In [1]:
#r "nuget:MathNet.Numerics"
#r "nuget:MathNet.Numerics.FSharp"
#r "nuget:XPlot.Plotly"
In [2]:
open MathNet.Numerics
open MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra
open MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Factorization
open MathNet.Numerics.Statistics
open XPlot.Plotly
In [3]:
// Some helper function related to building charts.
let line nm clr (xs, ys) = Scatter (x = xs, y = ys, name = nm, line = Line(color = clr))
let points nm clr (xs, ys) = Scatter (x = xs, y = ys, mode = "markers", name = nm, marker = Marker (color=clr, size = 8))
In [4]:
// The data set
let xs = vector [2.5; 0.5; 2.2; 1.9; 3.1; 2.3; 2.0; 1.0; 1.5; 1.1]
let ys = vector [2.4; 0.7; 2.9; 2.2; 3.0; 2.7; 1.6; 1.1; 1.6; 0.9]
points "XY" "red" (xs, ys)
|> Chart.Plot
|> Chart.WithWidth 700
|> Chart.WithHeight 500
|> Chart.WithTitle "XY"
In [5]:
// Compute the mean and normalize the data
let mx = xs |> Statistics.Mean
let my = ys |> Statistics.Mean
let nxs = xs |> (fun x -> x - mx)
let nys = ys |> (fun y -> y - my)
[points "NXY" "red" (nxs, nys)]
|> Chart.Plot
|> Chart.WithWidth 700
|> Chart.WithHeight 500
|> Chart.WithTitle "Normalized"
In [6]:
// Compute the covariance matrix
let cxx = Statistics.Covariance(nxs, nxs)
let cyy = Statistics.Covariance(nys, nys)
let cxy = Statistics.Covariance(nxs, nys)
let cyx = Statistics.Covariance(nys, nxs)
let cov = matrix [[cxx; cxy]; [cyx; cyy]]
printfn "cov=%O" cov
In [7]:
// Compute the Eigen values and vectors
let evd = cov.Evd()
let evals = evd.EigenValues |> (fun x -> x.Real)
let evecs = evd.EigenVectors
printfn "evals=%O" evals
printfn "evecs=%O" evecs
In [8]:
// Compute the principal components (the ones with lasger eigen values)
let idx = if evals.[0] < evals.[1] then 1 else 0
printfn "idx=%d" idx
In [9]:
// Compute the weight.
let fvec = evecs.Row(idx)
printfn "X=%.4f" fvec.[0]
printfn "Y=%.4f" fvec.[1]
let w = fvec.[1] / fvec.[0]
printfn "w=%.4f" w
In [10]:
// Plot the principal line
let pxs = [-2.; -1.; 0.; 1.; 2.]
let pys = pxs |> (fun x -> x * w)
let trace1 = line "pca" "blue" (pxs, pys)
let trace2 = points "nxy" "red" (nxs, nys)
[trace1; trace2]
|> Chart.Plot
|> Chart.WithWidth 700
|> Chart.WithHeight 500
|> Chart.WithTitle "PCA"
In [11]:
// Project the points to the PCA
let ndt = matrix [nxs; nys]
let res = evecs * ndt
printfn "xs\n%O" res
let rxs = res.Row(idx)
let rys = res.Row(0)
let trace2 = points "rxy" "red" (rxs, rys)
|> Chart.Plot
|> Chart.WithWidth 700
|> Chart.WithHeight 500
|> Chart.WithTitle "PCA"
In [12]:
let fxs = rxs |> Vector.toList
let fys = fxs |> (fun _ -> 0.)
let trace2 = points "fxy" "red" (fxs, fys)
|> Chart.Plot
|> Chart.WithWidth 700
|> Chart.WithHeight 500
|> Chart.WithTitle "PCA"
In [ ]: