This is a demo of graph-based re-ranking of retrieval of Sketchy's sketch based image retrieval [Patsorn Sangkloy et. al, SIGGRAPH 2016]
In [1]:
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from pylab import *
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.colors as colors
import os, sys, time, cv2
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors,LSHForest
from tqdm import *
from IPython.display import Image, HTML, display
import warnings
from glob import glob
import cPickle as pickle
from graphConstruction import *
In [2]:
# TODO: Put your caffe root here
caffe_root = '/data1/ravikiran/SketchObjPartSegmentation/src/caffe-switch/caffe/'
sys.path.insert(0, caffe_root+'/python')
import caffe
Now we can load up the network. You can change the path to your own network here. Make sure to use the matching deploy prototxt files and change the target layer to your layer name.
In [3]:
# Load model def and weights
sketchyModelDir = '/data1/ravikiran/SketchObjPartSegmentation/src/caffe-switch/caffe/models/sketchy/'
PRETRAINED_FILE = sketchyModelDir + 'triplet_googlenet_finegrain_final.caffemodel'
sketch_model = sketchyModelDir + 'Triplet_googlenet_sketchdeploy.prototxt'
image_model = sketchyModelDir + 'Triplet_googlenet_imagedeploy.prototxt'
In [4]:
sketch_net = caffe.Net(sketch_model, PRETRAINED_FILE, caffe.TEST)
img_net = caffe.Net(image_model, PRETRAINED_FILE, caffe.TEST)
# sketch_net.blobs.keys()
In [5]:
# Set output layer name. You can use sketch_net.blobs.keys() to list all layer
output_layer_sketch = 'pool5/7x7_s1_s'
output_layer_image = 'pool5/7x7_s1_p'
In [6]:
# Set the transformer
transformer ={'data': np.shape(sketch_net.blobs['data'].data)})
transformer.set_mean('data', np.array([104, 117, 123]))
transformer.set_channel_swap('data', (2,1,0)) # RGB2BGR?
transformer.set_raw_scale('data', 255.0)
The following script shows how to use our model to perform retrieval. The easiest way to use the script is to:
to point to your folder. segPaths
. sketch_path
to point to the sketch you want to use as a query.
In [7]:
#TODO: specify photo folder for the retrieval and the segmentation folder
photo_paths = '../exp-src/data/PASCAL_Parts_select_png/'
segPaths = '../exp-src/data/pascal_parts_GT_no_aug/'
In [8]:
#load up images
img_list = os.listdir(photo_paths)
N = np.shape(img_list)[0]
print 'Retrieving from', N,'photos'
In [9]:
def sketchyFeatExt(photo_paths):
#load up images
img_list = os.listdir(photo_paths)
N = np.shape(img_list)[0]
print 'Retrieving from', N,'photos'
feats = []
if os.path.isfile('img_list.txt') and os.path.isfile('retFeats.npy') and N ==9620:
print 'loading from file'
with open('img_list.txt','r') as f:
img_list = pickle.load(f)
feats = np.load('retFeats.npy')
feats = np.resize(feats,[np.shape(feats)[0],np.shape(feats)[2]]) #quick fix for size
return feats, img_list
for i,path in enumerate(img_list):
imgname = path.split('/')[-1]
imgname = imgname.split('.jpg')[0]
imgcat = path.split('/')[0]
print '\r',str(i+1)+'/'+str(N)+ ' '+'Extracting ' +path+'...',
full_path = photo_paths + path
img = (transformer.preprocess('data',
img_in = np.reshape([img],np.shape(sketch_net.blobs['data'].data))
out_img = img_net.forward(data=img_in)
out_img = np.copy(out_img[output_layer_image])
# print 'done',
with open('img_list.txt','w') as f:
pickle.dump(img_list, f)'retFeats.npy', feats)
print np.shape(feats)
feats = np.resize(feats,[np.shape(feats)[0],np.shape(feats)[2]]) #quick fix for size
return feats, img_list
In [2]:
import torch
from torch import nn
from torch.autograd import Variable
import os, sys
import resnet_dilated_frozen_r5_D_pose
gpu0 = 0
import scipy
from scipy import ndimage
In [11]:
torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = False
In [12]:
model = getattr(resnet_dilated_frozen_r5_D_pose, "Res_Deeplab")()
In [13]:
# Assuming that you downloaded the model file and put it in sketch-parse/retrieval-src/
!ls model_r5_p50x_D1_17000.pth
In [14]:
# Path to sketch segmentation model goes here
model_path = 'model_r5_p50x_D1_17000.pth'
saved_state_dict = torch.load(model_path)
In [15]:
def merge_parts(map_, i):
if i == 4:
map_ = change_parts(map_,7,2)
map_ = change_parts(map_,8,5)
return map_
def change_parts(map_,a,b):
temp = np.where(map_==a)
map_[temp[0],temp[1]] = b
return map_
colorsR = [50,127,133,255,237,46,186,255,122,255]
colorsG = [50,219,20,133,247,204,186,51,82,255]
colorsB = [50,255,75,27,37,64,173,255,82,255]
def make_color(map_):
mapc = np.zeros((map_.shape[0],map_.shape[0],3))
for i in range(np.max(map_)+1):
mapc[:,:,0][map_==i] = colorsR[i]
mapc[:,:,1][map_==i] = colorsG[i]
mapc[:,:,2][map_==i] = colorsB[i]
return np.uint8(mapc)
In [16]:
def imInNet(imName, classLabel):
sketch_root = '../exp-src/data/temp_annotation_processor/SVG/PNG_untouched/'
# sketch_root = '/data1/ravikiran/SketchObjPartSegmentation/'
imName = os.path.join(sketch_root, classLabel, imName)
img = cv2.imread(imName)
img = ndimage.grey_erosion(img[:,:,0].astype(np.uint8), size=(2,2))
img = np.repeat(img[:,:,np.newaxis],3,2)
imIn = Variable(torch.from_numpy(img[np.newaxis, :].transpose(0,3,1,2)).float(), volatile=True).cuda(gpu0)
return imIn
In [17]:
def sketchPTseg(sketchName, classLabel, selector=2):
interp = nn.UpsamplingBilinear2d(size=(321, 321))
imIn = imInNet(sketchName, classLabel)
# print imIn.size()
output = model([imIn, selector])
segOut = interp(output[3])
poseOut = output[-1].cpu().data[0].numpy()
segOut = segOut.cpu().data[0].numpy()
segOut = np.argmax(segOut.transpose(1,2,0), axis=2)
segOut = merge_parts(segOut, selector)
# segOut = make_color(segOut)
# plt.figure()
# plt.imshow(segOut)
return segOut, poseOut
In [18]:
segO, poseO = sketchPTseg('3655.png', 'car')
print np.argmax(poseO)+1
In [19]:
In [20]:
# %load
# required imports
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import cv2, itertools
import numpy_indexed as npi
import networkx as nx
# import graphsim as gs
from scipy.ndimage import measurements
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist
from glob import glob
import numpy as np
import os
In [21]:
# Start and connect to MATLAB
import matlab.engine
eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab()
eng.addpath(eng.genpath('fgm-master/'), nargout=0)
In [22]:
foo=['cow-0','horse-1', 'cat-2','dog-3','sheep-4','bus-5','car-6','bicycle-7', 'motorbike-8','bird-9','aeroplane-10']
# foo=['cat-0','dog-1','sheep-2']
class2idx = {}
idx2class = {}
for item in foo:
key, val = item.split("-", 1)
class2idx[key] = int(val)
idx2class[int(val)] = key
In [23]:
def num2oneHot(num, maxClasses=3):
oneHot = np.zeros(maxClasses)
oneHot[num] = 1
return oneHot
In [24]:
oneHotMap = {}
for classLabel, classIdx in class2idx.items():
oneHotMap[classIdx] = num2oneHot(classIdx, len(foo))
In [25]:
im2class = {}
listDir = '../exp-src/data/lists/train_val_lists/'
for classLabel, classIdx in class2idx.items():
imListFile = os.path.join(listDir, 'chosen_train_'+ classLabel +'_list.txt')
with open(imListFile, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
imId = line.split('(')[0]
im2class[imId] = oneHotMap[classIdx]
# print classLabel, classIdx
In [26]:
# Part info
Parts = {}
Parts['aeroplane'] = ['body', 'wheels', 'tail', 'engine', 'wings', 'dont care1']
Parts['bird'] = ['body','leg','tail','dont care1','wings','head']
Parts['bicycle'] = ['wheel','saddle','handlebar','body']
Parts['bus'] = ['body','mirror','window','wheel','headlight','door']
Parts['car'] = ['body','mirror','window','wheel','headlight','door']
Parts['cat'] = ['head', 'body', 'leg', 'tail']
Parts['cow'] = ['head', 'body', 'leg', 'tail']
Parts['dog'] = ['head', 'body', 'leg', 'tail']
Parts['horse'] = ['head', 'body', 'leg', 'tail']
Parts['motorbike'] = ['wheel','saddle','handlebar','body']
Parts['sheep'] = ['head', 'body', 'leg', 'tail']
# Parts[0] = ['head', 'body', 'leg', 'tail']
# Parts[1] = ['head', 'body', 'leg', 'tail']
# Parts[2] = ['body','mirror','window','wheel','headlight','door']
# Parts[3] = ['wheel','saddle','handlebar','body']
# Parts[4] = ['body', 'leg/wheels', 'tail', 'engine', 'wings', 'head']
labelList = Parts.keys()
ctr = 0
part2idx = {}
idx2part = {}
for label in sorted(labelList):
part2idx[label] = {}
for part in Parts[label]:
part2idx[label][part] = ctr
idx2part[ctr] = (label, part)
ctr +=1
foo=['cow-0','horse-1', 'cat-2','dog-3','sheep-4','bus-5','car-6','bicycle-7', 'motorbike-8','bird-9','aeroplane-10']
class2idx = {}
idx2class = {}
for item in foo:
key, val = item.split("-", 1)
class2idx[key] = int(val)
idx2class[int(val)] = key
imId2classId = {}
# Make retrieval dict
with open('./train_val_retrieval.txt') as f:
x = f.readline()
if not x:
path, label = x.split(' ')
imId = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]
imId2classId[imId] = idx2class[int(label)]
In [27]:
class2idx = {}
idx2class = {}
for item in foo:
key, val = item.split("-", 1)
class2idx[key] = int(val)
idx2class[int(val)] = key
# Super classes:
class2superClass = {}
class2superClass[0] = 0
class2superClass[1] = 0
class2superClass[2] = 1
class2superClass[3] = 1
class2superClass[4] = 1
class2superClass[5] = 2
class2superClass[6] = 2
class2superClass[7] = 3
class2superClass[8] = 3
class2superClass[9] = 4
class2superClass[10] = 4
The code block below contains most of the graph-construction code. Just execute and skip ahead.
In [32]:
def getNodes(mask, classLabel, display=False):
For a given mask return all possible nodes and their attributes
if display:
nodes = {}
instanceMap = np.zeros(mask.shape, dtype=np.int64)
cumRegions = 0
numParts = np.unique(mask)[1:]
h, w = mask.shape
Nt = h*w
Nb = len(mask[mask==0])
for k in numParts: # iterate through all parts present
temp = mask.copy()
temp[mask!=k] = 0
lw, num = measurements.label(temp)
lw[lw!=0] += cumRegions
instanceMap += lw
if display:
# get distinct instances of each part and their location + area
regions = np.unique(lw)[1:]
areas = measurements.sum(temp, lw, index=np.arange(cumRegions, np.max(lw) + 1))[1:]
centres = measurements.center_of_mass(temp, lw, regions)
for region, area, centre in zip(regions, areas, centres):
areaNorm = area/k
nodeDict = {'area': areaNorm/Nt\
,'cx': (centre[1]-w/2)/(w/2)\
,'cy': -(centre[0]-h/2)/(h/2)\
,'Cx': (centre[1])\
,'Cy': (centre[0])\
,'theta':math.degrees(math.atan2(-(centre[0]-(h/2)), (centre[1]-(w/2))))\
,'label': Parts[classLabel][k-1]\
,'instanceLabel': region\
nodes[region] = nodeDict
cumRegions += len(regions)
return nodes, instanceMap
def sketch2graph(mask, classLabel=None, display=False, globalOnly=0, mergeInstances=False, qmulD=True):
For a given sketch return a graph object.
Can display.
h, w = mask.shape
diag = np.hypot(h,w)
# Get part histogram
# partHist = sketch2hist(mask)
# Graph init
parts, counts = np.unique(mask, return_counts=True)
Nb = counts[0]
Nt = np.sum(counts)
if Nb == Nt: # Mask is empty, add only global node
G.add_node(0, attr_dict={'Nb':Nb, 'Nt':Nt, 'label':classLabel, 'parts':[0]*len(idx2part)})#, classLabel=class2idinstanceMap[label], partsPresent=nodes)
parts = parts[1:]; counts = counts[1:] # drop background
# Get all part nodes (instances separate)
nodes, instanceMap = getNodes(mask, classLabel, False)
partsPresent = np.unique(mask)
# Find all neighbors and add edges
neighbors = np.concatenate([instanceMap[:, :-1].flatten(), instanceMap[:, +1:].flatten(), instanceMap[+1:, :].flatten(), instanceMap[:-1, :].flatten()])
centers = np.concatenate([instanceMap[:, +1:].flatten(), instanceMap[:, :-1].flatten(), instanceMap[:-1, :].flatten(), instanceMap[+1:, :].flatten()])
valid = neighbors != centers
regions, neighbors_per_regions = npi.group_by(centers[valid], neighbors[valid])
neighborDict = {}
for region, neighbors_per_region in zip(regions, neighbors_per_regions):
if region == 0:
# print(region)
unique_neighbors, neighbor_counts = npi.count(neighbors_per_region)
neighborDict[region] = unique_neighbors.tolist()
eNeighbors = zip(unique_neighbors, np.repeat(region, unique_neighbors.shape[0]))
# print(unique_neighbors, neighbor_counts / neighbor_counts.sum() * 100)
G.add_node(region, nodes[region])
# Drop very small nodes
G.remove_node(0) # remove cuz no area
dropper = [node for node, data in G.nodes(data=True) if data['area']<0.0001]
# TODO : Add all edge attributes
for u,v,a in G.edges(data=True):
G[u][v]['dist'] = np.linalg.norm(np.array(G.node[u]['cx'], G.node[u]['cy'])-np.array(G.node[v]['cx'], G.node[v]['cy']))/diag
G[u][v]['delx'] = (G.node[u]['cx']-G.node[v]['cx'])*np.sign(G.node[u]['instanceLabel']-G.node[v]['instanceLabel'])
G[u][v]['dely'] = (G.node[u]['cx']-G.node[v]['cx'])*np.sign(G.node[u]['instanceLabel']-G.node[v]['instanceLabel'])
G[u][v]['angle'] = math.atan2(G.node[v]['cy']-G.node[u]['cy'], G.node[v]['cx']-G.node[u]['cx'])
# Remove bg and add global node
partHist = np.zeros((len(idx2part)))
for node in G.nodes():
partHist[part2idx[classLabel][G.node[node]['label']]] += 1
G.add_node(0, attr_dict={'Nb':Nb, 'Nt':Nt, 'label':classLabel, 'partHist':partHist.tolist(), 'area':Nt-Nb, 'h':h, 'w':w})#, classLabel=class2idinstanceMap[label], partsPresent=nodes)
# Drop everything, re-add global
if globalOnly==1:
G.add_node(0, attr_dict={'Nb':Nb, 'Nt':Nt, 'label':classLabel, 'partHist':partHist.tolist(), 'area':Nt-Nb})#, classLabel=class2idinstanceMap[label], partsPresent=nodes)
elif globalOnly==2:
for nodeIdx in G.nodes()[1:]:
if G.node[nodeIdx]['label'] != 'body':
# print 'removing ' + G.node[nodeIdx]['label']
# Re-label after dropping
nodeIdxList = sorted(G.nodes())
relabelDict = {old: new for old, new in zip(nodeIdxList, range(len(nodeIdxList)))}
G = nx.relabel_nodes(G, relabelDict)
# add neighbor hist
minIdx = min(part2idx[classLabel].values())
for node in G.nodes()[1:]:
nbHist = [0]*(len(part2idx[classLabel]) + 1)
for neighbor in G[node].keys():
if neighbor == 0:
idx = part2idx[classLabel][G.node[neighbor]['label']] - minIdx
# print part2idx[classLabel][G.node[neighbor]['label']], classLabel, G.node[neighbor]['label']
nbHist[idx] += 1
G.node[node]['nbHist'] = nbHist
# Connect global to all existing nodes - NO NEED FOR THIS
# nodeIdxList = sorted(G.nodes())
# for nodeIdx in nodeIdxList[1:]:
# x, y = G.node[nodeIdx]['centre']
# G.add_edge(0, nodeIdx, Cx=x,\
# Cy=y,\
# theta= np.arctan(y/x) \
# )
# Draw graph
if display:
pos = nx.spring_layout(G)
nx.draw(G, pos)
node_labels = nx.get_node_attributes(G,'label')
nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos, labels = node_labels)
edge_labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(G,'absPos')
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos, labels = edge_labels)
# plt.axis('off')
# plt.imshow(sketchImg)
# plt.figure()
# plt.axis('off')
# plt.imshow(mask)
return G
def im2graph(mask, classLabel=None, display=False, globalOnly=0, mergeInstances=False):
For a given image return a graph object.
Can display or merge all instances of parts into one node in needed
# mask = cv2.imread(gtFile, 0)
h, w = mask.shape
diag = np.hypot(h,w)
# Graph init
parts, counts = np.unique(mask, return_counts=True)
Nb = counts[0]
Nt = np.sum(counts)
if Nb == Nt: # Mask is empty, add only global node
G.add_node(0, attr_dict={'Nb':Nb, 'Nt':Nt, 'label':classLabel, 'partHist':[0]*len(idx2part)})#, classLabel=class2idinstanceMap[label], partsPresent=nodes)
parts = parts[1:]; counts = counts[1:] # drop background
# Get all part nodes (instances separate)
nodes, instanceMap = getNodes(mask, classLabel, False)
partsPresent = np.unique(mask)
# Find all neighbors and add edges
neighbors = np.concatenate([instanceMap[:, :-1].flatten(), instanceMap[:, +1:].flatten(), instanceMap[+1:, :].flatten(), instanceMap[:-1, :].flatten()])
centers = np.concatenate([instanceMap[:, +1:].flatten(), instanceMap[:, :-1].flatten(), instanceMap[:-1, :].flatten(), instanceMap[+1:, :].flatten()])
valid = neighbors != centers
regions, neighbors_per_regions = npi.group_by(centers[valid], neighbors[valid])
neighborDict = {}
for region, neighbors_per_region in zip(regions, neighbors_per_regions):
if region == 0:
# print(region)
unique_neighbors, neighbor_counts = npi.count(neighbors_per_region)
neighborDict[region] = unique_neighbors.tolist()
eNeighbors = zip(unique_neighbors, np.repeat(region, unique_neighbors.shape[0]))
# print(unique_neighbors, neighbor_counts / neighbor_counts.sum() * 100)
G.add_node(region, nodes[region])
G.node[region]['nbHist'] = unique_neighbors
# Drop very small nodes
G.remove_node(0) # remove cuz no area
dropper = [node for node, data in G.nodes(data=True) if data['area']<0.0001]
# Remove bg and add global node
# Compute part histogram
partHist = np.zeros((len(idx2part)))
for node in G.nodes():
partHist[part2idx[classLabel][G.node[node]['label']]] += 1
G.add_node(0, attr_dict={'Nb':Nb, 'Nt':Nt, 'label':classLabel, 'partHist':partHist.tolist(), 'area':Nt-Nb, 'h':h, 'w':w})#, classLabel=class2idinstanceMap[label], partsPresent=nodes)
# TODO : Add all edge attributes
for u,v,a in G.edges(data=True):
G[u][v]['dist'] = np.linalg.norm(np.array(G.node[u]['cx'], G.node[u]['cy'])-np.array(G.node[v]['cx'], G.node[v]['cy']))/diag
G[u][v]['delx'] = (G.node[u]['cx']-G.node[v]['cx'])*np.sign(G.node[u]['instanceLabel']-G.node[v]['instanceLabel'])
G[u][v]['dely'] = (G.node[u]['cx']-G.node[v]['cx'])*np.sign(G.node[u]['instanceLabel']-G.node[v]['instanceLabel'])
G[u][v]['angle'] = math.atan2(G.node[v]['cy']-G.node[u]['cy'], G.node[v]['cx']-G.node[u]['cx'])
# Drop everything, re-add global FOR EXPERIMENTS
if globalOnly==1:
G.add_node(0, attr_dict={'Nb':Nb, 'Nt':Nt, 'label':classLabel, 'partHist':partHist.tolist(), 'area':Nt-Nb, 'h':h, 'w':w})#, classLabel=class2idinstanceMap[label], partsPresent=nodes)
elif globalOnly==2:
for nodeIdx in G.nodes()[1:]:
if G.node[nodeIdx]['label'] != 'body':
# print 'removing ' + G.node[nodeIdx]['label']
# Sort after re-labeling
nodeIdxList = sorted(G.nodes())
relabelDict = {old: new for old, new in zip(nodeIdxList, range(len(nodeIdxList)))}
G = nx.relabel_nodes(G, relabelDict)
# add neighbor hist
minIdx = min(part2idx[classLabel].values())
for node in G.nodes()[1:]:
nbHist = [0]*(len(part2idx[classLabel])+1)
for neighbor in G[node].keys():
if neighbor == 0:
idx = part2idx[classLabel][G.node[neighbor]['label']] - minIdx
# print part2idx[classLabel][G.node[neighbor]['label']], classLabel, G.node[neighbor]['label']
nbHist[idx] += 1 # Count rather than one-hot
G.node[node]['nbHist'] = nbHist
# Connect global to all existing nodes
# nodeIdxList = sorted(G.nodes())
# for nodeIdx in nodeIdxList[1:]:
# x, y = G.node[nodeIdx]['centre']
# G.add_edge(0, nodeIdx, Cx=x,\
# Cy=y,\
# theta= np.arctan(y/x) \
# )
# Draw graph
if display:
pos = nx.spring_layout(G)
nx.draw(G, pos)
node_labels = nx.get_node_attributes(G,'label')
nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos, labels = node_labels)
edge_labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(G,'absPos')
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos, labels = edge_labels)
# plt.figure()
# plt.axis('off')
# plt.imshow(mask)
# plt.axis('off')
return G
def constructK(G1, G2):
Given two graphs calculate the affinity matrix
n1, n2 = len(G1), len(G2)
# print n1, n2, n1*n2
K = np.zeros((n1*n2, n1*n2), dtype = float)
Ktemp = np.zeros((n1*n2, n1*n2), dtype = float)
# print K.shape
for i1 in range(1, n1+1):
for i2 in range(1, n2+1):
for j1 in range(1, i1+1):
for j2 in range(1, i2+1):
# Iterate with (i2+(i1-1)*n2,j2+(j1-1)*n2)
if i1==j1 and i2==j2:
# Compute node affinities
if i1==n1 and i2==n2:
# Global node: compute part histogram similarity
# continue
partHistVec = np.vstack((np.asarray(G1.node[0]['partHist']), np.asarray(G2.node[0]['partHist'])))
Ktemp[i2+n2*(i1-1)-1,j2+n2*(j1-1)-1] = 1-pdist(partHistVec, metric='jaccard')
# print 1-pdist(partHistVec, metric='jaccard')
elif i1==n1 or i2==n2:
# Local node vs global node: skip ill defined
# continue
# Local-local nodes compute feature vector distance
v1 = np.asarray((
# G1.node[i1]['areaF'],\
# G1.node[i1]['cx'],\
# G1.node[i1]['cy'],\
v2 = np.asarray((
# G2.node[i2]['areaF'],\
# G2.node[i2]['cx'],\
# G2.node[i2]['cy'],\
# print 1-pdist(np.vstack((v1,v2)), metric='cosine')
if G1.node[i1]['label']!=G2.node[i2]['label']:
nbSim = sum(i[0] * i[1] for i in zip(G1.node[i1]['nbHist'], G2.node[i2]['nbHist']))/len(G1.node[i1]['nbHist'])
nbSim = 0
# Ktemp[i2+(i1-1)*n2-1,j2+(j1-1)*n2-1] = (1 - pdist(np.vstack((v1,v2)), metric='cosine')+nbSim)*\
# (G1.node[i1]['areaF']*G2.node[i2]['areaF'])
Ktemp[i2+(i1-1)*n2-1,j2+(j1-1)*n2-1] = 1 - (abs(v1-v2)/180 if abs(v1-v2) < 180 else (abs(v1-v2)-180)/180)
# print G2.node[i2]['label'], Ktemp[i2+(i1-1)*n2-1,j2+(j1-1)*n2-1]
elif i1!=j1 and i2!=j2:
# Compute edge affintities
if (i1==n1 or j1==n1) or (i2==n2 or j2==n2):
# Skip if one of the nodes is global
# Compute for local-local edges
if G1.has_edge(i1, j1) and G2.has_edge(i2, j2):
# continue
# v1 = np.asarray((G1.edge[i1][j1]['delx'], G1.edge[i1][j1]['dely'], G1.edge[i1][j1]['angle']))
# v2 = np.asarray((G2.edge[i2][j2]['delx'], G2.edge[i2][j2]['dely'], G2.edge[i2][j2]['angle']))
# v1 = np.asarray((G1.edge[i1][j1]['angle']))
# v2 = np.asarray((G2.edge[i2][j2]['angle']))
# print v1, v2
v1 = np.asarray((G1.edge[i1][j1]['delx'], G1.edge[i1][j1]['dely']))
v2 = np.asarray((G2.edge[i2][j2]['delx'], G2.edge[i2][j2]['dely']))
Ktemp[i2+(i1-1)*n2-1,j2+(j1-1)*n2-1] = (1-pdist(np.vstack((v1,v2)), metric='cosine'))\
# K is symmetric
K = Ktemp+Ktemp.T-np.diag(np.diag(Ktemp));
return K
def constructCt(G1, G2):
Given 2 graphs, encode constraints:
1. Global matching allowed only to other global
2. Non-global matching allowed to corresponding parts
n1, n2 = len(G1), len(G2)
Ct = np.zeros((n1, n2), dtype = int)
G1nodes = nx.get_node_attributes(G1, 'label')
G2nodes = nx.get_node_attributes(G2, 'label')
if G1nodes[0] != G2nodes[0]:
# Allow matching only if both graphs are from same class
return Ct
for i,j in itertools.product(G1nodes.keys(), G2nodes.keys()):
# Allow matching if parts have same classes
if G1nodes[i] == G2nodes[j]:
Ct[i, j] = 1
# Ct = np.ones((n1, n2))
return Ct
def graphMatch(G1, G2):
if not G1 or not G2:
return -sys.maxint
# Convert K and Ct to MATLAB format
K = matlab.double(constructK(G1, G2).tolist())
Ct = matlab.double(constructCt(G1, G2).tolist())
score = eng.matchGraphs(K, Ct)
# print 'similarity score :', eng.matchGraphs(K, Ct)
return score
In [29]:
def reRankQuant(imList, querySegmap, classLabel):
Re-rank a sketch-based image retrieval list for quantitative eval
# compute a "score" for each image based on RRWM and re-rank by sorting
reRankList = []
# Query meta data
# change this, too volatile
# classLabel = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(queryPath))
# queryName = os.path.basename(queryPath)
# querySMpath = os.path.join('/data1/abhijat/SOPS/QMUL_FGR/Data/Test/segmentations/retrieval_sketch/', classLabel, queryName)
# queryIMpath = os.path.join('/data1/abhijat/SOPS/QMUL_FGR/Data/Test/images/', classLabel, 'sketch', queryName)
# querySegmap = cv2.imread(querySMpath, 0)
# Construct graph for query
GQ = sketch2graph(querySegmap, classLabel=classLabel)
# Retrieval image meta-data (PASCAL)
# gtDir = '../exp-src/data/pascal_parts_GT_no_aug/'
# imDir = '../exp-src/data/PASCAL_Parts_select_png/'
gtDir = segPaths
imDir = photo_paths
for imFile in imList:
imId = os.path.splitext(imFile)[0]
# print imId, imId2classId[imId]
imFile = cv2.imread(os.path.join(imDir, imId+'.jpg'), 1)
imSegmap = cv2.imread(os.path.join(gtDir, imId+'.png'), 0)
# imPath = os.path
G = im2graph(imSegmap, classLabel=imId2classId[imId])
# G = im2graph(imFile, imDir = '/data1/abhijat/SOPS/QMUL_FGR/Data/Test/images/' + classLabel + '/img', classLabel=classLabel )
# Match graphs
score = graphMatch(G, GQ)
reRankList.append((score, imId))
print reRankList[0]
reRankList = sorted(reRankList)
return reRankList
In [30]:
# rate reranking on PASCAL
def rateReranking(querySketchPath, display='False', selector=2):
sketch_path = querySketchPath
classLabel = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(sketch_path))
vis_dir = os.path.join('../exp-src/data/PASCAL_Parts_select_png/')
ret_dir = vis_dir
seg_dir = os.path.join('../exp-src/data/pascal_parts_GT_no_aug/')
sketch_seg_dir = os.path.join('../exp-src/data/temp_annotation_processor/SVG/PNG_untouched/', classLabel)
seg_path = os.path.join( '../exp-src/data/temp_annotation_processor/SVG/PNG_untouched/', classLabel, os.path.basename(sketch_path))
feats, ret_list = sketchyFeatExt(ret_dir)
print 'retrieving for ' + sketch_path
sketch_in = (transformer.preprocess('data',
sketch_in = np.reshape([sketch_in],np.shape(sketch_net.blobs['data'].data))
query = sketch_net.forward(data=sketch_in)
query = np.copy(query[output_layer_sketch]) # Perform deep copy
#build nn pool
retNbrs = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=np.size(feats,0), algorithm='brute',metric='cosine').fit(feats)
#get neighbors
distances, indices = retNbrs.kneighbors(np.reshape(query,[np.shape(query)[1]]))
#show query
f = plt.figure()
plt.imshow(plt.imread(sketch_path), cmap='gray')
querySegmap, queryPose = sketchPTseg(querySketchPath, classLabel, selector)
# get retrieval list
topK = [ret_list[idx] for idx in indices[0].tolist()]
# Now re-rank top 50 from the retrieval list, pick top few and evaluate
RRS = reRankQuant(topK[:50], querySegmap, classLabel)
K = 10
if display:
imSize = (321, 321)
f , ax = plt.subplots(2, 6, figsize=(12.5, 4))
ax[0, 0].imshow(plt.imread(sketch_path), cmap='gray')
ax[0, 0].axis('off')
ax[1, 0].imshow(make_color(querySegmap))
ax[1, 0].axis('off')
for i in tqdm(range(1, 6, 1)):
ax[0,i].imshow(cv2.resize(plt.imread(ret_dir+ret_list[indices[0][i-1]]), imSize, interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA))
img = plt.imread(os.path.join(ret_dir, RRS[-i][1]+'.png'))
ax[1,i].imshow(cv2.resize(img, imSize, interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA))
print RRS[-i][0], RRS[-i][1]
# f.savefig('/home/babu/Documents/Retrieval/'+os.path.basename(sketch_path))
In [116]:
with open('sorted_IOU_data.pkl', 'rb') as f:
sortedSeglist = pickle.load(f)
In [33]:
# getHere
, True, 1)
The top line is Sketchy's retrievals and the bottom is our re-ranking
In [ ]: