Seismic Resolution and Forward Modelling

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# Import the necessary packages
%matplotlib inline   
from geoscilabs.seismic.syntheticSeismogram import InteractSeismogramTBL

When referring to vertical resolution, the question to ask is: "Can the two arrivals (one from the top, and one from the bottom of the layer) be distinguished?"

Adjust the layer thickness for the middle layer (by adjusting d2 and/or d3) and the frequency of the input pulse to investigate vertical resolution. You can also add noise to the trace.

The geologic model is:

Parameters of the below widget are:

  • d2: depth of the interface between layer 1 and 2
  • d3: depth of the interface between layer 2 and 3
  • rho1: density of the layer 1 ($kg/m^3$)
  • rho2: density of the layer 2 ($kg/m^3$)
  • rho3: density of the layer 3 ($kg/m^3$)
  • v1: velocity of the layer 1 ($m/s$)
  • v2: velocity of the layer 2 ($m/s$)
  • v3: velocity of the layer 3 ($m/s$)
  • wavef: peak frequency of the Ricker wavelet
  • waveA: amplitude of Ricker wavelet
  • AddNoise: swith for adding noise
  • usingT: switch for considering transmission coefficient for reflectivity

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<function geoscilabs.seismic.syntheticSeismogram.plotSeismogramInteractTBL(d2, d3, rho1, rho2, rho3, v1, v2, v3, wavf, wavA, AddNoise=False, usingT=True)>

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