Reading segY seismic files with obspy

Corresponding obspy documentation can be found at:

Each file has a general form of T traces, where the i-th trace can be accessed in segyfile.traces[i]. Each trace has N samples that are accessed in segyfile.traces[i].data and the j-th data point is accessed in segyfile.traces[i].data[j]. N is such that $N = n\Delta_y$, where $\Delta_y$ is the is the size of the y-dimension.

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import numpy as np

from PIL import Image
from import segy
import urllib
import numpy as np

Reading the data:

In [2]:
segyfile = segy._read_segy('/Users/mviana/Documents/IBMProjects/Seismic/SegY2TifConv/PSDM_IL1500_2600_XL_3100_6500_time.sgy')

In [180]:
def CropAndEqualize(mtraces):
    mtraces = mtraces[600:1500,:]
    mtraces[mtraces<-3E4] = -3E4
    mtraces[mtraces>+3E4] = +3E4
    mtraces = 255*(mtraces-np.min(mtraces))/(np.max(mtraces)-np.min(mtraces))
    mtraces = mtraces.astype(np.uint8)
    return mtraces

In [182]:
ntraces  = 3401
nsamples = len(segyfile.traces[0].data)
nimages  = round(len(segyfile.traces)/ntraces)
mtraces  = np.zeros((nsamples, ntraces))

nimages  = 1000

for image in range(nimages):
    for trace in range(ntraces):
        mtraces[:,trace] = segyfile.traces[trace+(image*ntraces)].data
    FileName = '/Users/mviana/Documents/IBMProjects/Seismic/SegY2TifConv/volume/Image' + str(image).zfill(4) + '.tif'

In [ ]: