In [1]:
import numpy as np
resolutions = [150, 360, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800] # dpi
inch2cm = 2.54 # cm/inch
nbrOfSubpixels = 32
# Calulation Pixel Pinch
pixel_pitch = np.empty(shape=[len(resolutions)], dtype=np.float64) # um
for i in range(len(resolutions)):
pixel_pitch[i] = (inch2cm/resolutions[i])*10000
# Calculation Subpixel Pinch
sub_pixel_pitch = np.empty(shape=[len(resolutions)], dtype=np.float64) # um
for i in range(len(resolutions)):
sub_pixel_pitch[i] = pixel_pitch[i]/nbrOfSubpixels
for i in range(len(resolutions)):
print("Resolution: {:4} dpi Pixel Pitch: {} um Sub Pixel Pitch: {} um".format(resolutions[i], pixel_pitch[i], sub_pixel_pitch[i]))
Error in Pixel Pitch $\Delta x_{Pitch}$because of substrate speed and clock frequency $\Delta x_{Pitch} = v_{Substrate}∙\Delta t$
Error is the modulus of the achieved and the ideal pixel pitch. $e = Rest(\frac{pixel_{Pitch}}{\Delta x_{Raster}})$
In [2]:
import numpy as np
import pylab as pl
frequencies = [50e6, 100e6, 150e6, 200e6] # MHz
speed = np.linspace(0,10,50) # 50 x points from 0m/s to 10m/s
for freq in frequencies:
delta_x_pitch = (speed*100000) * 1/freq # um/s / s
#error = numpy.mod(pixel_pitch[1],delta_x_pitch)
# Plot graph
pl.plot(speed,delta_x_pitch,label=str(int(freq/1000000))+" MHz")
# Place legend, Axis and Title
pl.xlabel("Speed [m/s]")
pl.ylabel("$\Delta$ x_pitch or Error [um]")
pl.title("Pixel Pitch Errors @ {}dpi".format(resolutions[1]))
In [3]:
pixel_pitch = 0.1692 # mm
inch2cm = 2.54 # cm/inch
resolution = (inch2cm/pixel_pitch)*10
print("Resolution: {:4} dpi Pixel Pitch: {} um".format(resolution, pixel_pitch))
In [4]:
ph_resolution = 360 # dpi
inch2cm = 2.54 # cm/inch
ph_overlapping = 0.196 # cm
pixel_overlap = ph_resolution / inch2cm * ph_overlapping
print("{} dots".format(pixel_overlap))
$pixel_{pitch} = \frac{25.4\frac{mm}{inch}}{resolution_{ph}} = [mm]$
$freq_{adjusted} = \frac{freq_{ph}*percent_{speed}}{100} = [Hz]$
$speed = pixel_{pitch} * freq_{adjusted} * \frac{resolution_{ph}}{resolution_{job}} = [\frac{mm}{s}]$
In [5]:
resolution_job = 720 # dpi
resolution_ph = 360 # dpi
f_ph = 30e3 # Hz
speed_percent = 100 # %
inch2mm = 25.4 # mm/inch
pixel_pinch = inch2mm/resolution_ph # (inch/mm)/(dot/inch) = mm/dot
adjusted_frequency = f_ph / 100 * speed_percent # Hz
speed = pixel_pinch * adjusted_frequency * resolution_ph/resolution_job # (mm/dot) * 1/s * (dot/inch)/(dot/inch) = mm/s
print("Pixel Pinch = {} mm".format(pixel_pinch))
print("Adjusted Frequency = {}% of {} Hz = {} Hz".format(speed_percent, f_ph, adjusted_frequency))
print("Speed = {} mm/s".format(speed))
print("Speed = {} m/s".format(speed/1000))
For calculating the Printing dimensions in x and y axis. The following values are needed.
$print_{width} = section_{width} * 2\frac{pixel}{byte} * \frac{0.0254\frac{m}{inch}}{ph_{dpi}} = [m]$
$print_{length} = section_{depth} * section_{numbers} * 2\frac{pixel}{byte} * \frac{0.0254\frac{m}{inch}}{ph_{dpi}} = [m]$
In [6]:
import math
def printing_dimensions(section_width, section_depth, section_numbers, number_of_channels, ph_dpi):
printing_dimensions calculates the printing width and length of a printhead with the available memory
:param section_width : (bytes^=pixel/channel) Can be found in CoE Memory Organization 8040:1
:param section_depth : (bytes => 1 byte=2 px) Can be found in CoE Memory Organization 8040:2
:param section_numbers : Can be found in CoE Memory Organization 8040:3
:param number_of_channels : Equals number of colors per board
:param ph_dpi : Dpi of the printheads
:return print_width : height (cross print axis) in mm of the printable width per printhead
:return print_length : length (print axis) in mm of the printable job
# Constants
inch2m = 0.0254 # m/inch
pixel_byte = 2 # pixel/byte
# Calc Pixel Pitch
pixel_pitch = inch2m/ph_dpi # in m
# Calc Print width = Y Axis = Crossprint Axis
section_width_pixel = section_width # this is already in bytes (1 byte = 1 px)
print_width = section_width_pixel*pixel_pitch
# Calc Print length = X Axis = Print Axis
section_depth_pixel = section_depth * pixel_byte
print_length = section_depth_pixel*section_numbers*pixel_pitch
# Calc memory size
memory_size_byte = section_width*section_depth*section_numbers*number_of_channels
memory_size_pixel = memory_size_byte * pixel_byte
# Print
print("Memory Size : {} MBytes = {} MPixels".format((memory_size_byte/1000/1000), (memory_size_pixel/1000/1000)))
print("PixelPitch @ {:3}dpi : {} um".format(ph_dpi,pixel_pitch*1000*1000))
print("Image width : {} mm".format(print_width*1000))
print("Print length : {} m".format(print_length))
# m_number_of_sections=MEMORY_SIZE/(Memory_Section::get_width()*Memory_Section::get_depth()*anheads);
# m_memory_depth=m_number_of_sections*Memory_Section::get_depth();
return print_width, print_length
def biggest_multipage_job(print_length, max_image_size):
calculates the max number of multipages in job with a given substratesize (max_image_size).
:param print_length : max length of the job according to printing_dimensions() return value
:param max_image_size : max size of one image
:return nbr_of_multipages : max number of multipage in the entire job
nbr_of_multipages = print_length*1000/max_image_size
print("Max Number of Multipages : {} pages = {} pages".format(nbr_of_multipages, int(math.floor(nbr_of_multipages))))
return nbr_of_multipages
In [7]:
section_width = 3072 # bytes = pixel
section_depth = 16384 # bytes (1 bytes = 1 px)
section_numbers = 21 # Nbr per Channel (Color)
number_of_channels = 1 # Number of printheads per board
ph_dpi = 600 # dpi
print_width, print_length = printing_dimensions(section_width, section_depth, section_numbers, number_of_channels, ph_dpi)
# For 4 GB of RAM
print_length = print_length *4
print("Print length (4GB) : {} m".format(print_length))
In [8]:
section_width = 1536 # bytes ^= pixel per channel
section_depth = 8192 # bytes => 1bytes = 2 pixel (by 4bpp)
section_numbers = 21 # Nbr per Channel (Color)
number_of_channels = 4 # Number of printheads per board
ph_dpi = 360 # dpi
subrate_length = (281.94, 125.56) # (x, y) in mm (DART_24PX_SHORT_CMYK)
print_width, print_length = printing_dimensions(section_width, section_depth, section_numbers, number_of_channels, ph_dpi)
nbr_of_multipages = biggest_multipage_job(print_length,subrate_length[0] )
In [9]:
section_width = 1536 # bytes ^= pixel per channel
section_depth = 8192 # bytes => 1bytes = 2 pixel (by 4bpp)
section_numbers = 21 # Nbr per Channel (Color)
number_of_channels = 4 # Number of printheads per board
ph_dpi = 360 # dpi
subrate_length = (115.5822, 80) # (x, y) in mm
print_width, print_length = printing_dimensions(section_width, section_depth, section_numbers, number_of_channels, ph_dpi)
nbr_of_multipages = biggest_multipage_job(print_length,subrate_length[0] )
In [10]:
def calc_fire_time(speed=10, dpi=1200): # speed = [m/min] dpi = [dpi]
inch2m = 0.0254
pixel_pitch = inch2m/dpi # m
fire_time = float(pixel_pitch) / (float(speed)/float(60))
print("Speed = {} m/min".format(speed))
print("Resolution = {} dpi".format(dpi))
print("Fire Time = {} s = {} kHz".format(fire_time, 1/fire_time/1000))
fire_time_act = 0.000131
dif = fire_time_act - fire_time
dist = float(speed)/float(60)*dif
print("Distance = {} ".format(dist))