Project to spellcheck my writing. Lately I have gotten back into writing. I guess I always have but I've notived it more. I want to develop a new blog for my writing. I have started using Nikola for blogging. It is powered by Python. I have been writing text in a nano. I'd like to develop a spell checker to fix the mistakes I write. IPython Notebook doesn't have a spell checker built in. Open up this notebook and edit this Markdown for errors.
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import re, collections
def words(text):
return re.findall('[a-z]+', text.lower())
def train(features):
model = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 1)
for f in features:
model[f] += 1
return model
NWORDS = train(words(file('testz').read()))
alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
def edits1(word):
splits = [(word[:i], word[i:]) for i in range(len(word) + 1)]
deletes = [a + b[1:] for a, b in splits if b]
transposes = [a + b[1] + b[0] + b[2:] for a, b in splits if len(b)>1]
replaces = [a + c + b[1:] for a, b in splits for c in alphabet if b]
inserts = [a + c + b for a, b in splits for c in alphabet]
return set(deletes + transposes + replaces + inserts)
def known_edits2(word):
return set(e2 for e1 in edits1(word) for e2 in edits1(e1) if e2 in NWORDS)
def known(words): return set(w for w in words if w in NWORDS)
def correct(word):
candidates = known([word]) or known(edits1(word)) or known_edits2(word) or [word]
return max(candidates, key=NWORDS.get)
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In [21]:
openpost = open('spellcheckin.ipynb', 'r')
In [22]:
postdet =
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import json
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print 'hello world!'
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