This is the Jupyter Notebook, an interactive coding and computation environment. For this lab, you do not have to write any code, you will only be running it.
To use the notebook:
This notebook uses code adapted from
In [1]:
import numpy as np
from geoscilabs.mag import Mag, Simulator
from SimPEG import PF, Utils, Mesh
%matplotlib inline
Earth magnetic field is a vector. To define a vector we need to choose a coordinate system. We use right-handed system:
Here we consider an earth magnetic field ($\vec{B_0}$), of which intensity is one. To define this unit vector, we use inclinatino and declination:
We consider a typical form of magnetic data. To illustrate this we consider an suceptible object embedded in the earth. Based upon the earth magnetic field ($\vec{B}_0$), this object will generate anomalous magnetic field ($\vec{B}_A$). We define an unit vector $\hat{B}_0$ for the earth field as $$ \hat{B}_0 = \frac{\vec{B}_0}{|\vec{B}_0|}$$ We measure both earth and anomalous magnetic field such that
$$ \vec{B} = \vec{B}_0 + \vec{B}_A$$Total field anomaly, $\triangle \vec{B}$ can be defined as
$$ |\triangle \vec{B}| = |\vec{B}|-|\vec{B}_E| $$If $|\vec{B}|\ll|\vec{B}_E|$, then that is total field anomaly $\triangle \vec{B}$ is the projection of the anomalous field onto the direction of the earth field:
$$ |\triangle \vec{B}| \simeq \vec{B}_A \cdot \hat{B}_0=|\vec{B}_A|cos\theta$$Our model is a rectangular prism. Parameters to define this prism are given below:
You can also change the height of the survey grid above the ground
Green dots show a plane where we measure data.
In [11]:
#Input parameters
fileName = ''
xyzd = np.genfromtxt(fileName, skip_header=3)
B = np.r_[60308, 83.8, 25.4]
survey = Mag.createMagSurvey(xyzd, B)
# View the data and chose a profile
param = Simulator.ViewMagSurvey2D(survey)
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# Define the parametric model interactively
model = Simulator.ViewPrism(param.result)
Based on the prism that you made above, below Magnetic applet computes magnetic field at receiver locations, and provide both 2D map (left) and profile line (right).
For the prism, you can alter:
Parameters for the earth field are:
For data, you can view:
You can simulate and view remanent magnetization effect with parameters:
In [5]:
plotwidget = Simulator.PFSimulator(model, param)
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