Screenshot taken from Coursera
Recall = 5600 /(5600 + 40) = 0.99
Screenshot taken from Coursera
Accuracy = (5600 + 2460)/(5600 + 2460 + 40 + 1900) = 0.8
Screenshot taken from Coursera
Screenshot taken from Coursera
Screenshot taken from Coursera
Screenshot taken from Coursera
Screenshot taken from Coursera
Screenshot taken from Coursera
Screenshot taken from Coursera
Notice that class probability =/= score. In the context of linear classifier, score is the dot product of coefficieints and features.
Recall that P(y = +1 | x,w) = sigmoid(score). If we want P(y=+1|x,w) to be greater than 0.9, how large should the score be?
$\large \frac{1}{1 + e^{-score}} = 0.9$
$=> \large 0.9 + 0.9 e^{-score} = 1$
$=>\large \frac{0.1}{0.9} = e^{-score}$
$=>\large \ln(\frac{0.1}{0.9}) = \ln(e^{-score})$
$=>\large score = 2.20$