In [9]:
# settings and modules
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
%pylab inline
from nsaba.nsaba import nsaba

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

Nsaba Walkthrough

NSABA (NeuroSynth Allen Brain Atlas) is a python module with a suite of tools for analyzing fMRI meta-analyses from Neurosynth ( and brain-wide, genome-scale human gene experession data from the Allen Brain Institute (

This tool can be used to estimate gene expression or term association with given coordinates, visualize relationships between gene expression and term association, and perform several analyses on these data

In other words, this tool can ask questions such as, "Is the D2 receptor expressed significantly higher in brain regions that are activated in studies that talk about 'reward'?" Moreover, this tool can be used to algorithmically generate novel hypotheses about genes and functional networks

This notebook will demonstrate some of the functionality of the Nsaba toolbox to explore the relationship between D2 receptors and parts of the brain associated with reward. This is the long demo. For a shorter walkthrough see the Short Demo notebook in this Repo.

The Nsaba() base Module

Estimation Methods:

  • estimate_aba_ge(entrez_ids, coords=None, **kwargs): Retrieves, estimates and stores gene expression coefficients in ABA dictionary based on a passed list of NIH Entrez IDs.

  • estimate_ns_act(self, term, coords=None, **kwargs): Uses radius neighbors regression to estimate Neurosynth term activation (tf-idf) at specified coordinates. If no coordinates are passed, ABA sampled locations in corresponding NsabaBase are used.

Organization Methods

  • matrix_builder(ns_terms=None,entrez_ids=None): Generates a np.array() matrix of pre-estimated term activations and gene expression coefficients.

  • ge_ratio(self, entrez_ids, coords=None, **kwargs): Calculates the ratio of gene expression at each ABA sampled MNI coordinate or custom coordinates.

Initialization Methods:

  • aba_load(aba_path='.', csv_names=None): loads data from the ABA into dataframes.

  • ns_load(ns_path='.', ns_files=None): loads data from NS into dataframes.

  • load_ge_pkl(pkl_file="Nsaba_ABA_ge.pkl", output_dir='.'): loads a previously saved pkl file of genetic expression. Faster than aba_load for a series of genes.

  • load_ns_pkl(pkl_file="Nsaba_NS_act.pkl", output_dir='.'): loads a previously saved pkl file of term activation. Faster than ns_load for a series of terms.

Bookkeeping Methods:

  • _check_static_members(): Reminds the user to run aba_load and ns_load before doing anything

  • check_entrez_struct(entrez_ids): checks that entrez_id's are entered in the correct format

  • is_term(term): checks that a term exists in the NS term library

  • is_coord((x,y,z)): checks if a coordinate set has a matching neurosynth study ID

  • is_id(study_id): checks if a study ID matches the Neurosynth database. The two dataframes, one with coordinates and one with activation vectors have some mismatched ID's.

  • coord_to_ids((x,y,z)): finds study IDs with coordinates that match (x,y,z)

  • coord_to_terms((x,y,z)): returns the mean activation of all terms at coordinates (x,y,z). If there is no activation data at these coordinates, it returns []

  • _coord_to_ge(coord, ids, search_radii, k): returns the estimated gene expression of a gene at a coordinate using the knn method (described below)

  • _id_to_terms(study_id): returns the vector of term activations for a NS study

  • id_to_coords. Not a method. Use id_dict.

  • _term_to_coords(term, thresh=0): returns coordinates where a term activation is above a given threshold. set thresh to -1 for all activation.

  • pickle_ge(pkl_file="Nsaba_ABA_ge.pkl", path='.'): Saves Current ABA data to a pkl file.

  • pickle_ns(pkl_file="Nsaba_NS_act.pkl", path='.'): Saves Current term data to a pkl file.

  • ns_load_id_dict(): builds a dictionary of NS study ids with their corresponding coordinates. Helpful for NS methods where lots of overlapping data has to be accessed.

Initializing a Nsaba object

In [10]:
#local paths to data
ns_path = "/Users/Torben/Documents/ABI analysis/current_data_new/"
aba_path = '/Users/Torben/Documents/ABI analysis/normalized_microarray_donor9861/'

#initialization methods

#Creating Nsaba object and loading previously estimated gene activation values
N = nsaba.Nsaba()
N.load_ge_pickle(pkl_file='/Users/Torben/Documents/ABI analysis/normalized_microarray_donor9861/Nsaba_ABA_ge.pkl')
#N.load_ns_pickle(pkl_file= '/Users/Torben/Documents/ABI analysis/Nsaba_NS_act.pkl')

This may take a minute or two ...
database.txt loaded.
features.txt loaded.
Nsaba.ns['mni_coords'] initialized.

This may take a minute or two ...
SampleAnnot.csv loaded.
MicroarrayExpression.csv loaded.
Probes.csv loaded.
Nsaba.aba['mni_coords'] initialized.

'ge' dictionary successfully loaded

Gathering data for two genes and two terms

  • 'Reward' and 'Motivation' - Words used to describe behaviors associated with basal ganglia circuitry
  • entrez ID: 1813 - DRD2, the gene that encodes the D2 dopamine receptor
  • entrez ID: 6531 - SLC6A3, a gene that encodes the dopamine transporter

Code from the cell below will initialize data for these terms and genes.

In [3]:
from nsaba.nsaba import geneinfo
term1 = 'reward'
term2 = 'motivation'
genes = [1813 , 6531]

#local path to csv file of gene information scraped from the NIH database (see geneInfo section near end of notebook)
gene_info_output =  geneinfo.get_local_gene_info('/Users/Torben/Code/nsaba/csv/',genes)
for info in gene_info_output:
    print info,'\n'

N.estimate_ns_act(term1, thresh=-1, method='knn')
N.estimate_ns_act(term2, thresh=-1, method='knn')

gi_tuple(entrez=1813, name='dopamine receptor D2', description="[u'This gene encodes the D2 subtype of the dopamine receptor. This G-protein coupled receptor inhibits adenylyl cyclase activity. A missense mutation in this gene causes myoclonus dystonia; other mutations have been associated with schizophrenia. Alternative splicing of this gene results in two transcript variants encoding different isoforms. A third variant has been described, but it has not been determined whether this form is normal or due to aberrant splicing. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]']") 

gi_tuple(entrez=6531, name='solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter), member 3', description='[u"This gene encodes a dopamine transporter which is a member of the sodium- and chloride-dependent neurotransmitter transporter family. The 3\' UTR of this gene contains a 40 bp tandem repeat, referred to as a variable number tandem repeat or VNTR, which can be present in 3 to 11 copies. Variation in the number of repeats is associated with idiopathic epilepsy, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, dependence on alcohol and cocaine, susceptibility to Parkinson disease and protection against nicotine dependence.[provided by RefSeq, Nov 2009]"]') 

Estimating gene expression and term association with NSABA

methods estimate_aba_ge and estimate_ns_act can be used to estimate gene expression and term association, respectively.

As a default, each will return the values for a given gene or term at the locations where there is data in the ABA.

However, custom coordinates can be used as well. To do this, create an array with tuples of MNI coordinates and set it to the keyword coords in the estimation method as done below. Coordinates can be saved in the Nsaba object by setting store_coords to True and will be saved under[entrez_id]['store_coords'].

Most genes in the ABA are sensed by multiple probes. The ID's and expression values of each probe are saved as keys in[entrez_id]. These can be accessed with[entrez_id][probe_id]['GE']

The mean of each probes at every coordinate be found under[entrez_id]['mean']

We use radius neighbors regression to estimate gene expression at cordinates where there is no data. This algorithm takes the average of every value found within a given radius. The default radius is 5. The default weighting of the neighboring values is uniform in the current iteration of NSABA. Distance based estimation is in development

If there are no nearby points with data, estimation methods return nan's

In [4]:
radius = 10
rnn_args = dict();
rnn_args['radius']= radius

custom_coords = [(-10,20,1),(-4,21,10),(23,11,-6),(10,-20,-3),(-11,8,-20)]
N.estimate_aba_ge(entrez_ids = genes,coords=custom_coords,store_coords=True,z_score=True,rnn_args=rnn_args)

mean_expression_at_coords =[1813]['mean']['GE']
print 'Estimation of DRD2 gene expression at custom coordinates: '+ str(mean_expression_at_coords)

reward_estimation = N.term['reward']['act']
print 'Estimation of reward at custom coordinates: '+ str(reward_estimation)

Estimation of DRD2 gene expression at custom coordinates: [ 3.53186807         nan  2.38030741  0.88234759 -0.39508234]
Estimation of reward at custom coordinates: [ 0.03263459  0.00921588  0.02617497  0.01353743  0.08636711]

The Visualization module

  • visualize_ge(gene): plots all of the points where there is genetic expression where color corresponds to genetic expression.

  • visualize_ns(term,no_ids): plots the coordinates most associated with the given term where color corresponds to term frequency.

  • visualize_ns_ns(term1,term2): plots the activation of two terms against eachother. Returns linear regression coefficients and r^2.

  • visualize_ge_ge([gene1,gene2]): plots the expression of two genes against eachother. Returns linear regression coefficients and r^2.

  • visualize_ge_ns(term, gene): plots the correlation between term activation and gene expression. Returns linear regression coefficients and r^2.

In the plots, the anterior of the brain is facing away and to the right.

Visualizing gene expression of two genes

In [12]:
from nsaba.nsaba.visualizer import NsabaVisualizer
N.estimate_aba_ge(entrez_ids = genes)
#different estimation methods can be used and visualized.

V = NsabaVisualizer(N)

Visualizing activation of 2 terms

In [15]:
V.visualize_ns('reward',no_ids = 20)
V.visualize_ns('motivation',no_ids = 20)

This may take a minute or two ...

Plotting the correlation between two genes

In [14]:

(array([[ 1.        ,  0.35283388],
        [ 0.35283388,  1.        ]]),
 [0.33555195928373605, 1.3717596592325352])

Interesting note: We're plotting the gene expression of the D2 receptor and the dopamine transporter. The dopamine transporter isn't specific to D2. That's why we see a subset of the data correlating but not all of it.

Plotting correlation between two terms

Extremely small NS values can cause the regression line to look strange

In [16]:

(array([[ 1.        ,  0.33808079],
        [ 0.33808079,  1.        ]]),
 [0.16643900107354223, 0.0005479373946146544])

Correlating activation of one term with expression of one gene

In [17]:

correlation: r=[ 1.          0.23757114] p=[ 0.23757114  1.        ]

linear regression: m=0.00338740765224 c=-0.00254598947594
([array([ 1.        ,  0.23757114]), array([ 0.23757114,  1.        ])],
 [0.0033874076522374657, -0.0025459894759409405])

We realized that linear correlations and regressions weren't capturing much of what was going on in the data so we built an analysis class to do more appropriate statistical analyses

The Analysis Module

  • t_test(term, gene, quant, log, graphops): performs a t-test on gene expression of given gene between papers that use that word and papers that don't. A significant t-test indicates that gene expression levels are significantly different. How much a word is used can be modulated with quant (0-1). if log is set to True, the t-test is performed on logged data. graphops can be set to 'density', 'violin', or 'box' to make different helpful plots.

  • t_test_multi(term, quant, sample_num, genes_of_interest): performs t-tests on all (subsample sample_num) gene expression of all genes (that have been initialized) between papers that use a term and papers that don't (as defined by quant).

  • p_val_distr(ttest_metrics): uses the output from t_test_multi and plots the distribution of p_values for every for every term/non-term gene expression comparison

  • effect_size_distr(ttest_metrics): uses the output from t_test_multi and plots the distribution of effect_sizes (cohen's d) for every term/non-term gene expression comparison. We believe the effect size of the t-test will be more informative about significance than p value.

  • fetch_gene_discriptions(ttest_metrics, nih_fetch_num, alpha): querries the NIH database of gene information and returns information about the top n genes. Prints new significance value after Bonferroni Correction using alpha

Performing t-test on gene expression of D2 receptor in regions associated with reward and brain regions not associated with reward

In [5]:
from nsaba.nsaba.analysis import NsabaAnalysis

A = NsabaAnalysis(N)

To use inline plotting functionality in Jupyter, '%matplotlib inline' must be enabled
t-value: -6.8151 
p-value: 1.684E-11
Effect size: -0.7421
Control/Functional Split: 846/94

In [11]:
A.term_ge_ttest('reward',genes[0],graphops='violin',quant = 90)

t-value: -6.8151 
p-value: 1.684E-11
Effect size: -0.7421
Control/Functional Split: 846/94

In [12]:

t-value: -8.4754 
p-value: 8.994E-17
Effect size: -0.7754
Control/Functional Split: 799/141

Performing t-tests on gene expression of all genes in regions associated with reward and brain regions not associated with reward

In [6]:
ttest_metrics = A.term_ge_ttest_multi('reward',quant=90)

This may take a couple of minutes ...

Plotting effect size of all ttests

In [7]:

In the cell below, we querry the NIH database for the top 20 genes that were found to be associated with reward.

The 7th highest, out of 20,000 probes is the dopamine transporter and the 17th is the D2 receptor.

In [7]:
top_genes = A.fetch_gene_descriptions(ttest_metrics,csv_path='/Users/Torben/Code/nsaba/csv/')

Gene 100008589 not found in NIH database
Gene 348807 not found in NIH database
Gene 83550 not found in NIH database
Gene 54874 not found in NIH database
Gene 90293 not found in NIH database
Gene 159686 not found in NIH database
Gene 161582 not found in NIH database
Gene 146754 not found in NIH database
Gene 93556 not found in NIH database
Gene 441054 not found in NIH database
Gene 196996 not found in NIH database
Gene 256815 not found in NIH database
Gene 353134 not found in NIH database

Corrected Bonferroni Alpha: 2.405E-06

3598 (p = 4.688E-13; d = -0.799): [u'The protein encoded by this gene is closely related to Il13RA1, a subuint of the interleukin 13 receptor complex. This protein binds IL13 with high affinity, but lacks cytoplasmic domain, and does not appear to function as a signal mediator. It is reported to play a role in the internalization of IL13. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]']

1814 (p = 1.138E-12; d = -0.786): [u'This gene encodes the D3 subtype of the five (D1-D5) dopamine receptors. The activity of the D3 subtype receptor is mediated by G proteins which inhibit adenylyl cyclase. This receptor is localized to the limbic areas of the brain, which are associated with cognitive, emotional, and endocrine functions. Genetic variation in this gene may be associated with susceptibility to hereditary essential tremor 1. Alternative splicing of this gene results in transcript variants encoding different isoforms, although some variants may be subject to nonsense-mediated decay (NMD). [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]']

341 (p = 1.075E-11; d = -0.749): [u'The protein encoded by this gene is a member of the apolipoprotein C1 family. This gene is expressed primarily in the liver, and it is activated when monocytes differentiate into macrophages. A pseudogene of this gene is located 4 kb downstream in the same orientation, on the same chromosome. This gene is mapped to chromosome 19, where it resides within a apolipoprotein gene cluster. Alternatively spliced transcript variants have been found for this gene, but the biological validity of some variants has not been determined. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]']

2138 (p = 1.157E-11; d = -0.748): [u'This gene encodes a member of the eyes absent (EYA) family of proteins. The encoded protein may play a role in the developing kidney, branchial arches, eye, and ear. Mutations of this gene have been associated with branchiootorenal dysplasia syndrome, branchiootic syndrome, and sporadic cases of congenital cataracts and ocular anterior segment anomalies. A similar protein in mice can act as a transcriptional activator. Alternatively spliced transcript variants have been identified for this gene. [provided by RefSeq, Dec 2013]']

1813 (p = 1.684E-11; d = -0.742): [u'This gene encodes the D2 subtype of the dopamine receptor. This G-protein coupled receptor inhibits adenylyl cyclase activity. A missense mutation in this gene causes myoclonus dystonia; other mutations have been associated with schizophrenia. Alternative splicing of this gene results in two transcript variants encoding different isoforms. A third variant has been described, but it has not been determined whether this form is normal or due to aberrant splicing. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]']

4291 (p = 2.300E-11; d = -0.737): No description found

3169 (p = 9.331E-11; d = -0.716): [u'This gene encodes a member of the forkhead class of DNA-binding proteins. These hepatocyte nuclear factors are transcriptional activators for liver-specific transcripts such as albumin and transthyretin, and they also interact with chromatin. Similar family members in mice have roles in the regulation of metabolism and in the differentiation of the pancreas and liver. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]']

Scraping Method

The discriptions for the genes in the list above were generated using methods from the geneinfo module. See below

In [25]:
from nsaba.nsaba import geneinfo

#get information about given genes from the NIH gene database
gene_information = geneinfo.scrape_nih_gene_info(str(genes[0]))
print gene_information

#The GeneCards database can also be searched to find the entrez id of a given gene using the following method:
#genecard_entrez_id = geneinfo.fetch_entrez_ids('DRD2',0)
#print genecard_entrez_id

(u'dopamine receptor D2', [u'This gene encodes the D2 subtype of the dopamine receptor. This G-protein coupled receptor inhibits adenylyl cyclase activity. A missense mutation in this gene causes myoclonus dystonia; other mutations have been associated with schizophrenia. Alternative splicing of this gene results in two transcript variants encoding different isoforms. A third variant has been described, but it has not been determined whether this form is normal or due to aberrant splicing. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]'])

Builder Module for Long Operations

Currently in development but can build pkl files of term and gene estimations for later use. Runtimes can exceed 1 hr.

In [24]:
from nsaba.nsaba import builder

NB = builder.NsabaBuilder()

