Tweet Hash Create

Script to create hashtag for twitter tweeting

Code for twitter bot. I want to feed it an api of twitter hash tags to tweet. This list could have when to start/stop tweeting the hashtag.


{'Hashtag' : 'kiwipycon', 'description' : 'NZ Python lang conference', 'starttweet' : 'datetostarttweeting', 'stoptweet' : 'datetostoptweeting', 'active' : True, 'similarhashtags' : 'pythonic'}

Anything missing?

When was the last tweet with that hash tag sent.

Get recent tweets/users with that hashtag and filter OTHER hashtags out of them

In [ ]:

In [10]:
import twitter

In [11]:
from TwitterFollowBot import TwitterBot

In [12]:
wcm_bot = TwitterBot('/home/wcmckee/Downloads/wcmtweet/config.txt')

Warning: Your Twitter follower sync files are more than a day old. It is highly recommended that you sync them by calling sync_follows() before continuing.

In [ ]:

In [1]:
import json
import arrow

In [2]:
curtim =

In [4]:

'2015-10-25 22:35:26.881629+13:00'

In [46]:
whathashtag = input('Add what hashtag? ')

Add what hashtag? pyconie

In [47]:
if '#' in whathashtag:
    whathashtag = ('#' + whathashtag)

In [48]:


In [54]:
wcmbotsea = wcm_bot.search_tweets(whathashtag, count= 50)

In [55]:
botsatl = len(wcmbotsea['statuses'])

In [ ]:

In [56]:

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In [63]:
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