In [ ]:
# hide
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Vespa library for data analysis

Provide data analysis support for Vespa applications


pip install pyvespa

Connect to a Vespa app

Connect to a running Vespa application

In [ ]:
from vespa.application import Vespa

app = Vespa(url = "")

Define a Query model

Easily define matching and ranking criteria

In [ ]:
from vespa.query import Query, Union, WeakAnd, ANN, RankProfile
from random import random

match_phase = Union(
    WeakAnd(hits = 10), 
        embedding_model=lambda x: [random() for x in range(768)],
        hits = 10,

rank_profile = RankProfile(name="bm25", list_features=True)

query_model = Query(match_phase=match_phase, rank_profile=rank_profile)

Query the vespa app

Send queries via the query API. See the query page for more examples.

In [ ]:
query_result = app.query(
    query="Is remdesivir an effective treatment for COVID-19?", 

In [ ]:

Labelled data

How to structure labelled data

In [ ]:
labelled_data = [
        "query_id": 0, 
        "query": "Intrauterine virus infections and congenital heart disease",
        "relevant_docs": [{"id": 0, "score": 1}, {"id": 3, "score": 1}]
        "query_id": 1, 
        "query": "Clinical and immunologic studies in identical twins discordant for systemic lupus erythematosus",
        "relevant_docs": [{"id": 1, "score": 1}, {"id": 5, "score": 1}]

Non-relevant documents are assigned "score": 0 by default. Relevant documents will be assigned "score": 1 by default if the field is missing from the labelled data. The defaults for both relevant and non-relevant documents can be modified on the appropriate methods.

Collect training data

Collect training data to analyse and/or improve ranking functions. See the collect training data page for more examples.

In [ ]:
training_data_batch = app.collect_training_data(
    labelled_data = labelled_data,
    id_field = "id",
    query_model = query_model,
    number_additional_docs = 2

Evaluating a query model

Define metrics and evaluate query models. See the evaluation page for more examples.

We will define the following evaluation metrics:

  • % of documents retrieved per query
  • recall @ 10 per query
  • MRR @ 10 per query

In [ ]:
from vespa.evaluation import MatchRatio, Recall, ReciprocalRank

eval_metrics = [MatchRatio(), Recall(at=10), ReciprocalRank(at=10)]


In [ ]:
evaluation = app.evaluate(
    labelled_data = labelled_data,
    eval_metrics = eval_metrics, 
    query_model = query_model, 
    id_field = "id",