In [1]:
%matplotlib inline

import tensorflow as tf
import as mio

In [2]:
# the image to fit (rgb image of HWC) where H: height, W: weight and C
# the number of channels (=3).
image = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, None, 3), name='images')

# we only use the upper-left (x0, y0) and lower-down (x1, y1) points
# of the bounding box as a vector (x0, y0, x1, y1).
initial_bb = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(4), name='inits')

In [ ]:
!wget --no-check-certificate

In [3]:
MDM_MODEL_PATH = 'theano_mdm.pb'

Load the model

In [5]:
with open(MDM_MODEL_PATH, 'rb') as f:
    graph_def = tf.GraphDef.FromString(
    pred,  = tf.import_graph_def(graph_def, input_map={"image": image, "bounding_box": initial_bb}, return_elements=['prediction:0'])

In [6]:
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()

Load an image to fit

In [7]:
im = mio.import_builtin_asset.lenna_png()

Retrieve the bounding box for intitialisation.

In [8]:
# In this case we use the ground truth bounding box.
bounding_box = im.landmarks[None].lms.bounding_box()
im.landmarks['bb'] = bounding_box

In [9]:
# Visualise the bounding box

<menpo.visualize.viewmatplotlib.MatplotlibLandmarkViewer2d at 0x11d17f490>

In [10]:
prediction, =, feed_dict={
        # menpo stores images CHW instead of HWC that tensorflow uses
        image: im.pixels.transpose(1, 2, 0),
        # grab the upper-left and lower-down points of the bounding box.
        initial_bb: bounding_box.points[[0, 2]].ravel()}

Visualize results

In [11]:
im.landmarks['pred'] = menpo.shape.PointCloud(prediction)

im.crop_to_landmarks_proportion(0.3, group='pred').view_landmarks(group='pred')

<menpo.visualize.viewmatplotlib.MatplotlibLandmarkViewer2d at 0x11e894090>