Post processing:

  • Global Signal Regression using orthogonalization
  • Band Pass filtering 0.1 - 0.01 Hz
  • Motion regression using GLM

In [1]:
from bids.grabbids import BIDSLayout
from nipype.interfaces.fsl import (BET, ExtractROI, FAST, FLIRT, ImageMaths,
                                   MCFLIRT, SliceTimer, Threshold,Info, ConvertXFM,MotionOutliers)
from nipype.interfaces.afni import Resample
from import DataSink
from nipype.pipeline import Node, MapNode, Workflow, JoinNode
from nipype.interfaces.utility import IdentityInterface, Function
import os
from os.path import join as opj
from nipype.interfaces import afni
import nibabel as nib
import json    
import numpy as np

Failed to import duecredit due to No module named 'duecredit.version'

In [2]:
# Paths

path_cwd = os.getcwd()
path_split_list = path_cwd.split('/')
s = path_split_list[0:-1] # for getting to the parent dir of pwd
s = opj('/',*s) # *s converts list to path, # very important to add '/' in the begining so it is read as directory later

In [3]:
# json_path = opj(data_directory,'task-rest_bold.json')

json_path = 'scripts/json/paths.json'
with open(json_path, 'rt') as fp:
    task_info = json.load(fp)

In [4]:
# base_directory = opj(s,'result') 
# parent_wf_directory = 'preprocessPipeline_ABIDE2_GU1_withfloat'
# child_wf_directory = 'coregistrationPipeline'

# data_directory = opj(s,"data/ABIDE2-BIDS/GU1")

# datasink_name = 'datasink_preprocessed_ABIDE2_GU1_withfloat'

base_directory = opj(s,task_info["base_directory_for_results"]) 
motion_correction_bet_directory = task_info["motion_correction_bet_directory"]
parent_wf_directory = task_info["parent_wf_directory"]
# functional_connectivity_directory = task_info["functional_connectivity_directory"]
functional_connectivity_directory = 'temp_fc'
coreg_reg_directory = task_info["coreg_reg_directory"]
atlas_resize_reg_directory = task_info["atlas_resize_reg_directory"]
data_directory = opj(s,task_info["data_directory"])
datasink_name = task_info["datasink_name"]
fc_datasink_name = task_info["fc_datasink_name"]
fc_datasink_name = 'temp_dataSink'
atlasPath = opj(s,task_info["atlas_path"])

# mask_file = '/media/varun/LENOVO4/Projects/result/preprocessPipeline/coregistrationPipeline/_subject_id_0050952/skullStrip/sub-0050952_T1w_resample_brain_mask.nii.gz'
# os.chdir(path)

In [5]:
# opj(base_directory,parent_wf_directory,motion_correction_bet_directory,coreg_reg_directory,'resample_mni')

In [6]:
brain_path = opj(base_directory,datasink_name,'preprocessed_brain_paths/brain_file_list.npy')
mask_path = opj(base_directory,datasink_name,'preprocessed_mask_paths/mask_file_list.npy')
atlas_path = opj(base_directory,datasink_name,'atlas_paths/atlas_file_list.npy')
tr_path = opj(base_directory,datasink_name,'tr_paths/tr_list.npy')
motion_params_path = opj(base_directory,datasink_name,'motion_params_paths/motion_params_file_list.npy')

func2std_mat_path = opj(base_directory, datasink_name,'joint_xformation_matrix_paths/joint_xformation_matrix_file_list.npy')

MNI3mm_path = opj(base_directory,parent_wf_directory,motion_correction_bet_directory,coreg_reg_directory,'resample_mni/MNI152_T1_2mm_brain_resample.nii') 

# brain_list = np.load('../results_again_again/ABIDE1_Preprocess_Datasink/preprocessed_brain_paths/brain_file_list.npy')

In [7]:
# brain_path,mask_path,atlas_path,tr_path,motion_params_path,func2std_mat_path

In [ ]:

In [8]:
brain_path = np.load(brain_path)
mask_path = np.load(mask_path)
atlas_path = np.load(atlas_path)
tr_path = np.load(tr_path)
motion_params_path = np.load(motion_params_path)
func2std_mat_path = np.load(func2std_mat_path)

In [9]:
# for a,b,c,d,e in zip(brain_path,mask_path,atlas_path,tr_path,motion_params_path):
#     print (a,b,c,d,e,'\n')

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [10]:
layout = BIDSLayout(data_directory)

number_of_subjects = 2 # Number of subjects you wish to preprocess
# number_of_subjects = len(layout.get_subjects())

Checking the Data directory Structure

In [11]:
# len(layout.get_subjects()) # working!Gives us list of all the subjects

In [12]:
# layout.get_subjects();

To get the metadata associated with a subject. [Takes as argumment the filename of subject ]

Create a list of subjects

In [13]:
subject_list = (layout.get_subjects())[0:number_of_subjects]

In [14]:
# layout.get();

Create our own custom function - BIDSDataGrabber using a Function Interface.

In [15]:
# def get_nifti_filenames(subject_id,data_dir):
# #     Remember that all the necesary imports need to be INSIDE the function for the Function Interface to work!
#     from bids.grabbids import BIDSLayout
#     layout = BIDSLayout(data_dir)
#     anat_file_path = [f.filename for f in layout.get(subject=subject_id, type='T1w', extensions=['nii', 'nii.gz'])]
#     func_file_path = [f.filename for f in layout.get(subject=subject_id, type='bold', run='1', extensions=['nii', 'nii.gz'])]
#     return anat_file_path[0],func_file_path[0]

# # Refer to Supplementary material section One for info on arguments for layout.get()

Wrap it inside a Node

In [16]:
# BIDSDataGrabber = Node(Function(function=get_nifti_filenames, input_names=['subject_id','data_dir'],
#                                 output_names=['anat_file_path','func_file_path']), name='BIDSDataGrabber')
# # BIDSDataGrabber.iterables = [('subject_id',subject_list)]
# BIDSDataGrabber.inputs.data_dir = data_directory

In [17]:
# len(subject_list)

In [ ]:

Define a function to fetch the filenames of a particular subject ID

In [18]:
def get_subject_filenames(subject_id,brain_path,mask_path,atlas_path,tr_path,motion_params_path,func2std_mat_path,MNI3mm_path):
    import re

    for brain,mask,atlas,tr,motion_param,func2std_mat in zip(brain_path,mask_path,atlas_path,tr_path,motion_params_path,func2std_mat_path):
        sub_id_extracted ='.+_subject_id_(\d+)', brain).group(1)
        if subject_id == sub_id_extracted:
#             print("Files for subject ",subject_id,brain,mask,atlas,tr,motion_param)
            return brain,mask,atlas,tr,motion_param,func2std_mat,MNI3mm_path
    print ('Unable to locate Subject: ',subject_id,'extracted: ',sub_id_extracted)
    return 0

In [19]:
# Make a node
getSubjectFilenames = Node(Function(function=get_subject_filenames, input_names=['subject_id','brain_path','mask_path','atlas_path','tr_path','motion_params_path','func2std_mat_path','MNI3mm_path'],
                                output_names=['brain','mask','atlas','tr','motion_param','func2std_mat', 'MNI3mm_path']), name='getSubjectFilenames')

getSubjectFilenames.inputs.brain_path = brain_path
getSubjectFilenames.inputs.mask_path = mask_path
getSubjectFilenames.inputs.atlas_path = atlas_path
getSubjectFilenames.inputs.tr_path = tr_path
getSubjectFilenames.inputs.motion_params_path = motion_params_path
getSubjectFilenames.inputs.func2std_mat_path = func2std_mat_path
getSubjectFilenames.inputs.MNI3mm_path = MNI3mm_path

In [20]:
# import re
# text = '/home1/varunk/results_again_again/ABIDE1_Preprocess/motion_correction_bet/coreg_reg/atlas_resize_reg_directory/_subject_id_0050004/111std2func_xform/fullbrain_atlas_thr0-2mm_resample_flirt.nii'

# try:
#     found ='.+_subject_id_(\d+)', text).group(1)
# except AttributeError:
#     # AAA, ZZZ not found in the original string
#     found = '' # apply your error handling

# # found: 1234

In [21]:
# found

In [22]:
infosource = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=['subject_id']),

infosource.iterables = [('subject_id',subject_list)]

# ,'brain_path','mask_path','atlas_path','tr_path','motion_params_path'
# infosource.brain_path = brain_path
# infosource.mask_path = mask_path
# infosource.atlas_path = atlas_path
# infosource.tr_path = tr_path
# infosource.motion_params_path = motion_params_path

Band Pass Filtering

Let's do a band pass filtering on the data using the code from

In [23]:
### AFNI

bandpass = Node(afni.Bandpass(highpass=0.01, lowpass=0.1, 
                         despike=False, no_detrend=True, notrans=True, 

# bandpass = Node(afni.Bandpass(highpass=0.001, lowpass=0.01, 
#                          despike=False, no_detrend=True, notrans=True, 
#                          tr=2.0,outputtype='NIFTI_GZ'),name='bandpass')

# bandpass.inputs.mask = MNI152_2mm.outputs.mask_file

# highpass=0.008, lowpass=0.08,

In [24]:
# Testing bandpass on the func data in subject's space

# First comment out the bandpass.inputs.mask as it is in standard space.

# subject_id = layout.get_subjects()[0] # gives the first subject's ID
# func_file_path = [f.filename for f in layout.get(subject=subject_id, type='bold', extensions=['nii', 'nii.gz'])] 
# bandpass.inputs.in_file = func_file_path[0]
# res =;

In [25]:
# res.outputs.out_file

Highpass filtering

In [26]:
# os.chdir('/home1/varunk/Autism-Connectome-Analysis-bids-related/')
highpass = Node(afni.Bandpass(highpass=0.01, lowpass=99999, 
                         despike=False, no_detrend=True, notrans=True, 

In [1]:
# # Test

# subject_id = layout.get_subjects()[0] # gives the first subject's ID
# func_file_path = [f.filename for f in layout.get(subject=subject_id, type='bold', extensions=['nii', 'nii.gz'])] 
# highpass.inputs.in_file = func_file_path[0]
# res =;


Using 6mm fwhm

sigma = 6/2.3548 = 2.547987090198743

In [3]:
spatialSmooth = Node(interface=ImageMaths(op_string='-s 2.5479',

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-db2476687e84> in <module>()
----> 1 spatial_smooth = Node(interface=ImageMaths(op_string='-s 2.5479',
      2                                             suffix='_smoothed'),
      3                    name='spatial_smooth')

NameError: name 'Node' is not defined

In [187]:
def orthogonalize(in_file, mask_file):
    import numpy as np
    import nibabel as nib
    import os
    from os.path import join as opj
    def gram_schmidt(voxel_time_series, mean_vector):
        numerator =,mean_vector)
        dinominator =,mean_vector)
        voxel_time_series_orthogonalized = voxel_time_series - (numerator/dinominator)*mean_vector
#         sum_dot_prod = np.sum(,mean_vector))
#         print('Sum of entries of orthogonalized vector = ',sum_dot_prod)
        return voxel_time_series_orthogonalized
    mask_data = nib.load(mask_file)
    mask = mask_data.get_data()
    brain_data = nib.load(in_file)
    brain = brain_data.get_data()

    x_dim, y_dim, z_dim, t_dim = brain_data.shape
    # Find mean brain
    mean_vector = np.zeros(t_dim)
    num_brain_voxels = 0
    # Count the number of brain voxels
    for i in range(x_dim):
        for j in range(y_dim):
            for k in range(z_dim):
                if mask[i,j,k] == 1:
                    mean_vector = mean_vector + brain[i,j,k,:]
                    num_brain_voxels = num_brain_voxels + 1
    mean_vector = mean_vector / num_brain_voxels
    # Orthogonalize
    for i in range(x_dim):
        for j in range(y_dim):
            for k in range(z_dim):
                if mask[i,j,k] == 1:
                    brain[i,j,k,:] = gram_schmidt(brain[i,j,k,:], mean_vector)
    sub_id = in_file.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0].split('_')[0].split('-')[1]
    gsr_file_name = 'sub-' + sub_id + '_task-rest_run-1_bold.nii.gz'
#     gsr_file_name_nii = gsr_file_name + '.nii.gz'
    out_file = opj(os.getcwd(),gsr_file_name) # path
    brain_with_header = nib.Nifti1Image(brain, affine=brain_data.affine,header = brain_data.header),gsr_file_name)
    return out_file

In [188]:
globalSignalRemoval = Node(Function(function=orthogonalize, input_names=['in_file','mask_file'], 
                                  output_names=['out_file']), name='globalSignalRemoval' )
# globalSignalRemoval.inputs.mask_file = mask_file
# globalSignalRemoval.iterables = [('in_file',file_paths)]

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

GLM for regression of motion parameters

In [189]:
def calc_residuals(subject,
    Calculates residuals of nuisance regressors -motion parameters for every voxel for a subject using GLM.
    subject : string
        Path of a subject's motion corrected nifti file.
    motion_par_file : string
        path of a subject's motion parameters
    residual_file : string
        Path of residual file in nifti format
    import nibabel as nb
    import numpy as np
    import os
    from os.path import join as opj
    nii = nb.load(subject)
    data = nii.get_data().astype(np.float32)
    global_mask = (data != 0).sum(-1) != 0

    # Check and define regressors which are provided from files
    if motion_file is not None:
        motion = np.genfromtxt(motion_file)
        if motion.shape[0] != data.shape[3]:
            raise ValueError('Motion parameters {0} do not match data '
                             'timepoints {1}'.format(motion.shape[0], 
        if motion.size == 0:
            raise ValueError('Motion signal file {0} is '

    # Calculate regressors
    regressor_map = {'constant' : np.ones((data.shape[3],1))}
    regressor_map['motion'] = motion
    X = np.zeros((data.shape[3], 1))
    for rname, rval in regressor_map.items():
        X = np.hstack((X, rval.reshape(rval.shape[0],-1)))

    X = X[:,1:]
    if np.isnan(X).any() or np.isnan(X).any():
        raise ValueError('Regressor file contains NaN')

    Y = data[global_mask].T

        B = np.linalg.inv(
    except np.linalg.LinAlgError as e:
        if "Singular matrix" in e:
            raise Exception("Error details: {0}\n\nSingular matrix error: "
                            "The nuisance regression configuration you "
                            "selected may have been too stringent, and the "
                            "regression could not be completed. Ensure your "
                            "parameters are not too "
            raise Exception("Error details: {0}\n\nSomething went wrong with "
                            "nuisance regression.\n\n".format(e))

    Y_res = Y -
    data[global_mask] = Y_res.T
    img = nb.Nifti1Image(data, header=nii.get_header(),
    subject_name = subject.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
    filename = subject_name + '_residual.nii.gz'
    residual_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),filename )
    img.to_filename(residual_file) # alt to
    return residual_file

In [190]:
# Create a Node for above
calc_residuals = Node(Function(function=calc_residuals, input_names=['subject','motion_file'],
                                output_names=['residual_file']), name='calc_residuals')

In [ ]:


I needed to define the structure of what files are saved and where.

In [191]:
# Create DataSink object
dataSink = Node(DataSink(), name='datasink')

# Name of the output folder
dataSink.inputs.base_directory = opj(base_directory,fc_datasink_name)

To create the substitutions I looked the datasink folder where I was redirecting the output. I manually selected the part of file/folder name that I wanted to change and copied below to be substituted.

In [192]:
# Define substitution strings so that the data is similar to BIDS
substitutions = [('_subject_id_', 'sub-')]

# Feed the substitution strings to the DataSink node
dataSink.inputs.substitutions = substitutions

# ('_resample_brain_flirt.nii_brain', ''),
# ('_roi_st_mcf_flirt.nii_brain_flirt', ''),

In [193]:


Following is a Join Node that collects the preprocessed file paths and saves them in a file

In [194]:
def save_file_list_function(in_fc_map_brain_file):
    # Imports
    import numpy as np
    import os
    from os.path import join as opj
    file_list = np.asarray(in_fc_map_brain_file)
    print('######################## File List ######################: \n',file_list)'fc_map_brain_file_list',file_list)
    file_name = 'fc_map_brain_file_list.npy'
    out_fc_map_brain_file = opj(os.getcwd(),file_name) # path

    return out_fc_map_brain_file

In [195]:
save_file_list = JoinNode(Function(function=save_file_list_function, input_names=['in_fc_map_brain_file'],

Create a FC node

This node:

  1. Exracts the average time series of the brain ROI's using the atlas and stores it as a matrix of size [ROIs x Volumes].
  2. Extracts the Voxel time series and stores it in matrix of size [Voxels x Volumes]

In [196]:
# def pear_coff(in_file, atlas_file, mask_file):
#     # code to find how many voxels are in the brain region using the mask
#         # imports
#     import numpy as np
#     import nibabel as nib
#     import os
#     from os.path import join as opj

#     mask_data = nib.load(mask_file)
#     mask = mask_data.get_data()

#     x_dim, y_dim, z_dim = mask_data.shape

#     atlasPath = atlas_file
#     # Read the atlas
#     atlasObject = nib.load(atlasPath)
#     atlas = atlasObject.get_data()
#     num_ROIs = int((np.max(atlas) - np.min(atlas) ))

#     # Read the brain in_file

#     brain_data = nib.load(in_file)
#     brain = brain_data.get_data()

#     x_dim, y_dim, z_dim, num_volumes = brain.shape
#     num_brain_voxels = 0

#     x_dim, y_dim, z_dim = mask_data.shape

#     for i in range(x_dim):
#         for j in range(y_dim):
#             for k in range(z_dim):
#                 if mask[i,j,k] == 1:
#                     num_brain_voxels = num_brain_voxels + 1
#     # Initialize a matrix of ROI time series and voxel time series

#     ROI_matrix = np.zeros((num_ROIs, num_volumes))
#     voxel_matrix = np.zeros((num_brain_voxels, num_volumes))
#     # Fill up the voxel_matrix 

#     voxel_counter = 0
#     for i in range(x_dim):
#         for j in range(y_dim):
#             for k in range(z_dim):
#                 if mask[i,j,k] == 1:
#                     voxel_matrix[voxel_counter,:] = brain[i,j,k,:] 
#                     voxel_counter = voxel_counter + 1

#     # Fill up the ROI_matrix
#     # Keep track of number of voxels per ROI as well by using an array - num_voxels_in_ROI[]

#     num_voxels_in_ROI = np.zeros((num_ROIs,1)) # A column arrray containing number of voxels in each ROI

#     for i in range(x_dim):
#         for j in range(y_dim):
#             for k in range(z_dim):
#                 label = int(atlas[i,j,k]) - 1
#                 if label != -1:
#                     ROI_matrix[label,:] = np.add(ROI_matrix[label,:], brain[i,j,k,:])
#                     num_voxels_in_ROI[label,0] = num_voxels_in_ROI[label,0] + 1

#     ROI_matrix = np.divide(ROI_matrix,num_voxels_in_ROI) # Check if divide is working correctly

#     X, Y = ROI_matrix, voxel_matrix

#     # Subtract mean from X and Y

#     X = np.subtract(X, np.mean(X, axis=1, keepdims=True))
#     Y = np.subtract(Y, np.mean(Y, axis=1, keepdims=True))

#     temp1 =,Y.T)
#     temp2 = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.multiply(X,X), axis=1, keepdims=True))
#     temp3 = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.multiply(Y,Y), axis=1, keepdims=True))
#     temp4 =,temp3.T)
#     coff_matrix = np.divide(temp1, (temp4 + 1e-7))
#     print ("Pear Done")

#     sub_id = in_file.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0].split('_')[0].split('-')[1]
#     fc_file_name = sub_id + '_fc_map'
#, coff_matrix)
#     fc_file_name = fc_file_name + '.npy'
#     fc_map_brain_file = opj(os.getcwd(),fc_file_name) # path
#     return fc_map_brain_file

Saving the Brains instead of FC matrices

In [197]:
# def convert_to_brain(roi_brain_matrix, brain_file, mask_file, fc_file_name): #, brain_voxel_list
#     mask_data = nib.load(mask_file)
#     mask = mask_data.get_data()
#     # to use the deader of an anatomical file tht has float datatype. mask had uint datatype that made all the p-values zero
# #     brain_file = '/home1/varunk/data/ABIDE-BIDS-Preprocessed/NYU/sub-0050952/anat/sub-0050952_T1w.nii.gz'
#     brain_data = nib.load(brain_file)
#     # Empty brain to store the voxel values
#     brain = brain_data.get_data()
#     brain.fill(0.0)
# #     brain_corrected_mask = np.zeros((brain.shape))

# #     roi_number = int(brain_voxel_list[0]) - 1
# #     brain_voxel_list = brain_voxel_list[1:]

#     x_dim, y_dim, z_dim, t_dim = brain.shape
#     (brain_data.header).set_data_shape([x_dim,y_dim,z_dim,num_ROIs])
#     number_of_rois = roi_brain_matrix.shape[0]
#     brain_roi_tensor = m.np_zeros((brain_data.header.get_data_shape()))
#     for roi in range(number_of_rois):
#         brain_voxel_counter = 0
#         for i in range(x_dim):
#             for j in range(y_dim):
#                 for k in range(z_dim):
#                     if mask[i,j,k] == 1:
#                         brain[i,j,k] = brain_voxel_list[brain_voxel_counter]
#                         brain_voxel_counter = brain_voxel_counter + 1

#         assert (brain_voxel_counter == len(roi_brain_matrix[roi,:])) 
#         brain_roi_tensor[:,:,:,roi] = brain
#         print("Job Done for ROI-",roi_number)
#     brain_with_header = nib.Nifti1Image(brain_roi_tensor, affine=brain_data.affine,header = brain_data.header)

#     # Saving the brain file

#     path = os.getcwd()

# #     in_file_split_list = in_file.split('/')
# #     in_file_name = in_file_split_list[-1]

# #     out_file = in_file_name + '_brain.nii.gz' # changing name
# #     brain_with_header = nib.Nifti1Image(brain, affine=brain_data.affine,header = brain_data.header)
# #,out_file)

#     out_file = opj(path,fc_file_name)

#     return out_file

In [198]:
# Saves the brains instead of FC matrix files
def pear_coff(in_file, atlas_file, mask_file):
    # code to find how many voxels are in the brain region using the mask
        # imports
    import numpy as np
    import nibabel as nib
    import os
    from os.path import join as opj

    mask_data = nib.load(mask_file)
    mask = mask_data.get_data()

    x_dim, y_dim, z_dim = mask_data.shape

    atlasPath = atlas_file
    # Read the atlas
    atlasObject = nib.load(atlasPath)
    atlas = atlasObject.get_data()
    num_ROIs = int((np.max(atlas) - np.min(atlas) ))

    # Read the brain in_file

    brain_data = nib.load(in_file)
    brain = brain_data.get_data()

    x_dim, y_dim, z_dim, num_volumes = brain.shape
    num_brain_voxels = 0

    x_dim, y_dim, z_dim = mask_data.shape

    for i in range(x_dim):
        for j in range(y_dim):
            for k in range(z_dim):
                if mask[i,j,k] == 1:
                    num_brain_voxels = num_brain_voxels + 1
    # Initialize a matrix of ROI time series and voxel time series

    ROI_matrix = np.zeros((num_ROIs, num_volumes))
    voxel_matrix = np.zeros((num_brain_voxels, num_volumes))
    # Fill up the voxel_matrix 

    voxel_counter = 0
    for i in range(x_dim):
        for j in range(y_dim):
            for k in range(z_dim):
                if mask[i,j,k] == 1:
                    voxel_matrix[voxel_counter,:] = brain[i,j,k,:] 
                    voxel_counter = voxel_counter + 1

    # Fill up the ROI_matrix
    # Keep track of number of voxels per ROI as well by using an array - num_voxels_in_ROI[]

    num_voxels_in_ROI = np.zeros((num_ROIs,1)) # A column arrray containing number of voxels in each ROI

    for i in range(x_dim):
        for j in range(y_dim):
            for k in range(z_dim):
                label = int(atlas[i,j,k]) - 1
                if label != -1:
                    ROI_matrix[label,:] = np.add(ROI_matrix[label,:], brain[i,j,k,:])
                    num_voxels_in_ROI[label,0] = num_voxels_in_ROI[label,0] + 1

    ROI_matrix = np.divide(ROI_matrix,num_voxels_in_ROI) # Check if divide is working correctly

    X, Y = ROI_matrix, voxel_matrix

    # Subtract mean from X and Y

    X = np.subtract(X, np.mean(X, axis=1, keepdims=True))
    Y = np.subtract(Y, np.mean(Y, axis=1, keepdims=True))

    temp1 =,Y.T)
    temp2 = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.multiply(X,X), axis=1, keepdims=True))
    temp3 = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.multiply(Y,Y), axis=1, keepdims=True))
    temp4 =,temp3.T)
    coff_matrix = np.divide(temp1, (temp4 + 1e-7))
    # Check if any ROI is missing and replace the NAN values in coff_matrix by 0
    if np.argwhere(np.isnan(coff_matrix)).shape[0] != 0:
        print("Some ROIs are not present. Replacing NAN in coff matrix by 0")
        np.nan_to_num(coff_matrix, copy=False)

    # TODO: when I have added 1e-7 in the dinominator, then why did I feel the need to replace NAN by zeros 
    sub_id = in_file.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0].split('_')[0].split('-')[1]
    fc_file_name = sub_id + '_fc_map'
    print ("Pear Matrix calculated for subject: ",sub_id)

    roi_brain_matrix = coff_matrix
    brain_file = in_file

    x_dim, y_dim, z_dim, t_dim = brain.shape


    brain_roi_tensor = np.zeros((brain_data.header.get_data_shape()))
    print("Creating brain for Subject-",sub_id)
    for roi in range(num_ROIs):
        brain_voxel_counter = 0
        for i in range(x_dim):
            for j in range(y_dim):
                for k in range(z_dim):
                    if mask[i,j,k] == 1:
                        brain_roi_tensor[i,j,k,roi] = roi_brain_matrix[roi,brain_voxel_counter]
                        brain_voxel_counter = brain_voxel_counter + 1

        assert (brain_voxel_counter == len(roi_brain_matrix[roi,:])) 
    print("Created brain for Subject-",sub_id)

    path = os.getcwd()
    fc_file_name = fc_file_name + '.nii.gz'
    out_file = opj(path,fc_file_name)
    brain_with_header = nib.Nifti1Image(brain_roi_tensor, affine=brain_data.affine,header = brain_data.header),out_file)
    fc_map_brain_file = out_file
    return fc_map_brain_file

In [199]:
# Again Create the Node and set default values to paths

pearcoff = Node(Function(function=pear_coff, input_names=['in_file','atlas_file','mask_file'],
                                output_names=['fc_map_brain_file']), name='pearcoff')

# output_names=['fc_map_brain_file']
# pearcoff.inputs.atlas_file = atlasPath
# pearcoff.inputs.num_brain_voxels = num_brain_voxels
# pearcoff.inputs.mask_file = mask_file


  • The ROI 255 has been removed due to resampling. Therefore the FC maps will have nan at that row. So don't use that ROI :)
  • I came to know coz I keep getting this error: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide
  • To debug it, I read the coff matrix and checked its diagnol to discover the nan value.

Node for applying xformation matrix to functional data

In [200]:
func2std_xform = Node(FLIRT(output_type='NIFTI_GZ',
                         apply_xfm=True), name="func2std_xform")

In [201]:
# %%time

In [202]:
# motion_param_reg = [True, False]
# global_signal_reg = [True, False]
# band_pass_filt= [True, False]
# for motion_param_regression, global_signal_regression, band_pass_filtering in zip(motion_param_reg, global_signal_reg, band_pass_filt):
#     print (motion_param_regression, global_signal_regression, band_pass_filtering)

In [203]:
# import itertools
# itr = (list(itertools.product([0, 1], repeat=3)))

# for motion_param_regression, global_signal_regression, band_pass_filtering in itr:
#     print(motion_param_regression, global_signal_regression, band_pass_filtering)

In [204]:
# import itertools
# itr = (list(itertools.product([0, 1], repeat=3)))

# for motion_param_regression, global_signal_regression, band_pass_filtering in itr:

In [205]:
# base_directory

Write the code to convert the FC maps to brains instead

In [ ]:

In [206]:
motion_param_regression = 1
band_pass_filtering = 1
global_signal_regression = 1
smoothing = 1

combination = 'motionRegress' + str(int(motion_param_regression)) + 'filt' + \
              str(int(band_pass_filtering)) + 'global' + str(int(global_signal_regression)) + \
              'smoothing' + str(int(smoothing))
print("Combination: ",combination)

wf = Workflow(name=functional_connectivity_directory)
wf.base_dir = base_directory # Dir where all the outputs will be stored(inside BETFlow folder).

wf.connect([(infosource , getSubjectFilenames, [('subject_id','subject_id')])])

if motion_param_regression == 1 and global_signal_regression == 1 and band_pass_filtering == 1 and smoothing = 1:
        wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, calc_residuals, [('brain','subject')])])
        wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, calc_residuals, [('motion_param', 'motion_file')])])

        wf.connect([(calc_residuals, globalSignalRemoval, [('residual_file','in_file')] )])
        wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, globalSignalRemoval, [('mask','mask_file')])])

        wf.connect([(globalSignalRemoval, bandpass, [('out_file','in_file')])])
        wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, bandpass, [('tr','tr')])])
        wf.connect([( bandpass, spatialSmooth, [('out_file','in_file')])])
        wf.connect([( spatialSmooth, pearcoff, [('out_file','in_file')])])
        wf.connect([( getSubjectFilenames, pearcoff, [('atlas','atlas_file')])])
        wf.connect([( getSubjectFilenames, pearcoff, [('mask','mask_file')])])
        wf.connect([(pearcoff, func2std_xform, [('fc_map_brain_file','in_file')])])
        wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, func2std_xform, [('func2std_mat','in_matrix_file')])])
        wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, func2std_xform, [('MNI3mm_path','reference')])])
#         -- send out file to save file list and then save the outputs

        folder_name = 'pearcoff_' + combination + '.@fc_map_brain_file'

        wf.connect([(func2std_xform,  save_file_list, [('out_file','in_fc_map_brain_file')])])

        wf.connect([(save_file_list,  dataSink, [('out_fc_map_brain_file',folder_name)])])

        #  wf.connect([(bandpass,  dataSink, [('out_file','motionRegress_filt_global.@out_file')])])

        # if motion_param_regression == 1 and global_signal_regression == 1:    

        %time'MultiProc', plugin_args={'n_procs': 7})
        from IPython.display import Image
        wf.write_graph(graph2use='exec', format='png', simple_form=True)
        file_name = opj(base_directory,functional_connectivity_directory,'')

elif motion_param_regression == 1 and global_signal_regression == 1 and band_pass_filtering == 0 and smoothing = 1: # 110
        wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, calc_residuals, [('brain','subject')])])
        wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, calc_residuals, [('motion_param', 'motion_file')])])

        wf.connect([(calc_residuals, globalSignalRemoval, [('residual_file','in_file')] )])
        wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, globalSignalRemoval, [('mask','mask_file')])])

#         wf.connect([(globalSignalRemoval, bandpass, [('out_file','in_file')])])
#         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, bandpass, [('tr','tr')])])

        wf.connect([( globalSignalRemoval, pearcoff, [('out_file','in_file')])])
        wf.connect([( getSubjectFilenames, pearcoff, [('atlas','atlas_file')])])
        wf.connect([( getSubjectFilenames, pearcoff, [('mask','mask_file')])])

        folder_name = 'pearcoff_' + combination + '.@fc_map_brain_file'

        wf.connect([(pearcoff,  save_file_list, [('fc_map_brain_file','in_fc_map_brain_file')])])

        wf.connect([(save_file_list,  dataSink, [('out_fc_map_brain_file',folder_name)])])

        %time'MultiProc', plugin_args={'n_procs': 7})

elif motion_param_regression == 1 and global_signal_regression == 0 and band_pass_filtering == 1  and smoothing = 1: # 101
        wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, calc_residuals, [('brain','subject')])])
        wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, calc_residuals, [('motion_param', 'motion_file')])])

#         wf.connect([(calc_residuals, globalSignalRemoval, [('residual_file','in_file')] )])
#         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, globalSignalRemoval, [('mask','mask_file')])])

        wf.connect([(calc_residuals, bandpass, [('residual_file','in_file')])])
        wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, bandpass, [('tr','tr')])])

        wf.connect([( bandpass, pearcoff, [('out_file','in_file')])])
        wf.connect([( getSubjectFilenames, pearcoff, [('atlas','atlas_file')])])
        wf.connect([( getSubjectFilenames, pearcoff, [('mask','mask_file')])])

        folder_name = 'pearcoff_' + combination + '.@fc_map_brain_file'

        wf.connect([(pearcoff,  save_file_list, [('fc_map_brain_file','in_fc_map_brain_file')])])

        wf.connect([(save_file_list,  dataSink, [('out_fc_map_brain_file',folder_name)])])

        %time'MultiProc', plugin_args={'n_procs': 7})      

elif motion_param_regression == 1 and global_signal_regression == 0 and band_pass_filtering == 0 and smoothing = 1: # 100
        wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, calc_residuals, [('brain','subject')])])
        wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, calc_residuals, [('motion_param', 'motion_file')])])

#         wf.connect([(calc_residuals, globalSignalRemoval, [('residual_file','in_file')] )])
#         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, globalSignalRemoval, [('mask','mask_file')])])

#         wf.connect([(calc_residuals, bandpass, [('residual_file','in_file')])])
#         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, bandpass, [('tr','tr')])])

        wf.connect([( calc_residuals, pearcoff, [('residual_file','in_file')])])
        wf.connect([( getSubjectFilenames, pearcoff, [('atlas','atlas_file')])])
        wf.connect([( getSubjectFilenames, pearcoff, [('mask','mask_file')])])

        folder_name = 'pearcoff_' + combination + '.@fc_map_brain_file'

        wf.connect([(pearcoff,  save_file_list, [('fc_map_brain_file','in_fc_map_brain_file')])])

        wf.connect([(save_file_list,  dataSink, [('out_fc_map_brain_file',folder_name)])])

        %time'MultiProc', plugin_args={'n_procs': 7})   

elif motion_param_regression == 0 and global_signal_regression == 1 and band_pass_filtering == 1 and smoothing = 1: # 011
#         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, calc_residuals, [('brain','subject')])])
#         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, calc_residuals, [('motion_param', 'motion_file')])])

        wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, globalSignalRemoval, [('brain','in_file')] )])
        wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, globalSignalRemoval, [('mask','mask_file')])])

        wf.connect([(globalSignalRemoval, bandpass, [('out_file','in_file')])])
        wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, bandpass, [('tr','tr')])])

        wf.connect([( bandpass, pearcoff, [('out_file','in_file')])])
        wf.connect([( getSubjectFilenames, pearcoff, [('atlas','atlas_file')])])
        wf.connect([( getSubjectFilenames, pearcoff, [('mask','mask_file')])])

        folder_name = 'pearcoff_' + combination + '.@fc_map_brain_file'

        wf.connect([(pearcoff,  save_file_list, [('fc_map_brain_file','in_fc_map_brain_file')])])

        wf.connect([(save_file_list,  dataSink, [('out_fc_map_brain_file',folder_name)])])

        %time'MultiProc', plugin_args={'n_procs': 7})   

elif motion_param_regression == 0 and global_signal_regression == 1 and band_pass_filtering == 0 and smoothing = 1: # 010
#         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, calc_residuals, [('brain','subject')])])
#         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, calc_residuals, [('motion_param', 'motion_file')])])

        wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, globalSignalRemoval, [('brain','in_file')] )])
        wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, globalSignalRemoval, [('mask','mask_file')])])

#         wf.connect([(globalSignalRemoval, bandpass, [('out_file','in_file')])])
#         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, bandpass, [('tr','tr')])])

        wf.connect([( globalSignalRemoval, pearcoff, [('out_file','in_file')])])
        wf.connect([( getSubjectFilenames, pearcoff, [('atlas','atlas_file')])])
        wf.connect([( getSubjectFilenames, pearcoff, [('mask','mask_file')])])

        folder_name = 'pearcoff_' + combination + '.@fc_map_brain_file'

        wf.connect([(pearcoff,  save_file_list, [('fc_map_brain_file','in_fc_map_brain_file')])])

        wf.connect([(save_file_list,  dataSink, [('out_fc_map_brain_file',folder_name)])])

        %time'MultiProc', plugin_args={'n_procs': 7})

elif motion_param_regression == 0 and global_signal_regression == 0 and band_pass_filtering == 1 and smoothing = 1: # 001
#         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, calc_residuals, [('brain','subject')])])
#         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, calc_residuals, [('motion_param', 'motion_file')])])

#         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, globalSignalRemoval, [('brain','in_file')] )])
#         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, globalSignalRemoval, [('mask','mask_file')])])

        wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, bandpass, [('out_file','in_file')])])
        wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, bandpass, [('tr','tr')])])

        wf.connect([( bandpass, pearcoff, [('out_file','in_file')])])
        wf.connect([( getSubjectFilenames, pearcoff, [('atlas','atlas_file')])])
        wf.connect([( getSubjectFilenames, pearcoff, [('mask','mask_file')])])

        folder_name = 'pearcoff_' + combination + '.@fc_map_brain_file'

        wf.connect([(pearcoff,  save_file_list, [('fc_map_brain_file','in_fc_map_brain_file')])])

        wf.connect([(save_file_list,  dataSink, [('out_fc_map_brain_file',folder_name)])])

        %time'MultiProc', plugin_args={'n_procs': 7})


        wf.connect([( getSubjectFilenames, pearcoff, [('brain','in_file')])])
        wf.connect([( getSubjectFilenames, pearcoff, [('atlas','atlas_file')])])
        wf.connect([( getSubjectFilenames, pearcoff, [('mask','mask_file')])])

        folder_name = 'pearcoff_' + combination + '.@fc_map_brain_file'

        wf.connect([(pearcoff,  save_file_list, [('fc_map_brain_file','in_fc_map_brain_file')])])

        wf.connect([(save_file_list,  dataSink, [('out_fc_map_brain_file',folder_name)])])

        %time'MultiProc', plugin_args={'n_procs': 7})

Combination:  motionRegress1filt1global1
171128-00:14:07,243 workflow INFO:
	 Workflow temp_fc settings: ['check', 'execution', 'logging']
171128-00:14:07,261 workflow INFO:
	 Running in parallel.
171128-00:14:07,265 workflow INFO:
	 Executing: getSubjectFilenames.a1 ID: 0
171128-00:14:07,268 workflow INFO:
	 Executing: getSubjectFilenames.a0 ID: 6
171128-00:14:07,297 workflow INFO:
	 Executing node getSubjectFilenames.a1 in dir: /home1/varunk/results_again_again/temp_fc/_subject_id_0050003/getSubjectFilenames
171128-00:14:07,305 workflow INFO:
	 Executing node getSubjectFilenames.a0 in dir: /home1/varunk/results_again_again/temp_fc/_subject_id_0050002/getSubjectFilenames
171128-00:14:07,633 workflow INFO:
	 [Job finished] jobname: getSubjectFilenames.a1 jobid: 0
171128-00:14:07,636 workflow INFO:
	 Executing: calc_residuals.a1 ID: 1
171128-00:14:07,653 workflow INFO:
	 [Job finished] jobname: calc_residuals.a1 jobid: 1
171128-00:14:07,680 workflow INFO:
	 [Job finished] jobname: getSubjectFilenames.a0 jobid: 6
171128-00:14:07,683 workflow INFO:
	 Executing: globalSignalRemoval.a1 ID: 2
171128-00:14:07,690 workflow INFO:
	 [Job finished] jobname: globalSignalRemoval.a1 jobid: 2
171128-00:14:07,691 workflow INFO:
	 Executing: calc_residuals.a0 ID: 7
171128-00:14:07,704 workflow INFO:
	 [Job finished] jobname: calc_residuals.a0 jobid: 7
171128-00:14:07,706 workflow INFO:
	 Executing: bandpass.a1 ID: 3
171128-00:14:07,714 workflow INFO:
	 [Job finished] jobname: bandpass.a1 jobid: 3
171128-00:14:07,715 workflow INFO:
	 Executing: globalSignalRemoval.a0 ID: 8
171128-00:14:07,722 workflow INFO:
	 [Job finished] jobname: globalSignalRemoval.a0 jobid: 8
171128-00:14:07,724 workflow INFO:
	 Executing: pearcoff.a1 ID: 4
171128-00:14:07,737 workflow INFO:
	 Executing: bandpass.a0 ID: 9
171128-00:14:07,739 workflow INFO:
	 Executing node pearcoff.a1 in dir: /home1/varunk/results_again_again/temp_fc/_subject_id_0050003/pearcoff
171128-00:14:07,745 workflow INFO:
	 [Job finished] jobname: bandpass.a0 jobid: 9
<string>:71: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide
Some ROIs are not present. Replacing NAN in coff matrix by 0
Pear Matrix calculated for subject:  0050003
Creating brain for Subject- 0050003
171128-00:14:09,749 workflow INFO:
	 Executing: pearcoff.a0 ID: 10
171128-00:14:09,776 workflow INFO:
	 Executing node pearcoff.a0 in dir: /home1/varunk/results_again_again/temp_fc/_subject_id_0050002/pearcoff
<string>:71: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide
Some ROIs are not present. Replacing NAN in coff matrix by 0
Pear Matrix calculated for subject:  0050002
Creating brain for Subject- 0050002
Created brain for Subject- 0050003
171128-00:14:55,214 workflow INFO:
	 [Job finished] jobname: pearcoff.a1 jobid: 4
171128-00:14:55,216 workflow INFO:
	 Executing: func2std_xform.a1 ID: 5
171128-00:14:55,232 workflow INFO:
	 Executing node func2std_xform.a1 in dir: /home1/varunk/results_again_again/temp_fc/_subject_id_0050003/func2std_xform
171128-00:14:55,238 workflow INFO:
	 Running: flirt -in /home1/varunk/results_again_again/temp_fc/_subject_id_0050003/pearcoff/0050003_fc_map.nii.gz -ref /home1/varunk/results_again_again/ABIDE1_Preprocess/motion_correction_bet/coreg_reg/resample_mni/MNI152_T1_2mm_brain_resample.nii -out 0050003_fc_map_flirt.nii.gz -omat 0050003_fc_map_flirt.mat -applyxfm -init /home1/varunk/results_again_again/ABIDE1_Preprocess/motion_correction_bet/coreg_reg/_subject_id_0050003/concat_xform/sub-0050003_task-rest_run-1_bold_roi_st_mcf_mean_bet_flirt_sub-0050003_T1w_resample_brain_flirt.mat
Created brain for Subject- 0050002
171128-00:14:58,811 workflow INFO:
	 [Job finished] jobname: pearcoff.a0 jobid: 10
171128-00:14:58,815 workflow INFO:
	 Executing: func2std_xform.a0 ID: 11
171128-00:14:58,843 workflow INFO:
	 Executing node func2std_xform.a0 in dir: /home1/varunk/results_again_again/temp_fc/_subject_id_0050002/func2std_xform
171128-00:14:58,850 workflow INFO:
	 Running: flirt -in /home1/varunk/results_again_again/temp_fc/_subject_id_0050002/pearcoff/0050002_fc_map.nii.gz -ref /home1/varunk/results_again_again/ABIDE1_Preprocess/motion_correction_bet/coreg_reg/resample_mni/MNI152_T1_2mm_brain_resample.nii -out 0050002_fc_map_flirt.nii.gz -omat 0050002_fc_map_flirt.mat -applyxfm -init /home1/varunk/results_again_again/ABIDE1_Preprocess/motion_correction_bet/coreg_reg/_subject_id_0050002/concat_xform/sub-0050002_task-rest_run-1_bold_roi_st_mcf_mean_bet_flirt_sub-0050002_T1w_resample_brain_flirt.mat
171128-00:15:03,976 workflow INFO:
	 [Job finished] jobname: func2std_xform.a1 jobid: 5
171128-00:15:07,436 workflow INFO:
	 [Job finished] jobname: func2std_xform.a0 jobid: 11
171128-00:15:07,439 workflow INFO:
	 Executing: save_file_list ID: 12
171128-00:15:07,442 workflow INFO:
	 Executing node save_file_list in dir: /home1/varunk/results_again_again/temp_fc/save_file_list
######################## File List ######################: 
 [ '/home1/varunk/results_again_again/temp_fc/_subject_id_0050002/func2std_xform/0050002_fc_map_flirt.nii.gz'
171128-00:15:07,453 workflow INFO:
	 [Job finished] jobname: save_file_list jobid: 12
171128-00:15:07,455 workflow INFO:
	 Executing: datasink ID: 13
171128-00:15:07,461 workflow INFO:
	 Executing node datasink in dir: /home1/varunk/results_again_again/temp_fc/datasink
171128-00:15:07,467 workflow INFO:
	 [Job finished] jobname: datasink jobid: 13
CPU times: user 304 ms, sys: 76 ms, total: 380 ms
Wall time: 1min
171128-00:15:07,760 workflow INFO:
	 Generated workflow graph: /home1/varunk/results_again_again/temp_fc/ (graph2use=exec, simple_form=True).

In [217]:
X = np.load("../results_again_again/temp_dataSink/pearcoff_motionRegress1filt1global1/fc_map_brain_file_list.npy")

array([ '/home1/varunk/results_again_again/temp_fc/_subject_id_0050002/func2std_xform/0050002_fc_map_flirt.nii.gz',

In [207]:
!nipypecli show crash-20171125-133018-varunk-pearcoff.a1-7b869482-76ad-4f55-af87-8b01e34e975c.pklz

{'node': temp_fc.pearcoff.a1,
 'traceback': ['Traceback (most recent call last):\n',
               '  File '
               '"/root/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nipype/pipeline/plugins/", '
               'line 52, in run_node\n'
               "    result['result'] =\n",
               '  File '
               '"/root/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nipype/pipeline/engine/", '
               'line 372, in run\n'
               '    self._run_interface()\n',
               '  File '
               '"/root/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nipype/pipeline/engine/", '
               'line 482, in _run_interface\n'
               '    self._result = self._run_command(execute)\n',
               '  File '
               '"/root/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nipype/pipeline/engine/", '
               'line 613, in _run_command\n'
               '    result =\n',
               '  File '
               '"/root/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nipype/interfaces/", '
               'line 1081, in run\n'
               '    runtime = self._run_wrapper(runtime)\n',
               '  File '
               '"/root/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nipype/interfaces/", '
               'line 1029, in _run_wrapper\n'
               '    runtime = self._run_interface(runtime)\n',
               '  File '
               '"/root/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nipype/interfaces/utility/", '
               'line 194, in _run_interface\n'
               '    out = function_handle(**args)\n',
               '  File "<string>", line 155, in pear_coff\n',
               '  File "<string>", line 127, in convert_to_brain\n',
               "NameError: name 'm' is not defined\n"
               'Interface Function failed to run. \n']}

In [208]:
# X = np.load('../results_again_again/fc_datasink/pearcoff_motionRegress1filt1global1/fc_map_brain_file_list.npy')
# X.shape

In [209]:
# elif motion_param_regression == True and global_signal_regression == True and band_pass_filtering == False: # 110
#         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, calc_residuals, [('brain','subject')])])
#         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, calc_residuals, [('motion_param', 'motion_file')])])
#         wf.connect([(calc_residuals, globalSignalRemoval, [('residual_file','in_file')] )])
#         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, globalSignalRemoval, [('mask','mask_file')])])
# #         wf.connect([(globalSignalRemoval, bandpass, [('out_file','in_file')])])
# #         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, bandpass, [('tr','tr')])])
#         wf.connect([( globalSignalRemoval, pearcoff, [('out_file','in_file')])])
#         wf.connect([( getSubjectFilenames, pearcoff, [('atlas','atlas_file')])])
#         wf.connect([( getSubjectFilenames, pearcoff, [('mask','mask_file')])])
#         folder_name = 'pearcoff_' + combination + '.@fc_map_brain_file'
#         wf.connect([(pearcoff,  save_file_list, [('fc_map_brain_file','in_fc_map_brain_file')])])

#         wf.connect([(save_file_list,  dataSink, [('out_fc_map_brain_file',folder_name)])])

#         %time'MultiProc', plugin_args={'n_procs': 7})
# elif motion_param_regression == True and global_signal_regression == False and band_pass_filtering == True: # 101
#         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, calc_residuals, [('brain','subject')])])
#         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, calc_residuals, [('motion_param', 'motion_file')])])
# #         wf.connect([(calc_residuals, globalSignalRemoval, [('residual_file','in_file')] )])
# #         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, globalSignalRemoval, [('mask','mask_file')])])
#         wf.connect([(calc_residuals, bandpass, [('residual_file','in_file')])])
#         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, bandpass, [('tr','tr')])])
#         wf.connect([( bandpass, pearcoff, [('out_file','in_file')])])
#         wf.connect([( getSubjectFilenames, pearcoff, [('atlas','atlas_file')])])
#         wf.connect([( getSubjectFilenames, pearcoff, [('mask','mask_file')])])
#         folder_name = 'pearcoff_' + combination + '.@fc_map_brain_file'
#         wf.connect([(pearcoff,  save_file_list, [('fc_map_brain_file','in_fc_map_brain_file')])])

#         wf.connect([(save_file_list,  dataSink, [('out_fc_map_brain_file',folder_name)])])

#         %time'MultiProc', plugin_args={'n_procs': 7})      

# elif motion_param_regression == True and global_signal_regression == False and band_pass_filtering == False: # 100
#         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, calc_residuals, [('brain','subject')])])
#         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, calc_residuals, [('motion_param', 'motion_file')])])
# #         wf.connect([(calc_residuals, globalSignalRemoval, [('residual_file','in_file')] )])
# #         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, globalSignalRemoval, [('mask','mask_file')])])
# #         wf.connect([(calc_residuals, bandpass, [('residual_file','in_file')])])
# #         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, bandpass, [('tr','tr')])])
#         wf.connect([( calc_residuals, pearcoff, [('residual_file','in_file')])])
#         wf.connect([( getSubjectFilenames, pearcoff, [('atlas','atlas_file')])])
#         wf.connect([( getSubjectFilenames, pearcoff, [('mask','mask_file')])])
#         folder_name = 'pearcoff_' + combination + '.@fc_map_brain_file'
#         wf.connect([(pearcoff,  save_file_list, [('fc_map_brain_file','in_fc_map_brain_file')])])

#         wf.connect([(save_file_list,  dataSink, [('out_fc_map_brain_file',folder_name)])])

#         %time'MultiProc', plugin_args={'n_procs': 7})   
# elif motion_param_regression == False and global_signal_regression == True and band_pass_filtering == True: # 011
# #         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, calc_residuals, [('brain','subject')])])
# #         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, calc_residuals, [('motion_param', 'motion_file')])])
#         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, globalSignalRemoval, [('brain','in_file')] )])
#         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, globalSignalRemoval, [('mask','mask_file')])])
#         wf.connect([(globalSignalRemoval, bandpass, [('out_file','in_file')])])
#         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, bandpass, [('tr','tr')])])
#         wf.connect([( bandpass, pearcoff, [('out_file','in_file')])])
#         wf.connect([( getSubjectFilenames, pearcoff, [('atlas','atlas_file')])])
#         wf.connect([( getSubjectFilenames, pearcoff, [('mask','mask_file')])])
#         folder_name = 'pearcoff_' + combination + '.@fc_map_brain_file'
#         wf.connect([(pearcoff,  save_file_list, [('fc_map_brain_file','in_fc_map_brain_file')])])

#         wf.connect([(save_file_list,  dataSink, [('out_fc_map_brain_file',folder_name)])])

#         %time'MultiProc', plugin_args={'n_procs': 7})   
# elif motion_param_regression == False and global_signal_regression == True and band_pass_filtering == False: # 010
# #         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, calc_residuals, [('brain','subject')])])
# #         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, calc_residuals, [('motion_param', 'motion_file')])])
#         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, globalSignalRemoval, [('brain','in_file')] )])
#         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, globalSignalRemoval, [('mask','mask_file')])])
# #         wf.connect([(globalSignalRemoval, bandpass, [('out_file','in_file')])])
# #         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, bandpass, [('tr','tr')])])
#         wf.connect([( globalSignalRemoval, pearcoff, [('out_file','in_file')])])
#         wf.connect([( getSubjectFilenames, pearcoff, [('atlas','atlas_file')])])
#         wf.connect([( getSubjectFilenames, pearcoff, [('mask','mask_file')])])
#         folder_name = 'pearcoff_' + combination + '.@fc_map_brain_file'
#         wf.connect([(pearcoff,  save_file_list, [('fc_map_brain_file','in_fc_map_brain_file')])])

#         wf.connect([(save_file_list,  dataSink, [('out_fc_map_brain_file',folder_name)])])

#         %time'MultiProc', plugin_args={'n_procs': 7})
# elif motion_param_regression == False and global_signal_regression == False and band_pass_filtering == True: # 001
# #         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, calc_residuals, [('brain','subject')])])
# #         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, calc_residuals, [('motion_param', 'motion_file')])])
# #         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, globalSignalRemoval, [('brain','in_file')] )])
# #         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, globalSignalRemoval, [('mask','mask_file')])])
# #         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, bandpass, [('out_file','in_file')])])
# #         wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, bandpass, [('tr','tr')])])
#         wf.connect([( getSubjectFilenames, pearcoff, [('brain','in_file')])])
#         wf.connect([( getSubjectFilenames, pearcoff, [('atlas','atlas_file')])])
#         wf.connect([( getSubjectFilenames, pearcoff, [('mask','mask_file')])])
#         folder_name = 'pearcoff_' + combination + '.@fc_map_brain_file'
#         wf.connect([(pearcoff,  save_file_list, [('fc_map_brain_file','in_fc_map_brain_file')])])

#         wf.connect([(save_file_list,  dataSink, [('out_fc_map_brain_file',folder_name)])])

#         %time'MultiProc', plugin_args={'n_procs': 7})

In [210]:
# 111 -
# 110 - 
# 101 - 
# 100
# 011
# 010
# 001
# 000

In [211]:
# Visualize the detailed graph
# from IPython.display import Image
# wf.write_graph(graph2use='exec', format='png', simple_form=True)
# file_name = opj(base_directory,functional_connectivity_directory,'')
# Image(filename=file_name)

In [212]:
# def calc_residuals(subject,
#                    motion_file):
#     """
#     Calculates residuals of nuisance regressors -motion parameters for every voxel for a subject using GLM.
#     Parameters
#     ----------
#     subject : string
#         Path of a subject's motion corrected nifti file.
#     motion_par_file : string
#         path of a subject's motion parameters
#     Returns
#     -------
#     residual_file : string
#         Path of residual file in nifti format
#     """
#     import nibabel as nb
#     nii = nb.load(subject)
#     data = nii.get_data().astype(np.float32)
#     global_mask = (data != 0).sum(-1) != 0

#     # Check and define regressors which are provided from files
#     if motion_file is not None:
#         motion = np.genfromtxt(motion_file)
#         if motion.shape[0] != data.shape[3]:
#             raise ValueError('Motion parameters {0} do not match data '
#                              'timepoints {1}'.format(motion.shape[0], 
#                                                      data.shape[3]))
#         if motion.size == 0:
#             raise ValueError('Motion signal file {0} is '
#                              'empty'.format(motion_file))

#     # Calculate regressors
#     regressor_map = {'constant' : np.ones((data.shape[3],1))}
#     regressor_map['motion'] = motion
#     X = np.zeros((data.shape[3], 1))
#     for rname, rval in regressor_map.items():
#         X = np.hstack((X, rval.reshape(rval.shape[0],-1)))

#     X = X[:,1:]
#     if np.isnan(X).any() or np.isnan(X).any():
#         raise ValueError('Regressor file contains NaN')

#     Y = data[global_mask].T

#     try:
#         B = np.linalg.inv(
#     except np.linalg.LinAlgError as e:
#         if "Singular matrix" in e:
#             raise Exception("Error details: {0}\n\nSingular matrix error: "
#                             "The nuisance regression configuration you "
#                             "selected may have been too stringent, and the "
#                             "regression could not be completed. Ensure your "
#                             "parameters are not too "
#                             "extreme.\n\n".format(e))
#         else:
#             raise Exception("Error details: {0}\n\nSomething went wrong with "
#                             "nuisance regression.\n\n".format(e))

#     Y_res = Y -
#     data[global_mask] = Y_res.T
#     img = nb.Nifti1Image(data, header=nii.get_header(),
#                          affine=nii.get_affine())
#     subject_name = subject.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
#     filename = subject_name + '_residual.nii.gz'
#     residual_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),filename )
#     img.to_filename(residual_file) # alt to
#     return residual_file

In [213]:
# # Test
# brain = '/home1/varunk/results_again_again/ABIDE1_Preprocess/motion_correction_bet/_subject_id_0050005/applyMask/sub-0050005_task-rest_run-1_bold_roi_st_mcf.nii_brain.nii.gz'
# mask = '/home1/varunk/results_again_again/ABIDE1_Preprocess/motion_correction_bet/_subject_id_0050005/meanfuncmask/sub-0050005_task-rest_run-1_bold_roi_st_mcf_mean_brain_mask.nii.gz'
# atlas = '/home1/varunk/results_again_again/ABIDE1_Preprocess/motion_correction_bet/coreg_reg/atlas_resize_reg_directory/_subject_id_0050005/std2func_xform/fullbrain_atlas_thr0-2mm_resample_flirt.nii '
# # tr = 1.5
# par_file = '/home1/varunk/results_again_again/ABIDE1_Preprocess/motion_correction_bet/_subject_id_0050005/mcflirt/sub-0050005_task-rest_run-1_bold_roi_st_mcf.nii.par'

In [214]:
# calc_residuals(brain,par_file)

In [215]:
# motion = np.genfromtxt(par_file)

In [3]:
import numpy as np
X = np.load('../results_again_again/fc_datasink/pearcoff_motionRegress0filt0global1/fc_map_brain_file_list.npy')


In [ ]: