Omics Pipe GUI -- ChIPseq Homer Pipeline

Author: K. Fisch


Date: June 2016

Note: Before editing this notebook, please make a copy (File --> Make a copy).


Omics pipe is an open-source, modular computational platform that automates ‘best practice’ multi-omics data analysis pipelines.
This Jupyter notebook wraps the functionality of Omics Pipe into an easy-to-use interactive Jupyter notebook and parses the output for genomic interpretation. Read more about Omics Pipe at

In [ ]:
#Omics Pipe Overview
from IPython.display import Image
Image(filename='/data/chip/2606129465-omics_pipe_overview.png', width=500, height=100)

Set up your Jupyter notebook to import Python modules needed

In [ ]:
#Import Omics pipe and module dependencies
import yaml
from omics_pipe.parameters.default_parameters import default_parameters 
from ruffus import *
import sys 
import os
import time
import datetime 
import drmaa
import csv
from omics_pipe.utils import *
from IPython.display import IFrame
import pandas
import glob
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib_venn import venn2,venn3, venn3_circles
%matplotlib inline
#%matplotlib notebook
import qgrid
qgrid.set_defaults(remote_js=True, precision=4)
from IPython.display import HTML
import mygene
#Download scripts from
sys.path.append('/data/chip/ChIPseq_tools-master') #append path to downloaded scripts
import compareGeneLists as compare

now =
date = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")

In [ ]:
#Change top directory to locate result files

Customize input parameters for Omics Pipe

Required: Sample names, condition for each sample

Optional: genome build, gene annotation, output paths, tool parameters, etc.

See full Omics Pipe documentation for a description of the configurable parameters.

User Input Required Here

In [ ]:
###Customize parameters: Specify sample names and conditions
sample_names = ["1_2percent_input_R1",
condition = ["Control",
lib_type = ["single_end"]*len(condition)

In [ ]:
#Update Metadata File
meta = {'Sample': pandas.Series(sample_names), 'condition': pandas.Series(condition) , 'libType': pandas.Series(lib_type)}
meta_df = pandas.DataFrame(data = meta)
deseq_meta_new = "/data/chip/new_meta.csv"
print meta_df

In [ ]:
#Define pairs for differential peak calling (ChIP-input or Treatment-Control)
pairs = '1_h3k4me3_R1-1_2percent_input_R1 1_h3k9ac_R1-1_2percent_input_R1 1_h3k9me3_R1-1_2percent_input_R1 2_h3k4me3_R1-2_2percent_input_R1 2_h3k9ac_R1-2_2percent_input_R1 2_h3k9me3_R1-2_2percent_input_R1 3_h3k4me3_R1-3_2percent_input_R1 3_h3k9ac_R1-3_2percent_input_R1 3_h3k9me3_R1-3_2percent_input_R1 4_h3k4me3_R1-4_2percent_input_R1 4_h3k9ac_R1-4_2percent_input_R1 4_h3k9me3_R1-4_2percent_input_R1 5_h3k4me3_R1-5_2percent_input_R1 5_h3k9ac_R1-5_2percent_input_R1 5_h3k9me3_R1-5_2percent_input_R1 6_h3k4me3_R1-6_2percent_input_R1 6_h3k9ac_R1-6_2percent_input_R1 6_h3k9me3_R1-6_2percent_input_R1 6_2percent_input_R1-4_2percent_input_R1 6_h3k4me3_R1-4_h3k4me3_R1 6_h3k9ac_R1-4_h3k9ac_R1 6_h3k9me3_R1-4_h3k9me3_R1 5_2percent_input_R1-4_2percent_input_R1 5_h3k4me3_R1-4_h3k4me3_R1 5_h3k9ac_R1-4_h3k9ac_R1 5_h3k9me3_R1-4_h3k9me3_R1 6_2percent_input_R1-3_2percent_input_R1 6_h3k4me3_R1-3_h3k4me3_R1 6_h3k9ac_R1-3_h3k9ac_R1 6_h3k9me3_R1-3_h3k9me3_R1 5_2percent_input_R1-3_2percent_input_R1 5_h3k4me3_R1-3_h3k4me3_R1 5_h3k9ac_R1-3_h3k9ac_R1 5_h3k9me3_R1-3_h3k9me3_R1 1_2percent_input_R1-3_2percent_input_R1 1_h3k4me3_R1-3_h3k4me3_R1 1_h3k9ac_R1-3_h3k9ac_R1 1_h3k9me3_R1-3_h3k9me3_R1 2_2percent_input_R1-3_2percent_input_R1 2_h3k4me3_R1-3_h3k4me3_R1 2_h3k9ac_R1-3_h3k9ac_R1 2_h3k9me3_R1-3_h3k9me3_R1 1_2percent_input_R1-4_2percent_input_R1 1_h3k4me3_R1-4_h3k4me3_R1 1_h3k9ac_R1-4_h3k9ac_R1 1_h3k9me3_R1-4_h3k9me3_R1 2_2percent_input_R1-4_2percent_input_R1 2_h3k4me3_R1-4_h3k4me3_R1 2_h3k9ac_R1-4_h3k9ac_R1 2_h3k9me3_R1-4_h3k9me3_R1'

In [ ]:
#Define pairs of peaks to compare
pairs_to_compare = ['5_h3k4me3_R1_vs_5_2percent_input_R1-3_h3k4me3_R1_vs_3_2percent_input_R1','5_h3k9ac_R1_vs_5_2percent_input_R1-3_h3k9ac_R1_vs_3_2percent_input_R1','5_h3k9me3_R1_vs_5_2percent_input_R1-3_h3k9me3_R1_vs_3_2percent_input_R1','5_h3k4me3_R1_vs_5_2percent_input_R1-4_h3k4me3_R1_vs_4_2percent_input_R1','5_h3k9ac_R1_vs_5_2percent_input_R1-4_h3k9ac_R1_vs_4_2percent_input_R1','5_h3k9me3_R1_vs_5_2percent_input_R1-4_h3k9me3_R1_vs_4_2percent_input_R1','6_h3k4me3_R1_vs_6_2percent_input_R1-3_h3k4me3_R1_vs_3_2percent_input_R1','6_h3k9ac_R1_vs_6_2percent_input_R1-3_h3k9ac_R1_vs_3_2percent_input_R1','6_h3k9me3_R1_vs_6_2percent_input_R1-3_h3k9me3_R1_vs_3_2percent_input_R1','6_h3k4me3_R1_vs_6_2percent_input_R1-4_h3k4me3_R1_vs_4_2percent_input_R1','6_h3k9ac_R1_vs_6_2percent_input_R1-4_h3k9ac_R1_vs_4_2percent_input_R1','6_h3k9me3_R1_vs_6_2percent_input_R1-4_h3k9me3_R1_vs_4_2percent_input_R1','1_h3k4me3_R1_vs_1_2percent_input_R1-3_h3k4me3_R1_vs_3_2percent_input_R1','1_h3k9ac_R1_vs_1_2percent_input_R1-3_h3k9ac_R1_vs_3_2percent_input_R1','1_h3k9me3_R1_vs_1_2percent_input_R1-3_h3k9me3_R1_vs_3_2percent_input_R1','2_h3k4me3_R1_vs_2_2percent_input_R1-4_h3k4me3_R1_vs_4_2percent_input_R1','2_h3k9ac_R1_vs_2_2percent_input_R1-4_h3k9ac_R1_vs_4_2percent_input_R1','2_h3k9me3_R1_vs_2_2percent_input_R1-4_h3k9me3_R1_vs_4_2percent_input_R1','1_h3k4me3_R1_vs_1_2percent_input_R1-3_h3k4me3_R1_vs_3_2percent_input_R1','1_h3k9ac_R1_vs_1_2percent_input_R1-3_h3k9ac_R1_vs_3_2percent_input_R1','1_h3k9me3_R1_vs_1_2percent_input_R1-3_h3k9me3_R1_vs_3_2percent_input_R1','2_h3k4me3_R1_vs_2_2percent_input_R1-4_h3k4me3_R1_vs_4_2percent_input_R1','2_h3k9ac_R1_vs_2_2percent_input_R1-4_h3k9ac_R1_vs_4_2percent_input_R1','2_h3k9me3_R1_vs_2_2percent_input_R1-4_h3k9me3_R1_vs_4_2percent_input_R1','6_h3k4me3_R1_vs_4_h3k4me3_R1-6_h3k9me3_R1_vs_4_h3k9me3_R1','5_h3k4me3_R1_vs_4_h3k4me3_R1-5_h3k9me3_R1_vs_4_h3k9me3_R1','6_h3k4me3_R1_vs_3_h3k4me3_R1-6_h3k9me3_R1_vs_3_h3k9me3_R1','5_h3k4me3_R1_vs_3_h3k4me3_R1-5_h3k9me3_R1_vs_3_h3k9me3_R1','6_h3k9ac_R1_vs_4_h3k9ac_R1-6_h3k9me3_R1_vs_4_h3k9me3_R1','5_h3k9ac_R1_vs_4_h3k9ac_R1-5_h3k9me3_R1_vs_4_h3k9me3_R1','6_h3k9ac_R1_vs_3_h3k9ac_R1-6_h3k9me3_R1_vs_3_h3k9me3_R1','5_h3k9ac_R1_vs_3_h3k9ac_R1-5_h3k9me3_R1_vs_3_h3k9me3_R1','6_h3k4me3_R1_vs_4_h3k4me3_R1-6_h3k9ac_R1_vs_4_h3k9ac_R1','5_h3k4me3_R1_vs_4_h3k4me3_R1-5_h3k9ac_R1_vs_4_h3k9ac_R1','6_h3k4me3_R1_vs_3_h3k4me3_R1-6_h3k9ac_R1_vs_3_h3k9ac_R1','5_h3k4me3_R1_vs_3_h3k4me3_R1-5_h3k9ac_R1_vs_3_h3k9ac_R1']

In [ ]:
###Update parameters, such as GENOME, GTF_FILE, paths, etc
parameters = "/root/src/omics-pipe/tests/test_params_ChIPseq_HOMER_AWS.yaml"
stream = file(parameters, 'r')
params = yaml.load(stream)
params.update({"SAMPLE_LIST": sample_names})
params.update({"PAIR_LIST": pairs})
params.update({"R_VERSION": '3.2.3'})
params.update({"GENOME": '/database/Homo_sapiens/UCSC/hg19/Sequence/WholeGenomeFasta/genome.fa'})
params.update({"REF_GENES": '/database/Homo_sapiens/UCSC/hg19/Annotation/Genes/genes.gtf'})
params.update({"RAW_DATA_DIR": '/data/data'})
params.update({"TEMP_DIR": '/data/data/tmp'})
params.update({"PIPE_MULTIPROCESS": 100})
params.update({"STAR_VERSION": '2.4.5a'})
params.update({"PARAMS_FILE": '/data/results/updated_params.yaml'})
params.update({"LOG_PATH": ':/data/results/logs'})
params.update({"QC_PATH": "/data/results/QC"})
params.update({"FLAG_PATH": "/data/results/flags"})
params.update({"BOWTIE_RESULTS": "/data/results/bowtie"})
params.update({"HOMER_RESULTS": "/data/results/homer"})
params.update({"BOWTIE_INDEX": "/data/database/Homo_sapiens/UCSC/hg19/Sequence/BowtieIndex/genome"})
params.update({"ENDS": 'SE'})
params.update({"HOMER_VERSION": '4.6'})
params.update({"TRIMMED_DATA_PATH": "/data/results/trimmed"})
params.update({"HOMER_TRIM_OPTIONS": "-3 GATCGGAAGAGCACACGTCT -mis 1 -minMatchLength 6 -min 45"})
params.update({"HOMER_PEAKS_OPTIONS": "-o auto -region -size 1000 -minDist 2500"})
params.update({"HOMER_MOTIFS_OPTIONS": "-start -1000 -end 100 -len 8,10 -p 4"})
params.update({"HOMER_GENOME": "hg19"})
#update params

#write yaml file
stream = file('updated_params.yaml', 'w')
p = Bunch(default_parameters)
#View Parameters
print "Run Parameters: \n" + str(params)

Omics Pipe ChIPseq HOMER Pipeline

The following commands execute the Omics Pipe ChIPseq HOMER pipeline

In [ ]:
### Omics Pipe Pipelines
from IPython.display import Image
Image(filename='/data/chip/2365251253-omics_pipe_pipelines_20140402.png', width=700, height=250)

In [ ]:
###Run Omics Pipe from the command line
!omics_pipe ChIPseq_HOMER /data/chip/updated_params.yaml

ChIPseq Results

Omics Pipe produces output files for each of the steps in the pipeline, as well as log files and run information (for reproducibility). Summarized output for each of the steps is displayed below for biological interpretation.

In [ ]:
#Change top directory to locate result files

In [ ]:
#Display Omics Pipe Pipeline Run Status
#pipeline = './flags/pipeline_combined_%s.pdf' % date
pipeline = './flags/pipeline_combined_2016-05-16 17:41.pdf'
IFrame(pipeline, width=700, height=500)

Quality Control of Raw Data -- FastQC

Quality control of the raw data (fastq files) was assessed using the tool FastQC ( The results for all samples are summarized below, and samples are given a PASS/FAIL rating.

In [ ]:
###Summarize FastQC raw data QC results per sample
results_dir = './QC/'
# Below is the complete list of labels in the summary file
summary_labels = ["Basic Statistics", "Per base sequence quality", "Per tile sequence quality", 
                  "Per sequence quality scores", "Per base sequence content", "Per sequence GC content", 
                  "Per base N content", "Sequence Length Distribution", "Sequence Duplication Levels", 
                  "Overrepresented sequences", "Adapter Content", "Kmer Content"]

# Below is the list I anticipate caring about; I leave the full list above in case it turns out later
# I anticipated wrong and need to update this one.
labels_of_interest = ["Basic Statistics", "Per base sequence quality"]

# Look for each file named summary.txt in each subdirectory named *_fastqc in the results directory
summary_wildpath = os.path.join(results_dir, '*/*_fastqc', "summary.txt")
summary_filepaths = [x for x in glob.glob(summary_wildpath)]
#print os.getcwd()
# Examine each of these files to find lines starting with "FAIL" or "WARN"
for curr_summary_path in summary_filepaths:
    has_error = False
    with open(curr_summary_path, 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            if line.startswith("FAIL") or line.startswith("WARN"):
                fields = line.split("\t")
                if not has_error:
                    print(fields[2].strip() + ": PASS") # the file name
                    has_error = True                    
                if fields[1] in labels_of_interest:
                    print(fields[0] + "\t" + fields[1])

In [ ]:
#Display QC results for individual samples
sample = "6_h3k9me3_R1"
name = '/data/chip/QC/%s_fastqc/fastqc_report.html' % (sample)
#name = './QC/%s/%s_fastqc/fastqc_report.html' % (sample,sample)
IFrame(name, width=1000, height=600)

Alignment Summary Statistics -- Bowtie

The samples were aligned to the genome with the Bowtie aligner ( The alignment statistics for all samples are summarized and displayed below. Samples that do not pass the alignment quality filter (Good quality = # aligned reads > 10 million and % aligned > 60%) are excluded from downstream analyses.

In [ ]:
#Run samstat to produce summary statistics from Bowtie output
!samstat ./bowtie/*/*.bam

In [ ]:
##Summarize Alignment QC Statistics
import sys
from io import StringIO
align_dir = './bowtie/'
# Look for each file named summary.txt in each subdirectory named *_fastqc in the results directory
summary_wildpath = os.path.join(align_dir, '*/', "*.bam.samstat.html")
#summary_wildpath = os.path.join(star_dir, "*")
summary_filepaths = [x for x in glob.glob(summary_wildpath)]
#print summary_filepaths

alignment_stats = pandas.DataFrame()
for curr_summary_path in summary_filepaths:    
    #with open(curr_summary_path, 'r') as f:
    filename = curr_summary_path.replace("./bowtie/","")
    filename2 = filename.replace(".bam.samstat.html","")
    filename3 = filename2.replace("/*","")
    dfs = pandas.read_html(curr_summary_path, header =0)
    df = dfs[0]
    raw_reads1 = df["Number"]
    raw_reads = raw_reads1[6]
    aligned_reads1 = df["Number"]
    aligned_reads = aligned_reads1[0]
    percent_aligned1 = df["Percentage"]
    percent_aligned = percent_aligned1[0]
    d = {"Sample": pandas.Series(filename3), "Raw_Reads": pandas.Series(float(raw_reads)),
         "Aligned_Reads": pandas.Series(float(aligned_reads)),
         "Percent_Uniquely_Aligned": pandas.Series(percent_aligned)}
    p = pandas.DataFrame(data=d)
    alignment_stats = alignment_stats.append(p)
#print alignment_stats
#View interactive table 
qgrid.show_grid(alignment_stats, grid_options={'forceFitColumns': False, 'defaultColumnWidth': 200})

In [ ]:
#Barplot of number of aligned reads per sample
ax = plt.subplot(111)
alignment_stats.plot(ax=ax, kind='barh', title='# of Reads')
ax.axvline(x=10000000, linewidth=2, color='Red', zorder=0)
#plt.xlabel('# Aligned Reads',fontsize=16)
for i, x in enumerate(alignment_stats.Sample):
    ax.text(0, i + 0, x, ha='right', va= "bottom", fontsize='medium')
plt.savefig('./alignment_stats_%s' %date ,dpi=300)  # save figure

In [ ]:
###Flag samples with poor alignment or low numbers of reads
df = alignment_stats
failed_samples = df.loc[(df.Aligned_Reads < 10000000) | (df.Percent_Uniquely_Aligned < 40), ['Sample','Raw_Reads', 'Aligned_Reads', 'Percent_Uniquely_Aligned']]
print failed_samples
#View interactive table 
#qgrid.show_grid(failed_samples, grid_options={'forceFitColumns': False, 'defaultColumnWidth': 200})

In [ ]:
#View Alignment Statistics for failed samples
for failed in failed_samples["Sample"]:
    #fname = "/data/results/star/%s/" % failed
    fname = "./bowtie/%s.bam.samstat.html" % failed
    print fname
    IFrame(fname, width=1000, height=600)

In [ ]:
###Samples that passed QC for alignment 
passed_samples = df.loc[(df.Aligned_Reads > 10000000) | (df.Percent_Uniquely_Aligned > 40), ['Sample','Raw_Reads', 'Aligned_Reads', 'Percent_Uniquely_Aligned']]

print "Number of samples that passed alignment QC = " + str(len(passed_samples))
#View interactive table 
#qgrid.show_grid(passed_samples, grid_options={'forceFitColumns': False, 'defaultColumnWidth': 200})

In [ ]:
#View Alignment Statistics for passed samples
for passed in passed_samples["Sample"]:
    #fname = "/data/results/star/%s/" % passed
    fname = "./bowtie/%s.bam.samstat.html" % passed
    print passed
    IFrame(fname, width=1000, height=600)

Clonal Tag Distribution

tagCountDistribution.txt - File contains a histogram of clonal read depth, showing the number of reads per unique position. If an experiment is "over-sequenced", you start seeing the same reads over and over instead of unique reads.

In [ ]:
for sample in sample_names:
    fi = "./%s/tagCountDistribution.txt" % sample
    counts1 = pandas.read_csv(fi, sep="\t")
    counts = counts1.head(10)
    counts.set_index = 0
    plt.savefig('./clonal_distribution_plot_%s' %sample ,dpi=300)  # save figure

Autocorrelation Analysis

tagAutocorrelation.txt - The autocorrelation routine creates a distribution of distances between adjacent reads in the genome. If reads are mapped to the same strand, they are added to the first column. If adjacent reads map to different strands, they are added to the 2nd column. The results from autocorrelation analysis are very useful for troubleshooting problems with the experiment, and are used to estimate the fragment length for ChIP-Seq and MNase-Seq.

In [ ]:
for sample in sample_names:
    fi = "./%s/tagAutocorrelation.txt" % sample
    tags = pandas.read_csv(fi, sep="\t")
    #Distance in bp(Fragment Length Estimate: 164)(Peak Width Estimate: 164)	Same Strand (+ for Watson strand, - for Crick)	Opposite Strand
    tags.columns = ['Relative_Distance_Between_Reads(bp)', 'Same_Strand', 'Opposite_Strand']
    ax1 = tags.plot(x='Relative_Distance_Between_Reads(bp)', y=['Same_Strand','Opposite_Strand'])
    plt.savefig('./autocorrelation_plot_%s' %sample ,dpi=300)  # save figure

Homer Results

HOMER (Hypergeometric Optimization of Motif EnRichment) is a suite of tools for Motif Discovery and next-gen sequencing analysis. It is a collection of command line programs for unix-style operating systems written in Perl and C++. HOMER was primarily written as a de novo motif discovery algorithm and is well suited for finding 8-20 bp motifs in large scale genomics data.

Peak Summary

View top of peaks file for peak calling statistics

In [ ]:
pairs1 = pairs.replace(" ", ",")
pairs2 = pairs1.replace("-", "_vs_")
pairs3 = pairs2.split(",")
peak_stats = pandas.DataFrame()
for pair in pairs3: 
    fname = "./%s/regions.txt" % pair
    with open(fname, 'r') as fin:
        head = [next(fin) for x in xrange(40)]
        df = pandas.DataFrame(head)
        df['col'] = df['col'].str.replace('\n','')
        df = pandas.DataFrame(df.col.str.split('=',1).tolist(),columns = ['sample',pair])
        df_items = df[['sample']]
        df_values = df[[pair]]
    peak_stats = pandas.concat([peak_stats, df_values],axis=1)
    #print pair
peak_stats = pandas.concat([df_items,peak_stats],axis=1)
peak_stats =peak_stats.transpose()
peak_stats =peak_stats.dropna(axis=1)
peak_stats.columns = peak_stats.iloc[0]
peak_stats = peak_stats[1:]

#View interactive table 
qgrid.show_grid(peak_stats, grid_options={'forceFitColumns': False, 'defaultColumnWidth': 200})

Number of Peaks Per Sample

In [ ]:
#Display peak summary graphs

#Barplot of number of peaks per sample
num_peaks = peak_stats.iloc[:,[1]]
num_peaks.columns = ["Number of Peaks"]
num_peaks =num_peaks.convert_objects(convert_numeric=True)
num_peaks = num_peaks.sort_values(["Number of Peaks"],axis=0,ascending=False), 5))
plt.savefig('./peaks_summary.png' ,dpi=300)  # save figure

IP Efficiency

Approximate IP effeciency describes the fraction of tags found in peaks versus. genomic background. This provides an estimate of how well the ChIP worked. Certain antibodies like H3K4me3, ERa, or PU.1 will yield very high IP efficiencies (>20%), while most rand in the 1-20% range. Once this number dips below 1% it's a good sign the ChIP didn't work very well and should probably be optimized.

In [ ]:
#Display IP efficiency summary graphs, with horizontal line at y=1
IP = peak_stats.iloc[:,[8]]
IP.columns = ["IP_Efficiency"]
IP['IP_Efficiency'] = IP['IP_Efficiency'].replace('%','',regex=True).astype('float')
IP =IP.sort_values(['IP_Efficiency'],axis=0,ascending=False), 5))
plt.axhline(y=1, color =  "red", linewidth = 2)
plt.savefig('./ipefficiency_summary.png' ,dpi=300)  # save figure

Annotation Summary

Visualize pie chart/bar graph of annotated peaks

Gene Type

In [ ]:
#Summarize annotation stats
annot_stats = pandas.DataFrame()
for pair in pairs3: 
    fname = "./%s/regions.annotate.txt" % pair
    fi = pandas.read_csv(fname, sep="\t")
    fi.columns = [c.replace(' ', '_') for c in fi.columns]
    fi.Gene_Type.value_counts().plot(kind="pie",figsize=(6, 6))
    plt.savefig('./Peaks_Gene_Type_pie_%s.png' %pair ,dpi=300)  # save figure
    #qgrid.show_grid(fi, grid_options={'forceFitColumns': False, 'defaultColumnWidth': 200})

#View interactive table 
#qgrid.show_grid(peak_stats, grid_options={'forceFitColumns': False, 'defaultColumnWidth': 200})


In [ ]:
#Summarize annotation stats
annot_stats = pandas.DataFrame()
for pair in pairs3: 
    fname = "./%s/regions.annotate.txt" % pair
    fi = pandas.read_csv(fname, sep="\t")
    fi.columns = [c.replace(' ', '_') for c in fi.columns]
    fi['Annotation'] = fi['Annotation'].replace('\(.*?\)','',regex=True)
    fi['Annotation'] = fi['Annotation'].replace(' \.*?','',regex=True) 
    fi['Annotation'] = fi['Annotation'].replace('\..*$','',regex=True) 

    fi.Annotation.value_counts().plot(kind="pie", figsize=(8, 8))
    plt.savefig('./Peaks_Gene_Type_pie_%s' %pair ,dpi=300)  # save figure

In [ ]:
#Download scripts from
import sys
sys.path.append('/data/chip/ChIPseq_tools-master') #append path to downloaded scripts
import getFromAnnotations as gfa

for pair in pairs3:
    annotationList = gfa.getAnnotationList('%s/regions.annotate.txt' %pair)
    #plot distances
        #pie chart 
        pieChartMap = gfa.getPieChartMap(annotationList)
        gfa.pieChart(pieChartMap, pair)
        plt.savefig('./Pie_Chart_with_numbers_%s' %pair ,dpi=300)  # save figure
    except ValueError: 

In [ ]:
#qgrid.show_grid(fi.sample(200), grid_options={'forceFitColumns': False, 'defaultColumnWidth': 200})

KEGG Enrichment for peaks

Visualize KEGG gene set enrichment for peaks annotated to genes

In [ ]:
#Summarize annotation stats
kegg_stats = pandas.DataFrame()
for pair in pairs3: 
    fname = "./%s_GO/kegg.txt" % pair
    fi = pandas.read_csv(fname, sep="\t")
    fi.columns = [c.replace(' ', '_') for c in fi.columns]
    fi = fi.loc[fi["Enrichment"] < 0.05]
    fi["comparison"] = pair
    kegg_stats = kegg_stats.append(fi)

#write summary to file

#View interactive table 
qgrid.show_grid(kegg_stats, grid_options={'forceFitColumns': False, 'defaultColumnWidth': 200})

Motif Analysis

View enriched motifs

In general, when analyzing ChIP-Seq / ChIP-Chip peaks you should expect to see strong enrichment for a motif resembling the site recognized by the DNA binding domain of the factor you are studying. Enrichment p-values reported by HOMER should be very very significant (i.e. << 1e-50). If this is not the case, there is a strong possibility that the experiment may have failed in one way or another. For example, the peaks could be of low quality because the factor is not expressed very high.

In [ ]:
#Summarize enriched motifs stats
motif_stats = pandas.DataFrame()
for pair in pairs3: 
    fname = "./%s/MotifOutput/knownResults.txt" % pair
    fi = pandas.read_csv(fname, sep="\t")
    fi.columns = ["Motif_Name", "Consensus", "P-value", "Log_P-value", "q-value_Benjamini", "#TargetSequenceswithMotif", 
                  "%TargetSequenceswithMotif","#BackgroundSequenceswithMotif", "%BackgroundSequenceswithMotif",]
    fi = fi.loc[fi["P-value"] < 1e-50]
    fi["comparison"] = pair
    motif_stats = motif_stats.append(fi)

#write summary to file

#View interactive table 
qgrid.show_grid(motif_stats, grid_options={'forceFitColumns': False, 'defaultColumnWidth': 200})

Peaks in Promoters

Extract peaks in promoter regions

In [ ]:
#Summarize peaks in promoters
promoter_stats = pandas.DataFrame()
for pair in pairs3: 
    fname = "./%s/regions.annotate.txt" % pair
    fi = pandas.read_csv(fname, sep="\t")
    fi.columns = [c.replace(' ', '_') for c in fi.columns]
    fi['Annotation'] = fi['Annotation'].replace('\(.*?\)','',regex=True)
    fi['Annotation'] = fi['Annotation'].replace(' \.*?','',regex=True) 
    fi['Annotation'] = fi['Annotation'].replace('\..*$','',regex=True) 
    fi = fi.loc[fi["Annotation"] == "promoter-TSS"]
    fi["comparison"] = pair
    fi.Gene_Type.value_counts().plot(kind="bar", figsize=(8, 8))
    plt.title("Peaks in Promoters by Gene Type -" + pair)
    plt.xlabel('Gene Type', fontsize=12)
    plt.ylabel('# of Peaks', fontsize=12)
    plt.savefig('./Promoter_Peaks_Gene_Type_bar_%s' %pair ,dpi=300)  # save figure
    promoter_stats = promoter_stats.append(fi)
#write summary to file

Peaks Annotated to Genes of Interest

Extract peaks annotated to genes of interest

In [ ]:
genes_df = pandas.read_csv("./genes_of_interest_validated_junctions.csv")
gene_names = genes_df["gene"]
genes_stats = pandas.DataFrame()
for pair in pairs3: 
    fname = "./%s/regions.annotate.txt" % pair
    fi = pandas.read_csv(fname, sep="\t")
    fi.columns = [c.replace(' ', '_') for c in fi.columns]
    fi['Annotation'] = fi['Annotation'].replace('\(.*?\)','',regex=True)
    fi['Annotation'] = fi['Annotation'].replace(' \.*?','',regex=True) 
    fi['Annotation'] = fi['Annotation'].replace('\..*$','',regex=True) 
    fi = fi.loc[fi["Gene_Name"].isin(gene_names)]
    fi["comparison"] = pair
    if fi.Annotation.empty:
        fi.Annotation.value_counts().plot(kind="bar", figsize=(8, 8))
        plt.title("Peaks in Promoters by Annotation -" + pair)
        plt.xlabel('Annotation', fontsize=12)
        plt.ylabel('# of Peaks', fontsize=12)
        plt.savefig('./Genes_of_Interest_Peaks_Annotation_bar_%s' %pair ,dpi=300)  # save figure
        genes_stats = genes_stats.append(fi)
#write summary to file

In [ ]:
#Download scripts from
import sys
sys.path.append('/data/chip/ChIPseq_tools-master') #append path to downloaded scripts
import getFromAnnotations as gfa

for pair in pairs3:
    annotationList = gfa.getAnnotationList('%s/regions.annotate.txt' %pair)
    #plot distances
        distanceList,countMap = gfa.getDistanceList(annotationList)
        gfa.histDistances(distanceList, pair)
        plt.savefig('./TSS_distance_%s' %pair ,dpi=300)  # save figure
        plt.savefig('./TSS_distance_bp_%s' %pair ,dpi=300)  # save figure 
    except ValueError: 

In [ ]:
genes_stats2 = genes_stats[['Gene_Name','comparison']]
genes_stats2.Gene_Name.value_counts().plot(kind="bar", figsize=(15, 8), stacked=True)
plt.xlabel('Genes of Interest', fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel('# of Peaks', fontsize=12)
plt.savefig('./Genes_of_Interest_Peaks_all.png' ,dpi=300)  # save figure

In [ ]:
genes_stats2 = genes_stats[['Gene_Name','comparison']]
genes_stats2.comparison.value_counts().plot(kind="barh", figsize=(15, 8), stacked=True)
plt.xlabel('# Peaks', fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel('Comparison', fontsize=12)
plt.savefig('./Genes_of_Interest_Comparison_Peaks_all.png' ,dpi=300)  # save figure

In [ ]:
sub_df = genes_stats2.groupby(['Gene_Name']).comparison.value_counts().unstack()
sub_df.plot(kind='bar',stacked=True, figsize=(15, 8)).legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5)  )
plt.xlabel('Genes of Interest', fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel('# of Peaks', fontsize=12)
plt.savefig('./Genes_of_Interest_Peaks_by_comparison.png' ,dpi=300)  # save figure

In [ ]:
sub_df = genes_stats2.groupby(['comparison']).Gene_Name.value_counts().unstack()
sub_df.plot(kind='barh',stacked=True, figsize=(15, 8)).legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5)  )
plt.xlabel('# Peaks', fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel('Comparison', fontsize=12)
plt.savefig('./Comparison_by_genes_of_interest.png' ,dpi=300)  # save figure

Venn Analysis for Comparison of Peaks

In [ ]:
for pairs in pairs_to_compare: 
    #print pairs
    pairs_split = pairs.split("-")
    pair1 = pairs_split[0]
    pair2= pairs_split[1]
    peaks1 = pandas.read_csv('./%s/regions.annotate.txt' %pair1, sep="\t")
    peaks2 = pandas.read_csv('./%s/regions.annotate.txt' %pair2, sep="\t")
    peaks1.columns = [c.replace(' ', '_') for c in peaks1.columns]
    peaks1.columns.values[0] = "Peak_ID"
    peaks2.columns = [c.replace(' ', '_') for c in peaks2.columns]
    peaks2.columns.values[0] = "Peak_ID"
    peaks1_list = peaks1['Gene_Name'].tolist()
    peaks2_list = peaks2['Gene_Name'].tolist()
    venn2([set(peaks1_list), set(peaks2_list)], (pair1,pair2))
    plt.savefig('./Venn_Analysis_Genes_with_Peaks_%s.png' %pairs ,dpi=300)  # save figure
    commonGenes, uniqueL1, uniqueL2 = compare.compareLists(peaks1_list, peaks2_list)
    commonGenes_df = pandas.DataFrame(commonGenes, columns = ["commonGenes"])
    commonGenes_df.to_csv("CommonGenes_%s.csv" %pairs)
    uniqueL1_df = pandas.DataFrame(uniqueL1, columns = ["uniqueL1"])
    uniqueL1_df.to_csv("uniqueL1_%s_%s.csv" %(pair1, pairs))
    uniqueL2_df = pandas.DataFrame(uniqueL2, columns = ["uniqueL2"])
    uniqueL2_df.to_csv("uniqueL2_%s_%s.csv" %(pair2, pairs))

View Pileups on Genome Browser

Cut and copy the following URLs to create custom tracks for your samples in UCSC Genome Browser

In [ ]:
for sample in sample_names:
    url = "" %(sample,sample)
    print url

In [ ]:
IFrame("", width=900, height=500)

In [ ]: