Homework 1. Exploratory Data Analysis

Due: Thursday, September 18, 2014 11:59 PM

Download this assignment


In this homework we ask you three questions that we expect you to answer using data. For each question we ask you to complete a series of tasks that should help guide you through the data analysis. Complete these tasks and then write a short (100 words or less) answer to the question.

Note: We will briefly discuss this homework assignment on Thursday in class.


For this assignment we will use two databases:

  1. The Sean Lahman's Baseball Database which contains the "complete batting and pitching statistics from 1871 to 2013, plus fielding statistics, standings, team stats, managerial records, post-season data, and more. For more details on the latest release, please read the documentation."

  2. Gapminder is a great resource that contains over 500 data sets related to world indicators such as income, GDP and life expectancy.


In this assignment, you will learn how to:

a. Load in CSV files from the web.

b. Create functions in python.

C. Create plots and summary statistics for exploratory data analysis such as histograms, boxplots and scatter plots.

Useful libraries for this assignment

In [428]:
# The %... is an iPython thing, and is not part of the Python language.
# In this case we're just telling the plotting library to draw things on
# the notebook, instead of on a separate window.
%matplotlib inline 
#this line above prepares IPython notebook for working with matplotlib

# See all the "as ..." contructs? They're just aliasing the package names.
# That way we can call methods like plt.plot() instead of matplotlib.pyplot.plot().

import numpy as np # imports a fast numerical programming library
import scipy as sp #imports stats functions, amongst other things
import matplotlib as mpl # this actually imports matplotlib
import matplotlib.cm as cm #allows us easy access to colormaps
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #sets up plotting under plt
import pandas as pd #lets us handle data as dataframes
#sets up pandas table display
pd.set_option('display.width', 500)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 100)
pd.set_option('display.notebook_repr_html', True)
import seaborn as sns #sets up styles and gives us more plotting options

Problem 1

In Lecture 1, we showed a plot that provided evidence that the 2002 and 2003 Oakland A's, a team that used data science, had a competitive advantage. Since, others teams have started using data science as well. Use exploratory data analysis to determine if the competitive advantage has since disappeared.

Problem 1(a)

Load in these CSV files from the Sean Lahman's Baseball Database. For this assignment, we will use the 'Salaries.csv' and 'Teams.csv' tables. Read these tables into a pandas DataFrame and show the head of each table.

Hint Use the requests, StringIO and zipfile modules to get from the web.

In [429]:
# imports
import requests
import StringIO
import zipfile

In [430]:
req = requests.get("http://seanlahman.com/files/database/lahman-csv_2014-02-14.zip", stream=True)
z = zipfile.ZipFile(StringIO.StringIO(req.content))

In [431]:
for zip_item in z.filelist: 
    print zip_item.filename


In [432]:
salaries_csv = z.extract('Salaries.csv')
teams_csv = z.extract('Teams.csv')

In [433]:
print salaries_csv
print teams_csv


In [434]:
teams = pd.read_csv(teams_csv)
print teams.shape

(2745, 48)
yearID lgID teamID franchID divID Rank G Ghome W L DivWin WCWin LgWin WSWin R AB H 2B 3B HR BB SO SB CS HBP SF RA ER ERA CG SHO SV IPouts HA HRA BBA SOA E DP FP name park attendance BPF PPF teamIDBR teamIDlahman45 teamIDretro
0 1871 NaN PH1 PNA NaN 1 28 NaN 21 7 NaN NaN Y NaN 376 1281 410 66 27 9 46 23.0 56.0 NaN NaN NaN 266 137 4.95 27 0 0 747 329 3 53 16 194 NaN 0.84 Philadelphia Athletics Jefferson Street Grounds NaN 102 98 ATH PH1 PH1
1 1871 NaN CH1 CNA NaN 2 28 NaN 19 9 NaN NaN N NaN 302 1196 323 52 21 10 60 22.0 69.0 NaN NaN NaN 241 77 2.76 25 0 1 753 308 6 28 22 218 NaN 0.82 Chicago White Stockings Union Base-Ball Grounds NaN 104 102 CHI CH1 CH1
2 1871 NaN BS1 BNA NaN 3 31 NaN 20 10 NaN NaN N NaN 401 1372 426 70 37 3 60 19.0 73.0 NaN NaN NaN 303 109 3.55 22 1 3 828 367 2 42 23 225 NaN 0.83 Boston Red Stockings South End Grounds I NaN 103 98 BOS BS1 BS1
3 1871 NaN WS3 OLY NaN 4 32 NaN 15 15 NaN NaN N NaN 310 1353 375 54 26 6 48 13.0 48.0 NaN NaN NaN 303 137 4.37 32 0 0 846 371 4 45 13 217 NaN 0.85 Washington Olympics Olympics Grounds NaN 94 98 OLY WS3 WS3
4 1871 NaN NY2 NNA NaN 5 33 NaN 16 17 NaN NaN N NaN 302 1404 403 43 21 1 33 15.0 46.0 NaN NaN NaN 313 121 3.72 32 1 0 879 373 7 42 22 227 NaN 0.83 New York Mutuals Union Grounds (Brooklyn) NaN 90 88 NYU NY2 NY2

In [435]:

yearID              int64
lgID               object
teamID             object
franchID           object
divID              object
Rank                int64
G                   int64
Ghome             float64
W                   int64
L                   int64
DivWin             object
WCWin              object
LgWin              object
WSWin              object
R                   int64
AB                  int64
H                   int64
2B                  int64
3B                  int64
HR                  int64
BB                  int64
SO                float64
SB                float64
CS                float64
HBP               float64
SF                float64
RA                  int64
ER                  int64
ERA               float64
CG                  int64
SHO                 int64
SV                  int64
IPouts              int64
HA                  int64
HRA                 int64
BBA                 int64
SOA                 int64
E                   int64
DP                float64
FP                float64
name               object
park               object
attendance        float64
BPF                 int64
PPF                 int64
teamIDBR           object
teamIDlahman45     object
teamIDretro        object
dtype: object

In [436]:
salaries = pd.read_csv(salaries_csv)
print salaries.shape

(23956, 5)
yearID teamID lgID playerID salary
0 1985 BAL AL murraed02 1472819
1 1985 BAL AL lynnfr01 1090000
2 1985 BAL AL ripkeca01 800000
3 1985 BAL AL lacyle01 725000
4 1985 BAL AL flanami01 641667

In [437]:

yearID       int64
teamID      object
lgID        object
playerID    object
salary       int64
dtype: object

Problem 1(b)

Summarize the Salaries DataFrame to show the total salaries for each team for each year. Show the head of the new summarized DataFrame.

In [438]:
# as_index=False is effectively “SQL-style” grouped output. 
# Makes salaries_per_team_per_year a DF instead of group_by object
salaries_per_team_per_year = salaries.groupby(['teamID','yearID'] , as_index=False)

yearID teamID lgID playerID salary
0 1985 BAL AL murraed02 1472819
1 1985 BAL AL lynnfr01 1090000
2 1985 BAL AL ripkeca01 800000
3 1985 BAL AL lacyle01 725000
4 1985 BAL AL flanami01 641667
22 1985 BOS AL stanlbo01 1075000
23 1985 BOS AL boggswa01 1000000
24 1985 BOS AL armasto01 915000
25 1985 BOS AL evansdw01 800000
26 1985 BOS AL riceji01 779227
47 1985 CAL AL decindo01 1100000
48 1985 CAL AL jacksre01 1058894
49 1985 CAL AL boonebo01 883000
50 1985 CAL AL carewro01 875000
51 1985 CAL AL burleri01 856667
75 1985 CHA AL cruzju01 1242333
76 1985 CHA AL seaveto01 1136262
77 1985 CHA AL dotsori01 900000
78 1985 CHA AL bannifl01 811250
79 1985 CHA AL burnsbr01 727500
96 1985 CLE AL thornan01 1100000
97 1985 CLE AL blylebe01 650000
98 1985 CLE AL hargrmi01 458333
99 1985 CLE AL francju01 455000
100 1985 CLE AL butlebr01 425000
116 1985 DET AL evansda01 1083333
117 1985 DET AL morrija02 885000
118 1985 DET AL petryda01 875000
119 1985 DET AL parrila02 766667
120 1985 DET AL gibsoki01 685000
... ... ... ... ... ...
23793 2013 PHI NL leecl02 25000000
23794 2013 PHI NL hamelco01 20500000
23795 2013 PHI NL hallaro01 20000000
23796 2013 PHI NL howarry01 20000000
23797 2013 PHI NL youngmi02 18374975
23819 2013 PIT NL burneaj01 16500000
23820 2013 PIT NL rodriwa01 13500000
23821 2013 PIT NL martiru01 7500000
23822 2013 PIT NL barmecl01 5500000
23823 2013 PIT NL mccutan01 4708333
23847 2013 SDN NL quentca01 9500000
23848 2013 SDN NL headlch01 8575000
23849 2013 SDN NL streehu01 7000000
23850 2013 SDN NL volqued01 5725000
23851 2013 SDN NL richacl01 5240000
23875 2013 SFN NL linceti01 22250000
23876 2013 SFN NL cainma01 20833333
23877 2013 SFN NL zitoba01 20000000
23878 2013 SFN NL pencehu01 13800000
23879 2013 SFN NL paganan01 8250000
23903 2013 SLN NL hollima01 16272110
23904 2013 SLN NL molinya01 14200000
23905 2013 SLN NL beltrca01 13000000
23906 2013 SLN NL wainwad01 12000000
23907 2013 SLN NL westbja01 8750000
23931 2013 WAS NL werthja01 16571429
23932 2013 WAS NL zimmery01 14100000
23933 2013 WAS NL harenda01 13000000
23934 2013 WAS NL soriara01 11742091
23935 2013 WAS NL larocad01 10000000

4139 rows × 5 columns

In [439]:
total_salary_per_team_per_year = salaries_per_team_per_year.sum()

teamID yearID salary
0 ANA 1997 31135472
1 ANA 1998 41281000
2 ANA 1999 55388166
3 ANA 2000 51464167
4 ANA 2001 47535167

Problem 1(c)

Merge the new summarized Salaries DataFrame and Teams DataFrame together to create a new DataFrame showing wins and total salaries for each team for each year year. Show the head of the new merged DataFrame.

Hint: Merge the DataFrames using teamID and yearID.

In [440]:
# Reduce the Teams Data Frame to only use columns we care about
reduced_teams = teams[['yearID', 'teamID', 'W']]

yearID teamID W
0 1871 PH1 21
1 1871 CH1 19
2 1871 BS1 20
3 1871 WS3 15
4 1871 NY2 16

In [441]:
merged_teams = pd.merge(total_salary_per_team_per_year, reduced_teams, on=['yearID', 'teamID'])
print merged_teams.shape

(828, 4)
teamID yearID salary W
0 ANA 1997 31135472 84
1 ANA 1998 41281000 85
2 ANA 1999 55388166 70
3 ANA 2000 51464167 82
4 ANA 2001 47535167 75

Problem 1(d)

How would you graphically display the relationship between total wins and total salaries for a given year? What kind of plot would be best? Choose a plot to show this relationship and specifically annotate the Oakland baseball team on the on the plot. Show this plot across multiple years. In which years can you detect a competitive advantage from the Oakland baseball team of using data science? When did this end?

Hints: Use a for loop to consider multiple years. Use the teamID (three letter representation of the team name) to save space on the plot.

In [442]:
starting_year = 1998
ending_year = 2007
print merged_teams[(merged_teams['yearID'] >= starting_year) & (merged_teams['yearID'] <= ending_year)].salary.max()
print merged_teams[(merged_teams['yearID'] >= starting_year) & (merged_teams['yearID'] <= ending_year)].salary.min()


In [443]:
oakland_id = 'OAK'
for year in np.arange(starting_year, ending_year + 1):
    that_year = merged_teams[merged_teams['yearID'] == year]
    plt.scatter(that_year.salary / 1e6, that_year.W)
    plt.title('Wins vs. Total Salary ({})'.format(year))
    plt.xlabel('Total Salary ($millions)')
    plt.xlim(0, 210)
    plt.ylim(30, 130)
        xy = (that_year['salary'][that_year['teamID'] == oakland_id] / 1e6,  that_year['W'][that_year['teamID'] == oakland_id]), 
        xytext = (-15, 30), textcoords = 'offset points', ha = 'right', va = 'bottom',
        bbox = dict(boxstyle = 'round, pad=0.5', fc = 'green', alpha = 0.5),
        arrowprops = dict(arrowstyle = '->', facecolor = 'black' , connectionstyle = 'arc3,rad=0')

Notes: Used a scatter plot as it is a great way to see the correlation between two variables. In this case, team salaries and wins per season. I looked at these scatter plots from 1998-2007, and it looks like the Oakland A's competitive advantage began in 1999 when the number of wins went up significantly and went up slightly more in 2000. 2001-2003 was when the A's had the greatest comeptitive advantage and were in the top 4 of the league during those years. The competitive advatage declined starting in 2004.

Problem 1(e):

For AC209 Students: Fit a linear regression to the data from each year and obtain the residuals. Plot the residuals against time to detect patterns that support your answer in 1(d).

In [444]:
resid_data = pd.DataFrame(index=range(starting_year, ending_year + 1), columns=merged_teams['teamID'].unique())

for year in np.arange(starting_year, ending_year + 1):
    data_for_year = merged_teams[merged_teams['yearID'] == year]
    x = data_for_year['salary'].values / 1e6
    y = data_for_year['W'].values
    # y = Ap where A = [x, 1] and p = [m, c] where m is slope and c is intercept
    # Add to end of x vector for fitting intercept
    A = np.array([x, np.ones(len(x))]).T
    m, c = np.linalg.lstsq(A, y)[0]
    # regression model predictions
    yhat = (m*x+c)
    # Annual Residuals
    residuals = y - yhat
    # Set residual for each team using year as index
    for i, team_id in enumerate(data_for_year['teamID']):
        resid_data[team_id][year] = residuals[i]


1998 4.76887 -10.0603 14.2482 -19.2167 2.8116 NaN 1.47398 4.23743 7.34675 -2.52853 -8.55806 -5.26676 -26.2552 21.1363 -5.67376 NaN -1.59459 NaN -1.96774 -2.50232 NaN 2.50256 18.9949 1.51973 5.33184 -2.34675 3.94231 14.539 -11.6431 8.02523 -4.98194 -9.12755 -1.08138 1.92604 NaN
1999 -12.8156 12.6134 14.0906 -13.4722 8.40064 NaN 2.40295 -18.2031 20.5391 8.14608 -13.0633 -7.32831 -7.0403 14.3471 -8.80473 NaN -14.5603 NaN -4.69268 -8.09952 NaN -1.94801 4.42406 10.8533 14.8108 2.31843 5.71957 -6.88646 -3.38204 6.20279 -5.8899 -8.14541 4.86517 4.5978 NaN
2000 1.69556 0.131503 9.58963 -10.9333 0.608153 NaN 17.8342 -16.7055 5.40525 5.92611 0.206248 -2.35438 3.57278 -8.27741 1.02303 NaN 0.0668238 NaN -4.99508 -5.90965 NaN -10.4531 0.385391 9.36586 13.7049 -14.6628 -7.82534 -4.82267 9.5453 16.3446 13.1533 -13.0491 -12.2889 3.71846 NaN
2001 -2.92539 7.73679 2.58002 -18.3121 -6.47508 NaN 2.01633 7.17463 -12.1703 5.3748 -8.97747 -12.9181 0.0617553 12.8672 -10.8809 NaN -2.31812 NaN -9.30958 11.0252 NaN -7.83646 6.14491 -3.62899 26.3912 9.06565 -17.6514 2.48443 33.4859 9.41696 9.84148 -17.5196 -11.8625 -2.8813 NaN
2002 19.686 7.82209 13.4522 -11.9894 1.35605 NaN 2.92013 -16.0066 3.09284 -9.85742 -5.02653 -22.5499 4.90449 4.22953 -13.4905 NaN 3.92862 NaN -20.2916 20.3155 NaN 9.77929 6.7136 -13.0139 29.4268 1.68165 -2.18636 -7.94883 8.77958 11.3037 14.2656 -17.0866 -18.8932 -5.31682 NaN
2003 -5.58287 1.09241 12.9805 -10.5531 8.2386 NaN 9.01552 5.24997 -9.65184 -8.49996 -6.21498 -33.6165 14.3272 6.01377 8.1117 NaN -2.88544 NaN -6.91008 12.1175 NaN 5.82802 3.68913 -24.1438 19.1652 5.06571 -2.74416 -11.8257 8.83331 16.6538 1.46714 -7.71513 -16.4697 8.96378 NaN
2004 4.03057 -30.1027 10.342 0.951479 4.05475 NaN 2.91729 3.25771 0.0696821 6.81512 -12.1347 -3.97871 8.06824 9.6433 -18.1522 NaN 6.73479 NaN -4.66864 14.5135 NaN -7.65366 -5.64884 -16.1045 12.2094 -0.26904 -0.717922 9.11161 -20.7229 7.16471 20.8947 -2.12148 11.1863 -9.68986 NaN
2005 NaN -2.34544 6.89829 -7.14902 6.13068 NaN 17.6543 -4.19132 -6.27747 16.8969 -10.0896 -9.39828 3.95352 7.40501 -19.3837 10.5889 -11.5695 NaN 5.14091 4.61093 NaN NaN -7.07125 -2.41333 9.72928 3.4871 -8.57858 2.50485 -14.3036 -8.6843 16.0188 -7.26247 0.663392 3.24035 3.7948
2006 NaN -2.00032 -4.10776 -10.1627 -2.12642 NaN 4.78143 -17.823 1.79431 0.611907 1.09225 13.1567 7.54415 -0.862645 -13.9236 3.66053 3.50272 NaN -2.64568 17.3776 NaN NaN -3.62378 12.0606 14.5708 2.20794 -8.82704 8.28809 -4.73952 -7.09092 0.104348 -12.8493 0.567571 7.0419 -7.58003
2007 NaN 13.0704 2.3294 -13.4626 6.82747 NaN -12.5485 1.66313 -7.14473 17.7775 12.8048 5.31863 -3.02754 -8.73361 -9.95515 9.37354 -2.51921 NaN 3.52395 -0.537022 NaN NaN -1.39543 2.56859 -4.60405 7.04171 -7.10849 11.257 3.74914 -11.0647 -4.07386 -7.16833 -4.11696 2.04924 -1.89443

In [445]:
resid_data.plot(title = 'Residuals from least squares estimates across years', figsize = (15, 8),
               color=map(lambda x: 'green' if x=='OAK' else 'gray', resid_data.columns))

Discussion for Problem 1

Write a brief discussion of your conclusions to the questions and tasks above in 100 words or less.

Combining both plots from 1(d) and 1(e), it seems that 2001-2003 were the most significant years of competitive advantage for the Oakland A's. Michael Lewis' Moneyball shows how this advantage was a result of the sabermetric approach to assembling a competitive baseball team conducted by the A's general manager Billy Beane. From 2004 on, this advantage seemed to go away as other teams caught on.

Problem 2

Several media reports have demonstrated the income inequality has increased in the US during this last decade. Here we will look at global data. Use exploratory data analysis to determine if the gap between Africa/Latin America/Asia and Europe/NorthAmerica has increased, decreased or stayed the same during the last two decades.

Problem 2(a)

Using the list of countries by continent from World Atlas data, load in the countries.csv file into a pandas DataFrame and name this data set as countries. This data set can be found on Github in the 2014_data repository here.

In [446]:
countries = pd.read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cs109/2014_data/master/countries.csv")

Country Region
0 Algeria AFRICA
1 Angola AFRICA
2 Benin AFRICA
3 Botswana AFRICA
4 Burkina AFRICA

Using the data available on Gapminder, load in the Income per person (GDP/capita, PPP$ inflation-adjusted) as a pandas DataFrame and name this data set as income.

Hint: Consider using the pandas function pandas.read_excel() to read in the .xlsx file directly.

In [447]:
import xlrd
income = pd.read_excel("gdp_per_capita_ppp.xlsx")

GDP per capita 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 ... 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
0 Abkhazia NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 Afghanistan 603.0 603.0 603.0 603.0 603.0 603.0 603.0 603.0 603.0 603.0 604.0 604.0 604.0 604.0 604.0 604.0 604.0 604.0 604.0 604.0 604.0 607.0 609.0 611.0 613.0 615.0 617.0 619.0 621.0 623.0 625.0 627.0 630.0 632.0 634.0 636.0 638.0 640.0 643.0 645.0 647.0 649.0 651.0 654.0 656.0 658.0 660.0 663.0 665.0 ... 1168.0 1173.0 1187.0 1178.0 1174.0 1092.0 1046.0 1137.0 1170.0 1201.0 1231.0 1119.0 1179.0 1155.0 1158.0 1284.0 1402.0 1454.0 1429.0 1384.0 1486.0 1230.0 1113.0 1087.0 1028.0 1022.0 941.0 810.0 725.0 872.0 895.0 921.0 947.0 972.0 962.0 862.0 1053.0 1097.0 1067.0 1146.0 1173.0 1298.0 1311.0 1548.0 1637.0 1695.0 1893.0 1884.0 1877.0 1925.0
2 Akrotiri and Dhekelia NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 Albania 667.0 667.0 668.0 668.0 668.0 668.0 668.0 668.0 668.0 668.0 668.0 668.0 669.0 669.0 669.0 669.0 669.0 669.0 669.0 669.0 669.0 671.0 672.0 674.0 676.0 677.0 679.0 680.0 682.0 683.0 685.0 686.0 688.0 689.0 691.0 693.0 694.0 696.0 697.0 699.0 701.0 702.0 704.0 705.0 707.0 709.0 710.0 712.0 713.0 ... 3242.0 3359.0 3475.0 3587.0 3712.0 3849.0 3988.0 4174.0 4177.0 4178.0 4182.0 4188.0 4194.0 4201.0 4218.0 4227.0 4237.0 4248.0 4259.0 4267.0 4281.0 4294.0 4307.0 4325.0 4350.0 3081.0 2877.0 3172.0 3457.0 3941.0 4326.0 3909.0 4434.0 4912.0 5305.0 5730.0 5913.0 6274.0 6672.0 7075.0 7476.0 7977.0 8644.0 8994.0 9374.0 9640.0 9811.0 9961.0 10160.0 10620.0
4 Algeria 716.0 716.0 717.0 718.0 719.0 720.0 721.0 722.0 723.0 724.0 725.0 726.0 727.0 728.0 729.0 730.0 731.0 732.0 733.0 734.0 735.0 743.0 751.0 759.0 768.0 776.0 784.0 793.0 802.0 810.0 819.0 828.0 837.0 846.0 855.0 865.0 874.0 884.0 893.0 903.0 913.0 923.0 933.0 943.0 953.0 964.0 974.0 985.0 996.0 ... 5478.0 5811.0 6319.0 6747.0 7227.0 6427.0 7556.0 7581.0 7812.0 8119.0 8400.0 8888.0 9730.0 10293.0 10166.0 10160.0 10477.0 10696.0 10947.0 11030.0 10722.0 10378.0 9888.0 10115.0 10113.0 9748.0 9693.0 9279.0 9006.0 9168.0 9375.0 9322.0 9646.0 9810.0 9885.0 10203.0 10634.0 11251.0 11575.0 12077.0 12088.0 12289.0 12314.0 12285.0 12494.0 12606.0 12779.0 12893.0 13179.0 13434.0

5 rows × 217 columns

Transform the data set to have years as the rows and countries as the columns. Show the head of this data set when it is loaded.

In [448]:
income = income.T
income.columns = income.iloc[0]
income = income.ix[1:]

GDP per capita Abkhazia Afghanistan Akrotiri and Dhekelia Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil British Virgin Islands Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Channel Islands Chile China Christmas Island Cocos Island Colombia Comoros Congo, Dem. Rep. ... Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Svalbard Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Timor-Leste Togo Tokelau Tonga Transnistria Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay USSR Uzbekistan Wallis et Futuna Vanuatu Venezuela West Bank and Gaza West Germany Western Sahara Vietnam Virgin Islands (U.S.) North Yemen (former) South Yemen (former) Yemen Yugoslavia Zambia Zimbabwe Åland South Sudan nan nan
1800 NaN 603 NaN 667 716 NaN 1197 618 NaN 757 1507 514 833 815 1848 775 1445 1235 876 913 608 2412 579 597 1227 629 854 669 397 1109 NaN 1512 1089 480 418 903 626 1314 529 1039 424 418 NaN 1026 985 NaN NaN 963 696 485 ... 1518 898 518 1636 NaN 490 1414 2701 1081 996 556 562 931 521 682 NaN 663 NaN 1230 716 1221 943 487 719 464 763 998 3431 2128 1758 NaN 502 NaN 585 682 1220 NaN NaN 861 NaN NaN NaN 877 NaN 663 869 NaN 507 NaN NaN
1801 NaN 603 NaN 667 716 NaN 1199 620 NaN 757 1508 514 833 816 1855 775 1445 1240 876 914 608 2413 579 597 1227 629 854 669 397 1109 NaN 1512 1089 480 418 904 626 1322 529 1039 424 418 NaN 1026 985 NaN NaN 963 697 487 ... 1518 898 518 1637 NaN 490 1402 2701 1081 996 557 562 932 522 683 NaN 663 NaN 1230 716 1221 944 487 719 464 764 1001 3439 2168 1758 NaN 502 NaN 586 682 1221 NaN NaN 861 NaN NaN NaN 879 NaN 665 870 NaN 507 NaN NaN
1802 NaN 603 NaN 668 717 NaN 1201 623 NaN 757 1508 514 833 818 1863 775 1445 1246 876 914 608 2413 579 597 1228 630 854 669 397 1109 NaN 1512 1089 480 419 904 626 1330 529 1039 424 418 NaN 1027 985 NaN NaN 963 697 489 ... 1518 898 518 1637 NaN 490 1467 2702 1081 996 557 562 932 523 683 NaN 663 NaN 1231 716 1222 945 487 719 464 765 1005 3450 2203 1758 NaN 502 NaN 586 682 1221 NaN NaN 861 NaN NaN NaN 882 NaN 667 871 NaN 507 NaN NaN
1803 NaN 603 NaN 668 718 NaN 1204 626 NaN 757 1508 514 833 820 1870 775 1446 1251 876 914 609 2413 579 597 1228 630 854 669 397 1109 NaN 1513 1089 480 419 904 626 1339 529 1039 424 418 NaN 1027 985 NaN NaN 963 698 491 ... 1518 898 518 1637 NaN 490 1453 2702 1082 996 557 562 932 524 683 NaN 663 NaN 1231 716 1222 946 487 719 464 766 1009 3339 2167 1759 NaN 502 NaN 586 682 1221 NaN NaN 861 NaN NaN NaN 884 NaN 668 872 NaN 507 NaN NaN
1804 NaN 603 NaN 668 719 NaN 1206 628 NaN 757 1508 514 833 822 1878 775 1446 1256 876 914 609 2414 579 597 1228 630 854 669 397 1109 NaN 1513 1090 480 420 904 626 1347 530 1040 424 418 NaN 1027 985 NaN NaN 963 699 493 ... 1519 899 519 1637 NaN 490 1358 2703 1082 996 557 562 932 525 683 NaN 663 NaN 1231 716 1222 947 487 719 464 767 1013 3291 2166 1759 NaN 503 NaN 586 682 1221 NaN NaN 861 NaN NaN NaN 887 NaN 670 873 NaN 508 NaN NaN

5 rows × 262 columns

Problem 2(b)

Graphically display the distribution of income per person across all countries in the world for any given year (e.g. 2000). What kind of plot would be best?

In [449]:
year = 2000
plt.hist(income.ix[year].dropna().values, bins=30)
plt.xlabel('GDP per capita ($USD in 2011)')

plt.hist(np.log10(income.ix[year].dropna().values.astype(int)), bins=30)
plt.xlabel('GDP per capita (log10 of $USD in 2011)')

The best kind of plot for viewing a frequency distribution of values is a histogram. I plotted both the untransformed data and the log10 scale plot since the range of actual values for GDP per capita were extremely large.

Problem 2(c)

Write a function to merge the countries and income data sets for any given year.

In [450]:

Return a merged DataFrame containing the income, 
country name and region for a given year. 

year : int
    The year of interest

a DataFrame
   A pandas DataFrame with three columns titled 
   'Country', 'Region', and 'Income'. 

>>> mergeByYear(2010)

def mergeByYear(yr):
    income_by_year = pd.DataFrame({'Income' : income.ix[yr].values, 'Country': income.columns})
    income_with_region = pd.merge(income_by_year, countries, on=['Country'])
    return income_with_region

In [451]:

Country Income Region
0 Afghanistan 1637 ASIA
1 Albania 9374 EUROPE
2 Algeria 12494 AFRICA
3 Andorra 38982 EUROPE
4 Angola 7047 AFRICA

Problem 2(d)

Use exploratory data analysis tools such as histograms and boxplots to explore the distribution of the income per person by region data set from 2(c) for a given year. Describe how these change through the recent years?

Hint: Use a for loop to consider multiple years.

In [452]:
years = np.arange(1985, 2015 + 1, 5)
for yr in years:
    continent_yr_df = mergeByYear(yr)
    continent_yr_df['Income'] = continent_yr_df['Income'].astype(int)
    continent_yr_df.boxplot('Income', by='Region', showmeans=True, rot=90)
    plt.title("GDP per capita by Continent ({})".format(yr))
    plt.ylabel('GDP per capita ($USD in 2011)')
    plt.ylim(10**2, 10**5)

The largest change by far is Asia which has had trmemdous GDP per capita growth. Africa has had substantial GDP per capita growth, but is still heavily unequal compared to the Europe, Asia, and the Americas. Both North and South America have had small GDP per capita growth of its nations and Europe and Oceania have been the most stagnant in this regard.

Discussion for Problem 2

Write a brief discussion of your conclusions to the questions and tasks above in 100 words or less.

In 2b we saw how per capita GDP was heavily unequally distributed following more of an exponential distribution. There were many counties with very low per capita GDP, and a fat tail of country's with higher per capita GDP.

In 2c, we looked at per capita GDP accross continents. We saw that Asia had explosive growth in that regard, Africa had substantial growth(but is still objectively low relative to other continents), and that more developed continents had miniscule growth. Inter-continental income inequality as measured by GDP per capita has decreased substantially for Asia and relative to more developed continents, and somewhat for Africa. However, the same inequality structure in terms of which continent has more GDP per capita relative to another seems to have not changed over the last 30 years.

Problem 3

In general, if group A has larger values than group B on average, does this mean the largest values are from group A? Discuss after completing each of the problems below.

Problem 3(a)

Assume you have two list of numbers, X and Y, with distribution approximately normal. X and Y have standard deviation equal to 1, but the average of X is different from the average of Y. If the difference in the average of X and the average of Y is larger than 0, how does the proportion of X > a compare to the proportion of Y > a?

Write a function that analytically calculates the ratio of these two proportions: Pr(X > a)/Pr(Y > a) as function of the difference in the average of X and the average of Y.

Hint: Use the scipy.stats module for useful functions related to a normal random variable such as the probability density function, cumulative distribution function and survival function.

Update: Assume Y is normally distributed with mean equal to 0.

Show the curve for different values of a (a = 2,3,4 and 5).

In [453]:

Return ratio of these two proportions: 
    Pr(X > a)/Pr(Y > a) as function of 
    the difference in the average of X 
    and the average of Y. 

diff : difference in the average of X 
    and the average of Y. 
a : cutoff value

Returns ratio of these two proportions: 
    Pr(X > a)/Pr(Y > a)
>>> ratioNormals(diff = 1, a = 2)
def ratioNormals(diff, a):
    X = sp.stats.norm(loc=diff, scale=1)
    Y = sp.stats.norm(loc=0, scale=1)
    return X.sf(a) / Y.sf(a) # .sf is survival function. i.e. Pr(X > a)

In [454]:
diffs = np.linspace(0, 5, 50)
a_vals = range(2, 6)
for a in a_vals:
    ratios = [ratioNormals(diff, a) for diff in diffs]
    plt.plot(diffs, ratios)

# Plot Description
plt.title('Ratio of Pr(X > a)/Pr(Y > a) vs. difference of mean between X & Y')
plt.xlabel('Difference of mean b/t X & Y')
plt.ylabel('Pr(X > a)/Pr(Y > a)')
plt.legend(["a={}".format(a) for a in a_vals])
plt.yscale('log') # Needed because of a=5 so that other a values can be seen

Problem 3(b)

Now consider the distribution of income per person from two regions: Asia and South America. Estimate the average income per person across the countries in those two regions. Which region has the larger average of income per person across the countries in that region?

Update: Use the year 2012.

In [455]:
country_region_income_2012 = mergeByYear(2012)
asia_sa_2012 = country_region_income_2012[
    (country_region_income_2012.Region == 'ASIA') | (country_region_income_2012.Region == 'SOUTH AMERICA')
asia_sa_2012 = asia_sa_2012.dropna(subset=['Income'])
asia_sa_2012.Income = asia_sa_2012.Income.astype(int)
grouped_asia_sa_2012 = asia_sa_2012.groupby('Region')

In [456]:

ASIA             23500.432432
SOUTH AMERICA    13015.750000
Name: Income, dtype: float64

In [457]:
asia_sa_2012.boxplot('Income', by='Region', showmeans=True, rot=90)
plt.title("GDP per capita, Asia v. South America (2012)")
plt.ylabel('GDP per capita ($USD in 2011)')
plt.ylim(1000, 60000)

(1000, 60000)

Asia has the larger average of income per person across the countries in its region relative to South America by nearly double.

Problem 3(c)

Calculate the proportion of countries with income per person that is greater than 10,000 dollars. Which region has a larger proportion of countries with income per person greater than 10,000 dollars? If the answer here is different from the answer in 3(b), explain why in light of your answer to 3(a).

Update: Use the year 2012.

In [458]:

ASIA             37
dtype: int64

In [459]:
grouped_asia_sa_2012.apply(lambda x: (x.Income > 10000).mean())

ASIA             0.567568
SOUTH AMERICA    0.750000
dtype: float64

In [460]:

ASIA             28403.274653
SOUTH AMERICA     5181.692967
Name: Income, dtype: float64

South America has a larger proportion of countries with income per person greater than 10,000 dollars relative to Asia. This is not parallel with the results in 3(b), where where we found Asia has a higher avg. income per person across its countries relative to South America.

The reason for this is: South America has many fewer countries than Asia, and a much smaller standard deviation of gdp cer capita for its countries. The South American avg. gdp cer capita of 13015 is close to its median, while Asia's median is well below its average, and in fact, below that of South America. Asia has a handful of countries with very high gdp cer capita values, and this gives them the advantage when calculating the average. Given those facts, the result is not surprising.

Problem 3(d)

For AC209 Students: Re-run this analysis in Problem 3 but compute the average income per person for each region, instead of the average of the reported incomes per person across countries in the region. Why are these two different? Hint: use this data set.

In [462]:
# Optional: do the same analysis with population weighted gdp per capita for each Region

Discussion for Problem 3

Write a brief discussion of your conclusions to the questions and tasks above in 100 words or less.

The problem starts with the general question of: If group A has larger values than group B on average, does this mean the largest values are from group A?

In short, No. The example of GDP per capita in Asia vs. South America in 2012 showed this assumption doesn't always hold. In this case, the average GDP per capita for a country in Asia was higher than that of South America, but the proportion of countries with GDP per capita higher than $10,000 was higher in South America than in Asia. This is due to a difference in probability distributions of GDP per capita for the countries in either region. Asia had a standard deviation around 4 times as large as South America, as well as a lower median.

In [ ]: