io/", line 230, in cast\r\n    raise KeyError("%s" % key)\r\nKeyError: \'WKT\'\r\n\r\n======================================================================\r\nERROR: test_true_rook2 (libpysal.weights.tests.test__contW_lists.TestContiguityWeights)\r\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nTraceback (most recent call last):\r\n  File "/Users/user/libpysal/libpysal/weights/tests/", line 75, in test_true_rook2\r\n    \'stl_hom.shp\'), ROOK, \'POLY_ID_OG\')\r\n  File "/Users/user/libpysal/libpysal/weights/tests/", line 120, in build_W\r\n    ids = db.by_col[idVariable]\r\n  File "/Users/user/libpysal/libpysal/io/", line 21, in __getitem__\r\n    return self.p._get_col(key)\r\n  File "/Users/user/libpysal/libpysal/io/iohandlers/", line 110, in _get_col\r\n    raise AttributeError(\'Field: % s does not exist in header\' % key)\r\nAttributeError: Field: POLY_ID_OG does not exist in header\r\n\r\n======================================================================\r\nFAIL: Doctest:\r\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nTraceback (most recent call last):\r\n  File "/Users/user/miniconda3/envs/py3_lps_dev/lib/python3.6/", line 2199, in runTest\r\n    raise self.failureException(self.format_failure(new.getvalue()))\r\nAssertionError: Failed doctest test for\r\n  File "/Users/user/libpysal/libpysal/io/iohandlers/", line 15, in __init__\r\n\r\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nFile "/Users/user/libpysal/libpysal/io/iohandlers/", line 24, in\r\nFailed example:\r\n    f.header\r\nExpected:\r\n    [\'WKT\', \'NAME\', \'STATE_NAME\', \'STATE_FIPS\', \'CNTY_FIPS\', \'FIPS\', \'FIPSNO\', \'HR7984\', \'HR8488\', \'HR8893\', \'HC7984\', \'HC8488\', \'HC8893\', \'PO7984\', \'PO8488\', \'PO8893\', \'PE77\', \'PE82\', \'PE87\', \'RDAC80\', \'RDAC85\', \'RDAC90\']\r\nGot:\r\n    [\'FIPSNO\', \'NAME\', \'STATE_NAME\', \'STATE_FIPS\', \'CNTY_FIPS\', \'FIPS\', \'HC7984\', \'HC8488\', \'HC8893\', \'PO7984\', \'PO8488\', \'PO8893\']\r\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nFile "/Users/user/libpysal/libpysal/io/iohandlers/", line 26, in\r\nFailed example:\r\n    f._spec\r\nExpected:\r\n    [<class \'str\'>, <class \'str\'>, <class \'str\'>, <class \'int\'>, <class \'int\'>, <class \'int\'>, <class \'int\'>, <class \'float\'>, <class \'float\'>, <class \'float\'>, <class \'int\'>, <class \'int\'>, <class \'int\'>, <class \'int\'>, <class \'int\'>, <class \'int\'>, <class \'float\'>, <class \'float\'>, <class \'float\'>, <class \'float\'>, <class \'float\'>, <class \'float\'>]\r\nGot:\r\n    [<class \'int\'>, <class \'str\'>, <class \'str\'>, <class \'int\'>, <class \'int\'>, <class \'int\'>, <class \'int\'>, <class \'int\'>, <class \'int\'>, <class \'int\'>, <class \'int\'>, <class \'int\'>]\r\n\r\n\r\nName                                      Stmts   Miss  Cover\r\n-------------------------------------------------------------\r\nlibpysal/                          5      0   100%\r\nlibpysal/cg/                       8      0   100%\r\nlibpysal/cg/                 142     46    68%\r\nlibpysal/cg/                        84     11    87%\r\nlibpysal/cg/                     218     12    94%\r\nlibpysal/cg/ops/                   2      0   100%\r\nlibpysal/cg/ops/                15      3    80%\r\nlibpysal/cg/ops/                  59     32    46%\r\nlibpysal/cg/ops/                     7      0   100%\r\nlibpysal/cg/ops/                   47     21    55%\r\nlibpysal/cg/     553     80    86%\r\nlibpysal/cg/                        416     35    92%\r\nlibpysal/cg/               258    131    49%\r\nlibpysal/cg/                  209    159    24%\r\nlibpysal/cg/                       473     46    90%\r\nlibpysal/cg/                       154     34    78%\r\nlibpysal/cg/                   310     18    94%\r\nlibpysal/cg/                       98     16    84%\r\nlibpysal/                           51      4    92%\r\nlibpysal/examples/                21      1    95%\r\nlibpysal/examples/                   145     58    60%\r\nlibpysal/examples/                 39      4    90%\r\nlibpysal/examples/                 65      9    86%\r\nlibpysal/io/                       5      0   100%\r\nlibpysal/io/                       210     75    64%\r\nlibpysal/io/geotable/              1      0   100%\r\nlibpysal/io/geotable/                  46     30    35%\r\nlibpysal/io/geotable/                 42     24    43%\r\nlibpysal/io/geotable/                  13      5    62%\r\nlibpysal/io/geotable/                30     12    60%\r\nlibpysal/io/geotable/             30     19    37%\r\nlibpysal/io/iohandlers/           23      2    91%\r\nlibpysal/io/iohandlers/         78      6    92%\r\nlibpysal/io/iohandlers/        110      4    96%\r\nlibpysal/io/iohandlers/         60     14    77%\r\nlibpysal/io/iohandlers/         61      0   100%\r\nlibpysal/io/iohandlers/                19      1    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   'body': 'Constructing contiguity spatial weights using `from_dataframe` and `from_shapefile` could give different results. An example notebook with the Baltimore example data set is given [here](\r\n\r\nBased on the Baltimore example data set, constructing a Queen or Rook contiguity weight directly from the shapefile will give a (210,210) weight matrix (with `from_shapefile`), while constructing that from the GeoDataFrame will produce a (211,211) weight matrix (with `from_shapefile`).\r\n\r\nIn contrast, KNN constructor gives identical spatial weight matrices (both are (211,211)).\r\n'},
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   'body': "Sorry I didn't see #212 earlier. This fixes the described bug by ensuring that the `try/except` block of `libpysal.weights.util.get_points_array()` is safe for lazy input. Before, the [linked explanation succinctly describes the source of the bug.]("},
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   'body': 'Currently the [`alpha_shapes` docs]( are not rendering properly due to incorrect docstring headings being used (`Arguments` and `Example` vs. `Parameters` and `Examples`).'},
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   'body': 'The PyPI tarball is ~25 MB, most of is the examples folder.\r\nIf the original design is to ship that folder with the tarball please close the issue, if not I can send a PR excluding that folder from the MANIFEST to produce a smaller tarball.'},
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   'body': 'This would remove some of the larger example datasets out of the source distribution and provide for remote fetching of those examples when needed.\r\n\r\nIt is a start towards addressing #174.\r\n\r\nThis would have implications for any packages that rely on these larger datasets for integration testing. An example of how this could be done is [here]( ).\r\n\r\nThis has started with the nat and south datasets.\r\n\r\nThere is some refinement that needs to be done, but I wanted to get feedback on the general direction.\r\n\r\n\r\n'},
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   'body': 'The justification for this PR is to satisfy #113 by adding metadata for the georgia, tokyo, clearwater, nyc_bikes, and prenzlauer datasets in the style of the metadata provided for the mexico dataset.\r\n'},
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   'body': '@weikang9009 see the use of the `members` option in the [W rst file]('},
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   'body': '`silent_island_warning` was removed from the attribute list of `libpysal.weights.W` and was replaced with the name `silence_warnings`, but one occurence was not updated to reflect such change, leading to errors reported in and\r\n'},
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   'body': 'Hi,\r\n\r\n does not seem to work (for some time already). Is it intentional or not? still links to readthedocs, so it seems to be an issue? Or do you want to keep it within API of pysal meta-package only?'},
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   'body': 'The justification for this PR is: \r\n\r\n * Fixes #195 \r\n * corrects grammar and spelling in docstring of `cg.standalone.distance_matrix`'},
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   'body': 'Is there a reason not to use the [`requires(\'geopandas\')` decorator]( for [`alpha_shape()`]( and [`alpha_shape_auto()`](, rather than the following in [`alpha_geoms()`](\r\n\r\n```python\r\n    try:\r\n        from shapely.geometry import LineString\r\n        from shapely.ops import polygonize\r\n    except ImportError:\r\n        raise ImportError("Shapely is a required package to use alpha_shapes")\r\n\r\n    try:\r\n        from geopandas import GeoSeries\r\n    except ImportError:\r\n        raise ImportError("Geopandas is a required package to use alpha_shapes")\r\n```\r\n\r\nIf `geopandas` is available, then a working install of `shapely` should also be available. However, to be on the safe side the function could be decorated with `requires(\'geopandas\', \'shapely\')`\r\n\r\n----------------------------\r\n\r\n- Platform information:\r\nposix darwin\r\nposix.uname_result(sysname=\'Darwin\', nodename=\'The-Gaboardi.local\', release=\'18.2.0\', version=\'Darwin Kernel Version 18.2.0: Mon Nov 12 20:24:46 PST 2018; root:xnu-4903.231.4~2/RELEASE_X86_64\', machine=\'x86_64\')\r\n\r\n- Python version: \r\n3.6.6 | packaged by conda-forge | (default, Jul 26 2018, 09:55:02) \r\n[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 6.1.0 (clang-602.0.53)]\r\n\r\n- SciPy version:\r\n1.1.0\r\n\r\n- NumPy version:\r\n1.14.3'},
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   'body': 'The justification for this PR is:\r\n - This PR addresses #147 & #194 \r\n   - [``]( is no longer used in the `libpysal` [``]( and seems to be a relic from the early days of the PySAL project.\r\n    - [`README.txt`]( refers to the structure of pre-reorganization of PySAL (`pysal.spatial_dynamics`, ``, etc...) and seems not to be used for any purpose.\r\n\r\nAlthough these are not large files, if they are no longer relevant we should remove them to cut down on the clutter.'},
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   'body': 'Since the reorganization of PySAL, only 3.5+ is supported. Therefore, it appears [`libpysal.common.iteritems()`]( is no longer needed in the code base.'},
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   'body': "```\r\nfrom libpysal.weights import Voronoi\r\nimport numpy as np\r\n\r\nnp.random.seed(12345)\r\npoints= np.random.random((500,2))*10 + 10\r\nw_test = Voronoi(points)\r\nassert len(w_test.neighbors) == len(points)\r\n```\r\n\r\nThis fails and I believe it should not. \r\n\r\n- Platform information:\r\n```\r\nposix darwin\r\nposix.uname_result(sysname='Darwin', nodename='xxxx', release='18.6.0', version='Darwin Kernel Version 18.6.0: Thu Apr 25 23:16:27 PDT 2019; root:xnu-4903.261.4~2/RELEASE_X86_64', machine='x86_64')\r\n```\r\n- Python version: \r\n```\r\n3.6.5 (default, Mar 30 2018, 06:41:53)\r\n[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 9.0.0 (clang-900.0.39.2)]\r\n```\r\n- SciPy version:\r\n```\r\n1.0.1\r\n```\r\n- NumPy version:\r\n```\r\n1.14.2\r\n```\r\n"},
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   'number': 190,
   'title': 'BUG: alpha_shape_auto can fail to contain all points in the set.',
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     'description': "functionality that: returns invalid, erroneous, or meaningless results; or doesn't work at all."}],
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    'number': 3,
    'title': 'Next Release',
    'description': 'This is the todo list for the Dec. 2019 release of libpysal, the core of the PySAL metapackage. ',
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   'body': 'In trying to debug #189 the following will reproduce the issue:\r\n<img width="1105" alt="Screen Shot 2019-10-09 at 7 44 33 PM" src="">\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nThe issue appears to be that `alpha_shape_auto` can fail to contain all the points in a set as one of the conditions was that the bounding box for the alpha hull and the point set were equal. That was necessary, but not sufficient to ensure all points were contained in the hull.\r\n\r\nAs a result, when clipping the voronoi regions using the alpha hull, a point (and region) could be omitted and thus the number of points would not match the length of the resulting voronoi W. Notice the point in the north east of this diagram. The light green is the alpha shape clipper, blue are the voronoi regions, and in red are the points:\r\n\r\n\r\n<img width="281" alt="Screen Shot 2019-10-09 at 7 54 37 PM" src="">\r\n\r\n\r\nThe PR has fixes for this.\r\n\r\n\r\n'},
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   'number': 185,
   'title': 'WSP(sparse).to_W() has `array`s in weights,neighbors dictionaries, rather than lists. ',
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   'body': 'All of the `scipy.sparse` stuff provides arrays when you call into `indices` or `indptr` or `data`. \r\n\r\nWhen we use these in [line 1454](, we never force them to be lists; we accept them as arrays. \r\n\r\nFor stability and consistency, these need to be cast to lists. '},
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   'number': 186,
   'title': 'Cast arrays as lists (Issue 185) ',
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   'body': 'Addressing #185 \r\n\r\n* casting `self.sparse.indices`, ``, and `self.sparse.indptr` as lists\r\n* adjusting [`docstring`]( in `weights/` to conform to `list` structure\r\n'},
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   'title': 'BUG: Update for geopandas use of GeometryArray',
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   'body': 'A few tests in cg alphashapes were failing due to the gp update.'},
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   'updated_at': '2019-09-16T17:20:29Z',
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   'body': 'Hello! Please make sure to check all these boxes before submitting a Pull Request\r\n(PR). Once you have checked the boxes, feel free to remove all text except the\r\njustification in point 5. \r\n\r\n1. [x] You have run tests on this submission, either by using [Travis Continuous Integration testing]( testing or running `nosetests` on your changes?\r\n2. [x] This pull request is directed to the `pysal/master` branch.\r\n3. [x] This pull introduces new functionality covered by\r\n   [docstrings]( and\r\n   [unittests]( \r\n4. [x] You have [assigned a\r\n   reviewer]( and added relevant [labels](\r\n5. [x] The justification for this PR is: The contribution guidelines link was incorrectly specified in the README.rst file. Also added link to LICENSE.txt file.\r\n'},
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   'body': 'The most recent version of libpysal on pypi and conda-forge is v4.0.1 from Oct 2018\r\n\r\nWe should probably make a release on pypi for consistency (conda-forge will automatically update once there is a new release on pypi).'},
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   'body': 'Mimic `DeprecationWarning ` solution found in pysal/pysal#1073\r\n\r\n'},
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   'body': 'The justification for this PR is: \r\n - Addressing #131 \r\n'},
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   'body': '\r\n\r\n1. [X ] You have run tests on this submission, either by using [Travis Continuous Integration testing]( testing or running `nosetests` on your changes?\r\n2. [ X] This pull request is directed to the `pysal/master` branch.\r\n4. [X ] You have [assigned a\r\n   reviewer]( and added relevant [labels](\r\n5. [X] The justification for this PR is: modernizing travis build\r\n'}],
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   'body': 'Currently, Python 3.6 and 3.7 are officially supported and tested in [TravisCI]( The documentation in [``]( and [`doc/installation`]( should reflect this but still read as supporting Python 3.5 and 3.6.\r\n\r\n- [x] update ``\r\n- [x] update `doc/installation`'},
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   'body': 'Can someone who has access to the data run the [example notebook on the website]( ? There is no output at the moment, which sort of defeats the purpose.\r\n\r\nThanks for the great package!'}],
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   'body': 'This PR is \r\n* to fix the bug of [giddy.markov.sojourn_time]( to deal with the case when the input transition probability matrix has rows full of 0s\r\n* to fix some inline docstrings '},
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   'title': 'Extend functions for Markov classes to deal with non-ergodic Markov chains',
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   'body': 'It is possible that we run into non-ergodic Markov chains, e.g. it might be impossible to migrate from one Markov state to another. Right now, the [`steady_state`](  function for calculating the limiting distribution and the [`fmpt`]( function calculating first mean passage times can only deal with non-ergodic Markov chains. It will be useful to extend these functions to deal with non-ergodic Markov chains.\r\n'},
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   'body': 'This PR is to extend functions for Markov classes to deal with non-ergodic Markov chains. \r\n\r\nInstead of changing the behavior of existing functions like `giddy.ergodic.steady_state` and `giddy.ergodic.fmpt` which explicitly claim that they are only suitable for regular Markov chain, I added two functions: \r\n* [`giddy.ergodic.steady_state_general`]( \r\n* [`giddy.ergodic.fmpt_general`](\r\n\r\nwhich could deal with reducible Markov chains. For instance, if the Markov chain has two communicating classes, `giddy.ergodic.steady_state_general` will return an array of two vectors (see [here]( for an example in the inline docstring.), and [`giddy.ergodic.fmpt_general`]( will return an array which contains `np.inf` since it is impossible to get a state in class 1 if the system starts at a state in class 2 (see [here] for an example in the inline docstring.).\r\n\r\nThese two functions replace`giddy.ergodic.steady_state` and `giddy.ergodic.fmpt` in classes `Markov`, `Spatial_Markov`, `FullRank_Markov` and `GeoRank_Markov` for estimating the steady state distributions and first mean passage times (spatially conditional or not).\r\n\r\nAnother enhancement is adding an optional parameter [`fill_diag `]( to each of these Markov related classes to allow users to determine whether a stochastic transition probability matrix (each row summing to 1) is desired.\r\n\r\n\r\n'},
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   'body': "this PR is to allow for testing against submodules' github master branch in .travis.yml\r\n"},
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   'body': 'giddy 2.2.2 should be released soon to incorporate the bug fix to the rank method'},
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   'body': '[The interactive example in the docstring of `Rose`]( plots the rose diagram by calling  function `` from Matplotlib, resulting in the following warning:\r\n```python\r\n(base) weis-imac:giddy weikang$ nosetests --with-doctest \r\n./Users/weikang/Google Drive/python_repos/pysal-refactor/giddy/giddy/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: Passing the block parameter of show() positionally is deprecated since Matplotlib 3.1; the parameter will become keyword-only in 3.3.\r\n```\r\nThe PR removes the parameter in the function (it is not quite needed) to avoid the warning and potential error once Matplotlib 3.3 is released.'},
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   'body': 'As per pysal/libpysal#178 and pysal/libpysal#181, "development guidelines" link in `` is broken in the [Contribute]( section.\r\n\r\nfrom: ~~\r\nto:'},
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   'title': 'BUG: Fix for correct handling of ties in Tau',
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   'body': 'A bug in pysal.spatial_dynamics.rank  class Tau:  def _calc(self, x, y). Ties are counted incorrectly. Cause: initialization is made with ECount = 0, but should be ECount = 1'},
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   'body': 'The sentence `To see the estimated D in the first generic example above, the user would have just to run index.statistic to see the fitted value.` should change its location to after the "d_index" call and be updated to "d_index".\r\n\r\nAlso, we can pt a point after "total_population" and put uppercase "A" in:\r\n\r\n"a typical call would be something like this:"'},
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   'body': 'As per pysal/libpysal#178 and pysal/libpysal#181\r\n\r\nfrom: ~~\r\nto:'},
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   'number': 135,
   'title': 'Strange non-corresponding legend on output (Out)when running indexes',
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   'body': 'When running segregation indexes, I get a non-corresponding output legend (Out).  It repeats the same output line: "segregation.spatial.spatial_indexes.SpatialDissim" regardless if the index has change...  here an example of two different indexes, same Out legend:\r\n<img width="1123" alt="Screen Shot 2019-08-22 at 7 20 42 PM" src="">\r\n\r\n\r\nThis seems to be the default Output line in my local results... in every index...but this is not the case in the examples from the notebook.  \r\n\r\nAny ideas as to what can be the problem in my local version?  Thanks!!!\r\n\r\n'},
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   'title': '[WIP] NA handling',
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   'body': 'This handles in a conservative way: it raises an informative error whenever the user has missing data in the input columns, but adds a `fillna` useful option if he/she wants to input 0 in these missings values to calculate the indexes.\r\n\r\nAll tests passed.'},
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   'title': 'Update link for instruction of',
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   'body': 'Currently, we are point to, but we need to update this.'},
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   'title': 'handling nans/missing values',
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   'body': "the following will result in a np.nan value for the `statistic` because `n_nonhsip_black_persons` has NaN values. \r\n\r\n```python\r\ndc = Community(source='ltdb', cbsafips='47900')\r\ndc = dc.tracts.merge(dc.census,left_on='geoid', right_index=True)\r\ndc_sd = SpatialDissim(dc, group_pop_var='n_nonhisp_black_persons', total_pop_var='n_total_pop')\r\n```\r\nWe should either move to more robust numpy operators that handle nans, or check whether there are any present in `group_pop_var` or `total_pop_var` and raise accordingly"},
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   'number': 131,
   'title': 'Raise an informative error when input data have NAs (also update geosnap links)',
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   'title': " ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'segregation.spatial'",
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   'body': "I'm getting this ModuleNotFoundError: \r\n\r\n![image](\r\n\r\nI have segregation (1.1.1) and PySAL 2.1.0 in my environment. \r\n\r\nAny suggestions? Thanks!"},
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   'title': 'haversine_distance relies on newer version of scikit-learn',
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   'body': 'Requirements of segregation should explicitly ask for a version of scikit-learn that has `haversine_distance` distance measures. Otherwise, it will raise an error while importing.'},
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   'number': 126,
   'title': 'fix bug of compute_all tests',
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   'body': "A small bug was spotted in the tests compute_all class of functions in This PR fixes that for the Travis build. I'll just merge this right away since this is just a quick fix."},
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   'title': 'Swap to more robust tests that rely on numpy seeds',
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   'body': "Segregation on PySAL started to fail on travis\r\n\r\nThis is due to indexes that rely on simulations and, therefore, numpy seeds. Travis now is building using numpy 1.17.0 (released 6 days ago). Some features were changed in the generating process of the seeds as you can read in\r\n\r\n![image](\r\n\r\nI upgraded locally my numpy to 1.17.0 (previously it was 1.16.0) and, now, my seed generates the values that match the new tests (7 digit precision).\r\n\r\nSince I don't think it is a good thing the rely on the numpy version for the simulation-based tests... I think I'll increase the degree of tolerance of all tests and rewrite the tests (inference based also will change since they also rely on numpy seeds)."},
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   'title': 'Adds MinMax and SpatialMinMax to documentations/notebooks and compute_all and tweak notebooks',
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   'body': 'This basically adds the MinMax and SpatialMinMax indexes in the documentation (readme, notebooks, compute_all functions, sphinx).\r\n\r\nps.: this PR also makes a small tweak in the spatial notebook running the RelativeConcentration index of the inference wrappers with its fixed value.'},
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   'title': 'Change precision of simulated-based tests.',
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   'body': 'It addresses #123.\r\n\r\nIt covers inference, some segregation indexes and inference wrappers.'},
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   'title': 'Increase the precision of simulated-based tests.',
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   'body': 'It addresses\r\n\r\nIt covers inference, some segregation indexes and inference wrappers.'},
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   'title': 'Adds inference wrappers for multigroup indexes (Single and Two)',
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   'body': 'This PR adds the "evenness" and "bootstrap" approach for MultiGroup indexes as raised in Some of the formattings were changed as I thought It was easier to spot which lines to change in the code and how to properly construct the null hypothesis.\r\n\r\nI assumed that the evenness approach is simply the generalization of the single group approach, as every unit had a fixed vector of probability of allocating for each subgroup. However, the difference is that now the simulation is a multinomial distribution in the tract level. So, we need to simulate many multinomial distributions and I achieved that using a `map` function.\r\n\r\nThis is still a WIP since I\'d like to add the `random_label` approach for comparing two Multigroup Measures.\r\n\r\nEdit: I added the MultiGroup case for two indexes, so removed the WIP of the name of this PR.'}],
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   'body': 'Currently, input for instantiating a [`network.Network`]( and [`network.PointPattern`]( can be accomplished with either a [`.shp` file]( or a [`geopandas.GeoDataFrame`](  However, passing in native [``]( objects is not an option. As `spaghetti` is a member of the [`pysal` federation](, this functionality should be available.\r\n\r\n - [x] `network.Network` accepts `cg.Chain` objects for instantiation\r\n - [x] `network.PointPattern` accepts `cg.Point` objects for instantiation\r\n\r\n-------------------\r\n\r\n***Tests***\r\n- [x] tests/ -- test_network_from_cg(self)\r\n   - [x] cg test against known\r\n   - [x] shp against cg\r\n- [x] tests/ -- test_network_from_cg(self)\r\n   - [x] cg test against known\r\n   - [x] shp against cg\r\n\r\n------------------\r\n\r\n***Docs***\r\n - [x] re-run docs'},
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   'body': '\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nCurrently the [`tarball ` jobs]( are [failing on travis](, seemingly due to an issue with version `twine`/[`importlib`](\r\n\r\n```\r\nTraceback (most recent call last):\r\n  File "/home/travis/miniconda/envs/TEST/lib/python3.7/site-packages/twine/", line 22, in <module>\r\n    import importlib.metadata as importlib_metadata\r\nModuleNotFoundError: No module named \'importlib.metadata\'\r\n\r\nDuring handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:\r\n\r\nTraceback (most recent call last):\r\n  File "/home/travis/miniconda/envs/TEST/bin/twine", line 6, in <module>\r\n    from twine.__main__ import main\r\n  File "/home/travis/miniconda/envs/TEST/lib/python3.7/site-packages/twine/", line 24, in <module>\r\n    import importlib_metadata\r\nModuleNotFoundError: No module named \'importlib_metadata\'\r\nThe command "if [[ $TRAVIS_JOB_NAME == tarball* ]]; then pip wheel . -w dist --no-deps; twine check dist/*; fi" exited with 1.\r\n```'},
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   'body': '**Describe the bug**\r\n`descartes` now required for plotting polygons:\r\n\r\n`ImportError: The descartes package is required for plotting polygons in geopandas.`\r\n\r\n--> [Facility_Location.ipynb](\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n```\r\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nModuleNotFoundError                       Traceback (most recent call last)\r\n~/miniconda3/envs/py3_spgh_dev/lib/python3.6/site-packages/geopandas/ in plot_polygon_collection(ax, geoms, values, color, cmap, vmin, vmax, **kwargs)\r\n     84     try:\r\n---> 85         from descartes.patch import PolygonPatch\r\n     86     except ImportError:\r\n\r\nModuleNotFoundError: No module named \'descartes\'\r\n\r\nDuring handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:\r\n\r\nImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)\r\n<ipython-input-25-3ccffdf37b5a> in <module>\r\n      1 add_to_plot = {\'streets\':streets,\r\n      2                \'buffer\':streets_buffer}\r\n----> 3 plotter(plot_aux=add_to_plot, buffered=buff, title=title)\r\n\r\n<ipython-input-8-a2109470473d> in plotter(fig, base, plot_aux, buffered, model, pt1_size, pt2_size, plot_res, save_fig, title, figsize)\r\n     55                 df.plot(ax=base, lw=2, color=\'k\', zorder=1)\r\n     56             if k == \'buffer\':\r\n---> 57                 df.plot(ax=base, color=\'y\', lw=.25, alpha=.25, zorder=1)\r\n     58             if k == \'cli_tru\':\r\n     59                 if plot_res:\r\n\r\n~/miniconda3/envs/py3_spgh_dev/lib/python3.6/site-packages/geopandas/ in plot(self, *args, **kwargs)\r\n    548         from there.\r\n    549         """\r\n--> 550         return plot_dataframe(self, *args, **kwargs)\r\n    551 \r\n    552     plot.__doc__ = plot_dataframe.__doc__\r\n\r\n~/miniconda3/envs/py3_spgh_dev/lib/python3.6/site-packages/geopandas/ in plot_dataframe(df, column, cmap, color, ax, cax, categorical, legend, scheme, k, vmin, vmax, markersize, figsize, legend_kwds, classification_kwds, **style_kwds)\r\n    425         return plot_series(df.geometry, cmap=cmap, color=color, ax=ax,\r\n    426                            figsize=figsize, markersize=markersize,\r\n--> 427                            **style_kwds)\r\n    428 \r\n    429     # To accept pd.Series and np.arrays as column\r\n\r\n~/miniconda3/envs/py3_spgh_dev/lib/python3.6/site-packages/geopandas/ in plot_series(s, cmap, color, ax, figsize, **style_kwds)\r\n    295         values_ = values[poly_idx] if cmap else None\r\n    296         plot_polygon_collection(ax, polys, values_, facecolor=facecolor,\r\n--> 297                                 cmap=cmap, **style_kwds)\r\n    298 \r\n    299     # plot all LineStrings and MultiLineString components in same collection\r\n\r\n~/miniconda3/envs/py3_spgh_dev/lib/python3.6/site-packages/geopandas/ in plot_polygon_collection(ax, geoms, values, color, cmap, vmin, vmax, **kwargs)\r\n     85         from descartes.patch import PolygonPatch\r\n     86     except ImportError:\r\n---> 87         raise ImportError("The descartes package is required"\r\n     88                           " for plotting polygons in geopandas.")\r\n     89     from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection\r\n\r\nImportError: The descartes package is required for plotting polygons in geopandas.\r\n```'},
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   'body': 'The current implementation on [`spaghetti.util.compute_length()` performs a raw euclidean distance calculation using `numpy`]( However, this same result can be obtained through [``]( Switching from the current implementation to using the `` implementation will be beneficial in two ways:\r\n1. improves DRY programming\r\n2. improves performance by approx. 5x, as shown below\r\n\r\n```python\r\n>>> import math\r\n>>> import numpy\r\n>>> pt1 = (0,0)\r\n>>> pt2 = (3,4)\r\n\r\n# spaghetti.util.compute_length\r\n>>> %timeit numpy.sqrt((pt1[0] - pt2[0]) ** 2 + (pt1[1] - pt2[1]) ** 2)\r\n# 1.6 µs ± 29.1 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)\r\n\r\n#\r\n>>> %timeit math.hypot(pt1[0] - pt2[0], pt1[1] - pt2[1])\r\n# 277 ns ± 4.21 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)\r\n```\r\n\r\n**This is a part of [Refactor: `spaghetti v2.0`](**'},
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   'body': "I received the email attached below yesterday from the Read the Docs team. Basically, it says that all RTD hosted sites will have advertisements soon. While this is in no way a knock on their model, maybe it is time to switch over to the GitHub hosted docs, as mentioned in the [August 2019 dev meeting]( and implemented in [PySAL-meta]( \r\n\r\nThoughts, @weikang9009 @sjsrey?\r\n\r\n\r\n>As you might already know, Read the Docs has been using advertising to help build a sustainable business around open source documentation hosting. We call it Ethical Advertising, because we don't allow any third-party scripts for tracking, and all the ads are served from our servers. Since we started, these ads have only been displayed on docs with the Read the Docs or Alabaster themes. We are now changing this, and starting to display ads on all documentation themes. \r\n>\r\n>You're getting this email because you maintain a project that uses a custom theme, and will soon start getting ads on it. We wanted to be proactive about this change, and alert you. Our blog post has more details on these changes, including how you might opt out:;!5Xm4_O-4tfk!n-8e9c86LvcMedZ_BypZxnjpFDEX_OY_6S4rcJVbS0eEXPjheUB2iFu3Ak76DWjB$ \r\n>\r\n>Read the Docs is provided for free to all open source projects. Running this service requires multiple people to wear pagers, respond to GitHub issues, and other work that is mostly invisible and thankless. We are using the money generated to help support our community and make the service sustainable.\r\n>\r\n>You can read more about our advertising here:;!5Xm4_O-4tfk!n-8e9c86LvcMedZ_BypZxnjpFDEX_OY_6S4rcJVbS0eEXPjheUB2iFu3AqIOCOed$ . We are doing our best to respect our users, while making our service sustainable, and we care that you believe and support the work that we do. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns, and we will do our best to address them.\r\n>\r\n>If you would like to completely remove advertising from your open source project, but Read the Docs for Business (;!5Xm4_O-4tfk!n-8e9c86LvcMedZ_BypZxnjpFDEX_OY_6S4rcJVbS0eEXPjheUB2iFu3Aqi-XAH5$ ) doesn't seem like the right fit, please respond to this email to discuss alternatives to advertising such as our Gold Membership program:;!5Xm4_O-4tfk!n-8e9c86LvcMedZ_BypZxnjpFDEX_OY_6S4rcJVbS0eEXPjheUB2iFu3AisyAWni$ .\r\n>\r\n>Cheers, \r\n>The Read the Docs Team"},
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   'body': "This PR is to \r\n* complete and publish the documentation website with readthedocs. I have tested it on my  fork and it builds successfully\r\n\r\n* configure travis CI to for dual testing dependency libpysal on pypi and github (allow failure for the most updated github version). The travis error seems to come from `libpysal` weight's `silent_island_warning` as this attribute was renamed to `silence_warnings` but not all occurrences were updated (also reported in\r\n![image](\r\n"}],
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   'body': "This PR address both pysal/pysal#1139 and the new `libpysal.examples` schema introduced in [`libpysal` v4.2](\r\n\r\nAs far as the `try`/`except` block in [`spvcm.diagnostics`]( (also see below), placing this chunk within the function would have to happen in both [`summarize`]( and [`_effective_size`]( (without some [minor] refactoring).\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n```python\r\ntry:\r\n    from rpy2.rinterface import RRuntimeError\r\n    from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr\r\n    from rpy2.robjects.numpy2ri import numpy2ri\r\n    import rpy2.robjects as ro\r\n    ro.conversion.py2ri = numpy2ri\r\n    _coda = importr('coda')\r\n    _HAS_CODA = True\r\n    _HAS_RPY2 = True\r\nexcept (ImportError, LookupError):\r\n    _HAS_CODA = False\r\n    _HAS_RPY2 = False\r\nexcept RRuntimeError:\r\n    _HAS_CODA = False\r\n    _HAS_RPY2 = True\r\n```"}],
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   'body': 'This PR address the following:\r\n  * Python 3.5/6 are mentioned in `installation`, but `tobler` supports 3.6/7.\r\n  * minor formatting improvements.'},
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   'body': "Currently the `linear_model` function does not work as I would expect. Right now, it calls rasterstats to get pixel counts for the source_df, then estimates a model that relates pixel counts to polygon population. Then, it takes that relationship as given (i.e. pixels become non-stochastic weights that relate each pixel value with a certain number of people), ignores the model's error term, and sums up the pixels in the target_df to estimate population. We're like, wayy overshooting using this approach\r\n\r\nInstead we should:\r\n\r\n1) call rasterstats to get pixel counts in source_df\r\n2) estimate a model based on pixel counts and population\r\n3) call rasterstats to get pixel counts in target_df\r\n4) use the model to simulate values in the target_df\r\n\r\nThat should get proper model-based estimation and get us away from the need to create a correspondence table and mask out non-overlapping pixels, etc. (and hopefully speed things up)\r\n\r\nwould you agree @renanxcortes ?"},
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   'body': 'currently, the [function]( that does the heavy lifting in the regression approach is hardcoded to use pixel counts, but that precludes the ability to specify more complex models (e.g. log-transforming the pixel counts, adding interactions, or including more input data).\r\n\r\ninstead, we should allow the function to take a patsy-style model formulation as a string instead of assuming we know what the user wants in [this line]( '},
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   'body': 'we should put together a wrapper function that encapsulates the logic [here]( and has a signature similar to `area_interpolate` and `masked_area_interpolate`'},
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   'body': 'After following our [installation instructions](, we are getting breakage:\r\n\r\n\r\n```\r\n~/Dropbox/t/tobler/github/tobler/tobler/ in <module>\r\n      1 from urllib.parse import unquote, urlparse\r\n      2 \r\n----> 3 import quilt3\r\n      4 \r\n      5 \r\n\r\n~/anaconda3/envs/tobler/lib/python3.7/site-packages/quilt3-3.1.5-py3.7.egg/quilt3/ in <module>\r\n      5 warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="numpy.dtype size changed")\r\n      6 \r\n----> 7 from .api import (\r\n      8     copy,\r\n      9     put,\r\n\r\n~/anaconda3/envs/tobler/lib/python3.7/site-packages/quilt3-3.1.5-py3.7.egg/quilt3/ in <module>\r\n      2 from urllib.parse import quote, urlparse, unquote\r\n      3 \r\n----> 4 from .data_transfer import copy_file, get_bytes, delete_url, put_bytes, list_url\r\n      5 from .formats import FormatRegistry\r\n      6 from .search_util import search_api\r\n\r\n~/anaconda3/envs/tobler/lib/python3.7/site-packages/quilt3-3.1.5-py3.7.egg/quilt3/ in <module>\r\n     20 from tqdm import tqdm\r\n     21 \r\n---> 22 from .session import create_botocore_session\r\n     23 from .util import QuiltException, make_s3_url, parse_file_url, parse_s3_url\r\n     24 from . import xattr\r\n\r\n~/anaconda3/envs/tobler/lib/python3.7/site-packages/quilt3-3.1.5-py3.7.egg/quilt3/ in <module>\r\n     20 AUTH_PATH = BASE_PATH / \'auth.json\'\r\n     21 CREDENTIALS_PATH = BASE_PATH / \'credentials.json\'\r\n---> 22 VERSION = pkg_resources.require(\'quilt3\')[0].version\r\n     23 \r\n     24 def _load_auth():\r\n\r\n~/anaconda3/envs/tobler/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/ in require(self, *requirements)\r\n    898         included, even if they were already activated in this working set.\r\n    899         """\r\n--> 900         needed = self.resolve(parse_requirements(requirements))\r\n    901 \r\n    902         for dist in needed:\r\n\r\n~/anaconda3/envs/tobler/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/ in resolve(self, requirements, env, installer, replace_conflicting, extras)\r\n    789                 # Oops, the "best" so far conflicts with a dependency\r\n    790                 dependent_req = required_by[req]\r\n--> 791                 raise VersionConflict(dist, req).with_context(dependent_req)\r\n    792 \r\n    793             # push the new requirements onto the stack\r\n\r\nContextualVersionConflict: (python-dateutil 2.8.1 (/home/serge/anaconda3/envs/tobler/lib/python3.7/site-packages), Requirement.parse(\'python-dateutil<=2.8.0\'), {\'quilt3\'})\r\n```'},
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   'body': 'This adds the regression approach test for raster\r\nHopefully, this will work (it worked locally pretty fast with the additional step of tweaking the raster_path which is not present in this PR) and will improve significantly the coverage.'},
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   'title': 'conda-forge UnsatisfiableError on windows and python 3.7',
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   'author_association': 'CONTRIBUTOR',
   'body': "Hi,\r\n\r\nfor some reason, if I want to install mapclassify with python3.7 on windows from conda-forge, I'll get UnsatisfiableError ( In the environment is nothing else:\r\n\r\n```\r\nname: test\r\nchannels:\r\n  - conda-forge\r\ndependencies:\r\n  - python=3.7\r\n  - mapclassify\r\n```\r\n \r\nIf I unpin python, I get python3.8 but mapclassify 2.0.1. So I sense the issue with scikit-learn, but I have no clue why this happens. The same situation is with pysal.\r\n\r\nEdit: If I keep mapclassify only, you get 2.0.1, if I pin mapclassify to 2.1.1 I get the error."},
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   'title': '[MAINT] updating supported Python versions in',
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   'body': 'Updating the currently supported Python versions in `` from `3.5` & `3.6` to `3.6` & `3.7`, as tested in [`.travis.yml`]('},
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   'number': 46,
   'title': 'BUG: RecursiveError in HeadTailBreaks',
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   'created_at': '2019-09-10T20:21:00Z',
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   'body': 'Fixes #45 \r\n\r\nImplemented fix suggested by @weikang9009 in #45, including test. \r\n\r\nIn case of multiple identical maximum values, HeadTailBreak no longer raises RecursiveError but ends its search, having multiple values in the last bin (opposed to expected 1 value). '},
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   'number': 45,
   'title': 'BUG: HeadTailBreaks raise RecursionError',
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   'created_at': '2019-09-10T14:42:36Z',
   'updated_at': '2019-09-10T22:44:19Z',
   'closed_at': '2019-09-10T22:44:19Z',
   'author_association': 'CONTRIBUTOR',
   'body': 'HeadTailBreaks raises RecursionError if the maximum value within data is there twice (or more). Then it simply locks itself in the loop in `values[values >= mean]` - mean will be always the same and both values will always returned.\r\n\r\nSteps to reproduce:\r\n```\r\ndata = np.random.pareto(2, 1000)\r\ndata = np.append(data, data.max())\r\n\r\nmc.HeadTailBreaks(data)\r\n```\r\n\r\nI assume that once there are only the same values within remaining values, `head_tail_breaks` should stop:\r\n\r\n```\r\ndef head_tail_breaks(values, cuts):\r\n    """\r\n    head tail breaks helper function\r\n    """\r\n    values = np.array(values)\r\n    mean = np.mean(values)\r\n    cuts.append(mean)\r\n    if len(values) > 1:\r\n        if len(set(values)) > 1:  #this seems to fix the issue\r\n            return head_tail_breaks(values[values >= mean], cuts)\r\n    return cuts\r\n```\r\n\r\nHowever, I am not sure if it is the intended behaviour to stop and keep multiple values in the last bin as it does not reflect the definition of HeadTailBreaks algorithm (but I cannot see another solution). Happy to do a PR if this is how you want to fix that.'},
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   'number': 47,
   'title': 'BUG: UserDefined accepts only list if max not in bins',
   'user': {'login': 'martinfleis',
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   'body': "UserDefined attempts to add max value of given array to bins if that is not covered by given bins. However, it expects that bins are a list (`bins.append(max(y))`), while it could be any array-like. Even mapclassify's own `self.bins` gives array. I have changed this behaviour using np.append to cover all possibilities. \r\n\r\nSteps to replicate the issue:\r\n\r\n```py\r\nx = list(range(1, 1000))\r\ny = list(range(1, 500))\r\nnb = mc.NaturalBreaks(y)\r\nuserdefined = mc.UserDefined(x, nb.bins)\r\n```\r\n\r\n_(That's all from me today, I just happened to work with mapclassify a lot today and found these simple issues. Thank you for this great package!)_"},
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   'number': 44,
   'title': 'BUG: avoid deprecation warning in HeadTailBreaks',
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   'body': "After recent changes of classifiers' names, HeadTailBreaks returns DeprecationWarning even if a new name if used, because it uses the old one in the function itself. That is changed to use the new name.\r\n\r\nTo reproduce call HeadTailBreaks on any data.\r\n\r\n```\r\ndata = [1, 1, 1, 4, 5, 10]\r\nmc.HeadTailBreaks(data)\r\n```\r\n```\r\n/Users/martin/anaconda3/envs/geo_dev/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mapclassify/ DeprecationWarning: Call to deprecated function (or staticmethod) headTail_breaks. (use head_tail_breaks)\r\n  return headTail_breaks(values[values >= mean], cuts)\r\n```"},
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   'body': 'Since `mapclassify` switched from `readthedocs` to GitHub hosted docs (#41) the badges on [``]( and [`README.rst `]( no longer functional or necessary.\r\n\r\n- [x] remove doc badge from ``\r\n- [x] remove doc badge from `README.rst`'},
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   'body': 'Addressing #42 due to #41 '},
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   'body': '* remove geopandas restrictions from `requirements.txt` due to newest geopandas release\r\n* change version nr to 1.1.2 in `` and ``\r\n* add release notes to ``'},
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   'number': 88,
   'title': 'Installation instructions; pip install fails on macOS',
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    'description': 'submit splot as JOSS article',
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   'author_association': 'CONTRIBUTOR',
   'body': "Hi,\r\n\r\nas part of I am trying to simply follow your installation docs and initially I did not succeed. (under macOS 10.15)\r\n\r\n```\r\nconda create -n splot python\r\nconda activate splot\r\npip install splot\r\n```\r\n\r\n```\r\n...\r\nCollecting pyproj\r\n  Downloading (462kB)\r\n     |████████████████████████████████| 471kB 2.8MB/s \r\n  Installing build dependencies ... done\r\n  Getting requirements to build wheel ... error\r\n  ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1:\r\n   command: /Users/martin/anaconda3/envs/splot/bin/python /Users/martin/anaconda3/envs/splot/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/ get_requires_for_build_wheel /var/folders/d0/qyf0yvzd0n9ctn2wr3r4l1vw0000gn/T/tmp889iudeu\r\n       cwd: /private/var/folders/d0/qyf0yvzd0n9ctn2wr3r4l1vw0000gn/T/pip-install-4pkixl3a/pyproj\r\n  Complete output (1 lines):\r\n  ERROR: Minimum supported proj version is 6.2.0, installed version is 5.2.0.\r\n  ----------------------------------------\r\nERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: /Users/martin/anaconda3/envs/splot/bin/python /Users/martin/anaconda3/envs/splot/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/ get_requires_for_build_wheel /var/folders/d0/qyf0yvzd0n9ctn2wr3r4l1vw0000gn/T/tmp889iudeu Check the logs for full command output.\r\n```\r\n\r\nI am aware that you are saying that it is compatible with 3.5 and 3.6 only (why? because of this issue?). Using `conda create -n splot python=3.6` it goes well. But it can be confusing.\r\n\r\nI am perfectly aware that this is not `splot` issue, but `pyproj`, being dependency of GeoPandas. As installation of `geopandas` from `pip` is notoriously problematic (, I would welcome a bit more information in your docs what to do. I can install `geopandas` from `conda-forge` and then `splot` from `pip`, which works perfectly, but this information could be in the documentation.\r\n\r\nI see that splot is on conda-forge in the same version as on PyPI, why you don't mention this option as well? `conda install -c conda-forge splot` works smoothly.\r\n\r\nI would recommend adding `conda-forge` option to documentation and link to` geopandas` docs for `pip` troubleshooting (as the issue is caused by `geopandas`).\r\n\r\nAlso, I do not understand '_splot supports python 3.5 and 3.6 only_' note as from conda-forge it comes with 3.8."},
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   'number': 90,
   'title': 'Usage in readme is a fragment',
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   'author_association': 'CONTRIBUTOR',
   'body': 'Hi,\r\n\r\nthis is a very minor thing, but Usage section in the readme is a strange fragment only. \r\n\r\n> splot supports many different\r\n\r\nI would assume that it points me to, or that is not the intention with examples?\r\n\r\ncc openjournals/joss-reviews#1882'},
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   'number': 92,
   'title': 'JOSS: missing figure captions',
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   'author_association': 'CONTRIBUTOR',
   'body': 'Hi,\r\nI believe this is the last issue I am opening as a part of \r\n\r\nFigures in you paper are missing captions. I see that they are in the ``, but they did not show up in pdf. I guess it is an issue with markdown syntax. Can you check that?'},
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   'number': 96,
   'title': '[DOC] update installation instruction',
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   'author_association': 'MEMBER',
   'pull_request': {'url': '',
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   'body': 'Update of installation instructions in documentation\r\n\r\n* adding information about dependencies\r\n* informing users of ways of trouble shooting\r\n* including conda-forge installation instructions\r\n\r\naddresses #88 \r\n\r\n'},
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   'number': 97,
   'title': '[DOC] add example links to & figure captions in joss article',
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   'comments': 0,
   'created_at': '2020-01-16T23:56:03Z',
   'updated_at': '2020-01-18T19:41:12Z',
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   'author_association': 'MEMBER',
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   'body': 'This PR builds on top of #96 and addresses #90 and #92 \r\n\r\n* add figure captions in `` through markdown italics formatting\r\n* add links of notebook examples and other material to `` under `Usage` section\r\n* add script lightning talk as documentation under introduction in ``'},
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   'id': 502316101,
   'node_id': 'MDU6SXNzdWU1MDIzMTYxMDE=',
   'number': 83,
   'title': '[BUG] vba_choropleth failure',
   'user': {'login': 'slumnitz',
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   'comments': 9,
   'created_at': '2019-10-03T21:48:52Z',
   'updated_at': '2020-01-17T20:38:21Z',
   'closed_at': '2020-01-17T20:38:20Z',
   'author_association': 'MEMBER',
   'body': 'standard run of VBA_choropleth currently failing:\r\n\r\n```---------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)\r\n<ipython-input-5-e2e864f55e9b> in <module>\r\n      8 vba_choropleth(x, y, gdf, rgb_mapclassify=dict(classifier=\'quantiles\'),\r\n      9                alpha_mapclassify=dict(classifier=\'quantiles\'),\r\n---> 10                cmap=\'RdBu\', ax=axs[1])\r\n     11 \r\n     12 # set figure style\r\n\r\n~/code/splot/splot/ in vba_choropleth(x_var, y_var, gdf, cmap, divergent, revert_alpha, alpha_mapclassify, rgb_mapclassify, ax, legend)\r\n    285                                          divergent=divergent,\r\n    286                                          revert_alpha=revert_alpha)\r\n--> 287     gdf.plot(color=rgba, ax=ax)\r\n    288     ax.set_axis_off()\r\n    289     ax.set_aspect(\'equal\')\r\n\r\n~/miniconda3/envs/dev/lib/python3.7/site-packages/geopandas/ in plot(self, *args, **kwargs)\r\n    604         from there.\r\n    605         """\r\n--> 606         return plot_dataframe(self, *args, **kwargs)\r\n    607 \r\n    608     plot.__doc__ = plot_dataframe.__doc__\r\n\r\n~/miniconda3/envs/dev/lib/python3.7/site-packages/geopandas/ in plot_dataframe(df, column, cmap, color, ax, cax, categorical, legend, scheme, k, vmin, vmax, markersize, figsize, legend_kwds, classification_kwds, **style_kwds)\r\n    500             figsize=figsize,\r\n    501             markersize=markersize,\r\n--> 502             **style_kwds\r\n    503         )\r\n    504 \r\n\r\n~/miniconda3/envs/dev/lib/python3.7/site-packages/geopandas/ in plot_series(s, cmap, color, ax, figsize, **style_kwds)\r\n    339         values_ = values[poly_idx] if cmap else None\r\n    340         plot_polygon_collection(\r\n--> 341             ax, polys, values_, facecolor=facecolor, cmap=cmap, **style_kwds\r\n    342         )\r\n    343 \r\n\r\n~/miniconda3/envs/dev/lib/python3.7/site-packages/geopandas/ in plot_polygon_collection(ax, geoms, values, color, cmap, vmin, vmax, **kwargs)\r\n    111                     kwargs[att] = np.take(kwargs[att], multiindex)\r\n    112 \r\n--> 113     collection = PatchCollection([PolygonPatch(poly) for poly in geoms], **kwargs)\r\n    114 \r\n    115     if values is not None:\r\n\r\n~/miniconda3/envs/dev/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/ in __init__(self, patches, match_original, **kwargs)\r\n   1803             kwargs[\'antialiaseds\'] = [p.get_antialiased() for p in patches]\r\n   1804 \r\n-> 1805         Collection.__init__(self, **kwargs)\r\n   1806 \r\n   1807         self.set_paths(patches)\r\n\r\n~/miniconda3/envs/dev/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/ in __init__(self, edgecolors, facecolors, linewidths, linestyles, capstyle, joinstyle, antialiaseds, offsets, transOffset, norm, cmap, pickradius, hatch, urls, offset_position, zorder, **kwargs)\r\n    160 \r\n    161         self._path_effects = None\r\n--> 162         self.update(kwargs)\r\n    163         self._paths = None\r\n    164 \r\n\r\n~/miniconda3/envs/dev/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/ in update(self, props)\r\n    972 \r\n    973         with cbook._setattr_cm(self, eventson=False):\r\n--> 974             ret = [_update_property(self, k, v) for k, v in props.items()]\r\n    975 \r\n    976         if len(ret):\r\n\r\n~/miniconda3/envs/dev/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/ in <listcomp>(.0)\r\n    972 \r\n    973         with cbook._setattr_cm(self, eventson=False):\r\n--> 974             ret = [_update_property(self, k, v) for k, v in props.items()]\r\n    975 \r\n    976         if len(ret):\r\n\r\n~/miniconda3/envs/dev/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/ in _update_property(self, k, v)\r\n    969                     raise AttributeError(\'{!r} object has no property {!r}\'\r\n    970                                          .format(type(self).__name__, k))\r\n--> 971                 return func(v)\r\n    972 \r\n    973         with cbook._setattr_cm(self, eventson=False):\r\n\r\n~/miniconda3/envs/dev/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/ in set_facecolor(self, c)\r\n    676         """\r\n    677         self._original_facecolor = c\r\n--> 678         self._set_facecolor(c)\r\n    679 \r\n    680     def get_facecolor(self):\r\n\r\n~/miniconda3/envs/dev/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/ in _set_facecolor(self, c)\r\n    659         except AttributeError:\r\n    660             pass\r\n--> 661         self._facecolors = mcolors.to_rgba_array(c, self._alpha)\r\n    662         self.stale = True\r\n    663 \r\n\r\n~/miniconda3/envs/dev/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/ in to_rgba_array(c, alpha)\r\n    292     result = np.empty((len(c), 4), float)\r\n    293     for i, cc in enumerate(c):\r\n--> 294         result[i] = to_rgba(cc, alpha)\r\n    295     return result\r\n    296 \r\n\r\n~/miniconda3/envs/dev/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/ in to_rgba(c, alpha)\r\n    175         rgba = None\r\n    176     if rgba is None:  # Suppress exception chaining of cache lookup failure.\r\n--> 177         rgba = _to_rgba_no_colorcycle(c, alpha)\r\n    178         try:\r\n    179             _colors_full_map.cache[c, alpha] = rgba\r\n\r\n~/miniconda3/envs/dev/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/ in _to_rgba_no_colorcycle(c, alpha)\r\n    238         # float)` and `np.array(...).astype(float)` all convert "0.5" to 0.5.\r\n    239         # Test dimensionality to reject single floats.\r\n--> 240         raise ValueError("Invalid RGBA argument: {!r}".format(orig_c))\r\n    241     # Return a tuple to prevent the cached value from being modified.\r\n    242     c = tuple(c.astype(float))\r\n\r\nValueError: Invalid RGBA argument: 0.0196078431372549```'},
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   'body': '* addressing the travis dual testing problem raised in pysal/pysal#1145\r\n* adapting tests to libpysal v4.2 examples schema'},
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   'title': 'Fix docstring for plot_spatial_weights',
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   'body': 'I noticed a minor issue with `plot_spatial_weights` docstring as it uses `Arguments` instead of `Parameters`, so it is not visible in [docs](\r\n\r\nJust a side note, this second point in your PR template is no longer valid, right?  `pysal/dev` is way behind master.\r\n\r\n> 2. [ ] This pull request is directed to the `pysal/dev` branch.\r\n\r\ncc'},
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    'number': 1,
    'title': 'JOSS paper',
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   'body': "@sjsrey and I are planning on submitting `splot` as a [JOSS paper](\r\n\r\nI would like to invite you to join in on this project and publication. I leave it up to you to decide wether you think your contribution has been substantial enough to be listed as a co-author. Additionally, there are a couple more tasks to implement before submission in case you would like to up your contribution. Feel free to note down your name to whichever task you are most likely to be able to contribute to. Include your-self and your affiliation in the list of authors.\r\n\r\nDeadline for submission in July 1st.\r\n\r\nAn example submissions can be found [here]( and I am also happy to help out with more questions. \r\n\r\n***To-Do's***\r\n\r\n**Package**: (due date June 10)\r\n- [x] test all lines of code not tested, see #57  (@slumnitz)\r\n~- [ ] choropleth option in splot.mapping, see #50~ (integration with mapclassify first)\r\n- [x] Moran scatterplot equal bounds, see #51 (@ljwolf, @slumnitz)\r\n- [ ] (optional?) environment.yml for easy install\r\n- [x] check notebooks (@slumnitz)\r\n- [ ] esda local tests plotting function providing an option for selecting correction procedue for multiple testing (FDR-based (related to, Bonferroni correction, etc)? (@weikang9009) \r\n- [x] docs building: readthedocs configuration file migrates from v1 to v2 as suggested in readthedocs that v1 should not be used (similar to [giddy]( (@weikang9009 )\r\n- [x] move from supporting python 3.5 and 3.6 to python 3.6 and 3.7 as suggested in the last pysal dev meeting? (@weikang9009 @jGaboardi\r\n- [x] set up dual travis tests againist pysal dependencies (pip and github version) (@weikang9009\r\n(- [ ] mapclassify natural breaks maintenance #65 (@weikang9009 ))\r\n\r\nOnce everything is done: (due date June 12)\r\n- [x] release splot 1.1.0 on pipy (@slumnitz)\r\n- [x] release splot 1.1.0 on Conda-forge (@slumnitz)\r\n\r\n[**``**]( (due date June 19)\r\n- [x] list of authors and affiliations (@slumnitz, @sjsrey )\r\n- [x] summary for non-specialist audience (@slumnitz)\r\n    - [x] statement of need: target audience, problems the software can solve (I could use help here, @ljwolf can help)\r\n    - [x] installation instructions\r\n    - [ ] example usage for real world analysis problems or reference\r\n- [x] outlook/ roadmap (@slumnitz)\r\n- [x] key references (I could use help here) (@weikang9009)\r\n- [ ] statement of commit history ()\r\n- [x] Acknowledgements (@slumnitz)\r\n\r\nOnce draft is out:\r\n- [x] happy to review (@jGaboardi, )\r\n\r\n**``**: (due date June 10)\r\n- [x] link to CoC, (@slumnitz)\r\n- [x] description on how to contribute (@slumnitz)\r\n- [x] guidlines for reporting issues and participation (@slumnitz)\r\n- [x] update dependencies (@slumnitz)\r\n- [x] include Conda-forge installation (@slumnitz)\r\n- [x] refer to examples (@slumnitz)\r\n- [x] update installation instructions once release is out\r\n- [x] include DOI once release is out (\r\n\r\nLooking forward to getting this ready with you! Please feel free to add ideas and other tasks if you see fit :)"},
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   'title': 'Fix format for multiple citations in JOSS paper',
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   'author_association': 'CONTRIBUTOR',
   'pull_request': {'url': '',
    'html_url': '',
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    'patch_url': ''},
   'body': 'Multiple citations are separated with a `;` instead of `,` which was\r\ncausing the paper to not render properly. Also fixes the missing\r\ncitation of `Arribas-Bel2017` to `arribas-bel2017looking` which I assume\r\nis what was intended (feel free to change if this is wrong).\r\n\r\nRelated to openjournals/joss-reviews#1838\r\n\r\nHello! Please make sure to check all these boxes before submitting a Pull Request\r\n(PR). Once you have checked the boxes, feel free to remove all text except the\r\njustification in point 5. \r\n\r\n1. [x] You have run tests on this submission, either by using [Travis Continuous Integration testing]( testing or running `nosetests` on your changes?\r\n2. [ ] This pull request is directed to the `pysal/dev` branch.\r\n3. [ ] This pull introduces new functionality covered by\r\n   [docstrings]( and\r\n   [unittests]( \r\n4. [ ] You have [assigned a\r\n   reviewer]( and added relevant [labels](\r\n5. [ ] The justification for this PR is: Fixes JOSS reference formatting issues.\r\n'},
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   'author_association': 'MEMBER',
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   'body': '* finalise paper format and change title to fit one line'},
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   'number': 62,
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    'id': 4298019,
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    'number': 1,
    'title': 'JOSS paper',
    'description': 'submit splot as JOSS article',
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   'comments': 6,
   'created_at': '2019-05-17T00:18:06Z',
   'updated_at': '2019-10-26T01:21:08Z',
   'closed_at': '2019-10-26T00:52:54Z',
   'author_association': 'MEMBER',
   'pull_request': {'url': '',
    'html_url': '',
    'diff_url': '',
    'patch_url': ''},
   'body': '* add first outline\r\n* add paragraph 4\r\n\r\n@ljwolf When we started GSOC it seemed to me that splots main need for users was to visualise PySAL objects. Perhaps it therefore makes sense to introduce the need of spatial analysis with a practical example?\r\n\r\n'},
  {'url': '',
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   'id': 502889197,
   'node_id': 'MDExOlB1bGxSZXF1ZXN0MzI0ODg2MjY5',
   'number': 85,
   'title': '[ENH] change doc badge to latest doc',
   'user': {'login': 'slumnitz',
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   'labels': [],
   'state': 'closed',
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   'assignee': None,
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   'milestone': None,
   'comments': 0,
   'created_at': '2019-10-05T00:04:11Z',
   'updated_at': '2019-10-05T04:16:13Z',
   'closed_at': '2019-10-05T04:16:13Z',
   'author_association': 'MEMBER',
   'pull_request': {'url': '',
    'html_url': '',
    'diff_url': '',
    'patch_url': ''},
   'body': 'Change splot doc badge to latest version instead of stable version for JOSS submission.\r\n\r\nFor some reason the stable version points to the old pysal documentation.'},
  {'url': '',
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   'id': 502754377,
   'node_id': 'MDExOlB1bGxSZXF1ZXN0MzI0Nzc2OTUw',
   'number': 84,
   'title': '[BUG] require geopandas>=0.4.0,<=0.6.0rc1 for vba_choropleth testing',
   'user': {'login': 'slumnitz',
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   'created_at': '2019-10-04T17:24:58Z',
   'updated_at': '2019-10-04T18:43:35Z',
   'closed_at': '2019-10-04T18:43:35Z',
   'author_association': 'MEMBER',
   'pull_request': {'url': '',
    'html_url': '',
    'diff_url': '',
    'patch_url': ''},
   'body': 'add `,<=0.6.0rc1` in `requirements.txt` to allow testing on travis\r\n\r\nNote: this is a work-around solution, the bug will be addressed in cooperation with GeoPandas team'},
  {'url': '',
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   'labels_url': '{/name}',
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   'id': 488286893,
   'node_id': 'MDU6SXNzdWU0ODgyODY4OTM=',
   'number': 82,
   'title': '`plot_moran_simulation` weird dimensions',
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   'assignee': {'login': 'slumnitz',
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   'comments': 1,
   'created_at': '2019-09-02T18:21:09Z',
   'updated_at': '2019-09-02T18:24:28Z',
   'closed_at': '2019-09-02T18:24:27Z',
   'author_association': 'MEMBER',
   'body': 'With the following preamble:\r\n\r\n```python\r\n%matplotlib inline\r\nimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt\r\nfrom pysal.viz.splot import esda as esdaplot\r\nfrom pysal.explore import esda\r\nfrom pysal.lib import weights\r\nimport geopandas\r\n\r\ndb = geopandas.read_file("")\r\nw = weights.Queen.from_dataframe(db)\r\nw.transform = "R"\r\n\r\nmi = esda.Moran(db["light_level"], w)\r\n```\r\n\r\nThe following produces this output:\r\n\r\n![Annotation 2019-09-02 191518](\r\n\r\nShouldn\'t the figure by 6x6? Also, why is it so narrow (if you don\'t set up the `ax`, it gives the same image)?'}]}

The issues are pulled since the last release date of the meta package. However, each package that is going into the meta release, has a specific release tag that pins the code making it into the release. We don't want to report the commits post the packages tag date so we have to do some filtering here before building our change log statistics for the meta package.

For now let's pickle the issues and pull records to filter later and not have to rehit github api

In [26]:
import pickle 

pickle.dump( issue_details, open( "issue_details.p", "wb" ) )

pickle.dump( pull_details, open("pull_details.p", "wb"))

In [ ]: