Interactive Tables and their API

The table UI allows column drag/drop, hide, sorting, formatting, searching, selecting/export as CSV. This makes it easy to paste into a spreadsheet like Excel.

There is a menu in the top-left for the whole table, and each column has a menu that appears on hover.

There are also keyboard commands: digits change the precision of all columns, shift-digit changes the precision of the current column. Arrow keys navigate, and the page up/down keys work too.

In [ ]:
new TableDisplay( new CSV().read("../resources/data/interest-rates.csv"))

Formatting and Alignment

In [ ]:
import com.twosigma.beakerx.table.*
import com.twosigma.beakerx.table.format.TableDisplayStringFormat

display = new TableDisplay(new CSV().read("../resources/data/interest-rates.csv"))
//show all time columns in days
//min 4, max 6 decimal places for all doubles
display.setStringFormatForType(ColumnType.Double, TableDisplayStringFormat.getDecimalFormat(4,6))
//setting for a column takes precidence over the type
display.setStringFormatForColumn("m3", TableDisplayStringFormat.getDecimalFormat(0, 0))
//set the alignment
display.setAlignmentProviderForType(ColumnType.Double, TableDisplayAlignmentProvider.RIGHT_ALIGNMENT)
display.setAlignmentProviderForColumn('m3', TableDisplayAlignmentProvider.CENTER_ALIGNMENT)

//using a closure
display.setStringFormatForColumn("y3") { value, row, col, tableDisplay ->
   if(value < 8) {
   } else {


This changes the format of the table above in the previous output cell. It's updated because the object is synchronized between the kernel and the client.

In [ ]:

Bar Charts Renderer

In [ ]:
import com.twosigma.beakerx.table.*
import com.twosigma.beakerx.table.renderer.TableDisplayCellRenderer

def display2 = new TableDisplay(new CSV().read("../resources/data/interest-rates.csv"))
//right now, the only renderer option is for data bars
display2.setRendererForType(ColumnType.Double, TableDisplayCellRenderer.getDataBarsRenderer())
//use the false parameter to hide the String value
display2.setRendererForColumn("y10", TableDisplayCellRenderer.getDataBarsRenderer(false))

Column Visibility and Placement

In [ ]:
import com.twosigma.beakerx.table.*
import com.twosigma.beakerx.fileloader.CSV
import com.twosigma.beakerx.table.format.TableDisplayStringFormat

def display3 = new TableDisplay(new CSV().read("../resources/data/interest-rates.csv"))
display3.setStringFormatForType(ColumnType.Double, TableDisplayStringFormat.getDecimalFormat(9,9))
//freeze a column
display3.setColumnFrozen("y1", true)
//hide a column
display3.setColumnVisible("y30", false)

//explicitly set column order/visiblity
display3.setColumnOrder(["m3", "y1", "y5", "time", "y2"]) //Columns in the list will be shown in the provided order. Columns not in the list will be hidden.


In [ ]:
import com.twosigma.beakerx.table.*
import com.twosigma.beakerx.table.highlight.TableDisplayCellHighlighter

def display4 = new TableDisplay(new CSV().read("../resources/data/interest-rates.csv"))
display4.addCellHighlighter(TableDisplayCellHighlighter.getHeatmapHighlighter("m3", TableDisplayCellHighlighter.FULL_ROW))

//the following two overloads should also be supported
//set the min and max used for calculating the color
//display4.addCellHighlighter(TableDisplayCellHighlighter.getHeatmapHighlighter("y1", TableDisplayCellHighlighter.FULL_ROW, 0, 5))
//set the colors used for the min and max
//display4.addCellHighlighter(TableDisplayCellHighlighter.getHeatmapHighlighter("m6", TableDisplayCellHighlighter.SINGLE_COLUMN, null, null, Color.YELLOW, Color.BLUE))


Cell Background Color

In [ ]:
def map = [
   [a:1, b:2, c:3],
   [a:4, b:5, c:6],
   [a:7, b:8, c:5]
def display5 = new TableDisplay(map)
display5.addCellHighlighter { row, column, tableDisplay ->
  if (column == 2) {
    display5.values[row][column] < 5 ? Color.RED : Color.GREEN

Heatmaps per Column

In [ ]:
import com.twosigma.beakerx.table.*
import com.twosigma.beakerx.table.highlight.*

display6 = new TableDisplay(new CSV().read("../resources/data/interest-rates.csv"))
display6.addCellHighlighter(TableDisplayCellHighlighter.getHeatmapHighlighter("m3", 0, 8, Color.ORANGE, Color.PINK))
display6.addCellHighlighter(TableDisplayCellHighlighter.getHeatmapHighlighter("m6", TableDisplayCellHighlighter.SINGLE_COLUMN, 6, 8, Color.BLACK, Color.PINK))

display6.addCellHighlighter(new ThreeColorHeatmapHighlighter("y1", TableDisplayCellHighlighter.SINGLE_COLUMN, 4, 6, 8, new Color(247,106,106), new Color(239,218,82), new Color(100,189,122)))


In [ ]:

Color Unique Entries

In [ ]:
import com.twosigma.beakerx.table.highlight.*

def table = new TableDisplay([[1,2,3], 
                             ['a', 'b', 'c'], 
                             ['double', 'double', 'double'])
table.addCellHighlighter(TableDisplayCellHighlighter.getUniqueEntriesHighlighter("b", TableDisplayCellHighlighter.FULL_ROW))

Font Size, Color, and Vertical Headers

In [ ]:
def mapList5 = [
 [firstCol:1, secondCol:2, thirdCol:3],
 [firstCol:4, secondCol:5, thirdCol:6],
 [firstCol:9, secondCol:8, thirdCol:9]
def td4 = new TableDisplay(mapList5)

//tool tip can be set with a closure
td4.setToolTip { row, col, display ->
 "The value is: " + display.values[row][col]

//set the font size and color
td4.dataFontSize = 35
td4.headerFontSize = 30

def colors = [[Color.LIGHT_GRAY, Color.GRAY, Color.RED],
            [Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.ORANGE, Color.RED],
            [Color.MAGENTA, Color.BLUE, Color.BLACK]]

td4.setFontColorProvider { row, col, td ->

//try different filter options
td4.setRowFilter { row, model ->
 //model[row][1] == 8
 //model[row][0] == model[row][2]

//set vertical headers
//you can also do this in the right-click menu


Programmable Actions

Bind a closure or running a cell to the context menu or double click action on the table.

In [ ]:
abc = 0; // test variable
mapList = [
   [a:1, b:2, c:3],
   [a:4, b:5, c:6],
   [a:7, b:8, c:5]

In [ ]:
def display1 = new TableDisplay(mapList)
//set what happens on a double click
display1.setDoubleClickAction { row, col, tableDisplay ->
   tableDisplay.values[row][col] = tableDisplay.values[row].sum()

//add a context menu item
display1.addContextMenuItem("negate") { row, col, tableDisplay ->
   tableDisplay.values[row][col] = -tableDisplay.values[row][col]


In [ ]:
def display2 = new TableDisplay(mapList)

//run tagged cell on action
display2.addContextMenuItem("run print cell", "print_cell");


In [ ]:
println abc

In [ ]:
display4 = new TableDisplay(mapList)

//run tagged cell on action
display4.addContextMenuItem("run tagged_cell cell", "tagged_cell");


In [ ]:
def details = display4.details

if(details != null){
    case 'DOUBLE_CLICK':
    print ("You clicked on the cell [" + details.row + ", " + details.col + "]")
     print ("You selected context menu '" + details.contextMenuItem + "' on the cell [" + details.row + ", " + details.col + "]")
  println "no table tag action performed."

HTML format

HTML format allows markup and styling of the cell's content. Interactive JavaScript and images are not supported however. See below for image support.

In [ ]:
tbl = new TableDisplay([x: '<em style="color:red">italic red</em>',
                      y: '<b style="color:blue">bold blue</b>',
                      z: 'multiline strings<br/>work fine too']);
tbl.setStringFormatForColumn("Value", TableDisplayStringFormat.getHTMLFormat())

Image format

Image format allows loading any image supported by the web browser, including PNG, JPG, and SVG formats. It can be a relative URL served from the same directories as the notebook itself, an absolute URL to anywhere on the web, or a data URL with encoded data.

In [ ]:
tbl = new TableDisplay(['Peacock': '../resources/img/butterfly1.jpg',
                        'Morpho': '../resources/img/butterfly2.jpg',
                        'Swallowtail': '../resources/img/butterfly3.jpg']);
tbl.setStringFormatForColumn("Value", TableDisplayStringFormat.getImageFormat())

In [ ]:
tbl = new TableDisplay(['': '',
                        '': '']);
tbl.setStringFormatForColumn("Value", TableDisplayStringFormat.getImageFormat())

In [ ]:
tbl = new TableDisplay(['up': '',
                        'down': '']);
tbl.setStringFormatForColumn("Value", TableDisplayStringFormat.getImageFormat())

Auto linking of URLs

The normal string format automatically detects URLs and links them. An underline appears when the mouse hovers over such a string, and when you click it opens in a new window.

In [ ]:
new TableDisplay(['Two Sigma': '', 'BeakerX': 'surrounding text works fine'])

Seamless Update

In [ ]:
def mapListToUpdate = [
   [a:1, b:2, c:3],
   [a:4, b:5, c:6],
   [a:7, b:8, c:9]
tableToUpdate = new TableDisplay(mapListToUpdate)


In [ ]:
tableToUpdate.values[0][0] = 99

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