• directly using the 8 Days data without resampling
  • composition of the "Mean" and the "Median" of weekly trends for different years
  • various rates of the chlor-a concentration
  • "fixed scale" seems more illustrative than the "min-max scale"

In [2]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from datetime import datetime
import datetime

In [3]:
# load the floats data 
# ********************
# *** CSV files ***
# ********************
# load CSV output    
#plt = plt.figure(8,6)
plt.cla()  # axis
plt.clf()  # figure

freq = 8
pref = 'df_chl_dist_out_OC_'
surf =  '_modisa.csv'
infile = pref + str(freq) + 'D' + surf

folder = '../data_collector_modisa_chla9km/df_multidimInterpolation/'
direc = folder + infile

print('in_filename and path:', direc)

df_tmp = pd.read_csv(direc, index_col='index')
df_tmp.sort_values(['id', 'time'])[:20]

<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x11a9c4f98>
in_filename and path: ../data_collector_modisa_chla9km/df_multidimInterpolation/df_chl_dist_out_OC_8D_modisa.csv
time id temp var_lat var_tmp vn var_lon ve lat lon ... chlor_a_log_e chl_rate chl_log_e_rate chl_rate_stand chl_log_e_rate_stand chl_rate_week chl_log_e_rate_week week week_rotate dist
1 2002-11-01 10206 NaN 0.000352 1000.000000 6.509875 0.000996 -6.823625 10.873656 67.351188 ... -2.001974 -0.001848 -0.012985 0.013562 -0.178561 -0.012938 -0.090897 44 1 519.077549
260 2002-11-09 10206 NaN 0.000984 1000.000000 1.562844 0.003551 -0.786375 11.155719 67.108219 ... -2.009126 -0.000120 -0.000894 0.021090 0.020181 -0.000842 -0.006259 45 2 544.277694
519 2002-11-17 10206 NaN 0.000691 1000.000000 0.728813 0.002426 -1.222031 11.179438 67.022562 ... -1.998155 0.000185 0.001371 0.022420 0.057419 0.001295 0.009600 46 3 553.600884
778 2002-11-25 10206 NaN 0.000877 1000.000000 2.751937 0.003086 -5.805906 11.310312 66.887437 ... -1.963044 0.000606 0.004389 0.024253 0.107016 0.004239 0.030722 48 5 568.418257
1037 2002-12-03 10206 NaN 0.001989 1000.000000 7.625781 0.008155 -13.705094 11.619656 66.202937 ... -1.863798 0.001832 0.012406 0.029594 0.238787 0.012821 0.086840 49 6 644.469466
1296 2002-12-11 10206 NaN 0.001419 1000.000000 6.657594 0.005590 -9.692125 12.094781 65.421156 ... -1.999938 -0.002467 -0.017018 0.010864 -0.244838 -0.017271 -0.119123 50 7 734.343511
1555 2002-12-19 10206 NaN 0.001140 1000.000000 4.556469 0.004192 -8.368125 12.434812 64.896875 ... -1.852240 0.002693 0.018462 0.033346 0.338339 0.018849 0.129236 51 8 796.212237
1814 2002-12-27 10206 NaN 0.000417 1000.000000 -1.765500 0.001212 -11.493313 12.549094 64.271031 ... -1.783050 0.001405 0.008649 0.027735 0.177034 0.009834 0.060541 52 9 865.389879
2073 2003-01-04 10206 NaN 0.000691 1000.000000 -5.715375 0.002190 -11.053437 12.280437 63.550156 ... -1.238337 0.015218 0.068089 0.087918 1.154049 0.106524 0.476624 1 11 938.950903
2332 2003-01-12 10206 NaN 0.000878 1000.000000 -9.232062 0.002898 -10.050531 11.877375 62.833531 ... -1.157548 0.003049 0.010099 0.034898 0.200867 0.021341 0.070691 2 12 905.309926
2591 2003-01-20 10206 NaN 0.000889 1000.000000 -8.603719 0.003055 -9.272062 11.255250 62.273156 ... -1.149046 0.000335 0.001063 0.023076 0.052344 0.002348 0.007439 4 14 854.207958
2850 2003-01-28 10206 NaN 0.000514 1000.000000 -13.636000 0.001431 -15.887000 10.962500 61.932000 ... -1.731196 -0.017483 -0.072769 -0.054560 -1.161214 -0.122383 -0.509381 5 15 824.233600
3 2002-11-01 11089 28.969813 0.000057 0.003679 4.337844 0.000106 -11.122000 14.269219 65.099156 ... -1.886046 0.002755 0.019628 0.033618 0.357495 0.019285 0.137394 44 1 823.181574
262 2002-11-09 11089 28.742188 0.000065 0.003868 -6.951906 0.000126 -17.539250 14.220969 64.193281 ... -1.586824 0.006613 0.037403 0.050427 0.649662 0.046291 0.261820 45 2 859.436899
521 2002-11-17 11089 28.087750 0.000063 0.003611 -11.627562 0.000119 -32.685906 13.495938 62.557250 ... -1.194386 0.012289 0.049055 0.075159 0.841183 0.086026 0.343383 46 3 790.367112
780 2002-11-25 11089 27.942594 0.000063 0.003698 6.087531 0.000121 -31.819562 13.312875 60.531781 ... -1.203347 -0.000338 -0.001120 0.020143 0.016465 -0.002364 -0.007841 48 5 644.744428
1557 2002-12-19 11089 27.076188 0.000060 0.003500 0.775969 0.000114 -17.933438 13.934437 59.069375 ... -1.204513 -0.004708 -0.014792 0.001100 -0.208257 -0.032958 -0.103544 51 8 490.265590
1816 2002-12-27 11089 26.580312 0.000065 0.003657 13.433844 0.000123 4.662594 14.770719 58.528844 ... -1.400422 -0.006668 -0.024489 -0.007439 -0.367640 -0.046677 -0.171420 52 9 381.228340
2075 2003-01-04 11089 26.104250 0.000070 0.003628 -26.206813 0.000134 5.199344 14.353250 59.107094 ... -1.390129 0.000319 0.001287 0.023003 0.056024 0.002231 0.009006 1 11 456.224079
2334 2003-01-12 11089 26.045250 0.000077 0.003933 -15.677625 0.000150 -5.146563 12.791187 58.996656 ... -1.160179 0.008048 0.028744 0.056681 0.507334 0.056338 0.201206 2 12 484.576008

20 rows × 22 columns

In [4]:
df_tmp['time'] = pd.to_datetime(df_tmp['time']) # ,format='%m/%d/%y %I:%M%p'
df_timed = df_tmp.set_index('time')
# add a new column to the dataset
df_timed['year'] = df_timed.index.year

year_max = df_timed.index.year.max()
year_min = df_timed.index.year.min()
print('year_max', year_max)
print('year_min', year_min)

year_max 2016
year_min 2002

In [5]:
### Part 1: Plot for the mean of the weekly trends
### Mean
start = year_min
for i in range(0,3):
    plt.title("mean of the weekly binned Lagrangian rate of change of Chl-a", fontsize=10)
    for current_year in range(start, start+5):
        mask = df_timed.year == current_year
        df_yearly = df_timed[mask]
        #print('\n summary statistics of chl_rate_week for the year %d \n' % (current_year) )
        axes1=df_yearly.groupby(['week_rotate'])['chl_rate_week'].mean().plot(linestyle="-", linewidth=0.8,  label='%d' % current_year  )

    start = start + 4
    axes1.set_ylim(-10, 10)
    #axes1.set_title("Year " + str(current_year) + ": Line plot of the weekly data on the rate of change per week of the $Chl_a$ Concentration",  fontsize=10)
    plt.xlabel('week', fontsize=10)
    plt.ylabel('rate of change of the $Chl_a$ in $mg/(m^3 \cdot 7days)$', fontsize=10)
    plt.yticks(np.arange(-10, 10, 0.5))
    plt.xticks(np.arange(1, 25, 1))

    axes1.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.15, 1.05))
    plt.savefig(str(freq)+"DOC_weekly_mean_" + str(i) +".pdf")

In [6]:
### Part 2: Plot for the median of the weekly trends
### Median
start = year_min
for i in range(0,3):
    plt.title("median of the weekly binned Lagrangian rate of change of Chl-a", fontsize=10)
    for current_year in range(start, start+5):
        mask = df_timed.year == current_year
        df_yearly = df_timed[mask]
        #print('\n summary statistics of chl_rate_week for the year %d \n' % (current_year) )
        axes1=df_yearly.groupby(['week_rotate'])['chl_rate_week'].quantile(.50).plot(linestyle="-", linewidth=0.8,  label='%d' % current_year  )

    start = start + 4
    axes1.set_ylim(-10, 10)
    #axes1.set_title("Year " + str(current_year) + ": Line plot of the weekly data on the rate of change per week of the $Chl_a$ Concentration",  fontsize=10)
    plt.xlabel('week', fontsize=10)
    plt.ylabel('rate of change of the $Chl_a$ in $mg/(m^3 \cdot 7days)$', fontsize=10)
    plt.yticks(np.arange(-10, 10, 0.5))
    plt.xticks(np.arange(1, 25, 1))

    axes1.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.15, 1.05))
    #plt.savefig(str(freq)+"DOC_weekly_median_" + str(i) +".pdf")

In [7]:
### Part 3: Plot for the 25% quantile of the weekly trends
### 25% quantile
start = year_min
for i in range(0,3):
    plt.title("25% quantile of the weekly binned Lagrangian rate of change of Chl-a", fontsize=10)
    for current_year in range(start, start+5):
        mask = df_timed.year == current_year
        df_yearly = df_timed[mask]
        #print('\n summary statistics of chl_rate_week for the year %d \n' % (current_year) )
        axes1=df_yearly.groupby(['week_rotate'])['chl_rate_week'].quantile(.25).plot(linestyle="-", linewidth=0.8,  label='%d' % current_year  )

    start = start + 4
    axes1.set_ylim(-10, 10)
    #axes1.set_title("Year " + str(current_year) + ": Line plot of the weekly data on the rate of change per week of the $Chl_a$ Concentration",  fontsize=10)
    plt.xlabel('week', fontsize=10)
    plt.ylabel('rate of change of the $Chl_a$ in $mg/(m^3 \cdot 7days)$', fontsize=10)
    plt.yticks(np.arange(-10, 10, 0.5))
    plt.xticks(np.arange(1, 25, 1))

    axes1.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.15, 1.05))
    #plt.savefig(str(freq)+"DOC_weekly_quantile(25)_" + str(i) +".pdf")

In [8]:
### Part 4: Plot for the 75% quantile of the weekly trends
### 75% quantile
start = year_min
for i in range(0,3):
    plt.title("75% of the weekly binned Lagrangian rate of change of Chl-a", fontsize=10)
    for current_year in range(start, start+5):
        mask = df_timed.year == current_year
        df_yearly = df_timed[mask]
        #print('\n summary statistics of chl_rate_week for the year %d \n' % (current_year) )
        axes1=df_yearly.groupby(['week_rotate'])['chl_rate_week'].quantile(.75).plot(linestyle="-", linewidth=0.8,  label='%d' % current_year  )

    start = start + 4
    axes1.set_ylim(-10, 10)
    #axes1.set_title("Year " + str(current_year) + ": Line plot of the weekly data on the rate of change per week of the $Chl_a$ Concentration",  fontsize=10)
    plt.xlabel('week', fontsize=10)
    plt.ylabel('rate of change of the $Chl_a$ in $mg/(m^3 \cdot 7days)$', fontsize=10)
    plt.yticks(np.arange(-10, 10, 0.5))
    plt.xticks(np.arange(1, 25, 1))

    axes1.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.15, 1.05))
    #plt.savefig(str(freq)+"DOC_weekly_quantile(75)_" + str(i) +".pdf")

In [9]:
plt.cla()  # axis
plt.clf()  # figure

<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x11e3f33c8>

In [ ]: