In [2]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
from collections import defaultdict
from math import log2, floor, ceil
from statistics import mean, median
In [3]:
def load_file(filename, line=0):
a = np.loadtxt(filename, dtype='str', comments='#')
rsp = [round(float(x),6) for x in a[:,line]]
latencies = a[:,1]
times = a[:,2]
processors = a[:,3]
work = a[:,4]
i_steals = a[:,16]
e_steals = a[:,17]
return rsp, latencies, times, processors, work#, i_steals, i_steals
directory_s = "/home/khatiri/these/projet/ws-simulator/Simulation/strategy_static/static_steal_50p/"
directory_s_70p = "/home/khatiri/these/projet/ws-simulator/Simulation/strategy_static/static_steal_70p/"
directory_s_80p = "/home/khatiri/these/projet/ws-simulator/Simulation/strategy_static/static_steal_80p/"
directory_s_90p = "/home/khatiri/these/projet/ws-simulator/Simulation/strategy_static/static_steal_90p/"
directory_pd = "/home/khatiri/these/projet/ws-simulator/Simulation/strategy_proba_dynamic/proba_dynamic_steal_50p/"
directory_pd_70p = "/home/khatiri/these/projet/ws-simulator/Simulation/strategy_proba_dynamic/proba_dynamic_steal_70p/"
directory_pd_80p = "/home/khatiri/these/projet/ws-simulator/Simulation/strategy_proba_dynamic/proba_dynamic_steal_80p/"
directory_pd_90p = "/home/khatiri/these/projet/ws-simulator/Simulation/strategy_proba_dynamic/proba_dynamic_steal_90p/"
directory_p = "/home/khatiri/these/projet/ws-simulator/Simulation/strategy_proba/proba_steal_50p/"
directory_p_70p = "/home/khatiri/these/projet/ws-simulator/Simulation/strategy_proba/proba_steal_70p/"
directory_p_80p = "/home/khatiri/these/projet/ws-simulator/Simulation/strategy_proba/proba_steal_80p/"
directory_p_90p = "/home/khatiri/these/projet/ws-simulator/Simulation/strategy_proba/proba_steal_90p/"
In [4]:
def compute_average(values, latence):
average = defaultdict(int)
run_number = defaultdict(int)
for i in range(len(rsp)):
if int(latencies[i]) == latence:
run_number[float(rsp[i])] += 1
average[float(rsp[i])] += int(values[i])
for cle in average:
average[cle] /= run_number[cle]
return average
def compute_overhead_for_latence(data, latence):
rsp, latencies, times, processors, work = data
all_average = defaultdict(list)
average = defaultdict(int)
run_number = defaultdict(int)
for i in range(len(rsp)):
if int(latencies[i]) == latence:
#run_number[float(rsp[i])] += 1
all_average[float(rsp[i])].append(float(int(times[i]) - int(work[i])/int(processors[i])))
for cle in sorted(all_average):
size = len(all_average[cle])
#average[cle] = mean(all_average[cle][ceil(0.25*size):ceil(0.75*size)])
average[cle] = mean(all_average[cle])
#print(mean(all_average[cle]), mean(all_average[cle][ceil(0.25*size):ceil(0.75*size)]))
# average[cle] = median(all_average[cle])
return all_average, average, min(average.keys(), key=lambda x : average[x])
def compute_overhead(data, latence, variable):
rsp, latencies, times, processors, work = data
average = defaultdict(int)
run_number = defaultdict(int)
average = 0
run_number = 0
for i in range(len(rsp)):
if float(rsp[i]) == variable and float(latencies[i]) == latence:
run_number += 1
average += float(int(times[i]) - int(work[i])/int(processors[i]))
return average/run_number
In [5]:
def plot_for_best(filename, cond_base_line=False):
best = dict()
base_line = dict()
data = load_file(filename)
latencies = data[1]
for latence in sorted(set(latencies), key=lambda x: int(x)):
if int(latence) >= 64:
all_average, avg_overhead, minimum = compute_overhead_for_latence(data, int(latence))
best_avg_overhead = compute_overhead(data, int(latence), minimum)
best[latence] = best_avg_overhead
if cond_base_line:
base_line[latence] = compute_overhead(data, int(latence), 0.5)
#print(latence, minimum)
return best, base_line
In [6]:
def latence_for_best_param(filename):
data = load_file(filename)
latencies = data[1]
best = dict()
for latence in sorted(set(latencies), key=lambda x: int(x)):
all_average, overhead, minimum = compute_overhead_for_latence(data, int(latence))
plt.plot(overhead.keys(), overhead.values())
best[latence] = minimum
return best
In [7]:
def best_overhead_dict__(directory):
best_value_p = defaultdict(dict)
best_value_w = defaultdict(dict)
best_value_l = defaultdict(dict)
for w in (10000000,50000000,100000000,500000000):
for p in (16, 32, 64):
filename = directory + "vss_static_" + str(p) + "_" + str(w)
best, _ = plot_for_best(filename)
for latence in best.keys():
best_value_w[(p, int(latence))][w]=best[latence]
best_value_p[(w, int(latence))][p]=best[latence]
best_value_l[(w, p)][int(latence)]=best[latence]
return best_value_w, best_value_p, best_value_l
In [8]:
def best_value_dict__(directory, seuil):
best_value_p = defaultdict(dict)
best_value_w = defaultdict(dict)
best_value_l = defaultdict(dict)
for w in (10000000,50000000,100000000,500000000):
for p in (16,32,64):
filename = directory + "vss_static_" + str(p) + "_" + str(w)
data = load_file(filename)
for latence in (128,256,512,1024):
_, overhead, minimum = compute_overhead_for_latence(data, latence)
overhead_min = overhead[minimum]
interval_max = overhead[minimum] + 2*latence/p #+ overhead[minimum]*seuil/100
#print(minimum, overhead[minimum], interval_max)
overhead_plage = list(filter(lambda x : overhead_min <= overhead[x] <= interval_max, overhead))
#print([(x, overhead[x]) for x in overhead_plage])
best_value_w[(p, int(latence))][w]= overhead_plage
best_value_p[(w, int(latence))][p]= overhead_plage
best_value_l[(w, p)][int(latence)]= overhead_plage
return best_value_w, best_value_p, best_value_l
In [9]:
def boxdata__(p, w, l, rspmin, rspmax):
data = load_file(directory + "vss_static_{}_{}".format(p,w))
all_average, overhead, minimum = compute_overhead_for_latence(data, l)
return [all_average[x] for x in all_average.keys() if rspmin <= x and x <= rspmax], \
[round(x,6) for x in all_average.keys() if rspmin <= x and x <= rspmax]
In [ ]:
In [10]:
fig = plt.figure()
fig.set_size_inches(14.5, 6.5, forward=True)
#filename = "/home/khatiri/these/projet/ws-simulator/Simulation/vss_proba_32_100000000"
w = "100000000"
p = "32"
plt.title("w={}, p={}".format(w,p))
filename = directory_p + "vss_proba_"+p+"_"+w
best_proba_50, _ = plot_for_best(filename)
filename = directory_pd + "vss_proba_dynamic_"+p+"_"+w
best_proba_dynamic_50, _ = plot_for_best(filename)
filename = directory_s + "vss_static_"+p+"_"+w
best_static_50, _ = plot_for_best(filename)
plt.plot(best_proba_50.keys(), best_proba_50.values(), 'o-', label="proba : steal 50%")
plt.plot(best_proba_dynamic_50.keys(), best_proba_dynamic_50.values(), 'x-', label="proba dynamic : steal 50%")
plt.plot(best_static_50.keys(), best_static_50.values(), 'o--', label="static : steal 50%")
filename = directory_p_70p + "vss_proba_"+p+"_"+w
best_proba_70, _ = plot_for_best(filename)
filename = directory_pd_70p + "vss_proba_dynamic_"+p+"_"+w
best_proba_dynamic_70, _ = plot_for_best(filename)
filename = directory_s_70p + "vss_static_"+p+"_"+w
best_static_70, _ = plot_for_best(filename)
plt.plot(best_proba_70.keys(), best_proba_70.values(), 'o-', label="proba : steal 80%")
plt.plot(best_proba_dynamic_70.keys(), best_proba_dynamic_70.values(), 'x-', label="proba dynamic : steal 80%")
plt.plot(best_static_70.keys(), best_static_70.values(), 'o--', label="static : steal 80%")
In [11]:
w = "500000000"
p = "64"
fig = plt.figure()
axes1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
axes2 = axes1.twiny() # share the y-axis
data = load_file(directory_pd + "vss_proba_dynamic_"+p+"_"+w, line=18)
all_average, overhead, minimum = compute_overhead_for_latence(data, 128)
axes1.plot(overhead.keys(), overhead.values(), "x-", label="pd")
data = load_file(directory_p + "vss_proba_"+p+"_"+w, line=0)
all_average, overhead, minimum = compute_overhead_for_latence(data, 128)
axes1.plot(overhead.keys(), overhead.values(), "o-", label="p")
data = load_file(directory_s + "vss_static_"+p+"_"+w, line=0)
all_average, overhead, minimum = compute_overhead_for_latence(data, 128)
axes2.plot(overhead.keys(), overhead.values(), "x--", label="s")
In [22]:
fig = plt.figure()
fig.set_size_inches(18.5, 12.5, forward=True)
#plt.xlim(0.001, 0.5)
position = 0
#for (l,lim) in sorted({(128,6000),(256,8000),(512,15000)}):
for (l, limy, limx) in sorted({(64,0,3500),(128, 1000, 6000),(256, 2000, 8000),(512,3000, 15000)}):
for p,c in sorted({(16,"(a)"),(32,"(b)"),(64,"(c)")}):
position += 1
plt.subplot(4, 3, position)
if l == 512:
plt.xlabel("remote steal probability step ")
if l == 64:
plt.title(c+" "+str(p)+" processors")
if p == 16:
plt.ylabel("overhead ($\lambda = "+str(l)+"$)")
plt.xlim(0.001, 0.5)
plt.ylim(limy, limx)
axes1 = fig.add_subplot(4, 3, position)
axes2 = axes1.twiny() # share the y-axis
data = load_file(directory_pd + "vss_proba_dynamic_" + str(p) + "_" + str(w), line=18)
all_average, overhead, minimum = compute_overhead_for_latence(data, l)
lns1 = axes1.plot(overhead.keys(), overhead.values(), "x-", label="proba dynamic")
data = load_file(directory_p + "vss_proba_" + str(p) + "_" + str(w), line=0)
all_average, overhead, minimum = compute_overhead_for_latence(data, l)
lns2 = axes1.plot(overhead.keys(), overhead.values(), "o-", label="proba")
data = load_file(directory_s + "vss_static_" + str(p) + "_" + str(w), line=0)
all_average, overhead, minimum = compute_overhead_for_latence(data, l)
lns3 = axes2.plot(overhead.keys(), overhead.values(), "x--", label="static")
#axes1.legend(('label1', 'label2', 'label3')) #legend
if p == 32 and l == 256:
lns = lns1+lns2+lns3
labs = [l.get_label() for l in lns]
axes1.legend(lns, labs, loc=0)
In [18]:
fig = plt.figure()
fig.set_size_inches(16.5, 4, forward=True)
#filename = "/home/khatiri/these/projet/ws-simulator/Simulation/vss_proba_32_100000000"
filename = directory_s + "vss_static_16_100000000"
best_static, _ = plot_for_best(filename)
filename = directory_p + "vss_proba_16_100000000"
best_proba, base_line = plot_for_best(filename,cond_base_line=True)
filename = directory_pd + "vss_proba_dynamic_16_100000000"
best_proba_dynamic, _ = plot_for_best(filename)
plt.title("(a) 16 processors")
plt.xlabel("latency $\lambda$")
plt.plot(best_proba.keys(), best_proba.values(), 'o-', label="best proba config")
plt.plot(best_static.keys(), best_static.values(), 'o--', label="best static config")
plt.plot(best_proba_dynamic.keys(), best_proba_dynamic.values(), 'x-', label="best proba dynamic")
plt.plot(base_line.keys(), base_line.values(), 'x--', label="base line ($rsp=0.5$)")
#plt.ylabel("overhead gains")
#plt.plot(best_proba.keys(), [bl/b for (b, bl) in zip(best_proba.values(), base_line.values())], 'o-', label="proba/base_line")
#plt.plot(best_proba.keys(), [bl/b for (b, bl) in zip(best_static.values(), base_line.values())], 'o-', label="static/base_line")
#plt.plot(best_proba.keys(), [bl/b for (b, bl) in zip(best_proba_dynamic.values(), base_line.values())], 'o-', label="proba_dynamic/base_line")
#---- 32 proc
#filename = "/home/khatiri/these/projet/ws-simulator/Simulation/vss_proba_32_100000000"
filename = directory_s + "vss_static_32_100000000"
best_static, _ = plot_for_best(filename)
filename = directory_p + "vss_proba_32_100000000"
best_proba, base_line = plot_for_best(filename,cond_base_line=True)
filename = directory_pd + "vss_proba_dynamic_32_100000000"
best_proba_dynamic, _ = plot_for_best(filename)
plt.title("(a) 32 processors")
plt.xlabel("latency $\lambda$")
plt.plot(best_proba.keys(), best_proba.values(), 'o-', label="best proba config")
plt.plot(best_static.keys(), best_static.values(), 'o--', label="best static config")
plt.plot(best_proba_dynamic.keys(), best_proba_dynamic.values(), 'x-', label="best proba dynamic")
plt.plot(base_line.keys(), base_line.values(), 'x--', label="base line ($rsp=0.5$)")
#plt.plot(best_proba.keys(), [bl/b for (b, bl) in zip(best_proba.values(), base_line.values())], 'o-', label="proba/base_line")
#plt.plot(best_proba.keys(), [bl/b for (b, bl) in zip(best_static.values(), base_line.values())], 'o-', label="static/base_line")
#plt.plot(best_proba.keys(), [bl/b for (b, bl) in zip(best_proba_dynamic.values(), base_line.values())], 'o-', label="proba_dynamic/base_line")
#---- 64 proc
#filename = "/home/khatiri/these/projet/ws-simulator/Simulation/vss_proba_32_100000000"
filename = directory_s + "vss_static_64_100000000"
best_static, _ = plot_for_best(filename)
filename = directory_p + "vss_proba_64_100000000"
best_proba, base_line = plot_for_best(filename,cond_base_line=True)
filename = directory_pd + "vss_proba_dynamic_64_100000000"
best_proba_dynamic, _ = plot_for_best(filename)
plt.title("(a) 64 processors")
plt.xlabel("latency $\lambda$")
plt.plot(best_proba.keys(), best_proba.values(), 'o-', label="best proba config")
plt.plot(best_static.keys(), best_static.values(), 'o--', label="best static config")
plt.plot(best_proba_dynamic.keys(), best_proba_dynamic.values(), 'x-', label="best proba dynamic config")
plt.plot(base_line.keys(), base_line.values(), 'x--', label="base line ($rsp=0.5$)")
#plt.plot(best_proba.keys(), [bl/b for (b, bl) in zip(best_proba.values(), base_line.values())], 'o-', label="proba/base_line")
#plt.plot(best_proba.keys(), [bl/b for (b, bl) in zip(best_static.values(), base_line.values())], 'o-', label="static/base_line")
#plt.plot(best_proba.keys(), [bl/b for (b, bl) in zip(best_proba_dynamic.values(), base_line.values())], 'o-', label="proba_dynamic/base_line")
In [26]:
fig = plt.figure()
fig.set_size_inches(18.5, 12.5, forward=True)
position = 0
for w1, w2 in sorted({(10000000,"1.$10^7$"),(50000000,"5.$10^7$"), (100000000,"1.$10^8$"), (500000000,"5.$10^8$")}):
for p,c in sorted({(16,"(a)"),(32,"(b)"),(64,"(c)")}):
position += 1
plt.subplot(4, 3, position)
if w1 == 10000000:
plt.title(c+" "+str(p)+" processors")
if w1 == 500000000:
plt.xlabel("remote steal probability (rsp)")
if p == 16:
plt.ylabel("overhead ratio (W = "+w2+")")
filename = directory_s + "vss_static_" + str(p) + "_" + str(w1)
best_static, _ = plot_for_best(filename)
filename = directory_p + "vss_proba_" + str(p) + "_" + str(w1)
best_proba, base_line = plot_for_best(filename,cond_base_line=True)
filename = directory_pd + "vss_proba_dynamic_" + str(p) + "_" + str(w1)
best_proba_dynamic, _ = plot_for_best(filename)
plt.plot(best_proba.keys(), [bl/b for (b, bl) in zip(best_proba.values(), base_line.values())], 'o-', label="probabilistic")
plt.plot(best_proba.keys(), [bl/b for (b, bl) in zip(best_static.values(), base_line.values())], 'x-', label="static")
plt.plot(best_proba.keys(), [bl/b for (b, bl) in zip(best_proba_dynamic.values(), base_line.values())], 'o--', label="dynamic probabilistic")
if p == 32 and w1 == 50000000:
In [27]:
fig = plt.figure()
fig.set_size_inches(18.5, 12.5, forward=True)
position = 0
for w1, w2 in sorted({(10000000,"1.$10^7$"),(50000000,"5.$10^7$"), (100000000,"1.$10^8$"), (500000000,"5.$10^8$")}):
for p,c in sorted({(16,"(a)"),(32,"(b)"),(64,"(c)")}):
position += 1
plt.subplot(4, 3, position)
if w1 == 10000000:
plt.title(c+" "+str(p)+" processors")
if w1 == 500000000:
plt.xlabel("remote steal probability (rsp)")
if p == 16:
plt.ylabel("overhead ratio (W = "+w2+")")
filename = directory_s_70p + "vss_static_" + str(p) + "_" + str(w1)
best_static, _ = plot_for_best(filename)
filename = directory_p_70p + "vss_proba_" + str(p) + "_" + str(w1)
best_proba, base_line = plot_for_best(filename,cond_base_line=True)
filename = directory_pd_70p + "vss_proba_dynamic_" + str(p) + "_" + str(w1)
best_proba_dynamic, _ = plot_for_best(filename)
plt.plot(best_proba.keys(), [bl/b for (b, bl) in zip(best_proba.values(), base_line.values())], 'o-', label="probabilistic")
plt.plot(best_proba.keys(), [bl/b for (b, bl) in zip(best_static.values(), base_line.values())], 'x-', label="static")
plt.plot(best_proba.keys(), [bl/b for (b, bl) in zip(best_proba_dynamic.values(), base_line.values())], 'o--', label="dynamic probabilistic")
if p == 32 and w1 == 50000000:
In [23]:
fig = plt.figure()
fig.set_size_inches(18.5, 12.5, forward=True)
position = 0
for w1, w2 in sorted({(10000000,"1.$10^7$"),(50000000,"5.$10^7$"), (100000000,"1.$10^8$"), (500000000,"5.$10^8$")}):
for p,c in sorted({(16,"(a)"),(32,"(b)"),(64,"(c)")}):
position += 1
plt.subplot(4, 3, position)
if w1 == 10000000:
plt.title(c+" "+str(p)+" processors")
if w1 == 500000000:
plt.xlabel("remote steal probability (rsp)")
if p == 16:
plt.ylabel("overhead (W = "+w2+")")
filename = directory_s + "vss_static_" + str(p) + "_" + str(w1)
best_static, _ = plot_for_best(filename)
filename = directory_p + "vss_proba_" + str(p) + "_" + str(w1)
best_proba, base_line = plot_for_best(filename,cond_base_line=True)
filename = directory_pd + "vss_proba_dynamic_" + str(p) + "_" + str(w1)
best_proba_dynamic, _ = plot_for_best(filename)
plt.plot(best_proba.keys(), [bl/b for (b, bl) in zip(best_proba.values(), base_line.values())], 'o-', label="proba")
plt.plot(best_proba.keys(), [bl/b for (b, bl) in zip(best_static.values(), base_line.values())], 'x-', label="static")
plt.plot(best_proba.keys(), [bl/b for (b, bl) in zip(best_proba_dynamic.values(), base_line.values())], 'o--', label="proba dynamic")
if p == 32 and w1 == 50000000:
In [20]:
fig = plt.figure()
fig.set_size_inches(18.5, 12.5, forward=True)
#plt.xlim(0.001, 0.5)
position = 0
#for (l,lim) in sorted({(128,6000),(256,8000),(512,15000)}):
for (l, limy, limx) in sorted({(64,0,3500),(128, 1000, 6000),(256, 2000, 8000),(512,3000, 15000)}):
for p,c in sorted({(16,"(a)"),(32,"(b)"),(64,"(c)")}):
position += 1
plt.subplot(4, 3, position)
if l == 512:
plt.xlabel("remote steal probability step ")
if l == 64:
plt.title(c+" "+str(p)+" processors")
if p == 16:
plt.ylabel("overhead ($\lambda = "+str(l)+"$)")
plt.xlim(0.001, 0.5)
plt.ylim(limy, limx)
axes1 = fig.add_subplot(4, 3, position)
axes2 = axes1.twiny() # share the y-axis
data = load_file(directory_pd + "vss_proba_dynamic_" + str(p) + "_" + str(w), line=18)
all_average, overhead, minimum = compute_overhead_for_latence(data, l)
lns1 = axes1.plot(overhead.keys(), overhead.values(), "x-", label="proba dynamic")
data = load_file(directory_p + "vss_proba_" + str(p) + "_" + str(w), line=0)
all_average, overhead, minimum = compute_overhead_for_latence(data, l)
lns2 = axes1.plot(overhead.keys(), overhead.values(), "o-", label="proba")
data = load_file(directory_s + "vss_static_" + str(p) + "_" + str(w), line=0)
all_average, overhead, minimum = compute_overhead_for_latence(data, l)
lns3 = axes2.plot(overhead.keys(), overhead.values(), "x--", label="static")
#axes1.legend(('label1', 'label2', 'label3')) #legend
if p == 32 and l == 256:
lns = lns1+lns2+lns3
labs = [l.get_label() for l in lns]
axes1.legend(lns, labs, loc=0)
In [ ]: