In [1]:

# interpolate scalar gradient onto nedelec space

import petsc4py
import sys


from petsc4py import PETSc
from dolfin import *
import mshr
Print = PETSc.Sys.Print
# from MatrixOperations import *
import numpy as np
import PETScIO as IO
import common
import scipy
import time

import BiLinear as forms
import IterOperations as Iter
import MatrixOperations as MO
import CheckPetsc4py as CP
import ExactSol
import Solver as S
import MHDmatrixPrecondSetup as PrecondSetup
import NSprecondSetup
import MHDprec as MHDpreconditioner
import memory_profiler
import gc
import MHDmulti
import MHDmatrixSetup as MHDsetup
import Lshaped
m = 2

errL2u =np.zeros((m-1,1))
errH1u =np.zeros((m-1,1))
errL2p =np.zeros((m-1,1))
errL2b =np.zeros((m-1,1))
errCurlb =np.zeros((m-1,1))
errL2r =np.zeros((m-1,1))
errH1r =np.zeros((m-1,1))

l2uorder =  np.zeros((m-1,1))
H1uorder =np.zeros((m-1,1))
l2porder =  np.zeros((m-1,1))
l2border =  np.zeros((m-1,1))
Curlborder =np.zeros((m-1,1))
l2rorder =  np.zeros((m-1,1))
H1rorder = np.zeros((m-1,1))

NN = np.zeros((m-1,1))
DoF = np.zeros((m-1,1))
Velocitydim = np.zeros((m-1,1))
Magneticdim = np.zeros((m-1,1))
Pressuredim = np.zeros((m-1,1))
Lagrangedim = np.zeros((m-1,1))
Wdim = np.zeros((m-1,1))
iterations = np.zeros((m-1,1))
SolTime = np.zeros((m-1,1))
udiv = np.zeros((m-1,1))
MU = np.zeros((m-1,1))
level = np.zeros((m-1,1))
NSave = np.zeros((m-1,1))
Mave = np.zeros((m-1,1))
TotalTime = np.zeros((m-1,1))

nn = 2

dim = 2
ShowResultPlots = 'yes'
split = 'Linear'

MU[0]= 1e0
for xx in xrange(1,m):
    print xx
    level[xx-1] = xx + 1
    nn = 2**(level[xx-1])

    # Create mesh and define function space
    nn = int(nn)
    NN[xx-1] = nn/2
    # parameters["form_compiler"]["quadrature_degree"] = 6
    # parameters = CP.ParameterSetup()
    # mesh = UnitSquareMesh(nn,nn)
    # domain = mshr.Rectangle(Point(0., 0.), Point(1., 2.)) + mshr.Rectangle(Point(1., 0.), Point(2., 1.))
    # mesh = mshr.generate_mesh(domain, nn)
    mesh, boundaries, domains = Lshaped.Domain(nn)
    # set_log_level(WARNING)

    order = 2
    parameters['reorder_dofs_serial'] = False
    Velocity = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", order)
    Pressure = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", order-1)
    Magnetic = FunctionSpace(mesh, "N1curl", order-1)
    Lagrange = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", order-1)
    W = MixedFunctionSpace([Velocity, Pressure, Magnetic,Lagrange])
    # W = Velocity*Pressure*Magnetic*Lagrange
    Velocitydim[xx-1] = Velocity.dim()
    Pressuredim[xx-1] = Pressure.dim()
    Magneticdim[xx-1] = Magnetic.dim()
    Lagrangedim[xx-1] = Lagrange.dim()
    Wdim[xx-1] = W.dim()
    print "\n\nW:  ",Wdim[xx-1],"Velocity:  ",Velocitydim[xx-1],"Pressure:  ",Pressuredim[xx-1],"Magnetic:  ",Magneticdim[xx-1],"Lagrange:  ",Lagrangedim[xx-1],"\n\n"
    dim = [Velocity.dim(), Pressure.dim(), Magnetic.dim(), Lagrange.dim()]

    def boundary(x, on_boundary):
        return on_boundary

    FSpaces = [Velocity,Pressure,Magnetic,Lagrange]

    kappa = 1.0
    Mu_m =1e4
    MU = 1.0

    N = FacetNormal(mesh)
    ds = Measure('ds', domain=mesh, subdomain_data=boundaries)
    dx = Measure('dx', domain=mesh, subdomain_data=domains)

    # g = inner(p0*N - MU*grad(u0)*N,v)*dx

    IterType = 'Full'
    Split = "No"
    Saddle = "No"
    Stokes = "No"
    SetupType = 'python-class'
    # F_NS = -MU*Laplacian+Advection+gradPres-kappa*NS_Couple
    # if kappa == 0:
    #     F_M = Mu_m*CurlCurl+gradR -kappa*M_Couple
    # else:
    #     F_M = Mu_m*kappa*CurlCurl+gradR -kappa*M_Couple
    params = [kappa,Mu_m,MU]
    u0, p0, b0, r0, F_NS, F_M, gradu0 = Lshaped.Solution(mesh, params)

    u_k, p_k = Lshaped.Stokes(Velocity, Pressure, F_NS, u0, p0, gradu0, params, boundaries, domains)
    b_k, r_k = Lshaped.Maxwell(Magnetic, Lagrange, F_M, b0, r0, params,boundaries, domains)
    # print u_k.vector().array()
    # print p_k.vector().array()
    # print b_k.vector().array()
    # print r_k.vector().array()
    # bcu = DirichletBC(W.sub(0),u0, boundaries, 1)
    # bcb = DirichletBC(W.sub(2),b0, boundaries, 1)
    # bcr = DirichletBC(W.sub(3),r0, boundaries, 1)
    # print bcu.get_boundary_values()
    # print bcb.get_boundary_values()
    # print bcr.get_boundary_values()
    # ssss

    (u, p, b, r) = TrialFunctions(W)
    (v, q, c, s) = TestFunctions(W)

    n = FacetNormal(mesh)

    # u_k = Function(Velocity)
    # p_k = Function(Pressure)
    # b_k = Function(Magnetic)
    # r_k = Function(Lagrange)

    m11 = params[1]*params[0]*inner(curl(b),curl(c))*dx(0)
    m21 = inner(c,grad(r))*dx(0)
    m12 = inner(b,grad(s))*dx(0)

    a11 = params[2]*inner(grad(v), grad(u))*dx(0) + inner((grad(u)*u_k),v)*dx(0) #+(1./2)*div(u_k)*inner(u,v)*dx(0) - (1./2)*inner(u_k,n)*inner(u,v)*ds(0)
    a12 = -div(v)*p*dx(0)
    a21 = -div(u)*q*dx(0)

    CoupleT = params[0]*(v[0]*b_k[1]-v[1]*b_k[0])*curl(b)*dx(0)
    Couple = -params[0]*(u[0]*b_k[1]-u[1]*b_k[0])*curl(c)*dx(0)

    a = m11 + m12 + m21 + a11 + a21 + a12 + Couple + CoupleT

    Lns  = inner(v, F_NS)*dx(0) + inner(p0*n - MU*gradu0*n,v)*ds(2)
    Lmaxwell  = inner(c, F_M)*dx(0)

    m11 = params[1]*params[0]*inner(curl(b_k),curl(c))*dx(0)
    m21 = inner(c,grad(r_k))*dx(0)
    m12 = inner(b_k,grad(s))*dx(0)

    a11 = params[2]*inner(grad(v), grad(u_k))*dx(0) + inner((grad(u_k)*u_k),v)*dx(0) #+(1./2)*div(u_k)*inner(u_k,v)*dx(0) - (1./2)*inner(u_k,n)*inner(u_k,v)*ds(0)
    a12 = -div(v)*p_k*dx(0)
    a21 = -div(u_k)*q*dx(0)
    CoupleT = params[0]*(v[0]*b_k[1]-v[1]*b_k[0])*curl(b_k)*dx(0)
    Couple = -params[0]*(u_k[0]*b_k[1]-u_k[1]*b_k[0])*curl(c)*dx(0)

    L = Lns + Lmaxwell - (m11 + m12 + m21 + a11 + a21 + a12 + Couple + CoupleT)

    MO.PrintStr("Seting up initial guess matricies",2,"=","\n\n","\n")
    BCtime = time.time()
    BC = MHDsetup.BoundaryIndices(mesh)
    MO.StrTimePrint("BC index function, time: ", time.time()-BCtime)
    Hiptmairtol = 1e-6
    HiptmairMatrices = PrecondSetup.MagneticSetup(Magnetic, Lagrange, b0, r0, Hiptmairtol, params)

    MO.PrintStr("Setting up MHD initial guess",5,"+","\n\n","\n\n")
    # u_k,p_k,b_k,r_k = common.InitialGuess(FSpaces,[u0,p0,b0,r0],[F_NS,F_M],params,HiptmairMatrices,1e-10,Neumann=None,options ="New")

    ones = Function(Pressure)
    # pConst = - assemble(p_k*dx)/assemble(ones*dx)
    p_k.vector()[:] += - assemble(p_k*dx)/assemble(ones*dx)
    x = Iter.u_prev(u_k,p_k,b_k,r_k)

    KSPlinearfluids, MatrixLinearFluids = PrecondSetup.FluidLinearSetup(Pressure, MU)
    kspFp, Fp = PrecondSetup.FluidNonLinearSetup(Pressure, MU, u_k)

    # ns,maxwell,CoupleTerm,Lmaxwell,Lns = forms.MHD2D(mesh, W,F_M,F_NS, u_k,b_k,params,IterType,"CG",Saddle,Stokes)
    # RHSform = forms.PicardRHS(mesh, W, u_k, p_k, b_k, r_k, params,"CG",Saddle,Stokes)

    # bcu = DirichletBC(W.sub(0),Expression(("0.0","0.0")), boundaries, 1)
    # bcb = DirichletBC(W.sub(2),Expression(("0.0","0.0")), boundaries, 1)
    # bcr = DirichletBC(W.sub(3),Expression(("0.0")), boundaries, 1)
    # bcs = [bcu,bcb,bcr]
    IS = MO.IndexSet(W, 'Blocks')

    parameters['linear_algebra_backend'] = 'uBLAS'

    eps = 1.0           # error measure ||u-u_k||
    tol = 1.0E-4     # tolerance
    iter = 0            # iteration counter
    maxiter = 10       # max no of iterations allowed
    SolutionTime = 0
    outer = 0
    # parameters['linear_algebra_backend'] = 'uBLAS'

    # FSpaces = [Velocity,Magnetic,Pressure,Lagrange]

    u_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(range(Velocity.dim()))
    NS_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(range(Velocity.dim()+Pressure.dim()))
    M_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(range(Velocity.dim()+Pressure.dim(),W.dim()))
    OuterTol = 1e-5
    InnerTol = 1e-5
    NSits =0
    Mits =0
    TotalStart =time.time()
    SolutionTime = 0
#     while eps > tol  and iter < maxiter:
#         iter += 1
#         MO.PrintStr("Iter "+str(iter),7,"=","\n\n","\n\n")

#         # if iter == 1:
#         #     bcu = DirichletBC(W.sub(0),u0, boundaries, 1)
#         #     bcb = DirichletBC(W.sub(2),b0, boundaries, 1)
#         #     bcr = DirichletBC(W.sub(3),r0, boundaries, 1)
#         #     bcs = [bcu,bcb,bcr]
#         # else:
#         bcu = DirichletBC(W.sub(0),Expression(("0.0","0.0")), boundaries, 1)
#         bcb = DirichletBC(W.sub(2),Expression(("0.0","0.0")), boundaries, 1)
#         bcr = DirichletBC(W.sub(3),Expression("0.0"), boundaries, 1)
#         bcs = [bcu,bcb,bcr]
#         # if iter == 1:
#         # , L
#         A, b = assemble_system(a, L, bcs)

#         # AA = assemble(a)

#         # bb = assemble(L)

#         # for bc in bcs:
#         #     bc.apply(AA,bb)

#         # print A.sparray().todense()
#         # MO.StoreMatrix(A.sparray(),'name')
#         A, b = CP.Assemble(A,b)
#         u = b.duplicate()
#         # print b.array
#         # ssss
#         # L = assemble(L)
#         # print L.array()
#         # for bc in bcs:
#         #     bc.apply(L)

#         # print L.array()
#         # MO.StrTimePrint("MHD total assemble, time: ", time.time()-AssembleTime)

#         # u = b.duplicate()
#         # kspFp, Fp = PrecondSetup.FluidNonLinearSetup(Pressure, MU, u_k)
#         # print "Inititial guess norm: ",  u.norm(PETSc.NormType.NORM_INFINITY)
#         # #A,Q

#         stime = time.time()
#         u, mits,nsits = S.solve(A,b,u,params,W,'Direct',IterType,OuterTol,InnerTol,HiptmairMatrices,Hiptmairtol,KSPlinearfluids, Fp,1)
#         Soltime = time.time()- stime
#         MO.StrTimePrint("MHD solve, time: ", Soltime)
#         Mits += mits
#         NSits += nsits
#         SolutionTime += Soltime

#         u1, p1, b1, r1, eps= Iter.PicardToleranceDecouple(u,x,FSpaces,dim,"2",iter)
#         p1.vector()[:] += - assemble(p1*dx)/assemble(ones*dx)
#         u_k.assign(u1)
#         p_k.assign(p1)
#         b_k.assign(b1)
#         r_k.assign(r1)
#         uOld= np.concatenate((u_k.vector().array(),p_k.vector().array(),b_k.vector().array(),r_k.vector().array()), axis=0)
#         x = IO.arrayToVec(uOld)

    XX= np.concatenate((u_k.vector().array(),p_k.vector().array(),b_k.vector().array(),r_k.vector().array()), axis=0)
    SolTime[xx-1] = SolutionTime/iter
    NSave[xx-1] = (float(NSits)/iter)
    Mave[xx-1] = (float(Mits)/iter)
    iterations[xx-1] = iter
    TotalTime[xx-1] = time.time() - TotalStart
    dim = [Velocity.dim(), Pressure.dim(), Magnetic.dim(),Lagrange.dim()]

    ExactSolution = [u0,p0,b0,r0]
    errL2u[xx-1], errH1u[xx-1], errL2p[xx-1], errL2b[xx-1], errCurlb[xx-1], errL2r[xx-1], errH1r[xx-1] = Iter.Errors(x,mesh,FSpaces,ExactSolution,order,dim, "CG")

    if xx > 1:
       l2uorder[xx-1] =  np.abs(np.log2(errL2u[xx-2]/errL2u[xx-1]))
       H1uorder[xx-1] =  np.abs(np.log2(errH1u[xx-2]/errH1u[xx-1]))

       l2porder[xx-1] =  np.abs(np.log2(errL2p[xx-2]/errL2p[xx-1]))

       l2border[xx-1] =  np.abs(np.log2(errL2b[xx-2]/errL2b[xx-1]))
       Curlborder[xx-1] =  np.abs(np.log2(errCurlb[xx-2]/errCurlb[xx-1]))

       l2rorder[xx-1] =  np.abs(np.log2(errL2r[xx-2]/errL2r[xx-1]))
       H1rorder[xx-1] =  np.abs(np.log2(errH1r[xx-2]/errH1r[xx-1]))

import pandas as pd

LatexTitles = ["l","DoFu","Dofp","V-L2","L2-order","V-H1","H1-order","P-L2","PL2-order"]
LatexValues = np.concatenate((level,Velocitydim,Pressuredim,errL2u,l2uorder,errH1u,H1uorder,errL2p,l2porder), axis=1)
LatexTable = pd.DataFrame(LatexValues, columns = LatexTitles)
LatexTable = MO.PandasFormat(LatexTable,"V-L2","%2.4e")
LatexTable = MO.PandasFormat(LatexTable,'V-H1',"%2.4e")
LatexTable = MO.PandasFormat(LatexTable,"H1-order","%1.2f")
LatexTable = MO.PandasFormat(LatexTable,'L2-order',"%1.2f")
LatexTable = MO.PandasFormat(LatexTable,"P-L2","%2.4e")
LatexTable = MO.PandasFormat(LatexTable,'PL2-order',"%1.2f")
print LatexTable.to_latex()

print "\n\n   Magnetic convergence"
MagneticTitles = ["l","B DoF","R DoF","B-L2","L2-order","B-Curl","HCurl-order"]
MagneticValues = np.concatenate((level,Magneticdim,Lagrangedim,errL2b,l2border,errCurlb,Curlborder),axis=1)
MagneticTable= pd.DataFrame(MagneticValues, columns = MagneticTitles)
MagneticTable = MO.PandasFormat(MagneticTable,"B-Curl","%2.4e")
MagneticTable = MO.PandasFormat(MagneticTable,'B-L2',"%2.4e")
MagneticTable = MO.PandasFormat(MagneticTable,"L2-order","%1.2f")
MagneticTable = MO.PandasFormat(MagneticTable,'HCurl-order',"%1.2f")
print MagneticTable.to_latex()

print "\n\n   Lagrange convergence"
LagrangeTitles = ["l","B DoF","R DoF","R-L2","L2-order","R-H1","H1-order"]
LagrangeValues = np.concatenate((level,Magneticdim,Lagrangedim,errL2r,l2rorder,errH1r,H1rorder),axis=1)
LagrangeTable= pd.DataFrame(LagrangeValues, columns = LagrangeTitles)
LagrangeTable = MO.PandasFormat(LagrangeTable,"R-L2","%2.4e")
LagrangeTable = MO.PandasFormat(LagrangeTable,'R-H1',"%2.4e")
LagrangeTable = MO.PandasFormat(LagrangeTable,"L2-order","%1.2f")
LagrangeTable = MO.PandasFormat(LagrangeTable,'H1-order',"%1.2f")
print LagrangeTable.to_latex()

import pandas as pd

print "\n\n   Iteration table"
if IterType == "Full":
    IterTitles = ["l","DoF","AV solve Time","Total picard time","picard iterations","Av Outer its","Av Inner its",]
    IterTitles = ["l","DoF","AV solve Time","Total picard time","picard iterations","Av NS iters","Av M iters"]
IterValues = np.concatenate((level,Wdim,SolTime,TotalTime,iterations,Mave,NSave),axis=1)
IterTable= pd.DataFrame(IterValues, columns = IterTitles)
if IterType == "Full":
    IterTable = MO.PandasFormat(IterTable,'Av Outer its',"%2.1f")
    IterTable = MO.PandasFormat(IterTable,'Av Inner its',"%2.1f")
    IterTable = MO.PandasFormat(IterTable,'Av NS iters',"%2.1f")
    IterTable = MO.PandasFormat(IterTable,'Av M iters',"%2.1f")
print IterTable
print " \n  Outer Tol:  ",OuterTol, "Inner Tol:   ", InnerTol

# tableName = "2d_Lshaped_nu="+str(MU)+"_nu_m="+str(Mu_m)+"_kappa="+str(kappa)+"_l="+str(np.min(level))+"-"+str(np.max(level))+"Approx.tex"
# IterTable.to_latex(tableName)

# # # if (ShowResultPlots == 'yes'):

#    plot(u_k)
#    plot(interpolate(u0,Velocity))
#    plot(p_k)
#    plot(interpolate(p0,Pressure))
#    plot(b_k)
#    plot(interpolate(b0,Magnetic))
#    plot(r_k)
#    plot(interpolate(r0,Lagrange))
#    interactive()


DEBUG:FFC:Reusing form from cache.
DEBUG:FFC:Reusing form from cache.
DEBUG:FFC:Reusing form from cache.
DEBUG:FFC:Reusing form from cache.
DEBUG:FFC:Reusing form from cache.

W:   [ 242.] Velocity:   [ 146.] Pressure:   [ 23.] Magnetic:   [ 50.] Lagrange:   [ 23.] 

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-a0c165630e3b> in <module>()
    143     #     F_M = Mu_m*kappa*CurlCurl+gradR -kappa*M_Couple
    144     params = [kappa,Mu_m,MU]
--> 145     u0, p0, b0, r0, F_NS, F_M, gradu0 = Lshaped.Solution(mesh, params)

ValueError: too many values to unpack

In [3]:
import mshr

In [9]:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-9-e7aaf813927a> in <module>()
----> 1 RectangleMesh(-1,0,1,1,4,2) + RectangleMesh(-1,0,1,1,4,2)

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'RectangleMesh' and 'RectangleMesh'

domain = mshr.Rectangle(Point(-1., -1.), Point(1., 1.)) - mshr.Rectangle(Point(0., -1.), Point(1., 0.) ) mesh = mshr.generate_mesh(domain, 4)


In [19]:
mesh = RectangleMesh(-1,-1,1,1,4,4)

In [20]:


In [57]:
print np.arange(1,6,2)
cell_f = CellFunction('size_t', mesh, 0)
for cell in cells(mesh):
    v = cell.get_vertex_coordinates()
    y = v[np.arange(0,6,2)] 
    x = v[np.arange(1,6,2)]
    xone = np.ones(3)
    xone[x <0] = 0
    yone = np.ones(3)
    yone[x <0] = 0
    print x,xone
#     for i in range(len(v)):
#         print v[0:2]
v = cell.get_vertex_coordinates()

[1 3 5]
[-1.  -1.  -0.5] [ 0.  0.  0.]
[-1.  -0.5 -0.5] [ 0.  0.  0.]
[-1.  -1.  -0.5] [ 0.  0.  0.]
[-1.  -0.5 -0.5] [ 0.  0.  0.]
[-1.  -1.  -0.5] [ 0.  0.  0.]
[-1.  -0.5 -0.5] [ 0.  0.  0.]
[-1.  -1.  -0.5] [ 0.  0.  0.]
[-1.  -0.5 -0.5] [ 0.  0.  0.]
[-0.5 -0.5  0. ] [ 0.  0.  1.]
[-0.5  0.   0. ] [ 0.  1.  1.]
[-0.5 -0.5  0. ] [ 0.  0.  1.]
[-0.5  0.   0. ] [ 0.  1.  1.]
[-0.5 -0.5  0. ] [ 0.  0.  1.]
[-0.5  0.   0. ] [ 0.  1.  1.]
[-0.5 -0.5  0. ] [ 0.  0.  1.]
[-0.5  0.   0. ] [ 0.  1.  1.]
[ 0.   0.   0.5] [ 1.  1.  1.]
[ 0.   0.5  0.5] [ 1.  1.  1.]
[ 0.   0.   0.5] [ 1.  1.  1.]
[ 0.   0.5  0.5] [ 1.  1.  1.]
[ 0.   0.   0.5] [ 1.  1.  1.]
[ 0.   0.5  0.5] [ 1.  1.  1.]
[ 0.   0.   0.5] [ 1.  1.  1.]
[ 0.   0.5  0.5] [ 1.  1.  1.]
[ 0.5  0.5  1. ] [ 1.  1.  1.]
[ 0.5  1.   1. ] [ 1.  1.  1.]
[ 0.5  0.5  1. ] [ 1.  1.  1.]
[ 0.5  1.   1. ] [ 1.  1.  1.]
[ 0.5  0.5  1. ] [ 1.  1.  1.]
[ 0.5  1.   1. ] [ 1.  1.  1.]
[ 0.5  0.5  1. ] [ 1.  1.  1.]
[ 0.5  1.   1. ] [ 1.  1.  1.]