Bar Learning problem

The implementation of the bar learning problem is located in the examples/bar_learning folder. The bar learning problem describes the process of learning receptive fields on an artificial input pattern. Images consisting of independent bars are used. Those images are generated as following: an 8*8 image can filled randomly by eight horizontal or vertical bars, with a probability of 1/8 for each.

These input images are fed into a neural population, whose neurons should learn to extract the independent components of the input distribution, namely single horizontal or vertical bars.

If you have pyqtgraph installed, you can simply try the network by typing:


Model overview

The model consists of two populations Input and Feature. The size of Input should be chosen to fit the input image size (here 8*8). The number of neurons in the Feature population should be higher than the total number of independent bars (16, we choose here 32 neurons). The Feature population gets excitory connections from Input through an all-to-all connection pattern. The same pattern is used for the inhibitory connections within Feature.

Defining the neurons and populations

In [1]:
from ANNarchy import *


ANNarchy 4.6 (4.6.9b) on linux (posix). 

Input population:

The input pattern will be clamped into this population by the main loop for every trial, so we need just an empty neuron at this point:

In [2]:
InputNeuron = Neuron(parameters="r = 0.0")

The trick here is to declare r as a parameter, not a variable: its value will not be computed by the simulator, but only set by external input. The Input population can then be created:

In [3]:
Input = Population(geometry=(8, 8), neuron=InputNeuron)

Feature population:

The neuron type composing this population sums up all the excitory inputs gain from Input and the lateral inhibition within Feature.

$$\tau \frac {dr_{j}^{\text{Feature}}}{dt} + r_{j}^{Feature} = \sum_{i} w_{ij} \cdot r_{i}^{\text{Input}} - \sum_{k, k \ne j} w_{kj} * r_{k}^{Feature}$$

could be implemented as the following:

In [4]:
LeakyNeuron = Neuron(
        tau = 10.0 : population
        tau * dr/dt + r = sum(exc) - sum(inh) : min=0.0

The firing rate is restricted to positive values with the min=0.0 flag. The population is created in the following way:

In [5]:
Feature = Population(geometry=(8, 4), neuron=LeakyNeuron)

We give it a (8, 4) geometry for visualization only, it does not influence computations at all.

Defining the synapse and projections

Both feedforward (Input $\rightarrow$ Feature) and lateral (Feature $\rightarrow$ Feature) projections are learned using the Oja learning rule (a regularized Hebbian learning rule ensuring the sum of all weights coming to a neuron is constant). Only some parameters will differ between the projections.

$$\tau \frac{dw_{ij}}{dt} = r_{i} * r_{j} - \alpha * r_{j}^{2} * w_{ij}$$

where $\alpha$ is a parameter defining the strength of the regularization, $r_i$ is the pre-synaptic firing rate and $r_j$ the post-synaptic one. The implementation of this synapse type is straightforward:

In [6]:
Oja = Synapse(
        tau = 2000.0 : postsynaptic
        alpha = 8.0 : postsynaptic
        min_w = 0.0 : postsynaptic
        tau * dw/dt = pre.r * post.r - alpha * post.r^2 * w : min=min_w

For this network we need to create two projections, one excitory between the populations Input and Feature and one inhibitory within the Feature population itself:

In [7]:
ff = Projection(
    synapse = Oja    
ff.connect_all_to_all(weights = Uniform(-0.5, 0.5))
lat = Projection(
    synapse = Oja
lat.connect_all_to_all(weights = Uniform(0.0, 1.0))

<ANNarchy.core.Projection.Projection at 0x7fd607c6e8b0>

The two projections are all-to-all and use the Oja synapse type. They only differ by the parameter alpha (lower in lat) and the fact that the weights of ff are allowed to be negative (so we set the minimum value to -10.0):

In [8]:
ff.min_w = -10.0
lat.alpha = 0.3

Setting inputs

Once the network is defined, one has to specify how inputs are fed into the Input population. A simple solution is to define a method that sets the firing rate of Input according to the specified probabilities every time it is called, and runs the simulation for 50 ms:

In [9]:
def trial():
    # Reset the firing rate for all neurons
    Input.r = 0.0
    # Clamp horizontal bars randomly
    for h in range(Input.geometry[0]):
        if np.random.random() < 1.0/ float(Input.geometry[0]):
            Input[h, :].r = 1.0
    # Clamp vertical bars randomly
    for w in range(Input.geometry[1]):
        if np.random.random() < 1.0/ float(Input.geometry[1]):
            Input[:, w].r = 1.0
    # Simulate for 50ms
    # Return firing rates and receptive fields for visualization
    return Input.r, Feature.r, ff.receptive_fields()

One can use here a single value or a Numpy array (e.g. np.zeros(Input.geometry))) to reset activity in Input, it does not matter.

For all possible horizontal bars, a decision is then made whether the bar should appear or not, in which case the firing rate of the correspondng neurons is set to 1.0:

    for h in range(Input.geometry[0]):
        if np.random.random() < 1.0/ float(Input.geometry[0]):
            Input[h, :].r = 1.0

Input[h, :] is a PopulationView, i.e. a group of neurons defined by the sub-indices (here the row of index h). Their attributes, such as r, can be accessed as if it were a regular population. The same is done for vertical bars.

Running the simulation

Once the method for setting inputs is defined, the simulation can be started. A basic approach would be to define a for loop where the trial() method is called repetitively:

In [10]:

for t in range(1000):
    input_r, feature_r, weights = trial()

In [11]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10))
plt.imshow(input_r.T, interpolation='nearest',
plt.imshow(feature_r.T, interpolation='nearest',
plt.imshow(weights.T, interpolation='nearest',
plt.title('Receptive fields')

In the file, a visualization class using pyqtgraph is imported from, but the user is free to use whatever method he prefers to visualize the result of learning.

from Viz import Viewer
view = Viewer(func=trial)