In [1]:
name = '2015-12-18-meeting-summary'
title = 'Running Jupyter Notebook with remote kernels'
tags = 'jupyter, hpc, anaconda'
author = 'Denis Sergeev'

In [2]:
from nb_tools import connect_notebook_to_post
from IPython.core.display import HTML

html = connect_notebook_to_post(name, title, tags, author)

This week one of the group's members asked how to use Jupyter on our UEA's supercomputer cluster Grace. So today we tried to walk through that. We also discussed other Jupyter capabilities and advantages.

Those who are still sceptical or have no idea what is Jupyter, go and try it on their official server.

<div class="alert alert-success", style="font-size: 150%"> This post is outdated! Update is here. </div>

Jupyter Kernels

One of the greatest advantages of Jupyter project is its modular ecosystem: it has a user interface that you see in a browser, but all computations are done by a kernel of your choice. Although initially Jupyter was made for Python (IPython kernel), it has recently become language-agnostic, and you can use a kernel that calls R or Julia or Matlab. In fact, here is a full list of languages that you can use with Jupyter.

As Jupyter documentation states, kernels are programming language specific processes that run independently and interact with the Jupyter Applications and their user interfaces.

But what is even more important for us here is that Jupyter and a kernel do not have to be on the same machine. Say, for example, you have a large dataset on a remote server and you don't want to transfer it all to a local PC. The solution here is to use a remote kernel.

In this post we will look at the simplest case of connecting Jupyter interface to a Python kernel on Grace via ssh.

The following instruction has been tested only on a Linux PC so far. Note that all the necessary packages are installed using Anaconda.

Anaconda environment on Grace

Make sure you have a working Python distribution on Grace. Luckily, Grace has Anaconda module, and so you can load it and create a local environment following the instruction here.

To make sure that you use the correct Python environment every time you enter Grace, here's what you can do. Create a bash script that looks like that:

module load python/anaconda/2.3.0
. $env_name/bin/activate myenv

Call it for example. Then add this line to your ~/.bashrc file (before export LOGIN_INVOKE=0):


The next time you ssh to Grace, you'll get the output similar to:

discarding /gpfs/grace/anaconda/2.3.0/bin from PATH
prepending /gpfs/home/abc12xyz/.conda/envs/myenv/bin to PATH`
(myenv)[abc12xyz@login00 ~]$

Install the utility to manage remote kernels

We will use one of the simplest add-ons for managing Jupyter kernels: rk.

<div class="alert alert-warning", style="white-space: pre">Windows users should instead use remote_ikernel utility

remote_ikernel manage --add --name='Python on Grace' --kernel_cmd='ipython kernel -f {connection_file}' --interface=ssh --verbose --host=''</div>

The GitHub page has already a very clear instruction and even a short YouTube demonstration. One thing that can be unclear for an unexperienced pythonista is how to use the utility without root access. So if you are on a university PC with Linux and no admin rights, follow my steps.

Install the latest rk version

pip install git+git://

Check that rk is installed in your anaconda folder and edit the config file

ls ~/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rk

Its contents should look like this:

In [3]:
!cat ~/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rk/config/rk.ini

config_argparse_rel_path = "config/argparse.txt"
config_kernels_rel_path = "config/kernels.json"
config_messages_rel_path = "config/messages.txt"
connection_file = "{connection_file}"
display_name = "Template"
img_location = "resources/img"
interpreter = "python"
kernel_name = "template"
kernels_location = "/usr/local/share/jupyter/kernels"
language = "python"
logo_name_srt = "logo-{0}x{0}.png"
remote_host = "remote_username@remote_host"
rk_log_location = "/tmp/rk/log"
script = "rkscript"

You have to change the default kernels_location to

kernels_location = "~/.ipython/kernels"

Passwordless login to Grace

Make sure that you can login to Grace without entering password. How? On a local machine run ssh-keygen and then ssh-copy-id

Just follow these 2 simple steps:

You have to be able to run this command (with your login obviously) without entering a password:


Create a Jupyter kernel template

To install a template of a remote jupyter kernel to kernels location run this command:

rk install-template

Check that Jupyter sees your kernels:

In [ ]:
!jupyter kernelspec list
Available kernels:
  template    /local/abc12xyz/.ipython/kernels/template
  python2     /local/abc12xyz/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/resources

The latter is the default kernel, while the new kernel is installed in a template directory.

Edit the template

gedit /local/abc12xyz/.ipython/kernels/template/kernel.json

The .json file should look like this:

 "argv": [
 "display_name": "Python 2 on Grace", 
 "language": "python"

Note that I replaced the host&login line with my details and renamed the kernel display_name.

Launch Jupyter notebook and open the new kernel

On your local PC, in your command line (or however you launch Jupyter) run

jupyter notebook

And then select the new kernel in the drop-down menu:

Wait for couple of seconds and then once it says that kernel is connected (little blue box in the upper right corner), you can execute cells.

Check the command line from where you run Jupyter for any disconnection errors. You might have to refresh the page or restart Jupyter if this does not work.

In [4]:


This post was written as an IPython (Jupyter) notebook. You can view or download it using nbviewer.