In [1]:
name = '2016-12-02-oop-meteo-example'
title = 'Object-Oriented Programming in meteorological data analysis'
tags = 'oop, iris'
author = 'Adrian Matthews'

In [2]:
from nb_tools import connect_notebook_to_post
from IPython.core.display import HTML, Image

html = connect_notebook_to_post(name, title, tags, author)

Object-oriented programming (OOP) was discussed in the context of a real, fairly complex (meteorological data analysis) situation, as opposed to the very simple class examples usually given.

The example chosen was the calculation of an annual cycle from many years of gridded data, the subsequent smoothing of that annual cycle, and then the subtraction of the smoothed annual cycle from the original data to create anomaly data.

The script was used to create an instance of the AnnualCycle class from the data_analysis module.

All the code is available on GitHub.

In [3]:


This post was written as an IPython (Jupyter) notebook. You can view or download it using nbviewer.