DIC_LAB_4_QNS_1 : Making a Word Cloud

In [1]:
Sys.setlocale(category = "LC_ALL", locale = "C")

Loading required package: RColorBrewer
Loading required package: NLP

Attaching package: ‘dplyr’

The following objects are masked from ‘package:twitteR’:

    id, location

The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:

    filter, lag

The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:

    intersect, setdiff, setequal, union


function to remove the urls

In [252]:
removeURL = function(x) {
    str = gsub("[<].*[>]", "", gsub("http[^[:space:]]*", "", x))
    return (str)

Authorize twitter API keys

In [6]:

[1] "Using direct authentication"

Set the number of tweets to collect

In [29]:
LIMIT = 1000

Set the search String

In [30]:
searchTopicString = "#MachineLearning"

Search the twitter for above mentioned string

In [31]:
topicTweets = searchTwitter(searchTopicString,LIMIT)

In [32]:
topicTweets = strip_retweets(topicTweets)

Show some data

In [33]:

[1] "missdkingsbury: Check out @Google #Cloud Platform #BigData and #MachineLearning Fundamentals #course for only $60! https://t.co/Q6tmNsbsEw via @coursera"

[1] "joshinav: #AI app knows when couples are fighting, may someday predict (and prevent) conflict <U+201D> https://t.co/oquzRv2fTi #MachineLearning"

[1] "xtools_at: The mind in the machine: Demis Hassabis on artificial intelligence #machinelearning #bigdata #ai https://t.co/KbXDUwc61L"

[1] "sparkl3rz: Is #machinelearning the End of #Marketing As We Know It?\n#AI #bigdata #ML #digital... https://t.co/HIWNi7UTGJ by<U+2026> https://t.co/kMq8SqGaSn"

[1] "Chemo101: The latest The https://t.co/y6uFR8X6an Daily! https://t.co/eZcQP4aQUL Thanks to @bon__fifi #bigdata #machinelearning"

[1] "Dr_Who: il #MachineLearning per confermare i trend di fondo #digitalklive #BigData"

Convert the tweets to Dataframe

In [34]:
topicTweetsDf = twListToDF(topicTweets)

Show the converted tweets as a dataframe

In [35]:

Check out @Google #Cloud Platform #BigData and #MachineLearning Fundamentals #course for only $60! https://t.co/Q6tmNsbsEw via @coursera FALSE 0 NA 2017-04-22 13:34:56 FALSE NA 855776939822338048 NA <a href="http://twitter.com" rel="nofollow">Twitter Web Client</a> missdkingsbury 0 FALSE FALSE NA NA
#AI app knows when couples are fighting, may someday predict (and prevent) conflict <U+201D> https://t.co/oquzRv2fTi #MachineLearning FALSE 0 NA 2017-04-22 13:34:00 FALSE NA 855776705365118981 NA <a href="http://bufferapp.com" rel="nofollow">Buffer</a> joshinav 0 FALSE FALSE NA NA
The mind in the machine: Demis Hassabis on artificial intelligence #machinelearning #bigdata #ai https://t.co/KbXDUwc61L FALSE 0 NA 2017-04-22 13:33:20 FALSE NA 855776536485670912 NA <a href="https://ifttt.com" rel="nofollow">IFTTT</a> xtools_at 0 FALSE FALSE NA NA
Is #machinelearning the End of #Marketing As We Know It? #AI #bigdata #ML #digital... https://t.co/HIWNi7UTGJ by<U+2026> https://t.co/kMq8SqGaSnFALSE 1 NA 2017-04-22 13:32:41 TRUE NA 855776373360742403 NA <a href="http://linkis.com" rel="nofollow">Linkis: turn sharing into growth</a> sparkl3rz 0 FALSE FALSE NA NA
The latest The https://t.co/y6uFR8X6an Daily! https://t.co/eZcQP4aQUL Thanks to @bon__fifi #bigdata #machinelearning FALSE 1 NA 2017-04-22 13:32:22 FALSE NA 855776291378929664 NA <a href="http://paper.li" rel="nofollow">Paper.li</a> Chemo101 0 FALSE FALSE NA NA
il #MachineLearning per confermare i trend di fondo #digitalklive #BigData FALSE 1 NA 2017-04-22 13:32:09 FALSE NA 855776238698418177 NA <a href="http://twitter.com" rel="nofollow">Twitter Web Client</a> Dr_Who 1 FALSE FALSE NA NA

Save the tweets

In [36]:
saveRDS(topicTweetsDf,file = "topicTweetsDf.Rda")

Load the tweets

In [253]:
topicTweetsDf = readRDS(file = "topicTweetsDf.Rda")

Select only the text field of the tweets

In [254]:
topicTweetsTextDf = data.frame(topicTweetsDf$text, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

Rename the column name

In [255]:
colnames(topicTweetsTextDf) <- c("text")

Show the data

In [256]:

Check out @Google #Cloud Platform #BigData and #MachineLearning Fundamentals #course for only $60! https://t.co/Q6tmNsbsEw via @coursera
#AI app knows when couples are fighting, may someday predict (and prevent) conflict <U+201D> https://t.co/oquzRv2fTi #MachineLearning
The mind in the machine: Demis Hassabis on artificial intelligence #machinelearning #bigdata #ai https://t.co/KbXDUwc61L
Is #machinelearning the End of #Marketing As We Know It? #AI #bigdata #ML #digital... https://t.co/HIWNi7UTGJ by<U+2026> https://t.co/kMq8SqGaSn
The latest The https://t.co/y6uFR8X6an Daily! https://t.co/eZcQP4aQUL Thanks to @bon__fifi #bigdata #machinelearning
il #MachineLearning per confermare i trend di fondo #digitalklive #BigData

In [257]:

'Is #machinelearning the End of #Marketing As We Know It? #AI #bigdata #ML #digital... by… '

Remove all the urls

In [258]:
len = nrow(topicTweetsTextDf)
for(i in 1:len) {
  topicTweetsTextDf$text[i] = removeURL(topicTweetsTextDf$text[i])

Check out @Google #Cloud Platform #BigData and #MachineLearning Fundamentals #course for only $60! via @coursera
#AI app knows when couples are fighting, may someday predict (and prevent) conflict <U+201D> #MachineLearning
The mind in the machine: Demis Hassabis on artificial intelligence #machinelearning #bigdata #ai
Is #machinelearning the End of #Marketing As We Know It? #AI #bigdata #ML #digital... by<U+2026>
The latest The Daily! Thanks to @bon__fifi #bigdata #machinelearning
il #MachineLearning per confermare i trend di fondo #digitalklive #BigData

Show the data cleaned in above step

In [259]:

Check out @Google #Cloud Platform #BigData and #MachineLearning Fundamentals #course for only $60! via @coursera
#AI app knows when couples are fighting, may someday predict (and prevent) conflict <U+201D> #MachineLearning
The mind in the machine: Demis Hassabis on artificial intelligence #machinelearning #bigdata #ai
Is #machinelearning the End of #Marketing As We Know It? #AI #bigdata #ML #digital... by<U+2026>
The latest The Daily! Thanks to @bon__fifi #bigdata #machinelearning
il #MachineLearning per confermare i trend di fondo #digitalklive #BigData

Write the data in a file for Hadoop Map Reduce

In [260]:
write.table(topicTweetsTextDf, "/home/vipin/hadoopLocal/tweetText.txt", row.names = FALSE)

Read the file which is generated by hadoop word count program

In [264]:
mydata = read.csv("/home/vipin/hadoopLocal/hashtags.txt",sep="",header = FALSE)

Convert the data into a matrix

In [265]:
tdm = as.matrix(mydata)

Make the word cloud from this matrix

In [266]:
wordcloud(tdm, max.words = 250, min.freq =1, random.order = FALSE,colors = brewer.pal(4, "Dark2"))

Warning message in wordcloud(tdm, max.words = 250, min.freq = 1, random.order = FALSE, :
"kirkdborneu2026 could not be fit on page. It will not be plotted."Warning message in wordcloud(tdm, max.words = 250, min.freq = 1, random.order = FALSE, :
"nerderymisfit could not be fit on page. It will not be plotted."Warning message in wordcloud(tdm, max.words = 250, min.freq = 1, random.order = FALSE, :
"pymntsu2026 could not be fit on page. It will not be plotted."Warning message in wordcloud(tdm, max.words = 250, min.freq = 1, random.order = FALSE, :
"sagittarscopes could not be fit on page. It will not be plotted."


In [ ]: