This notebook covers using metrics to analyze the 'accuracy' of prophet models. In this notebook, we will extend the previous example (

Import necessary libraries

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from fbprophet import Prophet
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_score, mean_absolute_error

%matplotlib inline

Read in the data

Read the data in from the retail sales CSV file in the examples folder then set the index to the 'date' column. We are also parsing dates in the data file.

In [2]:
sales_df = pd.read_csv('../examples/retail_sales.csv', index_col='date', parse_dates=True)

In [3]:

2009-10-01 338630
2009-11-01 339386
2009-12-01 400264
2010-01-01 314640
2010-02-01 311022

Prepare for Prophet

As explained in previous prophet posts, for prophet to work, we need to change the names of these columns to 'ds' and 'y'.

In [4]:
df = sales_df.reset_index()

In [5]:

date sales
0 2009-10-01 338630
1 2009-11-01 339386
2 2009-12-01 400264
3 2010-01-01 314640
4 2010-02-01 311022

Let's rename the columns as required by fbprophet. Additioinally, fbprophet doesn't like the index to be a wants to see 'ds' as a non-index column, so we won't set an index differnetly than the integer index.

In [6]:
df=df.rename(columns={'date':'ds', 'sales':'y'})

In [7]:

ds y
0 2009-10-01 338630
1 2009-11-01 339386
2 2009-12-01 400264
3 2010-01-01 314640
4 2010-02-01 311022

Now's a good time to take a look at your data. Plot the data using pandas' plot function

In [8]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f363435a650>

Running Prophet

Now, let's set prophet up to begin modeling our data using our promotions dataframe as part of the forecast

Note: Since we are using monthly data, you'll see a message from Prophet saying Disabling weekly seasonality. Run prophet with weekly_seasonality=True to override this. This is OK since we are workign with monthly data but you can disable it by using weekly_seasonality=True in the instantiation of Prophet.

In [9]:
model = Prophet(weekly_seasonality=True);

INFO:fbprophet.forecaster:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.

We've instantiated the model, now we need to build some future dates to forecast into.

In [10]:
future = model.make_future_dataframe(periods=24, freq = 'm')

91 2017-04-30
92 2017-05-31
93 2017-06-30
94 2017-07-31
95 2017-08-31

To forecast this future data, we need to run it through Prophet's model.

In [11]:
forecast = model.predict(future)

The resulting forecast dataframe contains quite a bit of data, but we really only care about a few columns. First, let's look at the full dataframe:

In [12]:

ds trend trend_lower trend_upper yhat_lower yhat_upper seasonal seasonal_lower seasonal_upper seasonalities seasonalities_lower seasonalities_upper weekly weekly_lower weekly_upper yearly yearly_lower yearly_upper yhat
91 2017-04-30 468082.409577 464548.980240 471049.502160 472325.915923 483388.250964 9937.139785 9937.139785 9937.139785 9937.139785 9937.139785 9937.139785 -6555.582971 -6555.582971 -6555.582971 16492.722756 16492.722756 16492.722756 478019.549362
92 2017-05-31 469057.099534 465208.059126 472262.065741 471264.107695 482231.566056 7870.343068 7870.343068 7870.343068 7870.343068 7870.343068 7870.343068 3144.688929 3144.688929 3144.688929 4725.654139 4725.654139 4725.654139 476927.442602
93 2017-06-30 470000.347880 465945.194360 473417.325086 470097.323249 481616.614939 5923.541507 5923.541507 5923.541507 5923.541507 5923.541507 5923.541507 1367.857376 1367.857376 1367.857376 4555.684131 4555.684131 4555.684131 475923.889387
94 2017-07-31 470975.037836 466659.337837 474676.896122 473655.510201 485478.520926 8920.871383 8920.871383 8920.871383 8920.871383 8920.871383 8920.871383 464.390253 464.390253 464.390253 8456.481130 8456.481130 8456.481130 479895.909220
95 2017-08-31 471949.727793 467244.257444 475931.165774 449521.202013 461318.872271 -16303.962389 -16303.962389 -16303.962389 -16303.962389 -16303.962389 -16303.962389 3066.479001 3066.479001 3066.479001 -19370.441390 -19370.441390 -19370.441390 455645.765404

We really only want to look at yhat, yhat_lower and yhat_upper, so we can do that with:

In [13]:
forecast[['ds', 'yhat', 'yhat_lower', 'yhat_upper']].tail()

ds yhat yhat_lower yhat_upper
91 2017-04-30 478019.549362 472325.915923 483388.250964
92 2017-05-31 476927.442602 471264.107695 482231.566056
93 2017-06-30 475923.889387 470097.323249 481616.614939
94 2017-07-31 479895.909220 473655.510201 485478.520926
95 2017-08-31 455645.765404 449521.202013 461318.872271

Plotting Prophet results

Prophet has a plotting mechanism called plot. This plot functionality draws the original data (black dots), the model (blue line) and the error of the forecast (shaded blue area).

In [14]:

Personally, I'm not a fan of this visualization but I'm not going to build my can see how I do that here:

Additionally, prophet let's us take a at the components of our model, including the holidays. This component plot is an important plot as it lets you see the components of your model including the trend and seasonality (identified in the yearly pane).

In [15]:

Now that we have our model, let's take a look at how it compares to our actual values using a few different metrics - R-Squared and Mean Squared Error (MSE).

To do this, we need to build a combined dataframe with yhat from the forecasts and the original 'y' values from the data.

In [26]:
metric_df = forecast.set_index('ds')[['yhat']].join(df.set_index('ds').y).reset_index()

In [25]:

ds yhat y
91 2017-04-30 478019.549362 NaN
92 2017-05-31 476927.442602 NaN
93 2017-06-30 475923.889387 NaN
94 2017-07-31 479895.909220 NaN
95 2017-08-31 455645.765404 NaN

You can see from the above, that the last part of the dataframe has "NaN" for 'y'...that's fine because we are only concerend about checking the forecast values versus the actual values so we can drop these "NaN" values.

In [27]:

In [28]:

ds yhat y
67 2015-05-01 463373.701483 462615.0
68 2015-06-01 448934.210442 448229.0
69 2015-07-01 453231.199772 457710.0
70 2015-08-01 454359.024466 456340.0
71 2015-09-01 431765.115919 430917.0

Now let's take a look at our R-Squared value

In [30]:
r2_score(metric_df.y, metric_df.yhat)


An r-squared value of 0.99 is amazing (and probably too good to be true, which tells me this data is most likely overfit).

In [31]:
mean_squared_error(metric_df.y, metric_df.yhat)


That's a large MSE value...and confirms my suspicion that this data is overfit and won't likely hold up well into the future. Remember...for MSE, closer to zero is better.

Now...let's see what the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) looks like.

In [32]:
mean_absolute_error(metric_df.y, metric_df.yhat)


Not good. Not good at all. BUT...the purpose of this particular post is to show some usage of R-Squared, MAE and MSE's as metrics and I think we've done that.

I can tell you from experience that part of the problem with this particular data is that its monthly and there aren't that many data points to start with (only 72 data points...not ideal for modeling).

In [ ]: